I’d like to rant a bit about the common defense of a drama that’s getting criticism which attempts to invalidate their arguments by claiming that the critics are primarily just upset that their ship isn’t endgame. This is mostly in regards to The Best Hit, but I’ve seen it before with other dramas.


    First of all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with not liking a drama because your ship isn’t endgame! I’m really confused as to how this is even a thing people think is bad. I suppose the idea is that you are being shallow if you don’t like a drama solely (though most of the time if you bother to read people’s whole arguments this is not the only reason) because your ship isn’t turning out well. But this is primarily ROMANCE dramas we are talking about. If not liking the main or even secondary romance in a romance drama is not a valid reason to not like and drop the drama, then by god what is??? Even if it’s not a romance drama, so long as the pairing is taking up screen time and making you uncomfortable it’s perfectly fine to drop the drama because of it! Don’t force yourself to keep watching something you aren’t enjoying just because you think the reasons you aren’t enjoying it are shallow. There are also a lot of really good reasons someone might not like/be uncomfortable with a particular romantic pairing. Maybe it’s because of personal experience or something, you never know. Even if there isn’t such a reason, that’s fine. You are allowed to just not like a drama because you don’t like the romantic pairings in it. That’s totally cool and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or make you afraid to state your opinion.

    Second of all, this defense works both ways lol. I can easily say all the people who like the drama only like it because their ship is endgame. Now just like it’s fine to dislike a drama mainly because of the romantic pairings, it’s also fine to like it mainly because of liking the romantic pairings. God knows how many dramas I liked and finished primarily because the leads had amazing chemistry even though maybe everything else kind of sucked. But my point is that just like saying everyone only likes this drama because their ship is sailing is a poor criticism, saying everyone only dislikes this drama because their ship is sinking is an equally poor defense. Either way there’s not much you can do to prove it and ultimately you are just deflecting from the actual criticisms/praise the drama is getting. Address what people are actually saying instead of attacking the supposed reasons they are saying it.
