DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

DNA Lover kicks off this week with a crazy, classic K-drama premise and a leading lady to match. We’ve got genetic pseudoscience butting up against modern relationship dynamics, with players, philanderers, and polyamorists buzzing in all directions. I’m here for the kooky K-drama antics, but not so sure about the new takes on love.


DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a drama starring Choi Siwon that I actually liked, but it doesn’t stop me from coming back around for more. And DNA Lover seems to fit the bill already. It’s a bit of a train wreck that I can’t turn away from, with a heroine straight out of the mid-2000s and a premise that makes no sense — which is why it just might work.

The setup is that HAN SO-JIN (Jung In-sun) is a genetics researcher whose real job is to find cures for hair loss, but whose passion is to find her perfect match. She uses all her spare time to decode dating genes and try to find the man that’s literally coded into her DNA. “Love is blameless,” she says. The real problems come after love. In her case, she’s dated a string of players — always catching them with other women — and then felt betrayed and heartbroken. But now she knows it just wasn’t fated — they weren’t predetermined in her DNA.

DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

And while our heroine is doing everything she can to find The One, our hero, SHIM YEON-WOO (Choi Siwon), is doing everything he can to avoid finding a special someone. He flips through women like calendar pages, dating and dumping with the kind of callousness usually reserved for a character we’re supposed to hate. (And, so far, I kind of do.) When his current 12-years-younger GF complains about his dismissive attitude, he brutally breaks it off over the phone.

But worlds collide when So-jin goes to a sushi spot to get tanked after her latest breakup — and happens to sit near the ex-girlfriend Yeon-woo just destroyed. Both women loudly curse and complain about their recent heartbreak until they’ve drunkenly devised a plan to get revenge on the cretin who caused this pain.

Brassy and bold, they storm into Yeon-woo’s luxury apartment — where he’s listening to opera and putting together a kazillion piece puzzle — and his ex pleads for him to take her back. She thinks they’re fated, but he doesn’t believe in fate (which, we’ll later come to learn is because his father ran out on his mother and it drove her mad, waiting for her “fated” love to return).

When So-jin hears the way he speaks to this woman that’s pouring her (albeit, wasted) heart out, she yells that he was obviously never sincere and he doesn’t deserve love. She runs at him with a bottle of hair mist she’s developed to reverse balding and sprays it in his face. Coincidentally, he’s just cut himself shaving and the elixir enters his skin cells, where it causes almost instant hair growth. The joke from here on out is that he has one sideburn that regrows every day, making him look like Elvis — but, you know, only on half his face.

DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

And now to introduce our second male lead: SEO KANG-HOON (Lee Tae-hwan) who is not going to let me escape this drama without a serious case of SLS. First, he’s a firefighter. Second, he has a sad backstory about not being able to save someone from suicide. And third, he’s the better man. Period.

After the shenanigans at Yeon-woo’s apartment, Kang-hoon arrives to see his hyung, but ends up having to escort the lovelorn ex out to a taxi. He tells Yeon-woo that he only thinks about himself. Why doesn’t he take a glimpse of the woman he just broke up with? Does she look normal right now? “Look at how you’ve hurt her.” (I mean, we’re in love with this guy, right?)

The weird (very K-drama) thing about this is that Kang-hoon is not only close friends with Yeon-woo, but with So-jin. And yet, Yeon-woo and So-jin do not know each other. Kang-hoon is such good friends with So-jin, in fact, that he says he’ll always treat her nicely, like he does right now, even if she gets married. (So, it’s like a best friend/mega crush/maybe love situation.)

Yeon-woo and So-jin meet again, this time under calmer circumstances, when she’s in charge of the prenatal tests for Yeon-woo’s hospital. (Did I mention he’s an OBGYN? Yeah, doesn’t really matter.) On a personal note, he’s raring to meet her so she can find an antidote to his sideburn situation. Plus, she caused him to knock over his studio-sized puzzle, and I’m not sure which mishap angers him more.

So-jin collects some cell samples from inside his mouth with a swab. But Yeon-woo is so accustomed to hitting on the ladies, he’s getting flustered by her proximity. And yet, that doesn’t stop him from threatening her if she doesn’t find a remedy for his one-sided chop within 24 hours. Dun, dun, duuun.

Okay, that about does it for the plot, but we have one more character to conquer, and that’s JANG MI-EUN (Jung Yoo-jin). She’s a polyamorous dating columnist that appears to dedicate her life and career to educating people about polyamory — and then, also, dating a lot of dudes. According to her definition, polyamory is about non-exclusivity “because love is most amazing when a person can truly be themselves.”

She’s known to be a seductress, and so, of course she and Yeon-woo have some history together that I’m not entirely sure of (but, I mean, look at them together). She’s just returned from six months abroad, when she runs into Yeon-woo in a parking garage and he makes a flirty comment. She asks if he wants to start meeting on Thursdays — since she has no other men booked on that day. However, he doesn’t appear to be interested in the offer.

DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

We end with high drama when a majorly depressed pregnant woman goes to the roof of Yeon-woo’s hospital, prepared to jump. We’ve met this woman throughout the episodes, first when Kang-hoon comes to her rescue at her home (it’s not her first suicide attempt). And then when Yeon-woo is faced with telling her that her baby has problems and likely will not live long after birth. She has to make a decision about what to do, but the baby is the only thing that makes her want to save her own life.

As our doc, firefighter, and geneticist gather around and try to stop a calamity, So-jin goes out onto the ledge with the pregnant woman to try to talk her down. When the woman can’t be convinced and starts to jump, So-jin flings her back onto the roof — but So-jin goes over the edge instead. Yeon-woo grabs ahold of her and they both fall, wrapped in an embrace, toward the inflated mat that the firefighters have set out to save them.

And that’s our premiere week. If this is giving you nostalgia for an earlier era, you’re not alone. It’s hokey and hopped up on nonsense, with a just-dumped heroine whose looks and life are a little messy. If it weren’t for the polyamory, I’d think this was a decade old.

I was surprised, though, for something that seemed so campy and lightweight, there were some really dark moments. I’m not one to issue trigger warnings, but in this case, the woman with severe depression, and the circumstances surrounding her baby, struck me as something you might need to be in the right headspace for. And — going into a drama like this one — I was not!

DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2

The thing that makes me most curious, and also worried, is the discourse on polyamory. The show is clearly trying to define it for an audience that may not be familiar with it, but the definitions given so far have been loose, and I worry it might do more harm than good. For example, when one character asks, “What makes it different than cheating?” Mi-eun responds, “Are you afraid that you can’t be your partner’s exclusive lover?” Uh, that’s not an answer. She never mentions the consensual nature of polyamory — where all parties involved are aware and agree to it (which is really the point, isn’t it?).

But I’m really curious to see how this will bump up against our story about fated love. Our heroine believes in an OTP, while our hero serial dates — but does not overlap — his girlfriends. That is, he’s a monogamist too. Where does this leave our second female lead? Will she just be off to the side, bristling against the idea of an OTP? Or will she actually have an effect on the story? At one point, we hear this line: “Whether it’s love or art, you have to find a distance you can enjoy it from.” Something tells me I’ll be enjoying this drama from a little bit further back in the stands than I’m used to. But that just means I’m finding my comfort zone.

DNA Lover: Episodes 1-2


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I wasn't her boyfriend but I wanted to dump her.

I never thought someone could compete with the FL from Bad Memory Eraser, but this girl puts on a fight.
And the ML is just another basic self centered guy... Wait, is this show Bad Memory Eraser's twin??? Even the plot is equally dumb... Oh my cat.

Good luck with this one everyone. Tabong out. *Runs for her life*


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I came here to read the comments, and this was excellent 👌 😂😂😂 This is one I'll be enjoying at second hand through recaps and Beanie reactions 👍


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same. I am here just for the recaps and comments ; )


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But if everyone's watching for the watchers, who's going to be doing the watching?


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Me. Someone has to do it.


Been there done that with Missing Crown Prince this year. I get a pass.


I'll be watching it!


"This is one I'll be enjoying at second hand through recaps and Beanie reactions."

I "watched" 2 shows that way this year and it was clear the dramas weren't for me, but the comments made me enjoy them so much. Beanies make everything better.


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Yes agreed!! 👍


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I'm here for the comments too! I already don't have time to watch the currently and upcoming shows that I want to watch, so this wasn't even on my radar to watch.


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I never thought someone could compete with the FL from Bad Memory Eraser, but this girl puts on a fight.

This was my thought EXACTLY. This dipshit saw the FL's antics in Memories of the Eraser and said "hold my beer." Or, more like, "I can't hold my beer." I wouldn't have believed the 'science' could be any less science-y, either, but somehow it is. I only made it through the first episode on a bet with a friend.

*Follows tabong and runs as if the hounds of hell were chasing us*


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😂😂 "This dipshit saw the FL's antics in Memories of the Eraser and said "hold my beer.""

All I know is that I would be a bad kdrama ML because I would sue those girls and get a restraining order against them.


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When will it by on Netflix


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I dropped this show very quickly. I couldn't stand either of the leads and didn't see a point in continuing. Hwaiting Dramaddictally!!


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Okay, I know that I am probably very much alone in this, but I actually enjoyed this. Obviously, the science is bonkers (genes dont' work that way! And a gene that predicts suicidality? YEAH RIGHT) but I have this weakness for pathetic, lovelorn FLs who tug at my heartstrings, and this is definitely fitting the bill. I also love when they're paired with playboy MLs. I like the editing and direction style, and how it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's also kind of cool to have a polyamorous character. I hope the 2ML gets his own love interest.

The whole thing about valuing a fetus over a mother's life was pretty uncomfortable for me, but I THINK I get where the drama was trying to go with it. I hated how everyone was mad at the ML, though. Giving people hard choices like this is literally his job, he can't lie to her just to give her hope like she seems to want.

The drunk thing didn't bother me too because it was actually, like, really critical to the plot? As long as they don't have her keep getting drunk. But: she destroyed his puzzle! Not cool!

Like, would I recommend this drama to people? Probably not. Will I rewatch it in the future? Also probably not. But am I gonna enjoy it as just a dumb, entertaining story with a hopefully cute romance? Heck yeah.


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Good for you! ☺️ I am disappointed that I just had to tap out.


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I was unreasonably upset that the fireman gave her his personal phone number instead of a suicide hotline, and predictably, he was unavailable when she called. Doh. That was a dumb idea.

The FL is so over-the-top. Dramaddictally is right. It's a throwback to older K-dramas where women often seemed to act that way. I'll just accept it.

All in all, it's a weird concept, and just like the boyfriend who breaks up with her in the opening scene, I am getting tired of hearing the word DNA, DNA, DNA.

But since I am easily amused I'll keep watching, with no expectation whatsoever.


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I think you won the kdrama lottery. The characters in this show are far more interesting than all the other shows that premiered this week. I like the polyamorous woman with her weird maternal relationship. I loved the FL with her strange tragic parents' deaths. Each of the characters seem to have an interesting relationship with their parents which is very apropos for a story about a geneticist.

I also have a soft spot for short women physical humor. It reminds me of the PBY physical humor in SWDBS. Running at a grown man with a perfume bottle. So menacing lol.

I completely agree with your dislike of Siwon dramas except for She was Pretty. I think that one was really well done for a Cyrano de Bergerac remake and I think he was funny in it. His boyish humor reminds me a little of George Clooney.


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The polyamorous woman is a fun character- but I wonder how it is playing out to the Korean public? Good for the writer, etc for daring to go there.

Choi Si-won was also great in MY FELLOW CITIZENS!


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is not that clear in the drama - there's just a passing comment from the FL lead sister about it - but the artist the SFL talks to, is the FL's mother, not the polyamorous's.

and I second OldLawyer rec,. My Fellow Citizens was a probably Siwon's best drama as a lead, but he shines in King of Dramas too.


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Yeah, the drama was confusing about the relationship between the SFL and the FL's mother. I also loved him in My Fellow Citizens


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I liked the second episode much better than the first, which was a mess.

Speaking of a mess who the heck is styling our FL and why have they not been fired yet? Her hair and clothing are so bad that it distracts from the show.

The alleged DNA science is so inaccurate as to be a total fantasy (although there is actually some truth to the smell discussion). Anyone who is enjoying this show needs to suspend disbelief and simply accept that this is a science fantasy romcom. It reminds me of the Fantasy Law which we sometimes get in lawyer shows: Not reality but (hopefully) necessary to the plot.

That being said I appreciate that the medical advice handed out to the lady with the chromosomally defective fetus was absolutely correct in the ethical sense- any sort of false hope would be dishonest and inappropriate. Our ML is doing his best for his patient.

I will continue watching but I have to admit that I am enjoying LOVE NEXT DOOR more than this show.


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I think she's supposed to have awful hair and clothing. In her fantasy she was dressed and styled well and then she woke up looking... like that, so I think it's meant to show how much of a mess she is right now


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OK, if so then I have to say that it is totally working.


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It's strange how I'll accept any sort of fantasy element in a K-drama, people who see ghosts, who can teleport and read minds, who can go back to the past, who can always tell when someone is lying, etc, but I'm struggling with this one. I guess because it's presented as science, but it's so obviously wonky it takes you out of immersion. All the examples I gave above are pure fantasy and not based on anything real.

A death gene. Gimme a break.

I'll keep watching as it has not crossed my exasperation threshold.


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I have seen 3 dramas where the characters were dead drunk and had some post-drunk activities, none pricked my skin more than DNA lover did. I was angry at what I was watching.

It got better in episode 2 though. But I can't seem to erase the memory of episode 1. Cause now all I can recall is a very unprofessional geneticist.

I'd break up with the FL in a heartbeat too. I can't deal. I did understand her case when she said she'll be breaking up with his family and not just him. But, as the story continued, my sympathies disappeared in almost an instant.

I, for one, found some meaning in the trigger moments of the drama. Like the case of the pregnant woman. If DNA Lover will continue to intersperse stories like this across the runtime, it'll be a good way to reward me for watching.


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The first two episodes were weird, but not good weird, mainly bad weird.
Somehow, the entire production makes an old-fashioned impression. What's more, most of the characters are not particularly likeable.

I'll probably watch one or two more episodes, simply because I want to know whether the hair growth will spread and how the problem will be solved (if he suddenly starts losing all his hair because of the antidote, I'd watch even longer).


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The FL we saw in the first scene was so calm, collected and professional, it's a shame the writer decided it was a dream and not what we could have. Instead we have a clumsy, drunk and unprofessional at her job (is SoJin using the work equipment to analyse all of her boyfriend's DNA?). Hopefully that will improve.
The first episode did a good job of introducing the two male leads, and I like that they are friends, even if the younger one seems to be the more mature of the two.
I think we're supposed to dislike the ML, thankfully he's not a cheater, just a playboy, and it's probably his fault that his relationships end for lack of commitment, I wonder how things went with the SFL... but at least he's shown to be a capable professional.
We'll watch him fall and I'm here for it, tbh.
Our fireman has a bit of a saviour complex and we could say that the whole situation with the pregnant lady could have been avoided if he had given her a hotline number instead of his own...
I've been intrigued by the polyamorous character since it was announced, but I share Dramaddictally's doubts about how the show will handle it.
Still, episode 2 was much better balanced between comedy and seriousness than episode 1, so there's hope. Production's already finished, so there's not much they can do with the FL wardrobe.


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"I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a drama starring Choi Siwon that I actually liked"

This is me, too!

And this show continues that trend. I dislike both the FL and the ML, finding the latter to be too smirky and smarmy, and the former to be unbelievably stupid and irritating. The first episode was terrible, with extended, unfunny, drunken antics, and yet, I persevered, found the second episode marginally better (the polyamorous character was unexpected, and I'm not sure what the show is saying about her yet--although I suspect she'll end up happily monogamous by the end) and there were a few scenes where the FL finally seemed like a rational, intelligent professional even if her science isn't science-ing. I also like the general idea of a playboy felled by true love, although again, Siwon isn't really my fave, so we'll see if I find that appealing.

This is one of those dramas that I'd easily bypass if I wasn't still feeling like I'm in a major dry spell. But because that's the reality, I'll probably stick around for one more week out of perverse curiosity.


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This is me! Hanging in for another week, but not sure why...


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I'm trying to like. Not sure how far I'll let myself go though before I yell I Quit!


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I thought my brother, a real-life genetics researcher, might be excited about this show, so I was going to give him my VIKI password and tell him to give it a go. I'm getting a sense from the comments here that this would be the worst way possible to get him hooked on Kdramas.

BTW - He's head of a project that's working to identify genetic variants associated with Alzheimer Disease, specifically in Koreans. I've suggested that he encourage his research partners in South Korea to hire themselves out to the Kdrama industry as much-needed technical consultants on Alzheimer's! 😂🤣😂


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I work with genetics in my irl job too, and I don’t think I’m interested in this drama! I was SUPER curious how genetics would be portrayed though, so it was nice of them to put a bunch of the “science” into the first seven minutes! That was I didn’t have to watch any farther. TBH as soon as she named Watson, but not Crick or Franklin, as the discoverer of DNA’s structure, I was already out 😂. (Watson is a racially prejudiced @$$hat that most of the genetics community rightly has no more time for.)

As for the rest of it, I still think what I thought based on the promos: 1. I need to get my hands on her scientific papers because I bet they would be hilarious and 2. Who is funding this research and can I also apply to them? 🤣

She does have things to say about dementia though! Apparently she can tell from DNA not only whether someone will get dementia, but also the exact age they will be! Talk about a breakthrough! For real though, if getting your brother hooked is the goal, I would start somewhere else 😅


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It's a missed opportunity to educate the public in a non-didactic way about genetics, Alzheimer's, scientific method, etc. and to dispel some myths and prejudices. I bet SK's gerontologists will not be happy when their patients start demanding to know precisely if and when they will develop dementia.


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Bingo. As you know, Watson was an arrogant, racist and misogynistic jerk who actively undermined Franklin’s incredible contribution and prevented her from sharing the Nobel prize which was her due.


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Oh God it's AWFUL. I work in mental health, not genetics, but they literally say they can predict suicide from genetics and I can say that is 100% wrong. It's not a nuanced portrayal at all, it's just "your gene says this so that's what you are." I hope the drama will be proving her wrong, but the suicide thing came true soooo not exactly hopeful. It's weird because I just read a Korean comic with a really wonderful explanation of how genes work and I was like, this writer should be taking on this storyline! Lol


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Ooph, jeez. I told myself I would only watch this if it was zany enough to be fun even with what I assumed would be nonsense genetics, but all of it seems to be the least lighthearted part of the show. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s good time so I will be steering clear!


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I came here to read the comments. Oh boy, I'm glad this show never make it into my watching list.


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I feel like AI could have written a better screenplay. What a waste of the sweetest FL, her performance in Terrius was literally healing to me. So how could the same actress be magnetic in one drama and innane in another? Answer: screenplay.


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This rom-com is best enjoyed when passed out drunk on your couch.


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Well for me it is slow moving bike heading towards a pile of nonsense. Filled with absurd science and unlikable leads the only bright spot was the second lead. In this sea of nonsense I found him like island of sanity.


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To be honest, I know how dumb it is, but I sometimes need a brain break. Sometimes kdramas have too much drama and it’s exhausting. Brain dead fun and some semi hard hitting thoughts are sometimes all I need. Her hair is bad, but not as bad as the FL in My Sweet Mobster. She’s cute and quirky, which is her MO. My Secret Terrius was just good because of the ML.


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