So… I just started watching ‘Search: WWW’… and now I’m already on episode 6.
I totally missed this gem because of my drama-slump last year but I’m so glad I found it via Youtube-video hijinks.

I totally miss dramas like this with a strong female led core group. It is rare to get one of these from basically any country. I like that this drama does not compromise. The female characters (so far) are all multilayered complicated people who don’t suddenly become a flower pot as soon as a man enters their lifes. They are not bitchy with each other even when they hate each other and no shrill screeching so far. Please drama stay good till the end. Pretty please!

Why don’t the drama gods bless us with more dramas like this where the women feel and act like … you know… actual people?


    I really liked Search:WWW! For me, it was solid right until the end


    It will only get better.
    Scarlett is my girl crush, but Ta Mi is the FL I relate to.
    I loved how these women were real and fought for themselves and were never damsels in distress.
    One of the best dramas from last year.
    If you haven’t watched Be Melodramatic, I can’t recommend it enough. You’ll have another bunch of really interesting female characters.
