I laughed, I cried. I loved the last ep of IOTNBO! It’s not a perfect drama, but definitely now one of my faves. It’s been awhile since a finale got me in the feels. Is this what a drama hangover is?


    I would like to give it a 95% perfection rating as it had only ONE plot hole that didn’t even matter that much because that villain was a textbook I mean fairy tale definition of maleficent arc type.

    Been in dramaland for 6 years for the first time in feeling drama slump. Hangovers, I have had before for goblin, w, circle and many more. But even FoS2 isn’t making me anticipate next week. Ahhh… I guess this is how warmth and a fully satisfied heart feels like in dramaland.


      I gave it an A-. I have some issues with the ASPD aspect and the mom storyline though it had a purpose, but I just loved these characters. I’m still thinking about it and already thinking about when I am going to rewatch it.


    Our troublesome trio never fail to make me laugh and cry at the same time. I’m so going to miss them so much <3.
