Not gonna lie, I ff’d through parts of the lottery ticket case. That’s the first time I’ve done that with this drama. (Atty. Woo)


    I have been doing that for a while now tbh. Apart from some cases being less engaging and some being too whimsical (pied piper), the editing (abrupt scene transitions and unbalanced episode stucture) has been a consistent weak point for me – most notably starting from episode 5.


      I’d agree to that – the court cases are pretty lacklustre and is probably the weakest link for me, ironically. But I enjoy the characters and their interactions way too much to let that get in the way. I think my fave court case was the one with the three brothers, and the North Korean prisoner, the rest have been pretty meh. Having said that, I appreciate the impact they leave on young-woo and the questions they generally tend to pose in the grander scheme of things, which I guess is the whole point. I just wish they were a lot more…engaging?


        Have you been to trials? This is exactly how they are. My lawyer friends say trials are pretty boring in general.


          I understand trials wouldn’t be all that engaging in reality a. Due to levels of severity, and b. The semantics of judicial jargon, but I think perhaps on a more dramatic scale, the way they’ve chosen to explore these cases does somewhat pale compared to other courtroom dramas. But I also appreciate these cases on based on real narratives to some extent, so there’s that. Either way, I’m just glad the characters get to grow as a result of these cases – some more than others of course!


          Exactly it’s pretty realistic and I love the subtlety of these simple cases . All these cases are based on real events so I have to applaud the writers to bring these cases coz these are so fresh and new


          Who doesn’t know that real trials are boring? But a drama is meant for entertainment. The writers have taken up a challenge by making the cases more realistic than other legal dramas. It’s hard for each case to hold everyone’s attention and that’s ok. For me the show works best when it focuses on the characters like @namedx says. Indeed that’s what’s making EAW so popular.


            Oh and the whales. How could I forget about the whales?


    The cases seem to come with growth from Young woo. This showed that she had to bend. She didn’t want that woman to go through what her father did.
