QoT 9-10: when evil son realizes his mother is eviler 😈 #bloodisthicker #eunsungversusmothermoh #takeeachotherdown


    I missed the QoT bit of your sentence and started reading β€˜when evil sonβ€¦β€˜and immediately said Queen of Tears it really was great acting as you could literally read it on his face.


    It’s good to have you back, enjoy your Queen of Tears binge session.


    They seemed like a bigger menace during live watch. I found it difficult to relate to Beanies who felt sorry for Eun-seong (much like the ajhumma who wacked Park Sung-hoon) but I get it now. If you’ve read the recaps you’ll see how many of us want to see him as a ML in a rom-com but apparently he feels he gets more *love* for his villainous roles. 😂


      To think that I first noticed him in Jealousy Incarnate as Go Kyung Pyo’s secretary, glasses and all, and thought him a cute ahjussi! I was shocked when I saw him a few years later in more prominent roles!


        Stardom is a rare mix of fate and timing. Hard work aside there is no accounting for or fixed formula for “success”. Did you see him in Memorials (Into the Ring).


          True every single word👌

          Yeah… I’m in the rare minority who didn’t like Memorials🙈 I pushed myself quite a few episodes in but had to give up.


            I have to clarify that the directing and the style was what I didn’t like, not the story/characters/etc. I couldn’t focus on anything because of the directing.


            Can I request you to elaborate on your comments about the directing. I must confess I’m not at the level of dissecting a drama technically. If it hits the emotional notes it’s a yay for me but if I don’t vibe with it, its bye-bye time.

            I love reading the Beanies analysis of dramas and I learn so much and get a different perspective. It definitely increases my appreciation of the dramas.


            Memorials has a very distinct directing style and camera work.

            The angles of filming, the fish-eye style, the loooong silences, the loooong stares, very crowded sets (like too many chairs, too many tables, too many everything that nearly swallowed the actors), sometimes inaudible audio like a person might not hear some parts of a sentence in real life (but this is not real life, I need to know what the characters are talking about or how would I know what is going on?), etc

            I think it is considered very artistic, and I apparently don’t do artistic well.


            Tbh i can’t do artistic very either. That is why I can’t watch European cinema.

            Okay thank you. You have beautifully analyzed and expressed what I found tricky but was unable to express it. The Matchmakers was brighter and perhaps more *cinematic* but I agree i need to know what our characters are thinking than just how they are looking or how creatively they are photographed.


            European cinema. That is exactly how Memorials is like, and I didn’t put it in in my previous comment for fear of offending someone.


            🙊 Oppsie dasies. Yes a filter is a good thing sometimes. 👍



            The angles of filming, the fish-eye style, the loooong silences, the loooong stares, very crowded sets (like too many chairs, too many tables, too many everything that nearly swallowed the actors), sometimes inaudible audio like a person might not hear some parts of a sentence in real life (but this is not real life, I need to know what the characters are talking about or how would I know what is going on?), etc. I think it is considered very artistic, and I apparently don’t do artistic well.

            This cracked me up 😂😂😂

            That’s not artistic. That’s boring 😂


            @minniegupta1 Well most Beanies love Memorials, so it’s definitely not boring. Just not my style.


          Yes, he’s been in quite a few dramas Ive seen. And Im not feeling sorry for Eun sung in the least !


        He made a lasting impression in me as the timid yet argumentative secretary in Jealousy Incarnate – but I never expected back then what a desirable ML he would become one day.
