Welcome to Samdal-ri: Episodes 9-10

Our family reels from the accident, and the sisters realize there’s a lot they’ve missed in the past eight years they’ve been away from home. The situation brings to mind a past tragedy that gets the whole neighborhood reminiscing. A lot has been buried, but bringing the parent generation’s pasts into focus sheds light on current relationship dynamics that not only impact them but also the next generation.


We start out this week learning more about the moms: the two Mi-jas. Sam-dal’s mom KO MI-JA originally hails from the mainland and struggled to fit in when she arrived on Jeju after marriage. Initially, she butted heads with Yong-pil’s mom BU MI-JA, but after discovering they were both singer Cho Yong-pil fangirls, they were inseparable. They even vowed to be second moms to each other’s children if one of them were to pass away. Bu Mi-ja, haenyeo extraordinaire, took newbie Ko Mi-ja under her wing. So many years later, when Ko Mi-ja decided to stay behind because she hadn’t caught anything the day of the rain, Bu Mi-ja joined her. And that’s the day Bu Mi-ja died in the water.

Ah, this makes much more sense. It’s not Sam-dal that Yong-pil’s dad CHO SANG-TAE hates and blames for his wife’s death – it’s her mom. I’m still not sure what that has to do with their children or why he feels the need to punish them for parental grudges, but okay.

In the present day, Mi-ja is brought to the hospital unconscious but alive. The doctor asks the logical question here, which is why in the world is a woman with arrhythmia diving? Sam-dal’s dad is so frazzled he can barely answer the doctor’s questions about her condition, but Yong-pil shows up and gives her medical history.

Sam-dal is naturally angry at Yong-pil for hiding her mom’s condition from her. He feels bad, but he was following Mi-ja’s wishes and didn’t feel he could say anything. He tried to get her to tell her kids, but she wouldn’t budge. Sam-dal goes silent when Yong-pil counters that if she’d come home at all during the past eight years, she’d have figured it out herself and maybe could’ve stopped her mom from diving. Oof. That may be true, but maybe save that conversation for after her mom is out of the hospital.

Not that she’s in the hospital for long. Mi-ja is way too stubborn to stay once she wakes up, so the best the family can do is force her not to overdo it at home. The sisters decide they’re going to stop their mom from diving for good, but they struggle not to cower under their mother’s formidable personality. It’s Ha-yul who proves the most practical and quietly hides her grandmother’s diving suit with no one the wiser.

Ha-yul has been stoic about the whole incident, insisting to the adults that she’s fine and not to worry about her. It’s not until she meets up with Ji-chan again by the ocean that she lets herself act like the child she is and cries her little heart out, worrying about her family and what to do if the ocean takes away her grandmother.

Seeing how comfortable Ha-yul is with him and how nice he is to her makes me like him, but we still haven’t gotten to see him and Hae-dal together much. They do meet coincidentally when their friends drag them to a singles bar. The groups end up sitting together, and Hae-dal and Ji-chan bond over being judged for their life choices.

The family learns that someone surreptitiously paid Mi-ja’s hospital bill. They assume it’s Yong-pil, but they don’t realize Da-young happened to be visiting a relative and saw them there. He’s loath to leave the island and gets his excuse to stay when the contract signing for the theme park goes south. The locals speak ill of Jin-dal, joking she must’ve been a handful and that the divorce “serves her right.” Da-young is livid and lays into them, yelling about how much Jin-dal suffered. He refuses to sign the contract and storms out. He then oh-so-casually decides that maybe Samdal-ri would be an even better place to put his park. You know, just because.

Meanwhile, Sam-dal and Yong-pil’s relationship gets a push from Gyung-tae who has inherited his mother’s inability to stay quiet. He gets drunk and shares that Yong-pil has stayed in Jeju all this time to look after Mi-ja because he’s still in love with Sam-dal.

This ties into how The Breakup went down: Eight years ago, Sam-dal had broken up with Yong-pil after his father told her to. Yong-pil planned to follow her abroad to work it out after his mother’s memorial day. However, Mi-ja collapsed that night after Sang-tae yelled at her when she brought food by. Yong-pil called an ambulance, and that’s how he learned of her heart problem. So when Sam-dal returned later, crying she couldn’t go through with the breakup, Yong-pil texted that he was done while sobbing in his room. He’d thought he was protecting everyone, not guessing that Sam-dal would suffer as much as he did.

After Sam-dal learns that Yong-pil gave up his own dreams of being a bigshot weather forecaster for her, she drinks herself silly. Yong-pil shows up, and they finally have an honest conversation. Sam-dal admits she couldn’t forget him and every time he asks if she’s okay, she wants to lean on him. Then, she kisses him (which of course, Sang-do sees because if a kiss happens in a drama but there’s no second lead to see it, did it really happen?).

Yong-pil goes around smiling and chipper the next day, despite being kicked out by his dad. The same night Yong-pil and Sam-dal kissed, he and his dad had it out. His father was livid after also learning why Yong-pil stayed on the island all this time. Yong-pil cried that he’s in just as much pain as his father, but he’ll never hate Mi-ja or blame her for his mom’s accident. That didn’t go over well.

Sam-dal’s memories of that night are fuzzy, which makes her incredibly awkward around Yong-pil. She gets news she won the photography competition and will be doing the Jeju exhibit, but she panics when they pair her up with Yong-pil (since it’s hosted by the weather station). After a day together of trying to find non-touristy places for a photo shoot, they stumble on a beautiful sunset. Yong-pil takes the opportunity to confront her, sharing that she confessed to him that night. And then it all comes back to her.

These two are going at a snail’s pace despite everyone knowing they’re still in love with each other, so I’m glad they’re finally having a direct talk while sober. (Seriously, you’d think Sam-dal would stop drinking so much after all the embarrassing incidents she’s had.) I get that Yong-pil’s dad needed someone to blame in his grief, but it’s been almost 20 years! Even if it’s just for the sake of his son, he needs to let his anger go. Yong-pil has been caught in the middle of his father and Mi-ja all these years, burying his own wants and needs to keep everyone happy. It’s finally time he puts himself first – otherwise, his entire life will pass him by.


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So much to love this week! Our dopey chaebol misunderstanding a situation...but also totally understanding the situation. Ajumma being spunky and telling everyone to keep their paws of her body and her agency. Yong-pil moving out and living his own life faster than Hyo-shim in Live Your Own Life. Wang Gyeong-tae being the awesomest side character in this show...he's a better "2ML" than our actual 2ML, who, let's be honest, needs to get a grip faster than Jang Shin-yu.

C'mon dude, that's Ji Chang-wook over there you're "at war" with. That's the most losing-est of battles ever waged. I know there are literally no other 38-40 year old women in all of Samdal-ri, (I mean, have YOU seen any in the show?), but pack in the towel. Move to the States! Go to Switzerland! I hear that's a great place to meet Korean women! Once a year anyway.

This show keeps me entertained from beginning to end.


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I was going to say something about places outside of big cities often having a lack of women, making all those sad bachelors a realistic and not that easily solvable problem, but it seems instead we should feel the ambience of newcomers steadily arriving at Jeju Island and looking for a way to settle there.


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Samdal's dad got a wife by wooing a girl from the mainland to marry him and move to Jeju. And I think Eun-woo's wife is also from the mainland.

Makes sense why Sang-do is still hung up on Samdal. The only women his age that he runs into are his customers at the bustling restaurant.


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I mean, no, it doesn't "make sense" at all that Sang-do's still so hung up on Sam-dal after decades of consistently seeing, with his own eyes, that she is not only not interested in him but head-over-heels, forever-in-love with someone else--unless he's a psychopath waiting to blow (which would change the narrative of this drama, dramatically!!).

It only "makes sense" in the context of this story needing another way for the audience to perceive yet another set of strained relationships that will end--we hope--satisfyingly resolved by episode 16. And the tension isn't only being ascribed to Sang-do/Sam-dal. It also surrounds Sang-do/Young-pil.


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I agree that his unrequited crush doesn't make sense when it's so obvious whom Samdal loves, but I think given how small his world is, fewer women, and limited opportunities to talk to women, I can sort of see how he's still hung up on her.

Even Yong-pil's dad gave off that Sang-do vibe - hovering over the uninterested Bu Mi-ja until she inexplicably falls for or settles for him.

Sang-do will not be having the same sort of luck.


Omg pls don’t let Sang Do be the serial killer we’ve been missing from this drama.

I wish the time spent on him could’ve been spent on the sisters, they’re more interesting than Sang Do’s unrequited crush.


Yes, please, no serial killer.
But if there should be one, it would obviously be either Young-pil's dad, or sister's chaebol-ex'es evil family.
Sang-do is just there for contrast. It's not very nice towards him, but we can hope there's a girl for him in ep. 16 or something.


Given that he only runs into what, several hundred women customers his age a year, and that we saw there are only 2 attractive women who gazed at him adoringly and who would be happy to date him, and that Jeju Island only has about 33,000 women age 30-38, and that Seoul is an agonizing hour and 10 minutes flight away, a flight that we know he made only multiple times, yes his world is tiny, about elementary school size, so no wonder he still has a crush at age 38 on the one girl in his school who he liked at age 8. That's totally understandable, and normal--I think every guy I know is like that, except me, and that's only because I can't remember my elementary school crush, or even if I had one!


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I remember mine ;) He was a dreamboat.


Crazily enough, a bit like Seon-ha, I was all "agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed, ... Wait WHAT? You don't remember your school crushes!?! 😮"


@ceciliedk I was of course joking about how this character is totally unrealistic, as are ALL the characters in this show, in a way I find simultaneously irritating and amusing. (Have I mentioned this yet? Hate to only repeat myself once!) Even good looking Dolphin guy. Yes, we know he is a dolphin enthusiast. But what does he actually do for the dolphin foundation? Come up with their names for fundraising purposes?
But, speaking of being unrealistic, of course I vividly remember all my elementary school crushes. I just don't remember if I went to elementary school!


I stopped watching around ep 3, and just popped in to read a few comments to test how things are going. hacja ... lol, is all I can say.


‘ Ajumma being spunky and telling everyone to keep their paws of her body and her agency.’ 👈🏾I always think about the rescue crews who have to risk their lives looking for people in bad conditions. When it’s accidental that’s one thing but when someone does something knowingly risky like diving with a condition that is more likely to become life threatening that’s something else. Yes it’s your choice to do what you want but is it fair that other people are put at risk in the process. No one wants to get old or develop health conditions but once you are in that position being a hero and fighting on is not always the best thing for you or anyone else. There are other things you can do and still be productive and live a quality life.


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That's what I was thinking last week. She's not only putting her life in danger, but also the life of the people around her. Another haenyeo trying to help her if something goes wrong, or a rescue team.

I also found it strange since she has a family. Watching everything her daughters said to her, her husband, Yong Pil, and how she reacted to all of it felt kinda off. I won't say it was right or wrong because every mother/family dynamic is different. But it really surprised me.


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She did not want any thanks from Samdal, she said she didn't deserve it.
Apart from beating up her daughters at any opportunity she gets, she seems to have some self hatred and an enormous guilt feeling that does not only relate to her part in why ML's mum died.
So really, I think she wants to work till she dies. That is her aim.


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Realistically, all you need to do to stop her diving is to tell all the haenyos. Because, as you said, it's not fair to put other people at risk, and that includes the haenyos ( who have already had to rescue her once, and have to live with the multiple deaths of friends and coworkers) I'm pretty sure the haenyo's would stop her/refuse to dive with her if they knew. But any possible 'realism' departed when Ko Mija was found alive, after we last saw her in stormy seas with a strong current at the bottom of the ocean with weights on her belt- and then she was suddenly rescued and in hospital and walking around the next day.


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Exactly so realistic to hold your breathe while having irregular heartbeats and sinking to the ocean floor, then getting the energy to get to the surface and riding out a storm while waiting to be rescued!


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I thought it was weird that neither Yong Pil or the dad tried to play the "quit that job or I'll tell the whole neighborhood" card. And it's weird that her daughters didn't ask for help either.

They can't prevent her mom from going anywhere (they're not even in the house most of the time), all they need to do is tell the others to keep an eye on her and don't let her dive.


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Exactly! This is another entry in the ongoing saga of my frustration with ludicrous k-drama underwater scenes. She'd be beyond saving within minutes, but if she was found unconscious by rescue crews that mobilized only after Yong-Pil called them, it must have taken at least 15 minutes. It's up there with people receiving full-on rib-cracking CPR or being shocked with defibrillators, waking up and walking away with a bit of a cough and a pat on the back.


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Especially when it happens two times in a short time.
Those eight extra years diving are understandable. Health decision are always a pro and con thing. How much life quality will you lose, does medicine have side effects, what are the odds?
But now, it feels more like luck if she survives just one more time. Her condition really doesn't allow for it.


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My dad has her condition and he doesn't even go swimming anymore


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Agree! We have friends who joke about creating a show called "save or not save?" where people get to decide who to save, of those people who recklessly risk the lives of others who may feel the need to rescue them.


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That’s an excellent idea for a game show! It’s a good thing the show doesn’t exist as the ones who would be left stranded by me are mountaineers. I don’t get the need to climb a mountain just because you can and it’s there. I heard one man went climbing at a time when he had a young baby at home and he died on that mountain. I wonder what the fatherless child will feel about the choices their dad made when they were so young and the long term impact of that loss on all the family members.


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I'm so glad Yong Pil is living his own life. I hope he never comes back.


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He was doing his dad a favour staying in the house with him for so long because his unacceptable behaviour has been present ever since he locked him in his room to stop him going to Samdal, that’s the day Yongpil should have begun searching for a rental. Surely he will have savings to rent or buy somewhere although I know tourist places tend to be too expensive for the locals to afford the house prices.


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I wonder how is the show planning to fix this situation.

The dad didn't "forgive" her mom in the past 18 years, and it doesn't seem like he will start forgiving now. And Yong Pil isn't the type to cut ties with family, even if that family is a negative influence in his life.

Maybe the show is really going to do something to Sam Dal's mom...?


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I hope not but I feel like her determination to keep going and always supplying the family next door is her way to make up for her guilt for making a bad decision that cost her friend her life. The fact she is making decisions now that put more people at risk does not seem to have registered.


Your comment made me laugh so hard! I also have noticed the lack of young women in the town, what is up with that?


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They’re marrying the dolphins, I guess. Those mammals are way better listeners than the men of Samdal-ri! 🙃


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They are! My husband thinks the young women all moved away because this town is awful


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There was more drinking. Everyone drank to move the story forward. Mindless drinking.
The scene where SamDal takes the pictures of the newly wedded couples was very very sweet. Yong Pil standing by looking like he would burst with pride added to the poignance.


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It seems in countries with a strong cultural emphasis on not losing face, the only way to make anyone say what they really think or feel is to get them really drunk.
So that's two thing we really need if we want to see romance blossom whereever we live:
1) Lots and lots of strong alcohol, and 2) a generous amount of fairly large pieces of silk cloth waving in the breeze in the streets and yards.


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I feel like there isn't much to do on the island. Like in dramas set in Seoul, there are other ways to destress and distract yourself:
1. Go to your old school and run around in the middle of the night until a security guard chases you away.
2. Batting cages
3. Karaoke bars. Okay, they also serve alcohol there, but you take breaks when you're singing.
4. Go hang out at a playground or the public exercise equipment
5. Go sit somewhere that overlook the city lights
6. Go to a late night showing of a movie. Surely some sad movie will be running so you can cry and convince yourself and everyone else that it's because of the movie.
7. Clubbing.
8. Drive 1-2 hours to the beach. Doesn't work as well when you live right by the ocean.


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Loving this list, the children’s playground has always been the mystery for me!
Hiking in inappropriate clothes or weather is also another option for the list!


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Hanging out in the playground!!! Is it really that common or just in dramas? Or maybe playgrounds in Korea is always well-lighted at night?


Playgrounds at night were not uncommon for us in our twenties. They don't cost anything, there is seating, sometimes there is shelter, and you can do something ( like play on the swings) while you pretend that what you are saying isn't earth shatteringly important to you . (there is a lot of earth shattering at that age I think) (In terms of filming, they are also probably a cheap outside set.- Kdramas that have coffee house ppl usually go to the coffee house instead. Subway seems to have tight control of its ppl though- I have seen very little plot development or conversation in a Subway )


The latest one was the Micky D’s drive thru in Castaway Diva. I kept thinking hold on why have McDonalds not been all over the PPL opportunities seeing how popular Subway is. Especially the drive thru element which means less disruption to the store operations, could be done day and night too.


American films and TV shows also have a lot of "talking on a swing set" scenes.
And also, going up to a place where you can look out over a city and the talk there.
Playground may be a conveniant neutral ground for actually talking things through, also because there'll usually be one close by that you know from having been younger not so long ago, but this vantage point thing ... I think it is mostly elderly people and tourists who go to such places all the time? Am I wrong?
Copenhagen doesn't have a lot of that kind of places except on buildings, since Denmark is very flat, but I just remembered one vantage point. I would *never* go there to talk anything through. It's like, just a windy street with a lawn and then further down some unremarkable houses. But for an outdoor Copenhagen-from-above scenery, that would be it. I tried to find a picture, but the closest I could find didn't even show that you actually can see a bit down over half-suburban Copenhagen from there.



Playgrounds might be a mystery to most Americans, because our cities were/are built horribly compared to European/Asian cities. We do all of the stuff in a car and as compared to these cities, we have few public parks, or walkable sidewalks with good public transportation. Plus HUGE distances. We rarely walk and as a result suffer from lack of face-to-face real communication, isolation, obesity and a number of mental conditions. I LOVE observing people hanging around the playgrounds in K-dramas. To me, it's feels refreshing (even if the setting is overused in dramaland) as opposed to always driving in your car to *actually* get to that playground here, in the US.


I live in the US in one of the few walkable cities and can walk to a playground where I live, but it feels sketchy to hang around it late at night (they're not as well-lit as the ones in kdramas), and I live in a safe neighborhood if you can overlook the peeping tom. And during the day, it feels reserved for kids who are typically accompanied by parents nowadays, so it would feel weird to be the lone unaccompanied adult. I love when my friends visit with their kids so we can go to playgrounds together.


Talking things Through On a Swing Set

They did that in Chasing Amy:

And this should hopefully show the drawn version of that same swing sets in a comic, part of the same movie.

And here, the first teasers for "SKAM, Austin", the American version of the fantastic Norwegian OG SKAM. In the American version, there was a lot of hanging out on those swings.

I am pretty sure there are more, but I don't remember which - others will have to find those examples.


Oops, couldn't post pictures. I did on my own wall, then, link here


Me being over-enthusiastic about this:
This link now has seven "Two grownups talk on swing set" movies and shows, one picture from each, + the graphic novel drawing from "Chasing Amy".


TBH, when you are feeling down, you can look at the sea for at lo-o-o-ong time.
In the book about the Moomins going to live on an island, "Moominpappa at sea", it is described in realistic and chilling detail; being depressed, and finding a spot, looking at the ocean for so, so long.
(While Moominmamma, who misses her kind. cozy house and garden in the Moomin Valley so much, disappears into her own murial. And because it is Moomin, she can actually sit behind a tree or bush in there, and no one can see her).


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I grew up in England and loved the Moomin trolls. I read all the books back in the 60s. We also had a lot of playgrounds that were walking distance, and long after we were too old to use the slide, swings, etc we would still hang out in one or another as teenagers because we had no money, nowhere else to go, and didn't look old enough to be served in a pub!

So I am quite nostalgic when I see the playgrounds at night in k-dramas. In fact I usually wonder why there aren't more adults there!


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Need to keep in mind, if you are an adult not accompanying a child and hang around children in a park, you are going to deal with some suspicious people. Lol


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Just had to say thanks for this great list!

I would add to go take a walk in a park near the river, or even a walk across the Han River bridge to contemplate...

And go to a Subway--just kidding, wink-wink!


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Don't forget rain, especially standing in it looking happy and like you don't care you're getting wet (guaranteed to make men fall for you)


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Agree. And the "I don't remember" after drinking trope is really getting old in this particular drama. At least they haven't made a big deal of hangover cures, yet...


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But "not making a big deal out of hangover cures" part, does that not just mean that they lack that funding? Instead, we will soon see Yeong-pil's dad cured from alcoholism because he finds harmony in his massage chair.
And Mrs. Ko, too, will have no more heart problems, thanks to massage chair.


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LOL ;-)


Sang Do is the exact reason I hate love triangles: the pining, hurt feelings, and awkwardness. And I don't even feel for him except kinda irked because how and why can't he move on? They never even actually dated, she lived in a different area for 18 years, she didn't even stay in contact with him, and he's become very wealthy so likely he would have his choice of women. Is it suppose to be the romanticism of "the one that got away" or "if only I had confessed first, what would have been"? Neither of those things appeal to me personally so I couldn't care less about this plot. And on a superficial level, I feel like I'm seeing a giant spotlight on why one is the lead and the other is the second lead and I wonder if it's their looks or is it acting choices. Both? Yong Pil has more presence than Sang Do (to me) and I think he probably is the one folks would gravitate to as a leader.

Sidenote: I was already watching this show but then I watched Healer and discovered Yong Pil & Sam Dal's mom are Healer & Hacker Ajumma which made me enjoy their scenes together even more haha. Kinda also made me wonder what a continuation in the Healer story would like.

I've said this before and I'll probably say it again after future episodes but boy oh boy, I don't know what to feel about the father. I already he blamed the entire family for the wife's death but oh, it rubs me the wrong way. It makes him so unlikable and unsympathetic to me even though I know he's grieving. The way he talks about and to them. The way he treats Yong Pil. As I keep saying: I get it; he's grieving and how can you tell someone how to grieve and all that but ugh, he's pretty much reaching antagonist status along with Jin Dal's former in laws.

The lying about the daughter is so short sighted to me that I wonder why it keeps being a thing. If the dolphin guy *does* get together with Ha Yul's mom, does everyone around her think he would be too emotionally invested to dump her after learning she's a mother? To me, hiding her daughter would make it seem like she's ashamed of her daughter and/or being a single mother (and yes, I know there's a sigma of single motherhood) and that would just eventually make all involved feel bad.


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Sang-do doesn't stand a chance. Samdal has never been in love with him, and neither have we.
I hope the show will find some girl for him, too, though. It's sad to see him so unhappy, even if he really ought to get it together now.


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He just kinda more and more pitiful the more I think about him. Like when he got offended by the friend saying he would be overstepping or meddling or whatever by going to the hospital since it was her family & Yong Pil was already so he could update them. "It's too much if it's me but not him?" Yeah! Clearly Yong Pil is like family to them. He calls her mom, he's always going out of his way to look after the mom. He even was able to communicate with the doctor when the husband was frazzled to think.

Even if everyone knows about her heart issues, I doubt they know as in depth as the husband and Yong Pil know.

Sidenote: Yong Pil's dad knows about some teacher that could possibly be set up with Yong Pil but NO ONE knows *ANY* women Sang Do could be set up with? It just grates me the more I think on it that he's been hung up on Sam Dal for so long.


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One thought about Yong-pil’s dad — show tells us his wife is hardly the only haenyeo to have lost her life in the sea. If all the other families harbored resentment and blamed others the way he does, they wouldn’t have a functioning community.


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So true! And you don't see the other haenyeos resenting Ko Mi-ja for Bu Mi-ja's death either.

While I can understand Yong-pil's dad's resentment and I can see how Samdal's mom's stubbornness had put Bu Mi-ja in danger, forcing Yong-pil to share in his resentment is too much. And given how close the two Mi-jas were and Bu Mi-ja being a tough cookie, Bu Mi-ja would have been sorely disappointed in how the dad is treating Yong-pil and Samdal.


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I know right! It's weird cause we don't know *that* much about her as a wife or mother yet it feels so certain that she would NEVER approve of the way her husband is treating her son, a girl she considered a daughter, and her best friend.

And I'm wondering why he's blaming Sam Dal's mom. Is it because he heard a gossip version of the event where people were like "if only Mi Ja didn't insist on going back in the water" like how the townsfolks were gossiping around the granddaughter saying "if only Mi Ja had gone to a shaman for a ritual, her son in law wouldn't have died".


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‘ And you don't see the other haenyeos resenting Ko Mi-ja for Bu Mi-ja's death either’ 👈🏾they definitely don’t resent her otherwise she would not be the head haenyeo.


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What would make most sense is if somehow he feels it is his fault, and therefore he *has* to make it someone else's fault to fill up the emotional space where that realisation could have been.
1) It could be just for the fact of bringing her from a safe environment in Seoul to Jeju, where women are expected to do hard, life threatening work (I read up on Jeju - other dramas I have seen just talk about it as a place to go on holiday or live "away from the city". But they have had a half-matriarchy for a long time! Did everybody but me know that?
2) Or maybe he has even pressured her to make more money, compared her to what other women on the island managed to make.
3 ) Or something else - something that would make her more willing to stay out long, or even just a fight that happened that very morning and made it extra horrible that she would die that day.
4) That thing could be that he was drinking too much already, maybe.


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It's Samdal's mom who was originally from Seoul. Yong-pil's mom was a true local and herself was the daughter of a haenyeo and was already good at catching seafood. But I also wondered if he was lashing out due to some self-guilt. Yong-pil's mom did hope to move to the mainland one day (like most young people in Jeju dream of doing and then return home defeated), but I guess she gave up that dream after she married the dad.


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Yes I love the matriarchal history of this island!


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I wonder if the writer wants us to sympathize with Yong Pil's dad? I feel like the show is doing a great job making him the villain.

1. The only flashbacks of Yong Pil's mom are we Sam Dal's mom. We're supposed to believe that he was a great husband in a loving relationship but we didn't see that.
2. Her death was an accident. She decided to go with her friend, things went wrong, the end.
3. We keep seeing how Sam Dal's mom keeps trying to make things right while he treats her horrible. He also treats the rest of the family awful.
4. He became a horrible father. Maybe he always was, who knows. We only see him being horrible all the time.

So I think it's okay for us to not like him, I don't think the show is expecting the contrary.

Yes! I don't understand why everyone keeps lying about Hae Dal and her kid. I find that really disrespectful.

When Ha Yul did it, I didn't mind that much, she's just a kid and she wants the best for her mom. But her "friends" saying that made me really uncomfortable.


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She has said/almost said 'daughter' so many times in front of him, when he is finally told he is probably going to say "of course I knew"


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Yeah. She keeps saying the word daughter and then other people "corrects" her. As if she didn't know the difference between "daughter" and "niece". LOL

It makes more sense if he's just pretending to not know.


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And he and the kid obviously love each other. He is obviously her new dad.
If I was going for real tragedy here, her mum would take the place of her grandma, and then DROWN and then that nice dolphin guy would adopt her, even without being married to her mum at all.
I don't think we're going down that road, though.


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That is not a road this drama would take 😱 and I would see the sisters adopting her over the dolphin man unless they got married and then legally that would make sense for him to be the dad figure.


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As I said, I don't think we're going there either. But she likes him so much, and yes, he was the one she dared cry to, and also, she is hooked on dolphins now. So she would be better off with him than with her aunts, in some ways. And also, it would be touching and dramatic more than the girl just being absorbed by family.
But of course, her mother is going to marry that nice guy ... if Jong-woo had been there, he would have bent over double and ended up gasping on the floor at the sight of those two.


@ceciliedk thank you for the image of a random man in hanbok appearing stage left clutching his chest and telling them to stop faffing around and get the girl her flower girl dress already so she can escort them down the aisle!

It’s just like the girl in The Matchmakers who knew first meeting the ex guard was a kind man.


He wouldn't adopt her, tho. Ha Yul has a family.
Even if something happens to her mom, she would still have a home.

I don't think he would try to take care of her either. She's probably just a "cute kid in the neighborhood". I don't think they're bond is that strong for a Matilda ending.
She's not a dolphin he can just keep an eye on with some binoculars, he would need to actually take care of her and be responsible for her.


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‘She's not a dolphin he can just keep an eye on with some binoculars’ 👈🏾🤣


The dad is so annoying, I really wish Yongpil, could just duke it out with him, but I get why that's hard. Not sure I care for the divorcees to get back together but I am curious to see more of Jinchan, Hayul, and Haedal


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Shin Hye-sun and Ji Chang-wook just look so adorable together, particularly in their flashbacks.

Whew, mom is okay!! I loved the flashback of the two Mi-jas. This ordeal reminds me of just how dangerous the profession is and the amount of training and courage it takes to become a haenyeo. But there aren't a lot of jobs. I noticed that 3 out of the 5 kids work at the weather station and that is as white-collar as it gets. Even Bu Mija, in her youth, was dreaming about moving to the mainland. I'm surprised that she intentionally named Yong-pil after her idol.

Dae-young is hilarious. And Secretary Ko's keeping his reactions under control - hope the man is being paid lots.

Loved the tie-in about the dolphins and what happens when a baby dolphin loses its mom. Ha-yul does feel like an old soul sometimes, but I think it's because of her empathy. She was crying about losing her grandma not because that's her grandma but because her mom would be left motherless and she knows how much love she already has for her own mom.

Sang-do is such a drag on the show. Most of his scenes are of him pining after Samdal and I feel like the show is trying to make me feel bad for him. I'm just feeling frustrated with him. The love triangle reminds me a bit of the one in Our Beloved Summer, but I don't remember being as annoyed with the guy with the unrequited love in that drama as with Sang-do.


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Sang-do is such a drag on the show.
If this is what the writer intends to do with his character for the most of Welcome to Samdalri's run, I'll say that we could have had this story without Sang-do.

I'm so hella pissed that the one drama in how many dramas now that Kang Young-seok is starring in that isn't a thriller or crime drama has him been underutilized and pining over what cannot be. It is a great disservice and a huge disappointment for me.

There are many people he can be paired with, or even introduce a character into the story later on, maybe in episode 12. I was excited to see him but not like this.


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I'm glad Yong Pil called out Sam Dal sober, it is time. She knows that man likes her, get it together girl. As for Sang Do, chingu, MOVE ON sir.


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Move on, sir, indeed! I feel bad for the actor, but Sang-do's character is written as a one trick pony that doesn't offer an even remotely credible threat to the OTP. Somehow that's even worse than a love triangle to me.

There's enough baggage to make the OTP story interesting on its own without throwing Sang-do's pining into it. I feel bad for the actor.


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I haven't watched episode 10 yet.
I know that so far Yong Pil's whole identity has been Sam Dal, but the way the even made his feelings about his mother's death and his relationship with his second mom about Sam Dal was extremely weird for me.

I thought this episode (9) did a good job showing the bond between both families. A bond that started before Sam Dal and Yong Pil became a couple. It started before those two were born.

Because love isn't all about romance. Love for family exists. He loves his second mom as his own family. That's what I was thinking... But apparently not? Literally everything he does is about Sam Dal and all his feelings and relationships with other people, even the last mother figure he has left, are about his feelings for Sam Dal.

That's just too much.
I finally started liking his character. I saw something else in him, but nope. The show decided that this guy doesn't deserve to have an identity outside of being Dal's love interest.

I'm disappointed.


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I don't think his affection for Sam Dal's mom is due to his feelings for Sam Dal or at least not the way you're making it seem.

I think he cares about her and his protective of her because she is like a second mother to him. I think he feels even more protective of her because of how his mother died and then when he was there to witness the start of her heart issues, that just just intensified those feelings with more urgency because he doesn't want to lose her too.


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But even if it feels like that, at the end the show keeps using the mothers to explain his relationship with Sam Dal.

They used his mother's death as an excuse for the break up, and now they used Sam Dal's mom heart problems to get them back together.

They haven't really show us Yong Pil's relationship with any Mi Ja to give him some deepness as an individual, or show some family love. They literally made everything about him and Sam Dal.

His dad gets angry because he keeps treating "the enemy" as a mother figure, and what does he ask him? "Do you still like Sam Dal?". Same goes for Sang Do that overreacts about Yong Pil going to the hospital. The same goes for Jin Dal or Gyeong Tae and Eun Ho.

After Yong Pil helped his "mom" for eight years, every single character came to the conclusion that it was because of Sam Dal. And he never denied it. He didn't tell Sam Dal "I didn't give up on my dreams because of you. I just wanted to protect my mom". He didn't replied to his dad "even if I didn't love Sam Dal, I wouldn't hate my mom".

The show keeps using everything and everyone as an excuse to justify the romance. To explain it, break it and put it back together.

But I guess it's my fault for being disappointed when this drama has been using this type of writing since day 1. At least it is consistent.


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This is very true. Moments that could have been used to show us more about this guy, to add meat to his character is used instead to revolve around Sam-dal. It is weak writing.


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Another great set of episodes. Thanks @quirkycase for the weecap. These two points stood out for me too. 👉🏾‘Then, she kisses him (which of course, Sang-do sees because if a kiss happens in a drama but there’s no second lead to see it, did it really happen?).’ It seems even more ridiculous to pursue her just because HIS feelings are so strong after seeing how both Yong-pil and Samdal reciprocate their feelings for each other and he has always been aware of that. When they broke up he had the money to seek her out and pursue her then why wait eight years? This is typical second female lead behaviour and it is impossible to sympathise with this level of ‘my feelings are more important than yours’ he is displaying.

👉🏾‘I get that Yong-pil’s dad needed someone to blame in his grief, but it’s been almost 20 years! Even if it’s just for the sake of his son, he needs to let his anger go.’ What worried me about him dropping everything to run to the scene, was it looked suspiciously like he was disappointed to see her found alive. That level of hatred is shocking when he knows the level of hurt he and the his son went through. It was also shocking that knowing how quality of life can be impacted by unexpected things like dementia in his mother in law he feels happy to waste his life harbouring resentment that is not going to bring his wife back or meet his son’s needs for happiness after such a traumatic experience. At her ceremony he was more focused on hurting his son than he was on showing respect to his wife by fully engaging in the mourning ceremony; he was wearing normal clothes, didn’t bow and was arguing in front of her.

I loved that the divorced husband finally showed his strength, but unfortunately for him it was in ways that are only going to make him more of a disappointment and target for his family. Building a project that big would have involved a scoping exercise with a team of people and multiple processes therefore, I don’t get how his late entry in the process would be powerful enough to shut things down when his dad sent him there as his representative and would just over ride his decision and sign the paperwork himself electronically from his office.
However, I loved the funeral flowers for the hospitalised relative!

Am I the only one wondering why they don’t give out duplicate receipts for hospital payments? If it’s her bill surely data protection re who paid it would not count if she asked for the receipt? If they are able to let anyone pay for someone’s bill that is already a data breach as the person paying would have a breakdown of the treatment plan in order to know the total outstanding. I have always wondered about this when this secret payment issue comes up in a drama.

I am confused about the random bride and groom. Why would they go to such a beautiful location with an expensive camera and not bring even an amateur photographer for such a significant event? They are taking a risk hoping someone competent...


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I was wondering why he rushed off too. I thought maybe he thought history was repeating but it didn't occur to me that he possibly was hoping to see her dead. That's awfully dark of him if that's the case. It wouldn't necessarily be surprising considering he said he holds himself back from burning down there house.


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My interpretation was that he was genuinely worried about her from the moment her heard about the news all the way to when he confirmed she was still alive. Of course, that moment of compassionate emotion for his enemy was unacceptable. He goes to his wife's resting place right after to remind himself to triple down on his resentment. He's so stubborn that he'd rather turn the memory of his wife into fresh wounds for everyone and kick out his son than to admit that he has been wrong.

Kdrama hospitals are always breaching privacy so I'm not too surprised by Dae-young being allowed to pay without the patient present. But I wondered why they couldn't get a receipt with the payer's name. I would have gotten a receipt just so the hospital can't come back to me months later and be like "You didn't pay."

I also love the funeral flowers! At first, I thought he was being dumb AF for picking out funeral flowers and then grinned when I realized he was doing it on purpose.


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And Mi-ja (the deceased one) wanted the kids to marry, so he's actively preventing an outcome that she would have wanted


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Its true, I am still watching this show even though I find it annoying, but just because I'm fascinated by how it tries to pretend it is a sentimental romance when in fact it is portraying a nightmarish set of circumstances involving elderly labor exploitation, failed or tragic marriages, childishly behaving men in their late 30s, hatred of successful career women, and parental abuse driven by insanity. If only it had a few murders! But its far better, I think, to show everybody in this hell-hole of a "small town" in the rapidly growing, international tourist destination of Jeju, dying by degrees because they are strangely isolated from modern life.

All I can say is I hope Sam-dal realizes the lesson taught by this show so far: do NOT as a woman, aspire to be a creative career in the big city. You'll only end up killing your mother through neglect! Really, as this show demonstrates, women should not try to succeed in any professional occupation --you will get cut down by other women, who are your main enemy. When women try to "succeed" outside the home, they just end up attacking each other! Sure, women can pick abalone off rocks-its mindless, simple, and you can gossip with "girl talk" all the time out of the water. Unfortunately, women can't really judge currents, no matter how much men try to protect them, and die of drowning-- but no one would ever think that you might make this job a kind of well paid occasional exhibition of a "colorful" occupation for tourists--because older women just love it as a subsistence level daily grind, especially when they get older with arthritic joints and heart conditions, and they will continue doing it until they can no longer their ATV's to the ocean! After all, its traditional, and these are simple, traditional people!

So I sure hope that at the end Sam-Dal stays at home, fights off Sang-do's sexual assault, marries the traumatized Yong Pil who is in serious need of therapy but will never get it, gets drunk continually to ease inevitable frustration, takes a few tourist and wedding pictures to earn some modest pin money, and has her kids to grow up in the town where she, her mother, and her grandmother lived. That way, she can join all her ancestors in happily dying in her sixties of either alcoholism or a heart attack, with all her children still living with her because they haven't wanted to leave their loving small town neighborhood, and also because they can't get any decent paying jobs.


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I wish I could laugh, but this comment is way too close to the truth...


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I wish we had a "small town" drama (K or Western) that ACTUALLY explores these issues seriously. I mean, there's nothing wrong for women to reject the big-city high-paying career in search of a lower-paying slower-paced more authentic life because, well, big-city high-paying career ain't ALL THAT. Unfortunately, Welcome is not that show.


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The novel Book Lovers by Emily Henry turns the Hallmark small town trope on its head and it's pretty great


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Thanks for rec!


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Yeah, I was like... Sam-dal's parents could have moved to Seoul. What the heck is keeping them in that town? She's in a dangerous profession that she's too old for (or at least too sick for), their neighbors talk behind their backs, and one neighbor hates them in like a may-kill-you-in-your-sleep kind of way.


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Because it's their home? Jeju and Seoul are so different. They spent their whole life living on an island why they will leave it for a noisy and polluted city. They're too old to make use of the advantages of leaving in a city.

Her job is a passion and her pride. It's a very important tradition too. Only women do this job. So yes, it's difficult but you can see how they form a tight-knit group.


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One thing I thought was nice was Sam Dal taking the wedding photos. I kinda felt like how Yong Pil looked: it was cool watching her in her element. Even though that wasn't specialty, she was still able to enhance those photos for the couples and there's a spark to seeing someone who is passionate and proficient in something actually do the thing.

I didn't even know disposible cameras were still a thing. Even in a small town. I just thought about how I didn't think people still developed film so it kinda cool in a nostalgic way. (I say as person who doesn't even know how to take pictures with my phone)

I wonder if the show will wrap up with her opening another studio on JeJu or will she go back to Seoul.


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I feel bad for the actor playing Sang-do. His only role is the drama is a love interest holding unrequited feelings for Sam-dal. We got nothing else on him. He is just there to witness their romantic moments and get heartbroken.


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Also he has the joy of being beaten by his brother and consistently customers seem to think it’s ok to treat him disrespectfully.


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He's also got the "poor kid got rich and the first thing he did was get a supercar that stands out on the island to show he's rich" thing


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Sang-Do is either boring and bad writing, because ( so far at least) he has no real function in the story. Or possibly he is boring and Extremely Bad writing, because his continual misfortunes/misidentifications/supercar were meant to be some sort of comic relief.


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Hum... Nothing makes sense for me in this drama.. But I like the main actors :p

The dad couldn't accept the death his wife, the ocean always is the ennemy but it's easier to hate someone, I guess. But his hate is making so many people unhappy and mainly, his son.

I don't understand why Yong-Pil had to stay to take care of Sam-Dal's mother. It was her choice to dive. He could just say either she says the truth to her family either he does because he doesn't want to lie to Sam-Dal. He could still date Sam-Dal too...

They made things way more dramatics than they really were... Like him, not trying to move on, why? I mean is he masochist? She lived her own life, he didn't nothing to get back together... so what the purpose? At least, use it to make our dad feeling guilty and tell him you will never marry, never have kid and you will die alone.

Sam-Dal couldn't come back because of Yong-Pil? She was dating other men, she had a great life but seeing him once would have changed everything?

I don't care about Sang-Do being in love with Sam-Dal, I mean it's as ridiculous as Yong-Pil, but I hate when the SML had time to confess his feelings but waits for the ML to come in the FL's life to say something... He's kinda ridiculous with his car honestly.


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Da-Young wants to try to put the theme park at Samdal-Ri- But this will affect the haenyos and is likely to affect the dolphins as well. Namdal-Ri was chosen because there was already a power plant there, and the shoreline had already been ruined. Will the writer be good enough to bring all these drama themes-theme park, dolphins, haenyos and the various love interests together for a satisfying and well written resolution? I remain hopeful, but I doubt it.
Meanwhile, Ko Min Ja unconscious on the sea floor is miraculously found in spite of the currents ( How???) And every 'unknown' tourist spot is crowded, but the obviously built ocean look out beside the main coast road is empty at sunset.... . Just give me more scenes with Ha-Yul and her grandmother please.


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‘And every 'unknown' tourist spot is crowded, but the obviously built ocean look out beside the main coast road is empty at sunset.... .’😬 thanks for making me smile.


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When she took a picture from that spot - I was like "What are you doing?! Your picture is going to be the reason for this spot being crowded too!"


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I was like, um, is the availability of well-paying theme park jobs something we should really oppose when apparently your profession has a very high death rate (Mi-ja alone knows three women who died!)


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This show makes me sad now whereas before it was making me mad. I now feel sorry for the actors and the characters. The show is written as if the one-line description for each character is all they are allowed to be in the face of some different events. No one is allowed to mature or have the ability to reflect as part of their character (except possibly the ex-husband); instead, they each calcify more stubbornly in their character or caricature.

Sam Dal: Successful photographer with a drinking problem who was once the gang leader of her small town

Yong Pil: Loyal to a fault puppy

Sang Do: (I know he gets a lot of hate, but his character had potential to be interesting until they flattened him out to be monomaniacal in his interest): Stuck on one girl but no courage to act directly, only obliquely

Mom: Most competent and consistent person in her family and her haenyo group, but stubborn to a fault even to the point of risking other lives in her quest to provide unwanted food to hostile neighbor

Yong Pil's Dad: Holder of an unfair grudge and even unwilling to move away from the source of his anger; indeed, using the proximity to fuel his anger and life

To be honest, I haven't watched Episode 10 after seeing the previews of Sam Dal's denial/blackout forgetting of the kiss. I lost interest in watching these same themes over again because it now feels like I get stuck in these same unhealthy dynamics as the characters. I need a break. I cry Uncle for now. I will watch the recaps to see whether to dive back in, but for now, I need time to heal or go hike a well-known path with people other than these characters.


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I was also very frustrated with the drunk kiss that we all knew Sam-dal would not remember


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After finally watching Reply 1988, I realize Welcome to Samdal-ri is similar but worse. The story writing, plot...nothing new. The unrequited 2ML was done much better in Reply 1988. Although, I originally stopped watching because of the overacting at times, I decided to push through and realize why it's one of the top K dramas of all time. It might not be in my Top 10 All Time favorites but it's up there. I would recommend watching this over WTS. I am still going to push through but agree with everyone's points regarding, 2ML, Young-pil's dad, Samdal's mom etc. I adore JCW (The Worst of Evil, Healer, Melting Me Softly etc) and Shin Hye Sun (Mr. Queen, Thirty But 17 See You in My 19th Life) but the overall drama has been very weak storyline, plot. : (


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I really did not like YP trying to gaslight SD about her not being around Mom enough as the excuse for not telling her about Mom’s heart condition. It is really strange that their mothers raised them as siblings but sort of wanted in-law status that failed when YP’s mom died. This week the OTP had to learn from their friends the truth instead of talking directly to each other about how they feel. YP’s dad will never forgive and never accept SD; it is why YP is trapped between his dad and his co-mom in a heavily tradition bound community.

The haenyeos acknowledge that Han-yul acts more adult than child, but it takes talking to a stranger about losing her grandmother to show she is still a scared child when it comes to loss. She knows her mom cannot live without her mom; so she can’t live without her mom, too. Community co-parenting, even the bad gossipy kind, is such a rare concept even in the West. I am still troubled by the fact that the haenyeo’s dangerous tradition could have easily been solved by scuba gear. And that dangerous tradition does not allow people to process grief well or to move on with their lives.

I still dislike the narrative that Samdal “has to find herself.” She bought into that bad mindset by using cheap portable camera (which a professional would not have even considered since her reputation and skill is in the equipment she uses to convey her art.) It really belittles who she was before coming back home.

The drawn drawn out re-confession may be finally over. San-do is out of the box, again. But the most compelling thing we learned this week is that Jeju has single women!!! Single bars!!! In their 30s looking for jobs and love!!!! Who would have thunk dat?!


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I have finally dropped the drama. I fast forwarded and saw some scenes, thinking that I will sit and watch the full episodes later, but I don't have interest now. I will still fast forward and watch the crux of the story because I really don't drop dramas once I've gotten past episode 8, but I still don't like any of the characters, so don't think it is worth watching.

I did love the scene where they go location scouting for photos and Sam Dal ends up clicking photos of couples. If there is one thing I am curious about in this drama, it is her path as a photographer. I've mentioned this before, but since I am a photographer too, I want to see how she finds her way back to her passion. I found the scene in the woods perfectly done. I loved how she couldn't help but direct them a little when she was clicking photos. It was very realistic. I can't help but start perfecting a photo when I get a camera in my hand too, irrespective of where I am or what I am clicking pictures of or what camera I have.


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My daughter is a professional photographer as well--she does mostly engagement, family shoots, and weddings. I think the one realistic thing about this show is the idea that it would take years of hard work and a genuine artistic vision to make it as a pro photographer, and that a skilled photographer could produce couples shots that would be memorable because of her eye, regardless of the camera. BUT even that scene was marred by one of the couples saying "hey--isnt it that photographer who bullied her assistant?" as if Sam-dal was so instantly recognizable that encountering her in a jammed tourist location would lead someone to shout that out.


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I really don't think the general public is aware of famous photographers; maybe their work but not their faces. I felt that scene was weird. I guess it was the director's way of killing the joy SD was having taking photographs.


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They're definitely not aware.. especially in this digital age where everyone with a phone camera is a photographer.

I find it unrealistic that the whole country cared so much about a photographer allegedly bullying her assistant that they would even follow her to her tiny little town in the middle of nowhere. That kind of attention would have made sense for an actor or a K pop idol (may be also a politician), but not for a photographer.


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That scene sums up my frustration with this drama. I think at this point I am more angry with the Director than the writer. Even if the writer intended for SD to be instantly recognizable everywhere she goes, the Director could have found subtle ways to show it to the viewers?

The same with all the sadness the characters are feeling, there are better ways to show it than have them drunk confess / cry all their feelings in every single episode, instead of having a direct conversation when they're sober.

This drama and its dramatics come across as very early 2000s to me. Things are over dramatized and over explained to the viewers that it lacks realism. Where is the concept of 'show' not 'tell'? There have been some beautiful dramas and scenes in recent times, where they make the characters convey pages of emotions in one small action or expression. But it has been clear from ep 1 that we can't expect such things from this drama.


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- The beginning story with the two Mi-jas was really beautiful and touching. I think it's interesting that Mi-ja used to be a city girl.
- I really hate Yeong-pil's dad. What does he do all day, just sit around and ruminate on bitter thoughts (although my husband thinks he does angry work outs too, lol)? All these flavors and he chooses to be salty. Poor Mi-ja can't even mourn her best friend.
- My second least favorite character is Sang-do, who just like does not need to exist at all. Yeah, you missed your chance when she started dating Yeong-pil but then they broke up and you had EIGHT YEARS. And dude is this weird thing where he keeps not doing anything and then acting frustrated that he isn't getting anywhere (as in the Simpsons quote: "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!")
- I liked Sam-dal taking wedding photos. That was super sweet and wholesome.
- Still so much drinking.
- I still love the ex-husband CEO (he paid for the medical expenses, right?) and dolphin boy the most. I'm watching mostly just for the sisters' romances at this point. Unfortunately the main romance leaves me kind of cold.


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Comment was deleted


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Also, in PTSD therapy we separate the idea of role/responsibility and intention. Mi-ja played a role in the other Mi-ja's death in that her actions contributed to the outcome, but there were other factors at play and, most importantly, she did not intend the outcome. She is responsible, but not at fault or blameworthy. Even the criminal justice system makes a distinction, at least in the USA (murder vs. manslaughter). If I was seeing Yeong-pil's dad for therapy, I would also ask: how is this blame helpful? All he's doing is punishing his son and himself (Yeong-pil is clearly never going to move on from Sam-dal, so you're losing out on a daughter-in-law, grandchildren, etc).


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If only you were an actual character in this drama, treating both Yong Pil and his Dad, I'd like it 100 times better!


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Aww, thank you! So many dramas could be completely different if the characters just got effective treatment for their PTSD, lol


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Unfortunately, we will have very few K dramas left, if all the characters that need therapy actually end up getting one.. lol ;)

Thanks for sharing about role/responsibility and intention. I wasn't aware of it and it taught me something.


It wasn't surprising to learn why he has animosity towards Sam Dal's mom (and the rest of her family). It is weird that he was in the dark for years that Yong Pil was still good terms with the mom. He really is just viewing his world through distorted blinders or he isn't talking with any of the townsfolk cause Yong Pil isn't necessarily hiding anything. Now it kinda makes sense even more why Yong Pil keeps countering his father's talk about him marrying with "you should remarry first".

I honestly don't know how Sang Do would've made a move in those 8 years. It would ALWAYS come off as weirdly opportunistic and awkward. Plus Sam Dal had relationships post Yong Pil. I don't remember if it was said how long she was in them but she was in 4 and she was also more focused on her career so where would Sang Do even fit it? Especially if they weren't really keeping in contact.
I just don't understand why he never moved on.


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If Sang Do had gone to Seoul immediately after the breakup, I would agree with your sentiment, but it has been 8 years. Plenty of time to re-connect without it being opportunistic. In fact, his "attempts" to connect with her now, when she has fled a successful career and is at a low point, are the weirdly opportunistically and awkward situation. I do not think that he has even asked if she is okay.


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You're spot on about Sang-do (LOL that Simpsons quote) and why he really bugs me. You're right that he had 8 years. He's made enough money to afford a rare sports car so it's not like he couldn't take some time off to see her on the mainland. He's only chasing after her now because she's in the neighborhood and Yong-pil and Sam-dal may become an item again.

If he was afraid to make a serious move, then he should just shut up, gracefully accept that his love is and will be unrequited, and be a good friend instead of viewing the Samdal and Yong-pil relationship as a threat to his imagined future relationship with Samdal.


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The most famous Homer Simpson quote is also relevant here:

“To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.”


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Haha, that one IS perfect for this drama (and, actually, some other dramas too)


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I am glad that I am not the only one who finds the Sang-do character beyond merely annoying. Most people will understand the longing for the "one that got away", but matrue enough to walk away. However, his obsession is bordering on stalking. He sees Sam-dal kissing Jong-pil and his response is to get the old photos that Sam-dal had thrown away, buy two disposable cameras and drive around Jeju in his completely inconspicuous car, only to find the two of them side-by-side gazing at the sunset.

I find this unrequited and undeclared obsessive love amongst secondary characters very annoying. My Demon has two such characters. I would really like to see a lot less of it in 2024.


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Manifesting for more second leads that have their own romances (even with each other) and aren't competition for the main couple in 2024


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I get it that Sam-Dal and Yong-Pil are meant to be, but where is this show even going? If it all was about a parent issue, then the show should have focussed more on it, instead of some vile city girl, the plot arc of that seems to be done?
Now, I am confused as to what is the point of the show? getting the lovers united???? That's it?

If anyone needs to leave Jeju its the father. His who anger and resentment makes no sense. May be deep down he knows it was him who brought her here to Jeju and sent her to learn diving?

Pretty much every one in the drama has communication issue.

This is the most pointless boring 2ML ever written. He was doomed even before the writer wrote him on the script. He is not even a third wheel, he is no wheel.

Even the kiss was boring..


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I thought the Mi-ja who died was from the island.

Hahahaha at the "no wheel" comment


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The ‘no wheel’ phrase is my DB laugh out loud moment for the day🤣 I am claiming that for future watches with pointless second leads, he has the typical second female lead role so I am waiting for him to turn vindictive next. (I will of course credit you)


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hahaha that 'no wheel' comment... savage..

also, 'he was doomed even before the writer wrote him on script'... hahaha

We thought My Demon second leads were bad, but Sang Do wins the worst SL award for both 2023 and 2024 (I am just being very unrealistically optimistic here with the hope that we won't see worse Second leads in 2024)
