[Beanie Review] The Auditors

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The Auditors was not a show about accountants, CPAs or even normal office workers. It may have been the wet dream fantasy of a burnt-out bookkeeper with super hero aspirations. All the characters were terribly one note and stayed in their lane which was a shame since a few of the actors could have pushed their roles. The mysteries were telegraphed and resolutions were deus ex machina. One has to suspend all belief in real world to ride this Batman-Robin theme rollercoaster. Cannot really recommend unless you like the super hero genre.


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If your looking for something different, interesting and fast paced then try this one. Its got great cast, subtle humour, suspense and well written script to keep you on an edge.


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I don't know what to say about THE AUDITORS beyond the fact that you go in expecting a drama about one thing (accountants/CPAs) and you end up with Something Else (TM).

A very entertaining Something Else (TM) but nevertheless still Something Else (TM) other than what the title and premise promised.

Just leave your brain at the door, suspend your disbelief, and watch it while having lunch or quilting - something that low-key divides your attention - and this drama will be a decent watch.


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