On the other hand, this ep shows us what happen to Yi Chan and the band in first timeline. Hyunhyul was saved from his legs broken and the boys gone separate ways after the rehearsal. What does it mean in the new timeline? They can’t prevent then incident but they did change something from worst case scenario to a positive one. And did this butterfly effect has start effecting the future in any way?

We can see Chung Ah mending her relationship with her father. Will the boys grow up with their grandfather around?

Watermelon Sugar survived the Great Rehearsal Incident and were not disbanding. Will they still stay in contact with each other in the future?

Now Yi Chan and his accident. Will he still lose his hearing? Will the Watermelon Sugar boys learning sign language to communicate with Chung Ah in this new timeline, change the direction of how they view Yi Chan’ situation? Instead of looking sad when they see Yi Chan, they will stay positive and help YI Chan go on with his life, instead?
