THIS IS SO REAL – I always talk/natter at my husband without ever actually looking at him! 🤣


    my husband once shaved (vertically) half his face to see if I and our daughter would notice. we didn’t!

    he forgot what he had done, and we were out shopping in Costco when people were giving him weird looks!


    She is terrible to him 😣


      Really, she is terrible to everybody, but especially to him, who is there for her and for everybody almost all the time, except the few hours he goes dancing.
      I don’t like that he fell for that weird scam with having to pay for having danced with that woman, though. He hadn’t done anything wrong, even if he might have complained sometimes, like you can do to a friend. They hadn’t kissed or even wiggled eyebrows suggestively.


        Yeah I don’t like the scam but here but maybe this will give him the chance to discover his hidden superpower? And yes Grandma is terrible to everyone but especially him! And he continues to address her as ‘yobo’ ugh


          You know, he doesn’t have the family super power DNA. It could be fun if the super powers were contagious. Da-hae seems to have some powers of seeing people around her and making them feel better. And the father seems to be very necessary in much the same way – he has the role of a traditional housewife with a terrible husband, the good side being caring for his family, the bad side being treated as a non-entity and accepting that.
          Some says there is something fishy about him, and what I see is that he has been fishy-fied by being treated as an annoying servant, always expected to be there when needed and be invisible and inaudible the rest of the time.
          It fits with the story-telling here that he would get into trouble before being seen, but I think I would like it to happen in some other way.
          … Or maybe not? To have stolen some happy time for himself without it being known or noted by anyone, and from that, too much trouble to arise and finally to be revealed to have done very little wrong, his pain and loneliness exposed, … that could be a way for him to end in a better position by the end of this drama. Right now, I just really dislike where his story is going.


          Also, he has been secretly bitter for some time. I would prefer for him to speak up a little more, to demand from Man-heum that he be treated better, not worse, than hired staff. But in relationships with a tilted power balance this can always be hard, and that goes for all housewives dependant on the man’s wages. If he (in this case, she) doesn’t see that they need to work emotionally and listenlingly to keep the relationship happy and equal, than the power will shift into a money/emotion exchange of power, and that is not good.


          WHat does “yobo” mean?
