Anyone have insight into why “The Little Prince” is so commonly referenced in dramas? “Fake It” is just the most recent example. Also “Mr. Fox and Miss Rose” and I think there are others …


    This and the Little Mermaid are hugely popular reference texts. I’m not sure, maybe they study them in Korean universities?


      Also, Alice in wonderland. I think I have seen it in a couple of dramas.


        There are also a lot of references to the Victorian gothic novel. I suspect that a lot of writers study English literature at University before moving into drama writing. I find the Little Mermaid references the most blunt and even annoying, because I feel the writers don’t actually understand the original novel. Less so The Little Prince.


    I’d love to know too!! The Little Prince has a grip on SK in general I think. Like Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan (that iconic place with all the colourful buildings and wall art) literally had so many souvenirs, shops, paintings, statues, murals etc that were Little Prince themed, he’s apparently like the mascot for the village and one of those iconic symbols also when you think of Busan.

    Apparently there’s a few places like this in Korea but this was one I saw myself and was like wow, they really love this story! Tried to google to find out the answer after but came up blank – if anyone knows the reason why it’s so popular in SK, would love to know!
