Sell Your Haunted House has my heart.
Hong Ji-Ah showed so much character development this episode. From her usual no nonsense when she performs exorcism to actually paying attention to the ghost and trying to make it easy for her.
I so much loved that scene, it showed In-Bum’s influence when he tells her the spirits are also people before they died.
This episode was about them realising what they meant to eachother. And I loved their acceptance of the situation.
Ji-Ah knew In-Bum was important to her and she didn’t fight it. And In-Bum knew he had to patiently wait for her until she came around. He really is a good person.
An aside: I would have loved a reverse where In-Bum had absorbed the memory of the ghost instead. It would have been really nice to see him in a dress. But I know the romance has to kick off in full swing sometime.
Still love the show.
Too late to back out.