I was bit under the weather today, and mumma made this soup last minute for me!
To all moms out there,
Love, February


    I wanted to tease you for that cheesy post but you deleted it. You should’ve gave me some more time!😂🤣


    @laeonni 😂😂😂😂 I was abt to delete that post, when I read it again i was like this isn’t me, Idk in what moment I posted that! Aish! Okay na, it happens! I was sick whole day and therefore these weird things 😂. I deleted it now! (You caught me n am still laughing at it🤣)


      Oh suuure that wasn’t you, i get it🤣
      If i knew you were going to delete the post, i would’ve screenshot it
      Hm, are you sure it’s really because of your sickness?😂

      Kidding. What a coincidence we’re both sick around the same time. Hope you feel better soon


        are you sure it’s really because of your sickness?😂 — Ofc!!!! No other reason bro! 🤣😂 I don’t even know why I posted that. damn! I used to make fun of cheesiness and I never in my dreams thought of doing this! *hides my face under pillow*
        I was thinking only if you had taken any ss or something! But thankfully you didn’t! Yayyy😂
        Yeah you’re right.. it wasn’t me, must be someone else with same name uk.
        Aw thanks, are you feeling any better?


          You’ll do it more in the future, dear. Just wait for your time.
          And i’ll be there to see it👀
          I wasn’t in my right mind cos of sickness… ah i wish i did!

          I think i remember half part of it, “You keep coming back”? (?)
          Idk i really wasn’t in my right mind cos i instantly laughed when i saw your cheesy post

          Oh so you’re a different person, not the “Unni” that i know? Um ok👌
          I’m still feeling a bit unwell. I can only lie down on bed most of the time😂


            I liked the use of words in that, like autumn n fall, I’ll never ever do that again, I promise! (So embarassed I am 🤦🏻😂)
            Why will I do it? Nah, now way! Instead I’ll be more cautious, now that you’re watching! 🌝
            Anyways, my post made you laugh, be thankful to me!😉
            Ah…you taking your meds timely?
            Btw you can binge watch something as you’re on bed mostly.
            Just get well soon! 🌸🌸🌸


      Nah, you’ll do it more in the future.
      There will be a day when you’ll get so caught up in your feelings, type it, and then push “send” button here and i’ll be just right there to see it…
      I’ve seen it so many times😈

      Yes i thank you for made me laugh with your cheesy post🤝

      I want to binge watch so bad but i get sleepy most of the time cos of the meds.
      Thank you, you too🌸


        “I’ve seen it so many times😈” – I wonder what all you’ve seen, hm??


          I’ve seen others did it. Also, i’ve seen myself did it many times as well. Trust me, i did it much worse😅
          It’s embarrassing for now/at that time, but it won’t be in the future.
          You just… do what you gotta do😏

          And i think it’s better to let them out sometimes… for 1 sec then delete it just like you did


            I can’t believe we are still talking abt that one sh*t post!!! 😂🌚


    🤔*is wondering what the cheezy post was, given the detailed discussion about it*


      I only saw it for short time so i forget what exactly @unniunni wrote about

      @unniunni care to explain?😂


        Aigooo, @laeonni you’re putting me in tough spot, I don’t want to write that again ’cause Ik you will keep teasing me whenever I’ll say I hate romance genre because of cheesiness! Good that you forgot abt it and don’t have any evidence😈🤣


      Hey it was nothing just 2 cheesy lines… those lines weren’t imp. but they were coming from someone who have ranted so much abt hating cheesiness in rom dramas. (I almost deleted it but got caught, ooops😂)


    Hope you’re feeling better.
