Apart from Kang-tae, Mo-yeong talk with Ju-ri today was the first time I think someone actually heard her say I dont want to see my dad and accepted it as the truth. I hope that was the end of it and we don’t hear yet another person try to guilt trip her into talking to him. She doesn’t need or want that and I’m so very tired of kdramas pushing the filial child narrative!!

Sometimes children are too damn broken and hurt to forgive their parents for their sins. Just because they are sorry about it doesnt mean they deserve forgiveness. If the traumatised and hurt child wants to cling on to their pain and anger as an adult thats their perogative. Would it be better for them to let go of the past so they can heal? Absolutely. But that’s something that has to come from the inside if at all. You can’t push people into forgiving thier parents just because they are old and dying. That type of thing only benefits them not their kids.