I guess the setup for Crash Course in Romance is complete. The secret lessons for good food mutual benefit deal with hijinks begins.

I knew there would be a scandal. And thank goodness, the metal ball stalker isn’t the main one. A sub is better than being the main (even though my wish is to not have it at all).
And I hope it gets resolved quickly, but it will be tied to lawyer mum’s arc. So we might have to deal with it well into the last quarter of the show🤦🏾‍♀️.

Is it bad to not feel bad/sad that the terrible teenager with the even-worse mum died?
And him dying shouldn’t open up a spot for Hae-yi. Even if it does, she should not accept. She is too good for that vicious group.

Haeng-seon’s lone battle with the academy was a losing one. She always complained about the snobbish hagwon mums, so she is seeing them now at their worst firsthand. And sadly, it is a battle she would never have won. She is inexperienced, ill-informed, and without connections. Those women will eat her up, even with her grit and scary anger, then make her feel like the bad guy. At least they didn’t blacklist her business, yet (on my list of things to expect).

I knew the mums will be her first hurdle and they would not willingly accept her- she is still an outsider to them. And as usual, they will put their children first. Two frenemy mothers even set aside their differences just to push an innocent girl out of her deserving spot because of their insecurities.
Why take it out on someone else rather than fix the root of the problem? The problem won’t go away, it would only look for another scapegoat.

The drama is really showing how at the end of the day, it’s every mother for their child first. So the smiles are just for show and innocent Haeng-seon got fooled. I hope she will learn from this and take Chi-yeol’s advice to fight them with wit, rather than grit. I know she will be able to beat them at their own game (she’s the heroine).

After she has beaten them and flattened their faces in mud, then we can have their redemption arcs, and maybe, just maybe, an awesome mum union.
For now, no one affiliated with The Pride is allowed to at the Nation’s Best Banchan, including students and parents.

I can’t say anything about other developments because things are just getting started, but I hope it is a thrilling ride.
There. Rant Over.


    I don’t think she knows what the mothers are capable of. According to her it’s the academy which did this. She still hasn’t figured out how these women act behind the scenes. Even Chi-Yeol doesn’t know. I think she can or might even fight better if she knew better.

    It was sad that the parents were pampering the the child who is jealous of a kid for being smarter than her. And for her axed paving way for her. Wow! That’s some incredible parenting.
    And the lawyer mother! Had to kill the one joy her son has. Did she not see him smiling and happy? Doesn’t she even see her son smile at home?

    Hope we get some fun back in ep 5 now that they moved the plot 🙂


      This! That’s what I said too. The boy is smiling and even motivated to study more. Lawyer mum is so in her ass that she can’t see this.
      True, Haeng-seon not knowing who her real adversaries are truly made her only shoot at the air. I’m sure if she did, she would have appended the mothers’ names on the persona non grata list😂
