Castaway ep1

The first ep was quite good. Later I got a bit confused about some things, maybe someone can explain. It seems she was there on the island for 15 years? Is she supposed to be 30? She was around 15 when she got there, right? I think 15 is way too long for this kind of story and she looks 25 at most. The guy was also a teenager and just because he got a new name she won’t recognize him? That’s very stupid. I hate when dramas pretend people change a lot after they are teenagers when it’s pretty much the same face except, older.


    The answers to all your questions above is “yes”. I agree it’s not realistic but we are being asked to suspend logic and flow with the plot.


      Oh yes, “go with the flow” like all those colorful umbrellas + rainwater collectors + drinking water dispensers.
      Got to 👏 for most awesome use of umbrellas in a K-drama!


        I think they tried to convince us later that logically a lot of trash gets washed ashore nearby islands (that they need volunteer cleaning teams).
        To make it more believable she could have been washed ashore an island which already had trash, instead of showing us a pristine beautiful beach.


      After ep 2 I’m almost convinced. I thought she would be just a bit quirky but PEB is selling a little crazy and very lonely, so it’s easier to buy, though it should have been 5 years. I’ll just pretend Kiho had some work done to his face because that’s the only explanation.


    I agree about the time leap, it’s too ling for me to connect her life together. I lived ep 1 and ep 2, but it feels like we needed some in-between episodes. I mean they might come later as filler flashbacks so I’m gonna have to see how that works.


      We still have 10 episodes to go and she’s already been rescued and is adjusting to normal life. It feels like we should see quite a few flashbacks; otherwise what purpose do those 15 years as a castaway serve? I’m hoping we get flashbacks that show us her inspirations for writing songs, etc. 🤞


        Given that it’s only a 12 episode drama I don’t think we will have any revisiting her castaway years. But we will see. I too wish we had spent a little more time on the island to have some connection to her lonely life. We should have seen some of her struggles, fear, loneliness etc.


      I’d have loved to get more of her life on that island! I’m crazy about Crusoe kind of stories.


    They are promoting organic living.. it is a big thing on korean varieties too 😛

    35 but 25


    on a serious note..
    1. Yes 15 yrs, she is 31 now
    2. She looks young because like i said, organic living and an active life
    3. i don’t know about you, but i genuinely can’t recognize people whom i have not seen in years.. she has been alone on that island, how much her memories retain is another question.. plus korea is known for plastic surgery like growing cucumber in the backyard


      3. Everybody has the same face, add a few wrinkles and maybe rounder or thinner cheeks and that’s that. Decades can go by but after people become teenagers they don’t really change that much.


        they change or not.. but you may or maynot recognize them.. two different things


    I am hoping the to leads will return to the island.
