Hello fellow beanies. Long time no see. Happy new 2020. Hope everyone doing well in this pandemic. I was busy starting my life as new hospital librarian. Lose my dad to ischemic heart disease month after reporting to my new job. Moving on from losing him suddenly. Trying to tamper the regret that still looming in my heart. Caring for my mom who loss her other half, and now became a victim to scam. Man, 2019 and half of 2020 is hard to get through.
I’m currently in love with Mystic Pop Up Bar. HJE such a goddess in this drama. Her wardrobe choice is just fabulous.


    Congratulations on the job. I’m so sorry for your loss.


    That’s so hard. My condolences on the sudden loss of your father.


    I’m really sorry for your loss.
    Healing takes time, so don’t rush. I know pain doesn’t totally disappear but you learn to live with it.
    I’m also so sorry about your mum. When my mum died, it was y dad who lost her longtime partner and I could see him devastated. My main job was being by his side to love and comfort him, so I totally understand. She’s lucky to have her, and you are lucky to have her. Please enjoy each other’s company and love.
    And congratulations on your new job.
