Open Thread #867

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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This is gross. On Wednesday, waste and propaganda rained down across South Korea.

North Korea had launched more than 200 balloons across the border carrying trash, bottles, old batteries, leaflets, fertilizer and other waste. South Korea's defense ministry told NBC News that no human waste was found, but said that North Korea did send human waste via balloon in 2016.

The barrage follows a warning from North Korea’s vice defense minister about a “tit-for-tat action” after anti-Pyongyang leaflets were sent over the border recently by South Korean activists.
In early May, North Korean defector-turned-human rights activist Park Sang- hak sent 20 balloons carrying 300,000 leaflets condemning North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The balloons were also stuffed with USB drives containing South Korean media such as K-pop and K-drama, as well as U.S. dollar bills. Ironically, possession of those items are death penalty crimes in North Korea.

Political tantrums continue across the border. Most people forget that the Korea War has not ended (it stopped due to a cease fire and not a peace treaty.) On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed by North Korea, China and the US ending the military fighting. Prisoners were exchanged and South Korea would remain separate from the North. But no final peace treaty was ever signed by the parties. North Korea continues to threaten SK with military build up and quest for nuclear weapons. SK’s original intent to unify Korea has waned to the point of being unrealistic.


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When we go to SK this fall, we won't be visiting k-pop or famous k-drama sites, but we do plan to visit various Korean war memorials/museums/cemeteries (and the DMZ, of course).


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chance of rain
the lamps are broken
someone is eating bread
tells me blue-eyed
im not eating bread
crumbs on the keyboard
darkness spreads.

so much for todays poem
going to a concert of Puuluup & 5miinust tonight our Eurovision representatives.

and in a week going to Iceland thinking im crazy. here we were, it was still snowing & -1 degreeat the end of april and I go to +3 degree weather to climb under a glacier while others are enjoying the little summer we got.
yup, not normal.


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just now readng about the most expensive divorce of South Korea 928 million euro


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fissure eruptions
closing blue lagoon
every geologist wants to be you
enjoy every moment
because it is not


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gimme lava
gimme soot and gimme dust
gimme wind so cold and piercing
skin becomes an ice crust
craters howling, boiling hollows,
here I come and build my hive
life is fleeting
all that follows
is a neverending dive

I didnt book blue lagoon because it looked a little artificial. it is all concrete. we are going to 2 more natural places way in the north. they havent overcommercialised those and they come at around 1/5 of the price of Blue lagoon. But I do want to see Grindavik and the lava although they say it has remarkably reduced and not flowing that much now - btw I was supposed to stay in Grindavik first day.


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I found my interested Koalas Playground post from last week and it was about K-netizens remembered or celebrated Kdramas from 2004 (or 20 years ago). Among those mentioned Kdramas from 2004 are: Full House, Lovers in Paris, I'm Sorry I Love You, Love Story in Harvard, What Happened in Bali, Sweet 18, Phoenix, She Is Nineteen, Save the Last Dance for Me, Terms of Endearment and even Ireland.


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I am still traumatised by the ending of "What Happened in Bali" after all these years.

I cant believe its been that long since it aired.


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Me too! I was stunned, traumatized and still have not recovered, LOL! It was so engaging esp since we can't tell who Ha Ji Won will end up with. And then....


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Ah, great times! Esp great since they're long gone lol.


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LOL. That's how I feel about it—not going back to watch any of it.


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Ikr, just reading plot descriptions alone is a pure horror!


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Most of the pretties have improved. You don't want to cringe through some of it.


@kiara does that mean we can hope in 20 years from now one day current "flower vases" will become proper actors as well?



Yes, it may take a long time, but eventually, some will become better at selecting projects or writers that align with their strengths.


Since I love to go back and watch older dramas, I've seen a few of these. What Happened in Bali was really a great watch as was I'm Sorry I Love You. But, both of these I don't think would be made today. Grittier, darker, challenging endings seemed to be popular for a time. I recently watched Full House and while the leads were so charismatic, the story was a bit dull to me. Many of the others are on my list of things to watch. Some I started, and just didn't get past the first episode or so.


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Wow, that was one amazing year!


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Love Story in Harvard deserves to be celebrated. 🥳


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That BBC burning sun documentary was absolutely disturbing.

The fact that all those creeps and perverts got away with a slap on the wrist while all the women involved were either raped, beaten, harrased, bullied,suffered miscarriages and suicide is insane.

These idols are hugely popular amongst teens and tweens too, especially young girls which makes it even more twisted.

I hope all the victims find healing and happiness


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Including the ordeals suffered by the brave female reporters. The misogyny was/is inherent not only in the conduct of these criminal idols and their associates but also in how the criminal (in)justice system effectively protected these male abusers. I have so much respect for feminists in SK and elsewhere who day in day out struggle against systemic discrimination and weaponised social conditioning. May you all survive and thrive.


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Happy Friday, Beanies! We've been blessed by LYN suddenly streaming 3 days ago, meaning lots of stuff to share, yay! Also my cat decided to scratch my face open so now I look like a mobster freshly out of an epic fight...

Long story short, his night shoot got resheduled (it's been raining there too), so PD took a pity on him and sent the busy bee home to sleep a bit... which he didn't do, ofc, and went online instead. How typical))) During the following 3 hours (that's short for him – must've been really tired, methinks) he promised to spill the scandalous industry tea once he's 60, whined that filming in armor in summer is too uncomfortable (poor thing, I can imagine), pondered whether dying in dramas in his fate (RIP ZBF), threatened to charm all his antis eventually, wished to get longterm contracts with all streaming platforms (Ning-ge, don't, that's a slavery in all but name!), scolded fans for advising him to drink “to relax” (oh noes, he understood they hoped for last week's “drunk Ning-ge stripping” epic show reprise... you've tried, guys!), revealed that ADWAD will be mostly on-set audio recorded (whoa, that's rare) and all his usual BS^^ But if he jokes about “fixing” his eyes once again, imma kick his stupid pretty ass, I swear!

Then ADWAD team crashed his stream, teasingly asking him to go back filming since he's not sleeping anyway, which he flatly rejected))) Btw, LYT is SO hyper even out of character, I'm impressed. At least we know for sure the atmosphere on set is great and he's very loved there, awww! Not much proper singing this time, mostly just humming along some lines here and there. Unless you're in the mood for 1358857th rendition of “Offer” - this has nothing to do with yet another on-screen death, right? RIGHT?!

And rather... original cover of his most beloved kdrama OST - I'd hate this song a tiiiny bit less if he sang it properly, but alas:

So the other day we've been talking with @bebeswtz about THE TRUTH musical bits – there's a lot of them, actually. First, longer clip of LYN and Zhou Shen singing together + Zhou Keyu joining in an attempt of idol boyband performance (something tells me this trio isn't ready for big debut yet):

More godawful questionable dancing (“my nephew does better than you!” lol):

The infamous serenade in two takes – now that's the rare kind of love triangle I can get behind lol. Doubly funny if you watched another HEROES. Feat popcorn-armed teammates happily throwing confused him under the bus))) Warning: heavy plot spoilers:


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Let's move on to Season2. Meow meow dance – another technical disaster, but if you look at it from fanservice perspective... Don't ask me what's with BY and axe – that's his default mode on the show, I'm afraid))) Couldn't find a link from a better source, sadly, bet filter's gonna riot:

Turns out all F4/METEOR GARDEN jokes weren't for nothing! His starting pose lol, someone's VERY into it let's not talk about how his character this time around is 20 y.o. high schooler – guys in drama were not that convincing in that regard either:

Some rock:

I planned to wrap up here, but this randomly popped out in my recommendations and I was floored with cuteness. The storyline! The ukulele! The suspenders! Title is “The wind blows”:

Bonus: to celebrate HEROES finale if that was anything to celebrate - the art of bloopers))


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Thanks @gikata for all the LYN news and links!
I hope you feel better soon. Those scratches must be painful. 🤕


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You're always welcome)))

Nah, not really anymore, as long as I don't touch them. They do itch though (and it'll only get worse as healing progresses), which I absolutely hate(((


Happy Friday, @gikata!
Such a teaser. I thought he would sing "Believer" from my favorite band, Imagine Dragons, but the video was fun to watch.
I love the fan scolding. LOL, I listened to "Offer" and then rewatched AJTL. I'm currently at episode 28. Everything else is on hold since my scatterbrained has no cure.

Yuning and Tan Jian Ci. ❤️❤️ I would love to see them in a drama together. I'd watch them play with scissors and hair sprays all day. LOL
Yuning looks great with long hair past his waist, like in "Journey To Love." His hair in "Heroes" doesn't do him any favors. Lol


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Ahaha, do you know that "Believer" is a very popular song for his compilation fanmades? All of them are funny as hell, but the best part is that he downloads them in bulk and then uses as "airtime filler" during his streams when he needs to leave temporarily for bathroom etc. Truly the self-irony king))) This one is the newest, I think:

*sigh* I'm not in the mood for crying thanks to injured eyelid, so no finishing HEROES today/tomorrow and certainly no AJTL rewatch, but a great idea otherwise. Maybe once I'll recover and finish up everything else...

I'd be up for double MLs drama with them as long as there are no billing fights, but that sounds expensive of a project. You mean a costume drama only or genre doesn't matter?

Long hair is obviously the best, but his HEROES "teenage" look from flashbacks (with bangs) was rather cute too (oh, and the single braid from "posing as Manchu" episode). Other than flat wtf wig from EB, I think all his other drama hairs were decent at least. I wonder if he can also pull off "mane of glory, but with curls" current trend that is basically everywhere in costume shows these days...


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Feel better soon!

I'm looking forward to LoJ.

I have such a soft spot for the ethnic groups from the North. I hope they're doing their best to preserve their cultures.


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Me as well so we can see him dying on us once again, those bejeweled braids are really eye-catching.

Those who still live in their homelands probably do to an extent - staying in relatively desolate location certainly helps. While those who moved closer to "civilization"...



Whaaaaat? Again? I like his braided hair!
I'm enjoying "Heroes," and I liked the shaving scene a lot. LOL, I like it when he lets himself go and be comfortable. 😘


@kiara it's unclear so far - there were reports of his character dying there and when asked about it he gave a very vague non-answer. Thing is, his role seems to be pretty dark, and we know how censorship loves to off morally grey characters in the end "to set an example". Plus it's Youku project, and they're infamous for adding BE/OE even when there shouldn't be one (looking at you, TTEOTM!). So while I'm very looking forward the drama overall, I don't have high hopes regarding it having a satisfying ending, honestly...

Shaving scene got my jaw on the floor - so much sensuality? In a cdrama?! Someone's got a very caressable face apparently since his onscreen love interests have been doing just that all the time lately...


I hope he'd do more traditional dramas like this. That scene was hot as heck; I didn't even read the subtitle, haha.


@kiara let's hope more non-idol projects cast him. Pity that long palace dramas aren't a thing anymore, I think he'd fit very well into one too. Idk about another Qing one - I heard this time period is not very popular among viewers due to its tragically bald men specific visuals.

It's even better with subs - she goes like "you know, I want to kill you sometimes", implying that she did not do that yet simply because he's hot))) Girl clearly went to RRY's school of reasoning and priorities lol.



How are you, chingu? I hope you are feeling better!🙏


@kiara injury-wise - much better, thank you. Otherwise... well, I had better days for sure)))


Thank you Gikata. Hope you recover well. Is it okay for you to use the computer while recovering.

We'll enjoy the music but please take care of your health first.


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Thanks)))) Don't worry, I'm not seriously harmed, thankfully despite furry little monster's best efforts. I cleaned scratches well and with my fast regeneration it probably won't take long to fully recover... but as I just said above, it's too close to eyes for me to do my usual sobbing over dramas routine for a while. How annoying.


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Good news. 👏 😊 ❤ 💪🏻


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1. A Method to the Madness of Choosing K-Drama Oppas

I've realised that I've been subconsciously updating my list of favourite K-Drama Oppas because some of them mostly act in dramas that don't appeal to me.

When I started my K-Drama journey, Ji Chang-Wook was a favourite until I found that I didn't quite jive with his choices of dramas. Now he's been replaced by Jang Dong-Yoon because I like everything that he has acted in so far.

Any other Beanies do this?

2. K-Beauty Skincare Routine Update

I've started double cleansing (cleansing oil followed by foam cleanser). The entry-level cleansing oil I'm using is Skinfood's Brown Sugar Perfect Cleansing Oil which smells a bit lemony in a medicinal sort of way but not bad otherwise.

I'm not sure if the extra step is justified BUT cleansing oils do have one advantage - they are better than micellar water at getting rid of make-up. And they are much gentler on the skin and doesn't leave it dry.

3. Earworm Alert

RM from BTS (aka Kim Namjoon) has been rapid-fire dropping a whole series of music videos. And his MV for LOST! is stuck on repeat in my brain:


4. This Week in Korean Women's News:

Elections reveal a growing gender divide across South Korea

In the 2022 presidential election, 59% of male voters between ages 18 and 29 voted for the conservative candidate Yoon Suk Yeol. By contrast, young women under 30 were the least supportive constituents for Yoon of all gender-age groups. Only 34% voted for him.

In recent major elections, young South Korean men and women have consistently shown around 15 to 30 percentage points' difference in their support of the main political parties. Compared to democracies with longer histories, South Korea's political gender divide is a relatively recent phenomenon. But it has progressed fast.



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What kind of kdrama related youtubers do you guys like watching? I really like the channel "Kdrama Research Institute" it's so rare to find good essays on kdramas. Accented Cinema is a similar channel I really enjoy.

I also like various reaction youtubers and channels that post complilations of edits or scenes (I can always discover new stuff this way!)

The My Drama List channel and similar youtubers are also really useful to keep being updated to new releases!


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I dont enjoy youtubers, especially reaction youtubers. it is very annoying and I have muted most that even pop up


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I've been watching reaction youtubers lately.
Does Yu Jae Seok's channel count? Haha. Sometimes he features actors on the show haha

Hmmm, I watch Miss KDrama videos as well as the My Drama List videos.

I think I've watched one video on both Kdrama Research Instititute & Accented Cinema.

I watch recap videos too. Sometimes if the recap does a *really* good (or bad) job and makes me curious about the drama or movie, I'll end up watching the drama or movie (such as 18 Again, Reunited Worlds, New World, & The Dude in Me).


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There's a new webcomic on Webtoon called Want to See My Cat? that has a reincarnation/time slip story. But instead of the female lead hating her old life and using this timeslip to make changes or get revenge, this female lead loved her old life and simply wants to get it back. So she's trying to make the same exact choices to get back her husband and the pets she rescued in the past. She, of course learns that obtaining the exact same outcome is more difficult than she had imagined. I find it quite refreshing and chill! I realize the name may be offputting to some, but it's actually quite wholesome.


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Does anyone else whose only hobby is watching dramas, thinks that their life comes to a stop when a drama ends? I know this is pretty unhealthy but dramas are actually my only source of entertainment and also to relax. I don't like being in a drama slump at all. And I've been watching dramas for so long that this has kind of been the norm for me. I've never really had drama breaks, it's only the wait till the next one clicks or in the meanwhile I check out variety or shows from other areas. But I want to move on from this now because my life outside of dramas is only surrounded by work and sometimes I feel this obsession with dramas becomes unhealthy.


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Watching drama is fine. Been there, done that for years. If you ever watch Daily Dose of Sunshine, one of the scene there is she despise the sunlight. And too lazy to wake up. And when people telling you to wake up, go walking, get the sun, you hated them so much.
I used to be that person. My sleeptime was a wreckage. My true escapism really from watching those drama itself.
I did fight against myself, see from different perspective, challenge myself by keeping me busy (volunteering, part time working, sending my kiddos to tonnes of activities). Eventually, it did get better (not just 1 night miracle). May you be able to find your inner strength to go through this phase in your life.
Drama slump is fine, find another obsession later. And yes, do it on your own pace. Not because someone else putting it on you. Good luck to you @wapzy


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I haven't seen that drama but I can definitely relate to that scene and you experience. (Can you tell me the particular episode in which this happens?) In fact, the closest I've felt to a charcter was in This week my wife will have an affair, where there's this nameless girl who's always in a dark place and only by the end you find out that she was using a phone under a blanket all along and never going out. I'm much better now but as you said it takes effort and sometimes it seeps back in too effortlessly. I think I put in on dramas but we deep down always know that dramas just offer escape, there are other reasons why we feel the way we feel.


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I can't know what you really need right now, so I can only tell you what I would do if I were you. I hope that helps. 🥺

In this type of situations I think it's important to understand oneself. That gives you a choice.
The way I see it, it's different to a watch the drama because you "want to", than watching it because you "need to", or watching it because "you choose to".

One is simple entertainment, the other is an unconscious way to avoid my real problems, and the other one is a very conscious way of dealing with things.

I can choose to escape from the real world. If that's good or bad depends on the situation. But in any case, what's important is that it's the choice I made.

I can choose to do something unhealthy because I want to. I know why I'm doing it, and I know what the consequences are.
But that also means, I know I have other options, more healthy options, that I can choose if I want.

But if instead of "choosing", I do it in a subconscious level, because I "need to," that's probably because that's the only reality I know.

That means I don't understand or I'm trying to ignore what else is going on with me. And I'm just trying to keep myself safe.

But the thing is that there are other ways to be safe. I just don't know the options.

So knowing "why" I do something, is very important to me.
If I know why I keep watching dramas even when I feel kind of unhealthy about it, maybe I can find if there's something else I need to address. Or maybe it just means that it became more if a habit than a hobby, and I need to find something else for myself. Maybe it just means that I'm changing (my preferences or priorities are changing).

But whatever it is, I have the choice to do (or not do) something about it. And that will make me feel way better with myself.

I have no idea if you get my point, or if this helps at all. But I hope you find a solution that makes you feel more comfortable. Fighting!


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Expressed very well, and very beautifully.


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I especially appreciated the connection to finding different ways to feel "safe." I think that might hit home for a lot of folks, @enriquequierecagar. It does for me.


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Imlate to replying to this entire thread but just wanted to let you know that I completely understand what you were trying to say and this was very helpful. Something tells me I'll probably be coming back to this comment again and again.


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I'm glad this helped you.
And I hope you're feeling even a little better these days.



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There are so many hobbies that go well with watching dramas! I just think that there's something special about something that has a lot of formal repetition and involves listening to a new language while reading subtitles. So much dopamine! It kind of reminds me of when I was a kid when I would either reread favorite books, or find long series of books with the same characters. Or doing certain kinds of puzzles also pleases me.

But the dramas themselves are all about hobbies and interests. They cite novels and poetry, they show people going for walks and to the gym, they introduce new music and new things to cook. You can make the transition from only having one hobby to having a new one that you got from the old one.

I wonder whether there is a way to figure out what you're getting from dramas so you can get whatever it is from more things in your life.


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That's a wonderful perspective. I think for now what I'm getting from dramas is purely dopamine. Which is also available in other social media that I eventually greatly cut down. But you bring a good perspective about shifting hobbies based on what dramas suggest.


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I'm never going to be a hiker. It seems like hiking is a big hobby in Korea. It turns out that I'm a little too afraid of heights! I'm never going to be a big drinker, either! But I do love karaoke, so all those fun dramas where people sing in a norabang are good. My boyfriend took me a few times, and recently I dragged a friend who had never been out to sing with me. She was so into it!

It even counts if you go to the beach. You know they go to the beach somehow in nearly every k-drama. It won't be the same beach, of course.

There was something about these fictional worlds that spoke to you, and they can help you find your spot in the real world also.


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Very same here ☺️ and I don’t see it u healthy (own point of view) since I am appropriately functioning and fulfilling all other duties in terms of work , home chores and family so there should be no harm of having solely one hobby and it happens to be “watching kdramas” ✌️ enjoy ☺️


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Yes there's nothing wrong in watching dramas as the only hobby. There are other associations with it that makes it unhealthy. Happy drama watching.


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my daughter sent me this link -- to a variety show with Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok... so cute!



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I don't really ship real people but when watching some of their press & interactions, especially edits that shows them acting or responding the same way, I thought I could totally see why people consider them shippable. It really is cute and argubly even better than their interactions as their characters in the drama.

I don't know if they're really dating and I don't want to know but I could definitely see why that would be some people's fantasy.


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I really would not call this a variety show, but a talk show hosted by comedian Jang Do-yeon. Yu Jae Seok and other MCs also have YouTube talk show channels. I think this happened because the three major Korean TV networks around 2020 dropped their entertainment talk shows.


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Are variety & entertainment/talk shows used interchangably because Lee Jun Young & Lee Jae Wook's episode, when they said were scared/intimidated by them, she asked Jun Young about his appearance on the Jewel box youtube show.


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alright already... i meant a show. i don't actually know the difference, sorry! i don't usually watch these, i only did cuz my daughter sent it to me...
; )


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It is alright. Variety shows used to mean singing, dancing, skits, missions, games, etc. with guests and permanent cast. Talk shows were like Western talk shows with guests being interviewed by MCs. I guess in the YouTube space every is considered just "content."


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i'm very old school you see...
; )


Has anyone ever see the music video for the K. Will song Please Don't?
It's an OLD song but I think it's classic. The music video in particular is legendary. When I first saw it, it had just come up on youtube mix and I recognized Seo In Guk & Ahn Jae Hyun (though I don't think I knew their names. I recognized them from dramas). Anyhoo, I don't even think I was paying that much attention but that ending made me do a double take and I was just like😮. I don't think I've ever seen a plot twist in a music video and if I did, it certainly didn't leave the impact of this one. This is The Usual Suspects levels of surprise (to me)

I mention this cause I was watching Seo In Guk's youtube channel where he mentioned it and how there's reaction videos to it which led me down a rabbit hole of reaction videos to it haha


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omg! I love K.Will but had never seen this video. The whole time I was watching I was coming up with various ways the story was going to be upended, but I never guessed the actual twist. Nicely played!


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Me too, that was great!


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So you haven't heard the huge news of K.Will having a comeback soon and these two returning to act in his new MV? The whole kpop community currently is waiting nervously for this, hoping for a fix-it sequel lol)))


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Oh are they?! Wow, that's cool

I keep pausing the video where they were talking about Please Don't so I didn't get to any mention of a comeback or them reuniting in the music video haha

What do you mean fix it? Fix what?
As I asked this, I realized the answer would be a spoiler for ths video but I'm also genuinely confused what would be fixed haha
Argh! Frustration about being trying to be considerate about spoilers for a video that's over a decade old! Haha


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Yep, that was all over my sns a few days ago)))

You guessed right - people hope for "true love" winning in sequel somehow - no idea if that's the plan or not, but what a great publicity stunt anyway!


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I heard about K.Will and a sequel to Please Don't. There is nothing to fix in the original. The plot twist is good as it is. 😃


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Yeah! The iconic video!

This was such a cultural shock back then. People went crazy over it.
I watched the reaction of the "Classical Musicians react" channel, and yeah, that's pretty much how the whole nation and international fans reacted to it.

Such a classic.


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I don't think true plot twists exist anymore. I could definitely be (and I even considered making a separate post about this).

I could definitely be wrong but I can't think of true surprising plot twists nowadays.


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This week I went to see an exhibit about Korean popular culture. It was very cool! One thing that stuck with me: there was a listening station for k-pop crossover music. It had one of my favorite tracks by Yaeji, "Waking Up Down." But it also had "Tiger is Coming" by Leenalchi. (Beom naeryeoonda is what it sounds like.) I couldn't stop looking for more of that pansori-influenced pop music. I didn't realize that one of the musicians from Leenalchi had made the OST for School Nurse Files, a drama I really loved. The music added so much!


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Have you seen the Rhythm of Korea video featuring Tiger is Coming? Such an addictive song. Couldn't get it out of my head for days!


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OK! I just finished watching Chief Detective 1958 and I am in love with it! It is so fun! It takes a lot now to get me laughing at anything I watch and this is it! The ragtag group of cops is gold and seeing how they give the gangs comeuppance is so satisfying. It makes me fall in love with Lee Je Hoon all over again. He is one of my all time favorites.


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Lee Je-hoon is a always a delight. ❤ I was hoping the "grandson" meant we would get a sequel. 🤞


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Does anyone else have korean movies or dramas they know so much about but have no idea *why* they know about them? Haha

I just saw the trailer for the korean movie A Christmas Carol and I'm just like "Why do I know about this entire movie?" Haha
I don't remember watching a recap of it (but I guess I must've) and yet I know it's messed up and sad yet, as almost always, challenging roles showcase actors' talents and I think that was the case for the lead actor. He was the lead in He's psychometric.

Also seeing the trailer, I recogonize Tae Sung (from Lovely Runner) is in it and I think he plays a bad guy. At least in the trailer he's hitting someone.


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“Missing Crown Prince” is missing something!! Not sure what is it exactly, whether it is the cast or production or story! Can’t tell exactly but that is how I see it ! Anyone watched it and give us feedback ?? I am on eps. 9 ! And will continue till the end , I love “ sageuk” anyways ☺️


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@zindigo has been doing recaps/reactions. Check the fan page


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Thanks #Mazarin! I'll also be posting the links to all of these posts on the hangout page as soon as the show ends.


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I'm enjoying MCP although it's not perfect. I'm not sure it's missing anything? I think it's just more different in every way than it appears to be on the surface, and people have found that disconcerting. It's a bummer this drama wasn't fully recapped, which is why I decided to post weekly comments on my fan wall. They aren't recaps though... just reaction posts. My latest comments for eps 15-16 are here: https://www.dramabeans.com/members/zindigo/activity/1590504/ There aren't any spoilers!


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Joseon Period fascinates me. I have been reading up on it. The more I learn, the less I think I know about it. I love the articles by this man:


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Thanks! I have read a few, will read more. My Korean knowledge is very out of date, so its interesting reading the modern stuff as well.


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