It is such a gross violation of attorney ethics that Ji Chan Wook gets to try this case. He represented the killer as his defense attorney. Can we get the simple stuff right? #SuspiciousCliche


    with your seeming hatred at every thing, why cant you stop talking about it? that cliche hashtag has lost its´ novelty, too, I think you should try and invent a new one for every post


      Not hatred. Just snarking.

      Because coming up w/ a new hashtag constantly is a lot of work? I can’t be constantly clever hah. Is done now. Will have new shows to snark at and sometimes enjoy. See other comments re: lookout, duel, FMW.


        ok, snark.

        SuspiciousOffice? SuspiciousParsnip?


          The show really was tremendously cliche tho. Was there any moment of the show that we haven’t seen before in a dozen other dramas? There was enjoyable chemistry, some excellent fashion, and I enjoyed the lead actress (her name escapes me at the moment) who I’ve never seen before, but by and large, the show was paint by the numbers with lots of cliches.

          I suspect six months from now no one will remember this show overmuch except as JCW’s army swan song.

          And yes, once I adopted the Cliche moniker, it just stuck. I wasn’t putting a tremendous amount of energy into the show other than following it through the finish (which I usually do, even on shows I find bland because I’m in for a penny, in for a pound usually). I don’t think it was tremendously inaccurate.
