Right now, I’m watching W: Two Worlds Apart and I’ve decide to post the game I’m playing called “My Guess Who the Murderous Culprit Is.” And for episode 11, I think it’s… Dad’s evil psyche.

Well this is getting boring.
I was on a roll! I had so many stellar ideas! Now, its become monotonous.


    I am somewhat embarrassed and a little sheepish because when you first posted one of those I misread which episode you were up to and fired off my theory, which could have been a spoiler. Mianhe.

    Sooo…. now that you’re finally further in. To me, the Murderous Culprit is Dad’s bad and lazy writing.

    When this show aired, I made a tshirt that said, “your only antagonist is yourself”. Because my theory is that Dad was such a hack writer that he himself didn’t know who the antagonist of the manwha was. As such, the antagonist was basically an author insert and so the lead character is being figuratively chased by the author himself.
    He was guilty of bad writing, essentially.

    Since one person can’t have two faces then once the antagonist actualised it took the face of the person it really was – the author himself.


    Maybe swap out monotonous for disappointment personified. Any one of your ideas if used would have added some unique spin but instead you have found to your dismay pulling the curtain back has given you a Wizard of oz reveal instead. See @leetennant response above


      Long ago I wanted to do a parody of the drama because there are so many emblematic elements it could be funny. Like “the super killer with supernatural powers, endless cheating with reality, prefer to become an old 60 years old dude”. I gave up on this because it needed too much video editing skills. Instead, I put some of the parodic ideas in my season 2 screenplay, in a more natural way.


        Wow! It sounds like the drama with all its faults served as inspiration for something really interesting and important in your career.


          It’s not a career, just hobby. But thanks to W screenplay published by the writer (Song Jae-Jung), I made huge progress in screenwriting. Well, I can’t think about a better screenplay. I could translate/read some others kdramas screenplays, but nothing up to this level. +it has every situation you could meet, from dream, imaginary scenes, flashback montages, intercut, etc. So it’s an excellent template giving everything you could need, that a linear drama couldn’t. What is even more fascinating is the narrative, how time is jammed, and while the scenes aren’t linear time, they have a narrative logic, leading to revelations or points of tension.


    Considering the content of the drama, this game is over at the start of episode 10.
    Maybe you could change game? I don’t know, anything you’d like.
    Could be “how end the manhwa?”, because as long it doesn’t end, the damn curse continue.
    And Soo-Bong is good for cardiac arrest + psychiatric asylum. ^^


      I’m a bit stubborn; I play a game from start to finish.
      If I’m being honest… I could’ve sensed this would happen. I mean, eventually the culprit has to be revealed. I was just hoping for some mystery to last a little longer in the show.
      I’ll find a way to make my game interesting. I don’t know how… but I’ll do it.
