Premiere Watch: Hellbound 2

Time slot: Friday (single drop)
Broadcaster: Netflix
Genre: Fantasy, horror, thriller
Episode count: 6

Reasons to watch: Yeon Sang-ho never takes a break, and his latest creation is the second installment of Hellbound. I confess I only made it through the first episode of that first season, but star Kim Hyun-joo was definitely a light in the darkness. She takes the lead here again and is joined by Kim Shin-rok, Im Sung-jae, Moon Sori, and Moon Geun-young. It’s quite the stacked cast, but the limelight (for better or worse) is on the excellent Kim Sung-chul, who is stepping in to fill Yoo Ah-in’s role after all that unpleasantness went down.

TL;DR: All hell continues to break loose in Hellbound 2 + a few new faces


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Moon Geun Young!!! I’m glad she’s well and back!! 😊


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Omo. Now I have to watch this just for her.


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I’m not sure I’ll be watching, but I’m glad she’s doing well and is picking up projects again. She was out of the limelight for a few years due to health reasons. She hasn’t really gotten the most fans on DB, but I like her!! Something about her aura is just very welcoming and warm to me 😊


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Does everyone usually rewatch the first seasons before watching seasons two or spin-offs like The Fiery Priest 2 and Dongjae, the Good or the Bastard? I rewatched Sweet Home before Sweet Home 2 & 3, which was a good decision as the first season was the best season, while I didn't rewatch D.P. or Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 1 & 2, which made the following seasons not as enjoyable as I'd forgotten most of the plot. So I definitely plan to rewatch Season 1 of Hellbound, which I loved at the time.


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I do. My memory sucks big time, so I have to. 😂
That's why I'm not watching Dong Jae, and I don't know when I'll be able to watch it because rewatching the two seasons of Secret Forest would be difficult rn.

And I feel like I won't be able to watch Fiery Priest 2 either, because I don't think I'll be able to rewatch season 1 on time. 🥺

But for DRomantic I think it doesn't matter, right? Season 2 is with different characters anyway (I only watched ten minutes so I'm not sure tho).


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