Started watching Lovely Runner after reading all your comments, enjoyed the chemistry and overlooked the loopholes but ep14!! Not sure what happened but I am in suddenly INVESTED, I rewatched the episode( which rarely happens) and liked it even more. This couple truly have chemistry!
Also, still trying to understand why I liked this episode so much🤣


    adult romance is always fun


    I liked it, too. One thing about this show compared to others is that there’s no lasting period where the couple gets together for real, which is when many viewers tend to start to get bored. In “LR,” even though we’ve had cute scenes and parts of episodes where Sol and Sun Jae are together and happy, there’s always a return back to the longing/yearning/angsty phase. Episode 14 took us there again, but as adults, with Sun Jae now having no real memory of Sol at all.

    As always, and as you also noted, the fact that the two leads have truly incendiary chemistry definitely inspires continued investment.


      Yes!! Your comment hit the nail on the head. I do tend to get bored once the couple get together🤣
      Sunje feels that connection with Sol even though he has no memory of her!
      KHY is doing a wonderful actor and does a brilliant job of portraying the angst!
      One of the few couple I think I have no problem shipping!


      What an astute observation. Indeed we have a lot of cute, fluffy moments but that underlying yearning and angst is ever-present and is perhaps the *secret sauce* of the drama. 😊❤


    👋🏾 So glad you jumped in so you can enjoy the banter of beanies in love with a live show. The Matchmakers and Twinkling watermelon had the same beanies in love vibe. These moments highlight the sparkle of DB.
