Anyone seen Dear M yet? Liked it. And it didn’t hurt that the male lead is so fineeee. I sort of was aware of who he was before, but now I’m aware of who he is, and I want to see him in everything.


    Yes I watched it and liked it on the most part. I liked the first 6 but felt the second half was a bit dragging in parts but I liked the story and acting. I liked the ‘campus couple’ male the best and thought the cutest couple were the super tidy psychology major and the girl with attitude. I liked the way they brought in diabetes as a condition she was living with and that it didn’t define her. out of the male lead and the senior that she liked the male lead was definitely the better deal looks and personality.


      I agree. The first half was definitely better. I liked the male lead best. I like how the show handled the diabetic girl. And yes, yes, yes, the male lead was definitely waaaaay better than the senior. I never liked that senior for a moment. He never seemed genuine.


    Yes!!! Show was nothing spectacular but Jaehyun’s so cute, I’d watch him paint a wall for 8 episodes so 🤷‍♀️


    Redhead unnie and mr clean were super cute. I really liked that couple.
