Open Thread #874

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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Next week will be the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics but...

...today was the global Microsoft outage that affected banks, aviation tech and even media/entertainment companies.


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Oh you're right. I never thought about the Olympics. Crazy world right now!!!


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I just watched very disturbing horror clips. but the images in my head are funny and freaky. spending time writing down story prompts / shorts. Quite fun.
Jupiter.ee acquired some Korean movies which is great. they should be free to watch anywhere. https://jupiter.err.ee/1609100393/jaht

others are coming up soon.

Taemin world tour turns out to be just Asia for now as figured. I do hope they had other destinations. Helsinki would be fantastic, I could stay with a friend and it is only a boatride away.


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Korean filmmakers are returning to shorter run times. This trend towards shorter run times is also apparent in blind screenings (test screenings where general audiences watch the film without prior information so as to gauge genuine reactions) and as a desperate measure to adapt to changing viewer habits influenced by short-form content on platforms like YouTube and other social media, according to the Korea Times.

Until the 2000s, most Korean films were under 100 minutes. With the transition from film to digital production in the late 2000s, films exceeding two hours became more common due to reduced costs and increased footage from using multiple cameras. The rise of Korean blockbusters also contributed to longer runtimes as filmmakers wanted to include more content. The recent decrease in runtimes was explained: "In our view, it's a 1-hour and 78-minute movie," said director Park Chan-wook in May 2022 when he met with Korean journalists at the Cannes Film Festival for his film "Decision to Leave." "If we say it's 2 hours and 18 minutes long, viewers might get the preconceived notion that it's a boring film," he said.

Park's concerns, from two years ago, have now become a common focus within the Korean film industry. Rather than exceeding the two-hour mark, there is a growing emphasis on keeping movie runtimes within 100 minutes. This is in response to the rise of various short-form content and the need to compete with over-the-top services (OTT). (This also falls in to line with studies that people, especially young adults’ attention spans have decreased with the increased use of smartphones.)

This year's major Korean film releases: "Citizen of a Kind," 114 minutes; "Troll Factory," 109 minutes ; "Following," 103 minutes; "Hijacking," 100 minutes; "Handsome Guys," 101 minutes, "Escape," 94 minutes, and "Project Silence," 96 minutes.

I wonder if TAROT’s TV series format of seven 30 minute episodes with the same theme is an experiment to see if this blueprint meets expectations of the new viewing habits.


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Interesting what is considered short-form to the powers that be.

Films - in general - aim to tell a complete story or encapsulate an idea within less than 3 hrs.

While most of the short forms mentioned, tell a story in 7 to over 20 hours but broken up into 1hr snippets, in general.

So a muddled comparsion at best, but one I can totally see the non-creative teams at a film/tv/etc production house making.

Of course, there is also a difference here between the Western style never-ending story or skit version of a series and the Korean drama version. And then a film. In that comparison, a film is the shortest form of story-telling.


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That said, I think its totally fair to say : folks in general prefer to spent less than 2.5 hrs when going out of the house to watch something after work. But that is a different analysis.


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I mean they seem to want folks to work over 50 hours a week, make more children, raise them to be college graduates AND go out to see movies....hmmm.  Seems like a math issue.


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don't mind me...just seem to be caught up in the conversation I am having in my head...nothing to see here...


golly its hot out


Very interesting as always Welh. I just checked the movies that are playing here in American and "kids" movies are around 1 hour 35 min. Most dramas are running around 1:45. And Action are still running over 2 hours. I feel like the Marvel movies are what really started to stretch the run time here. We wanted it to be longer with each movie. But factoring in your information about going digital I am sure gave them that ability. The latest Marvel movie is going to be 2 hours 7 min so that is shorter than the most. Marvel Endgame was 3 hours 2 min.


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Some of my favorite Hollywood films were made in the early 1930s, when runtimes were typically even shorter than the new Korean releases you cite. Most ran under 105 minutes, some were as short as 70 mins.

Longer isn’t necessarily better.


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This is winessed in the Korean drama specials too. They can tell a complete story in under an hour. I have recently watched Blink, a lovely soft sci-fi story with only 55 minutes runtime. Yes, it leaves you yearning for more, but it was complete, with a beginning, clear characterization, a story, and an ending.


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There's a 45-minute short film called The Present, with Shin Ha-Kyun, Suho, and Kim Seul-G. It's charming, but it would definitely have benefitted from a longer running time. It felt like the story had just gotten started when it came to an end.


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In terms of genre, I think Horror and Romance do better with shorter run-times.

There is only so much terror and suspense you can take with Horror and only so many suspend-your-disbelief courting mishaps a viewer can take.

Short and tight (90 minutes) is the way to go for Horror and Romance. And I say this as a huge fan of both genres.


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Happy Friday, Beanies! The heat here reportedly reached all-time high records, yikes. Not unlike in Hengdian where poor LYN finally had enough and abandoned his usual Victorian modesty, flashing quite a bit of bare – gasp! - skin here and there between takes in an attempt to cool off a little... Good thing we'll have to wait at least a year until ADWAD airs – perhaps then I'll be able to forget the fact he wasn't always wearing pants under his robes and properly focus on the plot instead... A hard task with my restlessly dirty mind great memory, but let's wait and see^^

Did yall weep enough last time? Hopefully yes, because I think we need a break from angst. Can't exactly promise you all happiness and rainbows, but a bunch of more cheerful songs I think I'll manage. Starting with “Boys don't cry” (really? you sob more on reg than any of us ladies here, sir!))) from the same titled 90s movie – this is another track than never fails to make him (and me) smile. I do think he's gotten more progressively playful over the years of performing it – I like to think that he's gotten less reasons to be sad nowadays compared to the past... Then:

And now:

There's just something special about his old covers, you know – maybe the realization how far he's gotten since, maybe his pre-vocal-cords-problems raspier sound, maybe that natural cuteness he already had before celeb makeover... Idk, but I'm always having a great time digging up his archives, there's so much to uncover there! “Mortal song/Song of ordinary people”:

Or this. The hair alone deserves a whole separate thesis about it, methinks lmao. Actually it's interesting that he rarely sports brown colors so loved by his peers and seems fully OK with leaving his hair naturally black most of the time, with barely any tints even (aside of sneakily dyeing some grey hair – sad reality of our age). Ofc with his porcelain white skin it works better than for most people – live-action manga boy he is indeed. Speaking of live-action – songs is called “The dark knight” (not that one! but the wording is the same):

What he may be lacking in color palette department, he never fails to improve by crazy hairstyles and accessories. I'm... not sure what I think about this one – perhaps the idea was better than the final execution? He's wearing a bit too much at once overall – hairclips, neck chains (just how many of them are there?!), glittery sleeve cuffs... Navy captain's like jacket looks good tho, even without a proper tailoring. Track is his own - “Loyal audience”, such a cute name! A fan song?


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Btw, about fandom stuff – the next track, “Greenhouse girl”, has something in common with it. Ages ago, when boy was still young and unhinged, he once joked about moving to countryside and establishing there a commune with his harem of fans. The legit question “what we'll do there?” was cheekily answered with “well, I am gonna sing all day and you... work in greenhouse?”. Long story short, they never let him live that moment of questionable humor down, self-renaming the fanclub into “greenhouse concubines” LOL. Anyways, if you ever dreamed of pastoral hobbitcore lifestyle with great BGM, Ning-ge has an offer for you^^

This week was mostly dedicated to OUR SONG S6 news – we'll talk about it more tomorrow - so imagine my shock when I realized that I somehow totally missed his another performance with Bibi Zhou whom he once collabed there during S3, in my all time favorite trio stage from that show! Dear YT algorithm, you so failed me this time! While it's not as jaw-dropping sexy as their 3-persons performance, they still look and sound great even as a duo (I could tolerate THAT coat, but he needed more formal – or at least black - shoes, what the hell, stylist?!). This is her own song, I believe - “Go wandering”:

This one was added simply because it's so silly fun – the retro-ish (as if he's 50+ lol) way he sings, his dance moves (he looks like he's trying to march... in a cute way), the movie (yes, it's from a movie MY HOMETOWN AND ME) scenes funny montage, hah! Bet he had a lot of joy with it. Btw, most of his movie soundtracks are this unserious – I wonder, why... Song is called “A very good person”:

Bonus: I'm still working on that summer heat-themed entry we talked about last time - it'll take a while - so for now let's do with a small appetizer. In old school manga terms this is called “yaoi hands” - something that real, not exaggerated for beauty purposes people possess quite rarely, but our manga boy surely does:

The expensive af jewelry brand he advertises knows what's up too:

And a whole naked arm for emphasis feat likely reaction to my writings above:


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"Anyways, if you ever dreamed of pastoral hobbitcore lifestyle with great BGM, Ning-ge has an offer for you^^"

That was so cool! XD


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Wow! I loved this one even more! So catchy!



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Oh my gosh! "Strange Tale Of Tang Dynasty" dropped 8 episodes. Yay! I have something to watch.😁


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And it's been great so far!


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You naughty girl.😄🤣 Happy Friday!
Adding to my weekend playlist. Thank you!😘
I love his Marvel collection and display. I want one for my Clone Wars collection. Thanks to Disney, I'll never watch another Star Wars series again. Garbage and more garbage.


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I take it back. I love Andor and I'll watch season 2. 😂


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Andor was amazing and i am obsessed with yellow/ochre thanks to the show's ridiculously gorgeous color palette!


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I love Tony Gilroy, his team, and all of the actors. I wish I could say the same about Dave Filoni.


As a common wisdom says, I don't have a dirty mind - I have a sexy imagination! But thanks for the compliment anyways^^

Iirc, he said he's done some renovation in his Hengdian apartment and we'll see it in next stream - I took it as he decorated another wall or something. Looking forward to see the result of his attempts to be a home designer))) If he can also plumb, like his BYOL character, I'm half-ready to crown him as a perfect man, seriously!

I suppose I should be happy I was never huge SW fan, but it still stings how low this legendary adventure fantasy disguised as a space opera has fallen... But you're right, ANDOR cannot be 100% bad - I mean, it has Diego Luna...


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I'm not big on everything Star Wars. Clone Wars was great! Mandalorian started well, then went downhill to trash land.
Andor was 90% good to me. Diego Luna is also an executive producer. I think he's done after Season 2. His character is supposed to be younger than "Rogue One" and he's not aging backward.


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how dare you - mandalorian was awesome lol
i actually don't like diego luna at all. which goes to show how good Andor was.


I love Seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 was crap, and you know where they are trying to take it. I like Bo Katana, but she is not the reason why this show was irresistible in the first place.


Happy Friday! Now that you mention it,I am off to look for those photos you speak 😆😆😆 kidding

I went straight doe the videos wherein you commented on his hair. The brown is okay but he soew look better with black. Those hair clips were popular with kpop idols one time.never seen it on a guy before. Our Ning-ge does like to experiment on his looks.
Off to watch the links.
Stay hydrated! 😁 Hope weather gets better!
Thanks dor this week's goodies! 🌞


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I should've proofread that before posting 😆 I hope u still understand my rambling


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If you're truly interested, I even have videos^^ Nothing too risky unfortunately, I promise!

Yes, I think one needs a bit of melanin in the skin tone to rock the brown hair and he's got way too little lol. Reminds me of those color theory talks we used to have under MY DEAREST recaps - this man right here is so Bright Winter!

Speaking of personal style, he's much more like kpop rockers in that regards... a bit like Lee Hongki, but with far less painted nails. Damn, now that's a collab I'd kill for!

Supposedly the insane heat is already on decline, but I've yet to FEEL that...


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I would like to see these unfortunately unrisky videos 😉😉 I am just too curious for my own good.

Yup brown does need more melanin to be able to rockit. He can sell the blond but black suits him better.

It would be great to see him collab with other artists like him.


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I barely missed his blond era last year and I'm sooo mad about it!

He-he, you asked for this)))
For starters (he's so mean about it lol):



And my personal favorite collection, somewhat verging on risky (poor thing, he looks so done with it all tho):


@gikata yey thanks! 😊😉

He looks miserable wearing that outfit amidst the heat. Poor thing!


@jillian miserable indeed - I feel like if he could take off even more without making headlines, he 100% would've. There are clips when he's doing a physically active scene and once it's over literally slumps to the ground half-fainted((( Let's hope the end product will be worth his suffering.


It better be worth all that suffering. 😊


"My Sweet Mobster" is the best kind of escapist drama, absolutely nothing about it is even remotely grounded in reality and its a massive tropefest, but thats why its so enjoyable.

Its a shame that"old fashioned" rom coms are no longer in vogue, escapism is half the fun when it comes to the genre.


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It is so true, hopefully we will start to see more rom coms returning to this much easier to watch and enjoy format.


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After watching hundreds of dramas over the years, watching one and wanting to go "just one more episode" is truly a treat and is a sign of a gem for me and this is one such drama! I love it!


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I agree with you about escapism and familiar tropes cleverly done being key to a rom-com. But I think for me, the appeal of the rom-com does depend on a certain amount of "realism" in the relationship of the lead couple or couples--that is, they have to be equals and compatible in essential ways that makes their love convincing, even if the rom-com fantasy circumstances--time travel, supernatural nature of one of the protagonists, Joseon ministers continually poisoning people--or even gangsters with hearts of gold--are totally implausible.

This is where My Sweet Mobster totally falls down for me, because the ML is not just sweet (I'm fine with that), he's like a child, with incredibly stupid unfunny petty jealousies, and a deep embarrassment about physical intimacy of any sort because unlike any adult male in any universe, real or not, he's never experienced sexual desire before. And yet that is not only unrealistic (again, by itself, not a problem) its totally inimical to a romance. Every attempted kiss you are convinced he'll pull away. How is that romantic, (or even, after a certain point, comic?

Not to mention, he not only is uncommunicative (which again is fine for his persona) he's not being honest to his love about the real danger she is in, because he wants to "protect" her, in other words, he has the typical masculine contempt in her ability to understand tough reality, and so as a result the danger will be realized.

Interestingly, every man in this show behaves like a 12 year old, including the 2ML prosecutor and the friend assistant--the only exception s the cynical adult assistant to the prosecutor (who also is the only funny touch for me in this whole show, showing at least, that the writer(s) are self-aware.)

The rest of the male characters are also incapable of mature romances, so that's why its not a classic ROM - com to me, even though I'm happy to suspend belief in other ways.


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I couldn't agree more with your opinion about Sweet Mobster.
And the amount of "sugar" and silliness and cringey moments in this week's episodes have been too much even for me.
Now I feel that I will finish it for the bean.


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Hairdresser/business owner Min-ho the only adult in the room


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I agree but I also think Ilyeong is compatible with her despite his poor communication skills as he is much more realistic as he has had relationships and is not depicted in that cartoonish manner (largely. I am now so much more interested in their relationship even if I would’ve preferred the pregnancy had not occurred following the 1NS.


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But now she's trapped making babies for a stalkerish one night stand because the nation is in crisis.


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See, that is why King the Land is perfect!


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As @hacja stated
“ they have to be equals and compatible in essential ways that makes their love convincing, ”

This as KTL. They weren’t equal financially but in every other way yes.


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I wonder what rom-coms are on your favorites list. Haven’t seen Mobster yet but seem like many dramas do fall under the realism category


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In terms of specifically defined rom-coms, where I liked the relationship but also appreciated the show in general, I guess my top three would right now be

1. Weightlifting Fairy: nice chemistry between the main actors, and my wife and daughter are successful athletes, I was not, but I swam competitively, so identified with a lot of the issues.

2. Run On: though I found Si-wan’’s character a dud, loved the female lead, and the film dealt with some interesting issues about movies/roles in life (also sports)

3. Sh**ting Stars Great send up of the kdrama stars and their PR agencies—other relationships more fun than the main couple, though still it is the only show in which I liked Kim Young Dae as an actor.

But then, since we are talking about romantic relationships, here are my favorite Rom-com relationships, regardless of the show’s quality:

My Beloved Summer: like the two actors, and it was one time when the portrayal of the successful renewal of a “met when young” relationship seemed convincing.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha: Truly beautiful actors, and enjoyed the serious FL/comic ML dynamic.
Her Private Life: My favorite of Park Min Young's, but also Kim Jae-wook plays the cold-arrogant—>nice guy lover transition perfectly (what I think of as the “Darcy—transition” is, in my opinion, very hard to do, and I don’t think many male kdrama actors have pulled it off, always being too jerky in the beginning)
Gauss Electronics—a genuine “com” for me, but also loved the “rom” between the sarcastic sunbae and her doofus but still appealing subordinate.
King the Land: I ship Junho and Yoona.

Of the bumper crop of rom-coms this year, my favorite by far of ones I saw would be A Freaking Fairy Tale, which was the only show in my opinion that successfully combined rom and com.

Lovely Runner — I was too busy squeeing over Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo-Seok to notice what happened in the plot.

Marry My Husband—most of the funny scenes there were given to the villains, but the romance wasn’t bad—the show just had 4 too many episodes thanks to badly cast white truck.

Wedding Impossible: improbably squandered a funny and poignant performance by Jeong Jeon-so as FL

Branding in Seongsu I found the premise intriguing, but the show’s writers apparently did not..

Welcome to Samdal-ri: Couple lacked chemis-tri.

Dr. Slump: Didn’t like the show’s prescription of heavy drinking and baby talk to cure depression.

Midnight Studio: couldn’t finish. Haunted by the bad writing.

Frankly Speaking: couldn’t finish, after the show started spouting gibberish.


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Also, a special romance category this year for me would be police/action shows where romances were suggested between the leads but they either failed to occur, or came to very unsatisfying culminations: Flex X. Cop, Crash, and the two flowers: Knight Flower, and Like Flowers in the Sand.


Thank you for this list. You and I agree on most of your favorites. A few I haven’t seen but I bet I’ll love them because you did.
And your summary of Dr S, and Sandal-ri is perfect. I’ll look forward to seeing more shows that you watch.
Oh favorites of this year- ATypical Family, Flex and Fairytale!


For sure. But I genuinely hope that some naive non-Korean women do not go to SK expecting to find Jihwans and instead get sucked into toxic and predatory relationships. I think there should be an advisory at the beginning of all KDs with super-unrealistic male love interests: “The depiction of xxxx is entirely unrealistic and hence fictional. No living Korean male is even remotely as good looking, tall, charismatic, kind, strong, loyal, self-sacrificing and generous”.


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🤣That would be a great addition to the ‘this is a work of fiction’ page at the start of some dramas. I noticed it with Uncle Samsik because some of the events would have been based on actual events and people.


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I've just come off of watching a couple episodes of Bittersweet Hell and a couple of episodes of Good Partner, and one thing that I feel is quite odd about the exaggerated depiction of sweet and innocent men in kdrama rom-coms is that there is a huge disconnect between male lead behavior in those shows and then in the more melodrama type shows depicting women professionals, where the husband of the FL is always cheating on her.

So while romance is stirring, the male suitor is without a corrupt thought in the world, except that he is often childishly jealous, but as soon as he says his vows, he's on the lookout for another woman (or women) with whom to betray his spouse.

Maybe naive non-Korean women should be made to watch to every show the past several years that has featured cheating husbands--that is, if they had enough time!


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I read a NYT article on SK last year which mentioned that the majority of KD writers are women. I speculate that given the enduring income inequality, violence against women, suffocating domestic obligations and male entitlement ], at least some of these depictions are so exaggerated because they may be intended to be highly aspirational and indeed entirely unrealistic. So it is a form of public therapy and also has the potential to be lucrative.
I will always value more kindness, humour, compassion and sweetness being part of any human endeavour including entertainment but there has to be at least a smidgin of realism.


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All DB Bookclub readers who want to discuss our summer read The sense of Wonder I will host a discussion on my fanwall on Sunday 21st as @lapislazulii was unable to host as planned on 14th July. Unfortunately, I don’t know what questions were planned to frame the discussion so I will post a couple and then leave the rest as general discussion. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

@indyfan @mellowarmadillo @attiton @elinor @ahjummaaa @toomuchtv @wonhwa @jls943 @cayong03 @babylilo @ruhi0101 @petrolia @acacia @dramaforever@zindigo @linarrick @ndlessjoie @sonai @kdramajoy @minniegupta1


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👆🏾This comment went in for moderation hence the double promotion here and on my fanwall as I wasn't sure if it would post.


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Y'all hear the news? South Korea just passed a law that makes same-sex couples able to get dependent coverage for the national health services!

It's far from legalizing same-sex marriage, but it's a step in the right direction.

Another interesting article proposing similar benefits for people who live together (same-sex or otherwise) but are not in a relationship.


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The key distinction in these cases is "dependence" and not re-writing or re-defining existing laws. If the health care law states a participant and his/her "dependents" are covered, the argument is that dependents include more than just a spouse and children and beyond blood relatives.

What is odd and not discussed is the fact that participation in SK's National Health Insurance Service is mandatory and covers all citizens of the country and all foreign workers who reside for more than 6 months in country.


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Is the National Health Service not all that comprehensive? Kdrama loan sharks would go out of business if children from poor families could get life-saving treatment for their dying parents and grandparents through the national insurance.


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From what I read, it is high co-pays for all covered treatment. It does not cover plastic surgery, accidents and work place incidents, the latter two are to pay by the party who caused the injuries.


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I watch a Korean American youtuber and during one of her videos, she was giving context of the perception of the ex wife of a Samsung family member using an Iphone. She said something like Koreans have this cultural pride over any and everything and *especially* when it comes to Samsung since it's like the backbone of the country. So for anyone else, it's just a phone or whatever but for a Korean it because a cultural symbol. It also goes in hand when people insult it. Like people complain about their country and its products all the time and it's like whatever BUT when someone else insults and complains about the country or its problems, it feels like a personal affront.

I think of this every time I see American shows criticized on here. I don't watch enough American shows to give rebuttals about the criticisms but based on the comments here, there's no good or quality shows or movies made by Western folks and especially if those folks are American. "It's too profane, it's too sexual, it's too shallow, its too violent". Even though types of stories can be trying to tell a message (I'm thinking shows like Euphoria or BoJack Horseman; I don't watch either but I know they have messages in their narratives)
When people complain about Kdramas on Netflix, you might think Netflix executives are singlehandly responsible for why kdramas turn out the way they do. As if there's no Korean creatives or business folks who can possibly turn down a concept, job, or deal.

I've never been interested in kdramas for its conservativeness and it's actually a turnoff at times to me but one thing to like about it, is that it gives a different perspective and is even argubly more fantasy than a fairy tale.


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1. It never rains - it pours

So my right ankle has healed ridiculously fast but now I'm on day 2 of a cold/flu because my sibling brought it back from his office.

There's just over 2 weeks left of sabbatical for me and I was feeling a bit rueful last night as every sneeze propelled half my body off the bed because the sabbatical was supposed to be about REGAINING health, not further jeopardising it.

*Sigh* It is what it is. So it's me, the couch, blankets, pillows, lots of water, meds, and K-Dramas for the rest of the weekend.

I hope I recover by Wednesday evening because the Aerial Yoga instructor for Saturday and Tuesday cancelled all her classes for the coming week so Thursday's class is the only all-levels morning class left. (Plus I really like the Thursday yoga instructor - she knows how to get beginners comfortable and push us nicely to do better than we think we can).

2. This Week in Korean Women's News

(a) Behind a backlash to feminism in South Korea (Podcast episode):

South Korea’s fight against rampant sexism and gender-based violence faces a growing backlash to feminism. A local politician’s comments connecting a rise in male suicide attempts to women being in the workforce is part of a broader backlash to a feminist awakening in South Korea. The fight against rampant sexism and gender-based violence includes the growing 4B movement, which calls for women to refuse marriage, childbirth, dating and sex with men.


(b) South Korean women try to redefine family

As the birthrate plummets and more people opt out of marriage, unconventional civil unions are becoming increasingly relevant, challenging the country’s rigid social norms.



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Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Late to the party again, my brain has nothing interesting to say on Fridays nowadays.

Lately, I feel restless and bored on Saturday mornings. I look forward to this period all week because finally I can wake up without an alarm, have a coffee and relax on my sofa with the laptop on the coffee table. I guess the habit of forced productivity in the mornings is starting to kick in, combined with the coffee that is a lot stronger than the black tea on weekdays. It is reassuring to know where it might come from.

The boredom feelings are also a good sign. Feeling bored occasionally is healthy and an improvement from always feeling too busy and behind on things. Still, my big three-week holiday in August is nearing and now I am getting scared! 😂😂😂


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Leisure time may feel like boredom but it is important to just "stand and stare" and not be busy all the time.

Take care and plan some fun activities for yourself for part of the day - for the rest, vegetating on the sofa is a good activity. 😊❤👌


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Ah, the weekly open thread. The second male lead of drama beans. You might say, Mr. Everything, what do you mean? Has the stress of the real world made you totally lose your mind? Hear me out. A troupe in many dramas is the overly friendly SML. The one who is handsome but nice to everyone. The one who is nice to our FL, but also nice to the barista extra who appears in episode 2. The one who might be into you, but also might be into all the other girls in the world who all secretly have a small crush on him. Thus we come back to the Open Thread, a place where you can broadly distribute your opinion/show attention to everyone without specifically directing it at anyone. Thus, the second male lead of drama beans. 😜


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🫘Beansprout award🌱 for adding a whole new dimension to explaining the activity on the one random post on the main site🤣


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Completed Goong/Princess Hours for the nth time!

I didn't remember the last 5 eps were so painful to watch but wow the agony that the last 5 eps brought was unexpected. I had to fast forward the scenes because my heart couldn't withstand the pain and frustration.

I also discovered a new flaw in the drama that I had never noticed. There's this part about Prince Shin going to Thailand for a work trip and spent the day with his ex-girlfriend for a farewell trip. Before this trip, Prince Shin was developing feelings for Chae Kyung already and had started to keep a distance from his ex-girlfriend. However, Prince Shin was acting like he was still very much in love with his ex-girlfriend until he was being caught by the paparazzi who took photos that would cause a few eps of angst. I realised that this part was so abrupt probably because it was filmed before the live shooting started. As live shooting would adjust the plot/characters according to the audience reception, Prince Shin in the Thailand part of the drama was not the same Prince Shin who slowly evolved in the drama. It was quite jarring to see because I couldn't understand the characters anymore.

And the ML and FL do not communicate with each other. If they would have talked to each other honestly about their feelings, I pretty sure this drama could end at episode 10 and does not need 24 episodes.

Yoon Eun Hye was so good in her role as Chae Kyung. She was so lovable! It's a pity that we couldn't see much of her in the past ten years. Her acting was very solid for a debut role.

Joo Ji Hoon's acting improved so much from the start to the end of the drama. His tears were so moving in the last few eps of the drama. And now, he's making it big in chungmuro.

Despite all the mega flaws this drama has, I was still hooked to the plot, invested in the characters and felt sad in the last 5 minutes of the drama because it was ending. It is still a drama that could stir my emotions, for the nth time.


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What a wonderful description. The reason some dramas are timeless classics is not just because the acting / writing was good. It is more likely that the costumes feel funny, ambience is dated and obviously the filming and technology is old timey.

"It is still a drama that could stir my emotions, for the nth time." - This my friend is the litmus test for a timeless classic. ❤👏👏👏👌

Glad you had fun for the nth time. 👍👌


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