Forest of Secrets S2 Eps 7-8: Is there hope? Idk, but I’m here for it!!!! (More spoilery thoughts in the comment below!)


    First and foremost, sending prayers for our weasel’s safe return DESPITE THAT HORRENDOUS ENDING SCENE OF EP 7.

    *crying break*

    Second, every time Shi-mok attempts to eat something, I will be expecting bad news.

    The scene with Chief Kang berating Shi-mok for bothering him was sad to watch, but it also makes me realize that Shi-mok HAS changed. He’s become more self-aware in a way that he wasn’t before. Sure, he’s calm and rational and detached. But his actions still affect others, and we’re starting to see him realizing/understanding that more. Just as he’s reflecting on how his behaviors affect others, Shi-mok’s also becoming more aware of his own biases despite his good intentions.

    I think Seo Dong-jae’s disappearance drives that point home more. It’s totes not Shi-mok’s fault that Dong-jae was kidnapped, but I’m sure the guilt is there. Yeo-jin tried to reassure him when she said “this” didn’t happen in real life, and that they would find Dong-jae safe and sound. What surprises me most is Prosecutor Kim telling Shi-mok that if this case is affecting him emotionally, he should tell Chief Woo to pass it onto someone else. But then the bastard guilt-trip our beloved Shi-mok with “why are you not running around finding him instead of questioning me” routine, and triggered Shi-mok’s headache. Come on, asshat!!! *waving angry fists* Fight me instead!

    With next weekend’s episodes preview, I have more hope that we’d find Dong-jae in time. BUT I’m also NOT going to be TOO hopeful either.

    That Hanjo director guy might be the driving force behind the scene. He seems shady enough. Lee Yeon-jae doesn’t seem to know what happened with Park Kwang-su’s death, considering how she sent that sleazy ex-judge on the hunt for information without the director knowing. If he’s the culprit, I would feel so bad for Yeon-jae and her incredible bad luck with men.

    On the other hand, it’s looking like Chiefs Choi and Woo were involved in the mess too. Yikes. I mean, at this point, who isn’t a suspect? But that’s what I like about a mystery/thriller story because if you’re not constantly questioning your reality, is it really a mystery?

    Seeing Chief Choi doing laundry and being domestic is rather jarring. Probs just as jarring as seeing Dong-jae’s wife and kid. I appreciate that these details give our questionable characters dimensions and depths.

    ALSO, makes it sad to see that Shi-mok is still alone. 🙁 Remembering the scene of him waiting at a rest stop before being summon to Seoul, watching families walked passed and looking a bit wistful. I don’t think there’s going to be romance between Shi-mok and Yeo-jin, but I hope we get to see some possibilities of Shi-mok’s own happy ending.

    Ohhh, what about that female prosecutor whose name I did not catch? The one who was Dong-jae’s mentee and now working to help find him? She also seems a bit suspicious, but she’s also smart. At this point though, I’m leaning more on her being a potential culprit somehow. Hm


      Also, in an interview, Cho Seung-woo has said Shi-mok would be eating something later without being bothered and that something is a vegetable. That makes me think of those carrots sticks they give you with soju in a pojangmacha. Which then makes me think of shit, what if it’s Shi-mok drinking by himself because he’s sad??? Because something bad happens????


      He should be safe.. because killer’s prime motive seems to be getting police and prosecution to implicate themselves


    “ Seeing Chief Choi doing laundry and being domestic is rather jarring. Probs just as jarring as seeing Dong-jae’s wife and kid. I appreciate that these details give our questionable characters dimensions and depths.”

    That laundry scene is a surprise to me that we get to see the other side of a character who is so ambiguous at work but totally the other way round at home – where her kid is the priority. It adds much dimension as you do rightly observe.
