i cannot tell u how dumb america and this world are but u must know. crew workers might go on strike here. a thing called IATSE is a union for below the line workers (what we are called) that’s from production to post so everyone that is not the “talent” or director or DP essentially. for corona they extended the hours to be “safe” and may have changed the pay but it’s been fucking laborious and they are again putting us in danger and trying to skirt union rules. even for editors those are speaking up because of the turmoil and the work.

people don’t know HOW MUCH goes into this and fuck the rich. i say all this because the kdramas we watch would be NOTHING without the crew absolutely nothing. they deserve everything and more. i wanna watch squid game simply because of the set-up. without us they cannot function and that’s why gorgeous work is there NOT because of the rest. all those things you see, that amazing trailer? thats someone’s fucking work that people don’t have a name for. so respect us pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

anyway what else have u been watching? i watch a lot of leftists on youtube and uh nothing else. well that’s not true lmao i watched some BL (bad) and rewatched inspector jo and cried but i refuse to watch the last ep bc i fucking love that show sfm. rewatched HSK and cried. watched a bunch of eng youtube like i said. uhhhhhhhhhhhh hm

oh. i watched strong woman do bong soon again and let me fuckin tell u the chemistry bettween them is absolutely not enough for how disgusting that fucking show is


    All power to the workers. They deserve so much better and it’s appalling how most countries treat them.


      YES AND THANK YOU. so many people don’t understand what is going on and are judgemental about it. it’s so hard. we’ve also lost tons of jobs in this industry like others. but it means a lot to hear people even think about solidarity and support. ~we all deserve to live with dignity~*~*~**~ lmao
