Queen of Tears… the audience is the one they are referencing in the title because I can’t believe I have cried this much for the show.
What is it about QoT that touches my heart so??
I can’t remember the last time I was so swept away by a kdrama…I know some people might say that the writing is all over the place but IMO I think every aspect of the drama is hitting ALL the right spots. Writing, directing, the overall execution, the entire cast…not a single flaw in sight…it’s just THAT drama for my tastes.
I love the side characters being so fleshed out – they aren’t making me skip wanting more OTP, everyone is complimenting each other, and I am thoroughly invested in their arcs.
This drama is electric and I just can’t get enough…even managed to convince hubby to watch it with me! (For context, he struggles with reading so he has a hard time with subtitles and Netflix dub hasn’t caught up to the ongoing episodes yet, but he likes the drama so much that he’s been watching it with me)
Something about Hae-in and Hyun-woo’s relationship just tugs my heart. They clearly love each other and it seems like whilst their relationship broke down, the love kinda hid away but it never truly disappeared. I feel like they are the most realistic characters I’ve seen in their struggles with communication. Something about them just resonates with me and I can’t help but want happiness for them with all my heart.
Oh show, just have a happy ending for Hae-in and Hyun-woo please
Let Hae-in live and then they can get married/stay married and have lots of cute babies aaahhh
I think my vote for favourite character is hands down Hyun-woo’s mom! She’s literally an angel <3


    While I believe deep down that they’ll end up together (and fine), I was thinking that one future day their kids will be saying to each other “Gaaah, they STILL can’t just communicate!” 🤦🏼‍♀️
