Totally get the roaring frustration on The King in recent episodes. There’re so many events going on but all seemed scattered and not moving the story to anywhere. Not only that they leave the already existing mysteries remain unanswered, they also keep piling up new ones on top of it. There’s a moment or two that I started to lose interest in the storyline and was there just to enjoy Lee Min-Ho‘s visual.

The most irritating part is that at this point we still have ABSOLUTELY no idea what Lee Rim is trying to do. The only thing that’s been shown is that he’s building up an army, but WHAT for? what exactly is his ULTIMATE goal? WHY wait 25 years? etc.

But, come to think of it, what Rim’s been doing does make some senses;

WHAT is he trying to do?

It’s certain that he wants to rule the world, be it one or two. The biggest concern for him is how would that possible? He has learned the hard way from that fateful night that NO MATTER how well-prepared he thinks he is, there will be an uncontrollable factor, a.k.a. his nephew & the mysterious hooded-savior, comes into play. He needs a better, if not the best, new plan(s).

Credit img source: DB’s The King Recap Ep1

Why wait 25 years?

I’m not so sure about this as it hasn’t been revealed yet, but they have mentioned the term Legend once or twice already. It might have something to do with the Manpashikjeok and the Four Tiger Sword. Moreover, Rim doesn’t have any time constraint, he doesn’t age (or might be aging very slowly). He has more than plenty of time. If the said legend involved with someone or something that will be able to assist him to success (whether intentional or not) being showed up 25 years later, he can certainly wait. Not sure if he has his eyes on Shin-Jae or Tae-Eul (Shin-Jae’s photos also have Tae-Eul in them).

His meddling with people’s lives and recruiting them might be out of his love of playing deity. But he sure has a bigger purpose. If he wants to start a coup, he needs an army. If his soldiers see him as God, that’s even better.

I find his methods equivalent to brewing drip coffee. Slowly. Calmly. Patiently.

So far, I have been enjoyed watching (mostly because of Lee Min-Ho, HEE). I’m willing to wait and see how they unravel the story. IF and ONLY IF Lee Gon doesn’t end up being IMMORTAL, I can take anything. Including Deaths. Really. I MEAN it!


    Looking at your screengrab, it’s quite obvious now that Gon’s saviour is none less than THE HEALER himself 😂


      It’s actually @quirkycase screencap (Too ashamed to take the credit that isn’t mine). Also, shout-out to her and her amzing recaps.

      And Yes! Gon saving himself has been THE most popular theory since day1.


        No, I mean Ji Chang Wook as his character SEO Jung Hoo aka Healer (so my joke didn’t land, it’s a bit embarrassing 😅)


          Ahhh, my bad ☺️. Sorry, I couldn’t connect the dots.
