[Beanie Review] Crash

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CRASH is a hidden gem of a police procedural that succeeds because it has so much heart and character development leavened by dollops of truly hilarious scenes.

If you're looking for a police drama that has great team dynamics and is an engaging light watch that has just enough social commentary built in to provoke some thought, the is the drama for you.

What I liked is that the TCI team is very gender-balanced with the male captain and team mates treating their female colleagues as equals. There is no mansplaining, no condescension. In fact, the mansplaining comes from the Machiavellian antagonist which frames him as despicable.

Finally, the ML is very possibly autistic-coded and Lee Min-Ki has done a great job with character development by showing how he eventually fit in with his team after a rough start. Yeon-ho is shown as very human and just as capable and flawed as any of his neurotypical team mates who accepted him as he is from the get-go.


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I thought it was a pretty pedestrian (oops) effort as these team investigative dramas go. Interesting casting though, with standard villain Heo Sung-tae making like a good guy & an actress I liked from V.I.P. doing a complete 180 in personality. Otherwise for me it was a snooze.


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Crash is an action comedy that had plenty of car chase scenes which were straight out of US programmes from my childhood, it even has an old style car still going strong. It has great team dynamics and we watch a new character’s backstory become a big case for the team to help him solve. He felt guilty and was extremely traumatised by the past events and this led to him becoming a very series and focused man. Over the course of the season the quirky aspects of the other team members are explained and we see the other departments in the station growing to love and respect them.
The ending made me wonder if there will be a second season. This is one show that I think would work well as a two parter.


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