okay, just gotta say LR ep 12 had too much “fluffy filler”. it was the first time i felt like the comedic moments were just stalling the dramatic aspects of the story… didn’t fit the pace?


    Well I did keep waiting for the other shoe to drop so … 🤷‍♀️ perhaps that says something. Also all the frolicking at the beach in their twinkling youth seemed like a trope to be filled in and didn’t seem organic to the story.


      I agree, and it didn’t help that I know this was filmed in winter, not summer, so those poor actors were freezing the entire time. I could see how cold they were sometimes despite their best efforts. I’d rather have skipped checking off that box of cuteness.


    I was bored. The cute was too much and there was no plot movement. We get a one second killer end of each episode to remind us he is still there. I was also
    Getting tired of the FL’s shocked wide eyed expression every time he does something loving. (Eg lifting her up) And then she smiles once the slo mo ends. Given that they both decided to be together shouldn’t it be more natural. Why is she so shocked and not delighted?


      Plus, don’t forget that she’s still really 34 in her heart, even if only 19 in body. So after a while, those wide-eyed expressions of shock every time Sun Jae flirts with or even slightly touches her are silly. Even if she wasn’t a hugely experienced 34 year old, in her memory, they have at least made out, so no reason to get goofy if he picks her up.


        This, exactly, is really making the show drag for me. And I haven’t even seen 12 due to some kind of problem at Viki 🙁


    Episode 11 was one of the best and 12 one of the worst, imo.
    After the Monday episode I thought “at last I have genuinely enjoyed this show”, but Tuesday episode was a bit of a letdown.


    I enjoyed most of the filler since the serial killer/time travel logic is becoming top nonsense.
    But even if I couldn’t care less about the killer, some of the “comedy” was too much.

    For ex. Sun Jae’s dad trapped in the bathroom was the most random scene in the entire show. It was weird and boring.


      And everytime you manage to forget about him they feel the need to remind us and cut back to him.


    I think 16 episodes are too much for this kind of drama, they needed some kind of filler.
