Once Again: Only midway through episode 25 for now, don’t know if there will be developments later with supporting characters revealing ulterior motives or something similar, but interesting how viewers always support female lead to move on to the nice second guy while always hating any interaction between male lead and the nice second girl. Come on? Supporting female characters deserve better.


    ha ha.. i am also watching it 🙂 started yesterday.. on ep 11 (1 hour ep count). The older gen folks are so funny..

    However, i am surprised that this became bigger hit than the best of the weekend show hits in last few years (quite a standard weekend drama story flow… and the younger gen is not that impressive relatively speaking)

    birth secret with a twist.. thnkfully its not dad-son, daugther-dad-mom setup this time
    the FL irritates me though. In all her drama she plays similar roles (my mind has started to find it difficult to dissociate her from these crass personalities, although i get it how smart and smooth she actually must be in real life specially given the man she married and how she lives in that setup)


      Oh! Nice! Someone watching it at the same time as me. I’m watching it on viki where they count the half episodes, total 100 instead of 50, so we’re probably around the same part generally. I saw the ratings but thought most weekend shows usually get a high amount of domestic attention, and didn’t think about it much. Am actually surprised it is considered a hit among other weekend shows. Not bad. It does seem pretty standard in terms of family drama and having irritable (but also relatable) characters. I guess its the cast or maybe an OTP that people were interested in. I saw that the secondary couple was pretty popular, although I’m in it for the main couple (no matter how toxic they might be). I’m annoyed by FL’s attitude most times, but it’s still tolerable for me and I’ve warmed up enough to her, and may even like her by the end *cross fingers*. (Plus, she’s so pretty!) I guess there’s a formula for smart but rude and low EQ lead characters that I give a pass. Particularly, I realized for me that formula works for both male leads and female leads. It really helps that I haven’t seen much of the actress Lee Minjung’s other works and Lee Sang Yeob has such warm puppy eyes that it balances her ice cold exterior.


      I share your view on LMJ. She has that vibe of too smart for anybody and her voice grating on my ear. My apologies to all the LMJ fans out there.
