DYLB #14
This episode just make me think that I should not pay attention to other people’s opinion when it comes to dramas (or anything really). Cause I’ve realized that the only reason I don’t want a break up was because other people don’t want it. I was dreading the break up because I knew other people would hate it. But I never stop to think if I would hate it or not. The answer is no, when it actually happened, I did not hate it.

Having a good cry really help, I did not expect to have such an emotional reaction to a fictional couple breaking up, but I did. I sobbed really hard and my family was really concerned, but I ended up feeling much better after that, or dare I say, even looking forward to next week episode *gasp*

I understood both JY and SA. For SA, she has been on a streak of putting herself first, so I’m not surprise that she made the decision to release herself from the miserable relationships she was in (with the violin and JY). JY himself said that she should put her happiness first, she just took his advice. Which was exactly why JY couldn’t say anything to hold on to her. She flat out told him that being with him made her unhappy, knowing JY’s personality, I just knew he would never held her back after hearing that .

I know many felt frustrated about JY not sharing. But with all the emotional abuse he’s been experience his whole life, I’m not surprise that he didn’t know how to healthily deal with the things that was happening in his life, which was A LOT. SA had a stable home life, had her father and her sister giving her advice, had her best friend’s shoulder to cry on (DY and MS has redeemed themselves this week, may be they could teach JK and HH a thing or two on how to be friends. Okay probably just HH, Sourface is beyond saving, she can go to hell). What did JY have? Nothing. No one. Nada. No one in his life was capable of telling him what to do, of guilding him to the right direction, of offering him a shoulder to cry on. People don’t magically gain social experience and emotionaly intelligence out of nowhere. I really, really hope he learn from this break up.

SA will be fine after the break up, turns out she actually has a functional support system and has proved herself to be quite strong emotionally. On the other hand, same thing can’t be said about JY, so I hope his “support system” (or whatever the hell they are) can step up their game for this one occasion.
(Not Sourface, she needs to dissappear and GROW UP)


    Most, if not all, kdramas have a break up but for once we got one that made sense to me. I’ve been screaming all week about how I was dreading a break up but I actually enjoyed it, narrative wise it makes sense and goes well with our characters. They need some time to sort themselves out.

    But just enough Show, don’t go 1 year crazy on me because then we’ll have a word.


      One year time skip? I can still handle that, but trying to fix everything in the last 5 minutes? Nightmare!


    I too, cried. And eventually moved out after a few good mins of boxing 😅
    Here’s to hoping a good finale (good being not too rushed just because) *sighs
    I just want JY and SA to be happy 🙃
