Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 13, 2024)
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Currently covering: Like Flowers in Sand
My Happy Ending: This drama is so fun! The twists are still out of this world, with a new reveal (or ten) every episode that seems to get us further along towards the truth, but really just makes things even more muddy. Jang Nara is so fun here as our detached and chaotic heroine — indeed, the chaos of this drama is its charm!
Marry My Husband: I didn’t think I would be sticking around, to be honest, but this show knows how to hit all the right beats and it’s been really fun. What a testament to storytelling, too, that it can have virtually the same plot and plot points as Perfect Marriage Revenge but be telling an entirely different story in an entirely different way. As for our cast, Lee Yi-kyung is so great at what he does, Song Ha-yoon has never been so painfully aegyo-y despicable, and Na In-woo is still weirder than ever (but it’s strangely growing on me?).
Marry My Husband: Color me surprised. I’m still invested in this one, but I can’t entirely wrap my head around the concept that everything — even something as minor as a small bump to the knee — is an unavoidable fate unless it is stolen by or from someone. By that logic, Ji-won shouldn’t be able to deviate at all from her previous timeline, but she and Ji-hyuk have already made several changes to the timeline without engaging in an equivalent exchange. Or am I to believe that Ji-won’s friendship with Hee-yeon and subsequent makeover were stolen from someone else?
A Good Day to Be a Dog: I started this drama with high expectations, and in the end my interest fizzled to a point where I was kind of glad it was over.
Welcome to Samdal-ri: My interest in this drama can be broken down into the following percentages: 20% invested in Sam-dal’s relationship with Yong-pil, another 20% reserved for the romantic relationships of Sam-dal’s sisters, 10% dedicated to watching Sam-dal’s career evolve because of my own personal interest in photography, and — finally — a whopping 50% is just me waiting for Eun-joo to finally get what’s coming to her. If this drama has Sam-dal take the high road, I’m going to be majorly upset. Eun-joo needs to crash and burn, and I hope it’s a spectacular train wreck.
Moving: So glad I could binge watch straight through this one. I think I would have died a slow death each week waiting for new episodes.
Currently covering: Tell Me That You Love Me
A Good Day to Be a Dog: I somehow finished all the episodes. What a grab bag of weirdness this drama has been. I can’t believe how much I loved the first half and how hard it was to sit through the rest. The final episode was pretty enough, I guess, but what did it have to do with anything? This was definitely a case where it would have been better to cut secondary storylines (maybe the whole backstory), get in, and get out.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 6, 2024)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 30, 2023)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 23, 2023)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 16, 2023)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 9, 2023)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 2, 2023)
Tags: A Good Day to Be a Dog, Marry My Husband, Moving, My Happy Ending, Welcome to Samdal-ri, What We're Watching
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1 miso
January 13, 2024 at 5:00 AM
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract - Why did they have to make Joseon Tae-ha's death even more tragic this time round 😭? It was a sweet show but it mostly coasted on the personal charm of its leads (and Bae In-hyuk's dimples!).
A Good Day to Be a Dog - A good day to forget about this show (which is what the crew were worried about I guess - because 50% of this show was recaps and flashbacks 😑).
Like Flowers in Sand - I love this show. So many funny scenes but esp. Baek-du seriously wondering why Du-sik didn't kill him in the secluded place 🤣. Ahn Chung-wan's character must be the bad guy right? Can't imagine him taking up this role just to play a background husband character.
My Man is Cupid - Another show obsessed with flashbacks. The last 3 episodes could have been 1 episode and nothing would change.
My Demon - I knew Gu-won would be related in some way to Do-hee's parents' deaths. There sure are a lot of ill-fated connections between them.
Welcome to Samdal-ri - Feels like we're on a relationship hamster wheel. YongDal are very cute together though. Hope the dad and Eun-joo get fully sorted out soon. Sang-do needs to get a grip.
Planning to watch Knight Flower. I can't remember if there are other dramas starting this week 🤔.
Tried Oliver Chen's two shows Our Interpreter (what is with the FL?!) and My Boss (not as funny as the novel). Ended up dropping both 3 episodes in 😑.
Planning to start The Hope today now that it's completed and my kdrama plate is very bare-bones.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:18 AM
Thank you for doing the cdrama selection for me. 😁
(I have absolutely no time now. 😫)
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January 13, 2024 at 5:22 AM
Haha. I'm sure there are some people who liked those shows 😅. Hope you find more time for drama-watching soon!
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January 13, 2024 at 5:21 AM
The concept of a "relationship hamster wheel" is hilarious one for the ages, @miso2019 !!! 🤣
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January 13, 2024 at 5:23 AM
I could also call it Sisyphus's endeavour but that word has too much trauma attached for Beanies 🤣.
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January 13, 2024 at 9:40 AM
Hahahahaha @sicarius oddly enough you like "Sisyphus's endeavour"
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Blue (@mayhemf)
January 13, 2024 at 5:34 AM
LOL.. Baek Du!! I laughed so hard there.. he was so 'logical' in planning his own demise.
oh, I wanted to try Our intepreter. Is Victoria Song so bad here?
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January 13, 2024 at 6:06 AM
Baek-du debates everything so earnestly and all by himself! Too cute.
I actually meant the FL character, who is just mean and rude to everyone including colleagues and family, but Victoria's performance wasn't great either. She keeps making a pouty face, which I think is supposed to have this badass vibe I guess 🤷♀️.
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Blue (@mayhemf)
January 13, 2024 at 6:24 AM
Ah. a reverse trope in cdrama? A cold FL? MDL comments were good initially, but now its not so. I guess I dont have to waste time on it. Quite a few kdramas lined up, will try to catch up on those.
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January 13, 2024 at 6:35 AM
I think rather than 'cold', they wanted to show an FL who is abrupt/ harsh with her words. Which was quite a choice for a character heading a Key Accounts department and being an interpreter lol.
January 13, 2024 at 9:40 AM
I feel like cold FLs is the rising trend in cdramas actually, but can name very few cases where actresses (and writers) actually pulled that off. Heroines so robotic to the point of emotional constipation is a far more common result.
January 13, 2024 at 8:23 AM
THE HOPE is excellent. I hope you enjoy your watch. ;)
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January 13, 2024 at 8:25 AM
Good to know! I've been hearing good things about it everywhere! Thank you 🤗
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January 15, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Came back to let you now that I am on ep 26 (out of 30) and it has been consistently wonderful.
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January 13, 2024 at 1:10 PM
I agree The Hope is very good. Thanks for the heads up on The Interpreter and My Boss.
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January 14, 2024 at 2:56 AM
I've enjoyed many school dramas but The Hope is the best, well written and inspirational one.
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January 14, 2024 at 2:52 AM
The Hope is excellent and the best school drama. Even without romance, The Hope is exceptionally engaging, emotional and entertaining.
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January 15, 2024 at 11:40 AM
I actually love the low-key romance, which could be more yearning than anything else. We will see if any of it fulfilled. I think I will be happy either way because the relationships that we have are already meaningful and fun to watch.
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January 15, 2024 at 2:15 PM
Where can you find The Hope if you are in the US? I didn’t see it on Viki, Netflix or prime.
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January 15, 2024 at 10:11 PM
You can find a playlist on Youku's YouTube page
As a norm, every drama's MyDramaList page lists the streaming services (including which are free and which require subscription) so if you click on those, you'll get redirected to the right link.
2 HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:00 AM
(*Part 1 of 2*)
Park's Marriage Contract: Loved it! While it wasn't necessary to spend most of the last ep wrapping up the past timeline, it was nice to get closure - especially for sweet Joseon Tae-ha 🥲 BUT, our OTP (*and secondary OTP*) were sweet and adorable to the end, Tae-ha is the best boy, and I'm so glad we got a second, real, and joyful wedding! Just exactly the kind of rom-com I love!! ❤️🌸
The Matchmakers (eps 8-9)
🦆♥️🦆 Long version: (Buckle up, I'm not kidding that it's long) Here's what I loved: Everything about the water rescue - the beauty of the underwater scene, Soon-deok crying because he can't swim, and Jung-woo asking if she was injured and revealing he mastered swimming from a book (*OH my sweet nerd*); "I'm glad I got hurt instead of you;" Soon-gu having an oldest-child panic attack about covering for Soon-deok when he figured out who she was (*relatable*); Jung-woo saving the bandage made from Soon-deok's hanbok (*so sweet*); the king and crown prince being awesome royals (and the king being a good dad!!!); Jung-woo getting jealous of Soon-gu; Oh-bong being a one-man Greek chorus, as other Beanies mentioned (*LOL*); Sam-soon just GOING for it - "what do you think of me as your bride?"; the three stooges listening to Sam-soon talk to Soon-deok - "Please be quiet, I cannot hear them"; Soon-deok's conversation with her husband (*I teared up*); Soon-deok and Jung-woo's meeting by the lake that reminded me visually of Pride and Prejudice circa 2005; Jung-woo wanting to paint Soon-deok's nails with balsam - but getting his own painted instead (*OOOh my sweet nerd is getting better at flirting!!*); "Now that I think about it, I think I knew the moment I said this that I already gave my heart to His Excellency Gyeongwoonjae" (*I cried*); Jung-woo accusing Soon-deok of murder and subsequently running off in tears, but also not reporting her and giving her money to escape (*how is he so soft and silly and sweet?*); Jung-woo trying different methods of "calming his mind" but seeing Soon-deok's image instead (*and that incidental piano music?? Perfection*); the flashback to Soon-deok mourning her husband (*I cried*); Jung-woo's "Lovesickness" - seeing Soon-deok everywhere, and that single tear (*LOL but also aww 🥹*); (*continued below*)
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:01 AM
(*Part 2 of 2*) ...the flashback to how the matchmaker helped Soon-deok and her husband meet (*tears again*); Jung-woo placing his hand over the tracing of Soon-deok's hand on the contract (*aww my poor sweet melodramatic romantic boy*); Soon-deok and Jung-woo hiding in the storage room (*how can a scene in a storage room be stunningly beautiful??*); "Rather than die without seeing you, I would rather die after seeing you" and a hug!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and his face when he was hugging her and how quickly he smoothed it back to normal when she pushed away! (*FLIRT SKILLS LEVEL UP! But he's so sincere! Watched 4x*); "It is because it is killing me - Will you trust me when I say I became lovesick because I fell in love with you? There is no cure for lovesickness other than seeing you adequately;" and that enchanted fox rain (and fox rain as a metaphor). *Yes, I realize this is pretty much a list of every scene.* TLDR: here's what I loved: Everything. The end.
I Am Nobody (23-25) Holy cow, episode 25 was dark. I had to fast-forward and mute most of it, and then take a break from the drama. I'll finish it next week.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:26 AM
A. Well, probably not.
B. It was a great read!
I'd forgotten about the O-bong as "one man Greek chorus." So funny.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:34 AM
Haha thank you Seon-ha!! I'm truly loving everything about this drama. Its emotional landscape is pitch-perfect. ❤️ The humor isn't in your face humor, and I like how subtle and realistic the funny parts can be. And how much depth there is to our main players. LOVE IT!!!
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ar_arguably romantic
January 13, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Yes, practically every moment in Matchmakers is totally squeeworthy in that they're imbued with such sweetness and sincerity.🥰
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 11:10 AM
You hit the nail on the head - the sweetness and sincerity are such a wonderful foundation for this drama!!
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January 13, 2024 at 11:04 AM
1. You nailed every scene of Matchmakers. It was so pleasant that it was delightful from beginning to end and no scene needed to be skipped. Rowoon nailed it. Then again so did all the members of the cast, even the evil MIL!
2. I finally started I am Nobody and am on episode 7. What a crazy show but I'm loving all the weird things like the 'masters' playing games on their tablets and phones. Or the Thralls at the beginning making love signs with their fingers. Yes I'm in for this whole show.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 11:14 AM
You're so right - EVERY scene is good!!! No filler 😊 The cast is awesome, but Rowoon is just so good in this role.
Ooh I'm glad you're liking I Am Nobody so far!! I still need to finish it - episode 25 was quite dark for me, so I'm taking a break. But I love the quirky characters and the fun weirdness! Lol those thralls were so funny!! 😂 And the modernized masters, too 😆
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January 13, 2024 at 5:04 AM
"Oldest-child panic attack" hahahaha! It is a very special brand of panic attack indeed!
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:06 AM
Lol his whole being screams "responsible oldest child" and I love it!! 😆
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January 13, 2024 at 5:28 AM
He can be my older brother any day, and I am serious...not trying to be cheeky 🥰
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January 13, 2024 at 5:44 AM
Yes to the "incidental piano music"! This score was so good and I was quite disappointed that more of it wasn't released on the official ost.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:48 AM
OH MY GOSH I'm so disappointed too!!! I love instrumental scores, and it always is upsetting when dramas don't release their full OSTs 😞 This one is especially good, and I would love to be able to listen to the full thing.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:51 AM
Tbh I keep checking to see if they've released an update. It's happened before, so hope springs eternal on this one! 😉
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 6:04 AM
I've been checking every day, too!!! It happened with Call it Love, so I'm holding out hope that Matchmakers will do that, too!
3 Unaspirated
January 13, 2024 at 5:00 AM
Live-ish Watches
My Demon: Didn’t have a chance to watch 13 yet - on the agenda for this morning! In the meantime - such big (partial) reveals last week! I’m excessively excited to find out more!
Gyeongseong Creature: For me, ep 9 was the first major misstep for this drama. I haven’t watched the finale yet, but episode 9 would have been much better if two small things were altered (imo): 1. The central journey of Chae-ok is learning to rely on someone other than herself and her dad, so play that up more. You’re most of the way already, but show her planning her next move with Tae-sang. Lapses are fine, but showing movement is important. 2. For the rupture of Tae-sang and Maeda to be as impactful as it should be, we need to have a better idea of their relationship from the beginning. I feel confident that whatever she thought was there was actually in her imagination, but some instances of her imagining just that would go a long way. I also think a two-minute scene where she is shown squashing the list that Jun-taek wrote while drugged would have made some of the events make more sense, and made her a more formidable person to cross. But honestly, I still really love this show. I know they prep for the second season in the finale, but I hope they wrap this one up well too!
Death’s Game: Work was sort of stressful this week and I didn’t have time to watch except before bed, so this took a backseat. With some of my other dramas finishing, I’ll definitely pick it back up.
Older Dramas
Stealer: The Treasure Keeper: They have done such a good job of showing us that the real Dae-myeong is somewhere between his Skunk persona and his act at work - a little cool, a lot goofy, and an all-around good guy. I was happy to see the Chun-ja/mollusk ship off to a good start, and now I’m cheering for Prince Flight Attendant (whose actual name I’m sure I’ll learn eventually) and Ae-ri to get together!
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January 13, 2024 at 5:30 AM
Hope your work life improves next week!!!
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January 13, 2024 at 10:11 AM
Thank you! It's honestly fine, just busy and juggling lots of projects. SO annoying when it interferes with my drama time though!
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
January 13, 2024 at 10:41 AM
'Prince Flight Attendant' ✈︎ that's not bad for a career-defining role. I think of him as Otter - it's easier to type.
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Hahaha... someone who may be @attiton has another visual memory of an Otter.
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January 13, 2024 at 11:57 AM
Yeah, Kim Jae-won (as is that young man's name) will always be Prince Flight Attendant to me. 🤨
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 12:35 PM
@Kurama please help in cheerleading the Team Giraffe squad. 🦒 Also ducks now. 🦆🦆 @HopefulRomantic
Apropos nothing and no one - Cheers to Roswooning!!
HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 12:39 PM
@attiton @seeker THE LOVE DUCKS!! 😍
I wasn't able to get to this week's Stealer episodes, unfortunately, but Prince Flight Attendant is adorable to the max 🥰👨✈️
🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:01 PM
@HopefulRomantic please feel free to join the Stealer watch when you're good and ready. No rush.
Prince Flight Attendant can be as adorable as he wants but his max cannot top someone who can say Boo and make people stop to smile and wave at him.
Coming back to the point Hopeful how can you NOT cheer for Team Giraffe or Ducks in face of that emoji up there extolling the virtues of Team Otter. ^^
January 13, 2024 at 1:05 PM
One can be Team Otter and Team Love Ducks. I assert that these are not mutually exclusive!
🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:07 PM
Okay then! 🏳
🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:28 PM
This makes me so happy I want to wiggle in joy ... I choose starry-eyed Wookie over Tae-in's mollusk.
January 13, 2024 at 3:37 PM
I didn't understand the "Prince Flight Attendant" comments until I realized you were talking about the actor's role in Kingdom Somethingorother - a show I dropped mid-way.
But early on when watching, I speculated that the male flight attendant was actually a chaebol owner of a different airline. So. . . he was a prince instead???
January 13, 2024 at 3:43 PM
LOL @kathryn51 No, Kim Jae-won wasn't actually a prince...I had named him Prince Flight Attendant during the live-watch of King the Land as a parallel to him being "Prince Charming." It has always been tongue-in-cheek. 😇
January 13, 2024 at 12:53 PM
His role as an Otter was more interesting than his role as a fligh attendant for me.
@seeker We all know that the Giraffe won! The octopus made her choice :p
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:05 PM
Yesss!! 👏 👏 👏
^^ Team Giraffe 🦒 has already won!!
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January 13, 2024 at 1:13 PM
GAH cantresist It's not like that woman was known for making the BEST DECISIONS!!!
Just ask @hopefulromantic 's mom.
🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:22 PM
@attiton Team Otter still has to wait for his next drama to get the girl ... which he's not making easy for himself. Jang Shin-yu had a good grip!!
January 13, 2024 at 1:34 PM
@attiton The woman was lonely and never had someone who cared about her after her dad died. The Otter rejected her pretty coldly, he lost his chance! She found herself a man who ate with her, always texted/called her, protected her from weird men, bought pepper spray, installed bars to her windows, etc! It was a pretty good decision!
🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 13, 2024 at 1:37 PM
Kurama FTW 🥰 ... no one can defend (not that he needs it) Rowoon as efficiently and effectively as her. 👏 👏
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January 14, 2024 at 10:59 AM
I'm glad you're enjoying Gyeongseong Creature! I wish there was a bit more love for it online- I thought it was actually pretty well paced, and I loved that they really made it into a monster drama. I'm also looking forward to the second one, although I'm already tempering my expectations because somehow I think the time period just FIT the show so well, I don't think it will play as well in 2024.
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January 14, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Totally agree! I loved so many things about it (which is why the things that could have been better stood out) but the pacing, romance, other relationships, monster, and time period all worked for me! I’m so glad to hear that you liked it too - I was wondering if I was just missing something. And I agree that I’m wary about the second season. On the one hand, I’m glad it was planned from the start because I feel like that gives it a better chance at having somewhere interesting to go, but I agree that the time period was so good in this season and I’m not sure how that will affect it.
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January 15, 2024 at 12:19 AM
Right? And while I agree with some criticisms I've read (mostly regarding a few more scenes involving Maeda and the ML and Maeda and Seisin/the creature/I don't actually remember her Korean name right now), it didn't actually take away from my enjoyment of the drama. The romance was fast and yet not so deep I'd disbelieve it, especially for the intensity of the times; I loved the father daughter relationship especially; I thought the time period was well represented actually and liked what several characters had to say about not holding against those who made concessions/gave in when tortured, and I actually enjoyed the pacing- I was worried it would be super slow to introduce the monster in its entirety and have it turn, like Dark Hole.. but we had plenty of interaction at the beginning and throughout. I also liked that the monster itself seemed to have a story arc
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January 15, 2024 at 6:43 AM
You're inspiring me to write a review! (and you should too!) I was staying away because I hadn't finished it yet, but now seeing how most people didn't really like it, I want to make sure an alternative viewpoint is presented too.
January 15, 2024 at 8:38 AM
Truth, actually. I really do want people to give it a shot if they haven't seen it yet, and it made me so sad on MDL to just see a bunch of negative reviews. I haven't checked its review page here yet.. it's been a while since I've tried to think enough cool thoughts about a drama to write a review, but I'll give it a shot!
4 Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 5:01 AM
Live watches:
Tell me that you love me.
My thoughts this week: Second female lead mops about slow walking with a long face and offloading when she just needs to talk to a therapist.
I hope the last two episodes show the main leads return to talking and connecting with each other and we see sweet romance with our teen art class members. Second male lead is a really good friend and sweet guy so I hope he gets a happy ending too.
Between him and her
This would have been an interesting all episodes drop as the pain being stretched out for 4 months is going to be hard work when we are already enduring the bleak winter in my parts of the world. I am a sucker for relationships dramas though so will continue watching this alongside the lighter versions of this story that are due to be released soon.
Welcome to Samdalri
Glad the truth is out about how low the dad will go and hope the dad will be able to deal with the consequences.
Bingewatch corner:
Barakamon - Japanese
Just started this one.
Nineteen Otters- KBS Special 2022
Two nineteen year olds feeling unwanted by family and just surviving end up working together to find their own way out. Complex family dynamics add to a darker tone but the relationship between the two leads is sweet. It is also lovely to see both actors have been able to follow these lead roles with significant roles in full length dramas. Looking forward to seeing more of them in the future.
It’s a good day to be a dog
Shame this lost its strongest elements of light and funny by wallowing in misunderstandings and pettiness for too long. The shadow play was exceptional.
You, me and Bach -Japanese
Three strangers meet at an adult violin class and become firm friends. A slice of life exploring friendship, career and family relationships a different stages of life.
Fermat’s cuisine - Japanese
Not sure why this was a two parter or why it needed to have so many negative elements to the characters. I found part of the male leads story difficult to watch because he was such a kind, committed to learn person so the harsh mentoring approach felt unnecessary. It ended well for all the characters but I watched because I needed to know the outcome not because I was enjoying the story.
Oh my boss! Love not included - Japanese
Small town young woman goes to Tokyo in search of an ordinary life. She ends up working for a cold boss in a completely unexpected industry and changes her perspective on work and love.
Webtoon corner:
Second lead syndrome is back yay!
Book club:
Normal People - Sally Rooney
Two school friends from a small town in Ireland have an off and on friends with benefits relationship over the years as they graduate and move on to study at Trinity College Dublin. It reminded me of the 2011 film One Day that spans friends over a twenty year period. It was grittier than I expected with themes of class, identity, domestic abuse, sexual relationships, suicide and mental...
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 5:05 AM
The Kamogawa food detectives - Hisashi Kashiwai
Special restaurant that recreates food that holds special memories for the guests that visit the restaurant.
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5 jerrykuvira
January 13, 2024 at 5:02 AM
Tell Me That You Love Me - The episode title Confession threw me off balance cause I wasn't expecting that sort of confession from Mo-eun. Episode 14 was more calming.
Two actions stuck more this week...
1.) When Mo-eun told Jin-woo sue doesn't understand what he's signing, so many things were conveyed. Her tears are blinding her eyes so she can't see his hands, or she's not in the state of mind to understand what he's saying. I think it was a good writing choice to include that in their dialogue.
2.) Jin-woo drawing away from Seo-kyung as she attempted to touch his arm. I don't think Seo-kyung needs a soothsayer to interpret his reaction. And I love love how she responded to his reaction - she said her last words and walked away.
It was a bit off that Mo-eun changed the trajectory of her planned trip and went to Busan instead. I think she needed space to breathe and I'm not sure if this was the space she needed.
Love Illusion of Song Episode 1 - Another unhinged Kim Tae-woo.
I found it off that they wiped off the royal family and the family didn't have enough armies stationed in their home. It was filled with military untrained servants than soldiers.
I don't understand Older Son. But I'm drawn to his character. I'm not sure where his priorities lie but i love that he shares my sentiment about Papa Sajo.
Marry My Husband - I lost interest a bit by the end of episode 4. I'm guessing it is more of the mood i was watching it with and less of the story cause it is griping.
I'm more than glad Ji-won spoke about her project to Ji-hyuk. What a way to establish an alibi for the moment when Soo-min goes ahead to submit Ji-won's proposal even though Ji-won has told her no to her request.
Welcome to Samdalri Ep 6 - I liked the fact that Sam-dal went to confront her sneaky subordinate. But I'm not pleased with the way it played out. It was too tamed to be called a confrontation.
And Sang-do...get a grip. He could have brought his car and drove Sam-dal home instead of coming with one umbrella 🤦🏽♂️. If he wanted to be all lovey lovey and own the moment in its entirety, he should have brought two umbrellas. I'm sure he won't have appeared like a third wheel after Yong-pil brought his umbrella and an extra. I'm sure if he had brought two umbrellas - one for him and one off her - Yong-pil can't ask Sam-dal to return the one Sang-do gave her and to take his own which he just brought. That's what I would have done as a writer.
Live Your Own Life - Tae-ho should stop butting in company business if he is only going to play antagonist. If I were Tae-min, after last week, I'll let him fly and gladly tell him "I told you so" when Sook-hyang pulls the rug under him.
My Happy Ending - So I went from being confident that it was a twin situation to questioning everything I watched in episode 3. I'm back to suspecting both her husband (sadly I'm here already) and her father (I...
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January 13, 2024 at 5:12 AM
...never believed that man).
Goryeo-Khitan War - So they never intended to go anachronistic with Yang Kyu. I was asking myself why the name Kim Seok-hyung was sticking in my head to much and I remembered that he was the one who died alongside Yang Kyu in Empress Cheonchu. I was expecting to meet his character not knowing that he was one of those I've been looking for.
I don't understand the motives of the young King in rewarding the recalcitrant lords. He better have something up his sleeve.
And, a bow for Yang Kyu and the fallen heroes.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 5:16 AM
I think it cut off.
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January 14, 2024 at 11:03 AM
If it's a twin situation in My Happy Ending I think they're in it together. The one thing that gets me is that he didn't greet the neighbor on the street when he "broke" into the house. So my bet is currently on a third brother I think, but the husband is still in on it. I think they're trying to make her go crazy a la Gaslight.
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6 Dorotka
January 13, 2024 at 5:03 AM
Live Your Own Life
I honestly can't recommend this weekender to anyone, but it did pick up speed and I'm having fun with some of the threads and am curious about some other ones. 🍿😎
And there is of course the Beanies' support group. 🙂
Contract Marriage
I don't know if I fell out of love with the drama during the break, but I was getting really bored during the loooong farewell ep.11. True, its unexpected ending did got my full attention, but then I got bored again in ep.12 and was waiting and waiting for Yeonwoo to return back... and... it took her the whole episode. Sigh. I personally would prefer if she never returned to Joseon and stayed in modern times. She could learn from her sad history, prevent some big schemes from Grandpa, maybe join hands with Stepmom and rule the company together, the strong independent women they were, finding mutual understanding and respect (and family) on the way. The no return would also allow Yeonwoo to keep fond memories of her first (Joseon) husband... and yes, actually love BOTH of her husbands. Oh well. I'm still thankful for all the adorable moments... and for the powerful (bike) couple of Sawol and Mr Secretary. 🏍
Marry My Husband
Oooh was it satisfying to see Jiwon to turn the tables at the school reunion! What I also appreciated was that it clearly was not easy for Jiwon. She was trying to be brave, but there was also fear and PMY was so good at portraying all that. It's also clear that both, Soomin and Minhwan, are real threats to Jiwon. Unlike Jihyeok... and I'm loving all those (micro) interactions she has with him and all those shy smiles they share. 😊 (Did Dad send him instead of the pocket money? 💙 What a loving dad he is! 😁 And is Dad the cat?? 🐈)
Ajoomma - movie
A very simple story about an oldish Singaporean Mom visiting Korea. As a drama fan, on a guided tour. And gets lost. Equipped only with a couple of kdrama phrases. It sounds funny, and partly is, but there is also a sad undercurrent as the Heroine is approaching a break point in her life. I liked it... and I also liked seeing Kang Hyungsuk (the saving grace of Love in Contract) on my screen. There is also Yeo Jingu. 🙂
No time for Demon or Samdal-ri or Tell Me That You Love Me.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:11 AM
MMH: Ji-hyuk = best pocket money ever. 😂. I didn’t even consider the cat as the reincarnated cat. That would be something.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:29 AM
Oops. *reincarnated dad.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 7:10 AM
Ajoomma was a lovely film thank you so much for sharing. It was a nice mix of sad themes, warning a dog dies sensitively handled, family conflict and a hysterical loan shark scene.
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January 13, 2024 at 8:03 AM
For a kdrama fan... those loan sharks just had to be there! 😄😄
Yes, I totally agree, it was a nice balance of comedy elements with the sadder/sentimental ones. That shared loneliness and new friendship which gave the titular Ahjuma strength to start living her own life when the last member of her own family left her was the highlight for me.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 9:48 AM
It really was great to see her take a tentative step by making the trip alone and then blossom from then on.
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7 Seon-ha
January 13, 2024 at 5:03 AM
Welcome to Samdal-ri
This drama seems to have split the community a bit! I'm still enjoying it for what it is, and ignoring the things that bug me about it.
Marry My Husband
I don't have to ignore too many things about MMH! It's shaping up to be a fun revenge-y romp. I want more Hee-yeon and Ji-hyuk as sparring siblings, please. Also, newsflash, I've got ZERO SLS, whereas I see others showed up at the drama for the 2ML! To paraphrase a dear noble colleague here, "Who are you, and what have you done with the Seon-ha?"
My Demon
I'm with those who are a bit bored. I'll watch this weekend, but maybe this will be the first ever drama that I drop just a few episodes from the end? Oh, who am I kidding.
Stealer: The Treasure Keeper
I'm still enjoying this, but must admit that I like the human drama better than the capers. That's clearly just about my preference because I can tell the capers are fun and caper-y. They just bore me a bit. Kiss or something, people! The best part is the Community Watch, of course. Here's a plug for @seekers post for this week: It has links to the first two weeks as well.
Knight Flower
Will check out, but the Premier Watch comments that say it's like Healer/Stealer with a side of Matchmakers doesn't have me optimistic because that does sound a bit repetitive. I might save it up for a binge watch later in the year when there's a live-watch drought (they're always on the horizon 😂) and I'm farther in my mind from those other dramas.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:30 AM
I have no SLS in MMH either. Nope.
Gifts from dad have to be treasured! 💙🙂
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narrative addict
January 13, 2024 at 3:21 PM
Did the writer take a break for the first half of My Demon ep13, and ask the cast to improvise something to meet their PPL commitments ?
Happily, it gets better.
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
January 14, 2024 at 1:04 AM
Seems legit.👍👏 🤣
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8 Radily
January 13, 2024 at 5:05 AM
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (Series review) - Mood progression: C- / C- / C- / D+ / D+ / D+
Oh that was some lovely hair styling for Bae In Hyuk in the epilogue! I wish I had nice things to say about the plot if any at all, but it became clear that the show was riding on his dimples. I would also say that the secretaries stole the show: it was beautiful watching Jo Bok Rae get a leading romance arc. Now, if we could get Park Yeon Woo that!
A Good Day to Be a Dog (Series review) - Mood progression: C+ / C / C- / C- / D+ / D+ / D+ / D / D / D- / D- / D-
Well, at least this show let me appreciate Yoon Hyun Soo and Lee Hyun Woo, so it wasn’t exactly a minus? I would have preferred if the nightmare ended earlier though, since the show just spiralled into stupidity and more stupidity.
Like Flowers in Sand (Episode 7-8) - Mood: C
Not gonna lie, it’s super disappointing that the mystery behind the cafe owner was resolved in that manner even though it’s expected since the mystery in this show has always been about the match-fixing and deaths. Also, I can’t help but feel that Baek Du is so codependent on Du Shik, it’s no longer awkwardly cute but worrying. Not to mention alcohol as a plot device.
Marry My Husband (Episode 3-4) - Mood: D+
Oh well, it didn’t take too long for the Truck of Doom to show up (and I suppose this won’t be the last time we’re seeing it). I wonder if Ji Hyuk is aware that Ji Won has also travelled back: I suppose the early reveal is to build tension up for when the two time travellers recognise each other if he doesn’t. But I pray the show won’t drag it out, especially not into the 2nd half.
Welcome to Samdal-ri (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D-
I think I was supposed to get emotional when Ha Yul was crying but it’s hard when you know the grandma was endangering her health for years. Jin Dal and the ex was supposed to be cute but honestly I felt like he was way too much of a man child for her to nanny for. Then we have the dumpster fire that’s Sang Do, Yong Pil’s dad, the assistant: it’s just a big pile of crap.
My Man Is Cupid (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D-
Of course, Sang Hyuk lies about his true identity to Baek Ryeon since we really need some romance conflict for next week’s episodes: sometimes I wonder if the writer takes us for fools. The 2ML’s character has pretty much gone down the drain, so much that I was caught off guard by how far he’s gunning for the angel instead of doing his job and catching the murderer?
My Demon (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D-
How many times have we seen that past life play out with the love that can’t be which ends in total tragedy? Not enough, a writer believes. Said writer also tries to pretend like we’ve not sick enough of the third-quarter twist where one lover causes the other’s loved ones to die. And it doesn’t matter even if Gu Won didn’t do anything: cliffhanger baits are still bad...
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9 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
January 13, 2024 at 5:07 AM
Gyeongseong Creature: 5.5 (ep 9/10) Ep 10 tried to be profound, and patriotic, and complex, and open-ended -- more than it could get a grip on, even with all those tentacles.
But back in ep 8, those people whose brains had been removed -- kdrama viewers? Or writers???
Death's Game: 8.0 Epsodes 6 & 7 brought things together really well. Then the finale just beat us over the head with an anti-suicide message that S. Korea may need by I didn't enjoy. And who times a hike so they're walking down the mountain after dark and don't even bring a flashlight? Or use their phone's flash. There's more than one way to commit suicide.
Good Day to Be a Dog: 6.0 A Good Day to --- NOPE! The week before would have been a Good Week to Wrap Up This Turkey instead of giving us an unnecessary day of fluff & fillers. When will Kdramaland learn not to inflict this on us?
My Demon: 6.5 So much fluff & filler in the first half of day 13 you'd think it was the finale or something :(
Park's Marriage Contract: 6.5 Was I supposed to laugh at Yeon-woo on horseback shooting arrows at that baddie? Grumble when she was trapped at the cliff?
Goryeo Kitan War: 6.5
Love Song for Illusion: 6.6 Not saying it's a great show, but they know not to take themselves too seriously and I've seen worse bits than two people who don't remember both trying to fake it in day 2. The FL isn't bad, but she somehow reminds me of Jeon So-nee in Our Blooming Youth, which is bad.
Knight Flower: 7.0 If Honey Lee isn't enough of an attraction, tune in for Heo Jung-Do (Bok-Gyu from My Demon) and Kim Mi-kyung (from every show ever).
Moving: 8.5 Rewatch thru ep 8. The high point of my viewing week.
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
January 13, 2024 at 11:02 AM
My Demon: I think the "Too much fluff and filler" is related to what god in her cardboard home said about too much goodness, that it could be bad for you. Demon Guy is trying to free FL's world of any trouble, and to be with her *always*, and will discover it doesn't work. And that will be part of the drama that will last to the final.
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10 welh
January 13, 2024 at 5:07 AM
WELCOME TO SAMDAL-RI (Ep 11-12) I find YP and SD’s relationship story is being “forced” and pushy. The push-pull between them is not working. The OTP is too immature to be a good couple. I am just not invested in their getting back together. I think Jindal and her ex make a better couple: a better balance of personalities and goals while bluntly talking to each other. The episodes continue to showcase irrational behavior as being normal.
But over the past few weeks, the best moments of the show continue to be Haedal and Ha-yul’s compelling and thoughtful scenes. It is like their arc is a distinct story from the series.
TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME (Ep 13-14) This series has not disappointed. It continues to be well written, well acted and believable beyond belief. We are getting to through the insecurities phase by getting closure between the characters in an adult manner,. This series has been the antidote to makjang shows.
A GOOD DAY TO BE A DOG (Ep. 14) The last few episodes were very disjointed and not very rewarding. This series had all the elements to be a good story: a comedy-romance at a high level. The director and writer hinted at them but failed to execute any real plan. We did not need the Curse backstory in order to tension between the leads. KISS: Keep it simple stupid. Just HN and SW overcoming their fears would have been enough. And after the curse was lifted, if HN kept certain dog traits (like the uncle did) then it would have been a funny dating theme that could have been quite enjoyable (like the couple hand in hand until a car passes by and HN quickly runs after it.) It could have been better if SW overcame his fear of dogs while caring and adapting to HN’s latent dog traits until their mutual love cured her. But instead we got no advancement of their relationship, no unique moments or a clear resolution of their story. The ending was bleh.
I blame the writer and director, but also the network for treating the show like a rabid dog: once a week on dead night in TV schedule, many preemptions, and an overdose on past clips in current episodes. The story meandered like a lost puppy. I don't blame the actors; they were given no meat on the bone.This was not a show that could have been better, it was a show that SHOULD have been better. Quite the disappointment.
DEATH’S GAME (Ep. 1-8) A dark but very well written and directed horror series, however under prior US broadcasting standards, the baby episode would have never been allowed to air. It was brutal to watch. The writer’s primary theme to show the pain in those left you behind was powerful. Poor Jinsu did not deserve her fate at the end of Episode 4. I had a hunch before the 12th episode who his last life would be with Death was acting very cruel. The weakest part of a very good show was the ending which seemed out of place given the context of the premise. I did like different actors playing the other lives. The direction and editing was very good...
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January 13, 2024 at 5:08 AM
... but the episodes are not for the faint of heart.
LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE (Ep. 30-31) Still lurking.
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January 13, 2024 at 6:20 AM
I love your description of my favourite drama TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME as antidote to makjang!
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11 ♡Peach_Mochi♡
January 13, 2024 at 5:08 AM
Knight Flower: I hope this drama takes the ideal of the “virtuous woman” and throws it off a cliff, along with murderous in-laws. I guess that’s the downside of watching too many historicals. Even the comedies take place in a society rife with blood-boiling injustice. The show better not clip the FL’s wings. I want to see her soar.
Park's Marriage Contract: At its best it had two very appealing couples, some gorgeous clothes and a winning combo of comedy and romance. It could have done without evil grandpa, evil grandpa's euphoric "punishment" and the succession storyline. I'm not even trying to figure out the whys/whos of the time travel because I don't think the writer did either.
Welcome to Samdal-ri: Still watching but ignoring the scenes with bitter dad and delusional Sang-do. Instead of forcing him into a love triangle that no one wants, why not give him his own storyline? He meets a girl who's initially put off by his flashy ride before she realizes he's actually a hardworking, humble country boy whose car is his one indulgence.
My Boss: (C-drama) Yet another eager, naive FL who wears white socks and sneakers at the law firm to show she's young and impressionable. 🙄 But the credits are promising some cute romantic moments later.
Derailment: (C-drama) At first it seemed to be about parallel worlds, then about being stuck in a video game. Mostly, it was about makeup and the value of persistence. A rebuttal to the "lying flat" movement, if you will.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:30 AM
Also just started Marry My Husband, but skipped past the spousal abuse and jumped to the time reset. Appreciate the quick pace — which I made quicker, lol — and the FL’s use of her knowledge of the future.
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January 13, 2024 at 8:40 AM
You speak my mind about Sang-do. I romantic second female is very much needed in this drama and sadly we are not having such a character included.
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ar_arguably romantic
January 13, 2024 at 11:09 AM
I love the romance line you've come up for Sang-do! Why couldn't the writer have fit that in?!
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
January 14, 2024 at 2:37 AM
My brother had a friend, whose family were very rich, and he had talked to my brother about ways they sorted out people:
"You wear black socks. Someone is wearing white socks? You don't do business with them".
Of course, that was people who had more money than just some lawyer ... but in any case, sneakers were not necessary to deem yourself out of the company (in the sense of "other people you want to deal with).
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12 Babylilo
January 13, 2024 at 5:15 AM
Nokdu Flower - I’m not in the habit of fast-forwarding or only watching select parts of a show, but this is one case where I might rewatch just the last three brilliant episodes; for me, they elevated an okay show into a great one. Up until then, I was finding it a bit draggy and repetitive. But once the epic fight began, I became totally immersed in the drama. Episode 21 in particular had some truly gut-wrenching scenes: the horrific, lopsided battles, Yi-Kang’s stirring speech to the defeated troops (a high point in Cho Jung-Seok’s acting career), and Ja-In’s outpouring of grief as her beloved “uncle” Deok-Ki was executed right before her eyes. I give the creative team a whole lot of credit for letting the battles play out over a substantial portion of the episode to fully capture the appalling scale of the slaughter.
For some reason, I couldn’t connect with the OTP romance; I think the show would have been just fine without it. The other romantic relationship was more compelling—not because it gave me flutters, but because of the way in which it reflected Yi-Hyun’s moral decline. Among all the characters, he had the most complex and developed story arc. We saw the kindhearted younger brother in episode 1 transformed—first by the indignities of the class system and then by the horrors of war—into a cold-blooded killing machine. It looked like his beloved Myung-Sim might have been able to help him regain something of his former humanity, but further encounters with evil finally pushed him over the edge. He became a collaborator of the Japanese invaders, buying into their brutal “tough love” policy towards the Korean people. He was devastated to discover the truth: they planned to conquer the country and kill any Korean citizen who stood in their way. The ultimate blow came when Myung-Sim finally declared him to be beyond redemption. YH’s final act seemed inevitable, but it came as a shock nonetheless.
On average, I’d rate the performances as “pretty good,” with some great character work among the large supporting cast. As the troubled Yi-Hyun, Yoon Si-Yoon turned in a credible performance, with some truly outstanding moments later in the drama. Our leading couple (played by Cho Jung-Seok and Han Ye-Ri) came to life for me much more in their teasing banter than in their more emotional encounters.
The cinematography and camerawork deserve special mention. There is one particular shot, about 52 minutes into episode 22, that I found just breathtaking. It’s set in the forest, right after Yi-Hyun has executed Myung-Sim’s brother, Seok-Joo, with a bullet to the head. There’s a closeup of YH that gradually fades from color to black-and-white. Then the camera pulls back to reveal a wider picture, with a tree neatly dividing the screen in two. YH, on the right, is in shades of gray with a touch of sepia; on the left side, in full color, we see SJ’s lifeless body. It’s as if we’re being asked, “Who’s really the dead...
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January 13, 2024 at 5:16 AM
It’s as if we’re being asked, “Who’s really the dead one here?”
My Secret Terrius - This a rewatch for me, this time with a weekly online group. I’m having fun revisiting this fabulous drama and seeing the reactions of the people who are experiencing it for the first time. Everyone is loving the show—and I know it only gets better! So far I’ve been able to resist the temptation to give spoilers.
Sweet Home - There’s nothing like a horde of hideous, rampaging, flesh-eating monsters to brighten up a rainy Friday! Four episodes into season 1, and so far I’m digging the vibe, which strikes me as kind of a low-rent Happiness—on steroids. I’m enjoying getting to know the assorted cast of characters, and am looking forward to seeing the friendships, rivalries, bonding, mutinies, etc. to come.
Time to Hunt - Lee Je-Hoon had a certain laid-back appeal, but not enough charisma to elevate this run-of-the-mill dystopian/heist movie to a point where I wanted to finish watching it. Not even with Choi Woo-Sik as one of his sidekicks.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:27 AM
My Secret Terius is such a fun and lovely drama!! I wish it were easier to access so more people could enjoy it.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:51 AM
I watched it on *Kissasian*. The person leading the watch group is using Kocowa.
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Isa is always time travelling
January 13, 2024 at 10:54 AM
I will watch it soon on Viki :)
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January 13, 2024 at 5:26 AM
Comment was deleted
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January 13, 2024 at 5:27 AM
Beautiful write up on Nokdu Flower. Perfectly giving the essence of the show.
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January 13, 2024 at 5:58 AM
I put the image I described on my fan wall:
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Isa is always time travelling
January 13, 2024 at 7:18 AM
I remember perfectly that scene in Episode 22 you are taking about. I guess it's hard to forget.
This drama has an amazing use of cinematography.
(And that moment when we see a photo of the real Nokdu... I got goosebumps).
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January 13, 2024 at 9:13 AM
I was going to look up that photo, but the show saved me the effort!
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13 Kurama
January 13, 2024 at 5:19 AM
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract This drama is over and it was quite disapointing. I never understood its success when the story made no sense at all.
Tell Me That You Love Me If the FL was played by another actress, I think I would have been more invested in the love story. But in this case, I don't really care, I'm more interested by the second female lead but not as a potential lover but for their past, their love for art and their beautiful signing scenes.
Love Song for Illusion This drama is so bad... Neither of the actors have the talent to play the depth of their character. I see no difference between the 2 MLs, the FL doesn't look like an assassin at all except when they made her jumping on wall in this fantasy fake way.
Marry My Husband I'm not interested by any characters...
Between Him and Her Even the romance between the friends is awful.
Like Flowers in Sand I would have prefered a romance with the trope of sharing the same house between the 2 cops and Baek-Du becoming a champion than romance between the leads.
A Good Day to Be a Dog This drama had potential but the writer made sure to destroy it.
Welcome to Samdal-ri After so many episodes, I'm still feeling nothing happened...
Knight Flower I will try it.
My Demon I'm not sure about the part where our demon is connected to her parent's death.
My Man is Cupid but looks like he doesn't deserve any Dramabean's attention The story is so slow. Nothing is happening...
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14 Midnight
January 13, 2024 at 5:21 AM
Twinkling Watermelon Ep 3
YAY! I have finally fallen in love with a show again! After dropping My Lovely Boxer and Park's Marriage Contract I was feeling really disheartened. But finally!!
I loved Ryeoun in 365: Repeat the Year, and I was very happy to see he is the lead here. I don't think I have seen the actor playing Yi Chan before but he is doing a fantastic job too.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 5:28 AM
Oooh Twinkling Watermelon!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! 😊
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January 13, 2024 at 5:46 AM
He was in 25-21.
Watermelon has a lot of heart. ❤️
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
January 13, 2024 at 7:21 AM
He was also in Racket boys a lighter feel drama and Weak class hero the violence filled heavier end drama.
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Isa is always time travelling
January 13, 2024 at 7:29 AM
Choi Hyun Wook (Yi Chan) was great in 25-21 and Weak Hero Class 1 too. He is so charismatic!
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January 13, 2024 at 11:32 AM
It's such a lovely, lovely show - hope you enjoy it!
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15 Blue (@mayhemf)
January 13, 2024 at 5:31 AM
Matchmakers - Very sweet show. Rowoon as lovestruck lead was adorable. And so we were all the maidens. delightful. I FF-ed a lot of politics initially. But MVP of all Joseon kings goes to this one. Ending was a little far fetched, but I will take it.
Like Flowers in sand
I love everything about this show. JDY is so brilliant!! Its so beautifully shot, wonderfully written and perfectly cast.
My man is Cupid The show is turning out to be much better than how it started.
On hold/Paused/Slow catching up
My Demon : It just got plotless suddenly.
Welcome to Samdal-ri I still want to know what happens.
Derailment (cdrama) :
Around ep 22. Still liking it. Didn’t get time this week.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 6:09 AM
I'm going to wait for My Man is Cupid to finish airing, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try! And your comments about Flowers in Sand have made me really excited for it - it sounds like just the emotional tone I will like.
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narrative addict
January 13, 2024 at 6:23 AM
Was the writer on holiday for the latest My Demon episode ?
And got back just in time to write the last bit.
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16 zindigo
January 13, 2024 at 5:34 AM
Ooooh, I have a lot to say this week!
Marry My Husband: Loving this! I think it's because I wasn't going to watch it, had no expectations when I decided to give it a try, and was completely caught off guard by its charm. Even though the premise of fated leads both being given a second chance after accidental death is... uh... slightly familiar... this still feels different and fun.
My Demon: I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but from the first episode I've been intrigued by the fact that a so-called demon wears a cross and has a cross tattoo. I suspect we're about to find out who the "devil" really is. Also, there's not enough dramatic tension between the ML/FL. I feel like we're watching an irl couple playing around at being actors.
Welcome to Samdal-ri: There was a lot to like in eps 11/12 but I still feel like I'm on a rollercoaster when I'm watching it. It's awesome, then boring, then awesome, then boring.
Like Flowers in Sand: Finally watched the first two eps this week and really enjoyed them. This drama has that "labor of love" feel, and it's chock-a-block with veteran actors and familiar faces. JDY is on a roll and that's a good thing 😊
Knight Flower: We're off to a rollicking good start!
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract: Whelp, the ending was ok I guess, but left a lot of loose threads. Writer-nim boxed herself in with a few of the storylines. And what was with the empty wedding hall? This was a pleasant watch, with gorgeous historical costumes, a solid concept, and some excellent first episodes. Unfortunately, as with so many basically decent dramas, it just wasn't able to finish strong. The chemistry between Lee and Bae kept this drama afloat. Ah well. Finis.
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (C-Drama): This creative and delightful series was a quick watch that satisfied my need for something quirky and easy to binge. The 24 eps go by quickly because they're short. It's funny and cute, as long as you just go with the flow of the silliness. It does get a little clunky/preachy in the last 6 eps or so, and the ending is a touch rushed/muddled, but still, what a fun watch! The beautiful costumes and soundtrack are an added bonus.
Have a great week everyone!
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 6:11 AM
Oooh Knight Flower! I'm excited to start this one today! Glad you enjoyed Romance of Tiger and Rose 😊
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January 13, 2024 at 6:59 AM
I think you’ll like it. Honey Lee is such fun.
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HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
January 13, 2024 at 7:22 AM
I just started episode 1 - oh my, this is QUITE FUN!! 😁
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17 Bunny Sonaki
January 13, 2024 at 5:40 AM
Knight Flower is a blast and Honey Lee is killing it.
Welcome to Samdalri I hope for a satisfactory ending so I won't regret it.
Maestra Please give our dear Se-eum a happy ending.
My Demon It is getting darker episode by episode but the chemistry between our leads keep it fascinating.
I am re-watching Call It love and enjoying the slow burn romance
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18 Snow Flower
January 13, 2024 at 5:43 AM
Like Flowers In Sand - the only drama I am watching live. I am so invested I don't want to start anything else. Please end well, drama!
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19 sorrynotsorry
January 13, 2024 at 6:00 AM
The Matchmakers: I liked the easy charm of this drama and expected to have more matchmaking stories, but I commend the drama for really weaving in the story of the old maid sisters to last the entire length of the show. Just an easy watch.
Perfect Marriage Revenge: I binged the first half but just finally checked back in and, while a solid show, I did some judicious ff because I could see exactly how the revenge was going happen.
A Good Day To Be A Dog: Stopped watching when he kissed the dog and could never really get invested again. (I am re-reading this and it sounds weird but whatever) However, I do want to watch the last episode.
The Story of Park's Marriage: Like but stalled. I like it when I watch it but have trouble clicking the next episode.
Marry My Husband: It's zippy. I like zippy. The pace of this for the win. However, that's a lot of episodes coming up so I feel something has gotta give. I will give it to the writers if they can do it but even Perfect Marriage Revenge got a little meh for me and it was only 12 episodes.
I might eventually try the wrestling drama. My husband wrestled through high school and loved it. Also, looking for a show to watch with my husband. I'm thinking Moving might work.
Blue Eyed Samurai (Netflix): I've just started but the story is set up.
I finished up Derry Girls finally (NF) and my daughter nagged me enough to get me watching The Bear (Hulu). People stressing out in a kitchen stresses me out but we'll see how it goes. I am half way done with the first season.
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January 14, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Moving is really good - I think it was my favourite drama of 2023. In a way it's not really a drama, just an action-romance-sci-fi tv show. I found the violence quite violent sometimes, though, and had to skip through. Still loved it!
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20 LiSsi
January 13, 2024 at 6:04 AM
I enjoy all of my ongoing shows: My Demon, My Man Is Cupid and Like Flowers In Sand (clueless and slow Baek Du is so funny!). Tell Me That You Love Me is maybe a bit too introspective and slow, and why doesn’t he just write letters or emails to explain himself?? My Happy Ending is great so far, I love the setup and FL. In contrast, I only watched Ep.1 of the very similar Marry My Husband because I just wanted to make sure my resolution to not watch Park Min Young any more still stands – it does. I did not enjoy her last dramas, and this is no different for me. Please go back to the more relaxed look of former roles (I loved Her Private Life) or pick really adult roles that do not focus on looking perfect all the time. Good example: Maestra, maybe my favorite of the current shows. Lee Young Ae looks great too, but there’s so much more to the role and her acting!
Love Song For Illusion may be web series quality in its production value, but I do like the story so far, the action and dancing scenes were really good, and I would watch it for Park Ji Hoon anyway 😉.
I’m still behind on Welcome to Samdalri, I’m surprised that this doesn’t draw me in more.
Finished Because This Is My First Life just before Netflix dropped it on New Year’s Eve and enjoyed it all the way (the last episodes were slow as so often), and after that picked up Awaken from my long WTW-list, which is very intense and suspenseful. Besides Namgoong Min, I love the tough, no-nonsense female leads.
Ahh, almost forgot Gyeongsong Creature. Surprise, a second season is on its way… At least S1 was wrapped up as a complete drama. Story wise, there weren’t many surprises, it was pretty predictable from the start, but of course it had excellent Netflix production values and I do not regret having watched it.
KDrama friend project: This week, we finished both A Good Day To Be A Dog and Park’s Marriage Contract. While watching the latter, I said to my friend “Beanies will have to say things about this!” – and you do, and we wholeheartedly join in. How can you spoil a happy ending by so much nonsense before? Worst for me: the grandfather’s way too happy fate. And we loved this drama so much in the beginning… Almost the same, but not quite so bad, with the lovely Dog Show. They seemed to have too much time on their hands at the end; but okay, repeating the cuteness is fine for us. We also saw the short Japanese BL I Became The Main Lead Of A BL Drama: hilarious in the beginning, quirky as many Japanese shows, fun to watch.
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January 14, 2024 at 11:11 AM
Ooh Awaken! I enjoyed that one! Not too complex, but fascinating and I liked Namgoong Min in it (I almost always like his dramas). Enjoy!
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