It’s still hard for me to believe that SDJ is old enough to have his second child already a grown up. I was expecting a toddler! SDJ be drinking from fountain of youth


    Well, Lee Joon Hyuk is 36, so SDJ must be around that, and having a 8-10 year and the other 12-14 can be plausible, can’t it?
    Saying that, I agree that LJH looks younger.


      People in my country tend to get married young so early 40 already has kid in middle school is nothing new to me. It’s just I don’t think I’ve seen (or remember) an early 40 kdrama character already has kids all grown up. So the idea of that seems new to me


    He’s supposed to be 43 years old, of which he doesn’t look like one. His family would look more believable if SDJ is rumpled like LJH’s character in Baseball Girl. At least they cast a kid as pale as he is.


      43?? I always found it weird that SDJ was HSM’s senior but 43 I don’t think I can suspend my believe this much.


        I’m not sure about the reason they castes Lee Joon-hyuk as SDJ even though he’s younger than Jo Seung-woo in real life, but acting wise he’s always on point. I remember during season 1 the writer said SDJ is acted exactly as she wanted. But in season 1 I got the feeling that SDJ has always had it easy. The bribes and corruption he did in season 1 enabled him to have quite posh lifestyle while doing the minimum at work. While HSM is always overworks and is under stress, which might age him prematurely


      43?? I always found it weird that SDJ is HSM’s senior but 43 I don’t think I can suspend my believe this much.
