Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 30, 2023)

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Currently covering: Like Flowers in Sand

The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract: I’m loving the growing teamwork between our leads that we’re seeing in Episode 4 — and finally a reunion between our girls! (It was a little flat, but I guess I’ll take it.) I came to this drama for the time-slipping and Bae In-hyuk (My Roommate is a Gumiho SLS program still running in the background of my brain), but actually it’s the charming and adorable Lee Se-young that’s keeping me here. I lerv her here!



Welcome to Samdal-ri: Show, if you return Mom to us all safe and sound, I promise not to complain about how Sam-dal gave up her career without exposing the truth. I promise to only focus on the things I love: Jin-dal’s romance, the Power Rangers, Yong-pil’s soft-looking shirts, and his even softer gaze reserved for Sam-dal.

Gyeongseong Creature: I enjoyed the initial phase when Tae-sang was trying to flirt and Chae-ok kept shooting him down. Then the romance jumped to “I’d die for you” too soon and the OTP lost me. That aside, I do love the setting of the show and the fact that our main characters have simple goals that shouldn’t be dangerous in theory: stay rich, find mom. But bigger things like the independence movement, power play among the colonizers, and a killer super-monster make those simple wishes impossible. Hence, oodles of conflict! Speaking of monster, I enjoyed the “creature” part a lot. I was always screaming for everyone to get out of the way, even the evil soldiers. All in all, I think Part 1 did well in setting up the Gyeongseong and the Creature parts of the story. Let’s see if it can keep things up in Part 2. And maybe sell us on the romance?


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The Matchmakers
It's over, but I know I'll be watching it beginning to end again if only to watch Sam-soon-gu fall in love one more time. And I'm also gaining respect for the middle Maeng sister whose foul mouth belies a tender heart that simply knows what it wants but doesn't feel it deserves the happiness. Or maybe I'll be watching for Jo Han-chul and Park So-hyun: his king, for all his faults, was always on the side of love while her Lady Park...not so much. Literally a classic this one. A generation ruiner. In five years I'll be here on Dramabeans declaiming, "They don't make them like Matchmakers anymore!!" because it has set the standard for right now.

My Demon
Is fine. It's just fine. Why is it that I now WANT Lee Sang-yi to end up being the bad guy? It looks like he's going to turn bad, but that's not what I want. I want him to always have been the baddie, because that would attract my attention.

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract
Or the story of the adorable aegyo? I'm not prone to falling for just dimples...buuuuut...no, I'm standing strong. Yeon-woo's robot vacuum is my guidestar.

Welcome to Samdal-ri
Uh, also still liking this fine, folks. It's just a show, with some tropes, and some famous people pandering for the audience. It's totes fine.

Between Him and Her
Ah. The youth these days are noticing that being in a relationship for 7+ years means things change ;). Don't fret folks. It changes every 7 years. Just roll with it. Or don't. But don't think it's ever gonna stay the same for long.

Stealer: The Treasure Keeper
There's a Fan Wall Community Watch starting for Stealer tomorrow, December 31st on Ye Olde Fan Wall. I will be the first host (the gifs are prepared!!!), and then three others will take over in each of the subsequent three weeks. But you don't need to host to participate, AT ALL. Come one, come all! We'll be watching three episodes per week, and all commentary is welcome. The drama not only promises more Jo Han-chul, and a brilliant Hacker Ajumma, but there's Prince Flight Attendant!!!!

My Liberation Notes
I'm now firmly in the pro-LMR camp, even if/although I know it ends in tears. I'm a bit less than half of the way through, and I am frankly incredibly glad that we have this weekend's break in live-watches, because it's quite clear that I'm going to be binging the last 9 episodes before the year is up. And, yes, I do mean that I'll be watching all of this by tomorrow night. I have a New Year's party to go to and everything, so there's a firm deadline.

I don't quite know how to express this, but I am loving hating Lee Min-ki. I've never had the opportunity to hate his character like this when I've actually been encouraged to do so, and I have to say...I find it, um, liberating?? Seriously. He's doing...


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...Seriously. LMK is doing such a great job of being an unattractively damaged, obnoxious ass. I'm still glued to the screen.

Furthermore, contrary to some expectations I'd had, I don't think the show is about modern alienation at all. I think it's about the way love has always worked. You think it's about you, but it's never about you. Making love about you--even making your righteous anger about you!--has always been a recipe for disaster. I stipulate without any real evidence that ever since we humans started recognizing our individuality...whenever that day was, what, 5,000 years ago?...love has been about worshipping everything else BUT you, and in that way Lee Min-ki's character has it exactly right: what you decide to see in other people is indeed what you get to see in yourself.


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He, the journey with LMK in LN is full of surprises 😉


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I'm so excited!!! Well, I guess "excited" isn't the word. 😂


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Oh I loved MLN, the ending is what it is, but the journey was fantastic.


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Ha, interesting, I started My Liberation Notes, too! It's a fascinating watch. It feels so slice of life and yet so special at the same time. I'm not even that interested how the outcome is, because watching people going about their lives feels rewarding enough.


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I definitely think I see how some people loved it and some, well, didn't. I, personally, was hooked by minute 15 and it's held my attention ever since! I'm so entirely unlike almost all of these characters (exception: Hyeon-a), that I find myself entranced by seeing how the "other half" lives. AND, I could imagine feeling the same if I were like them, as well 😊


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Yes, that is a big part of it for me, too. I eouldn't make the decisions all these characters make, and I don't understand all of them, but it's so interesting to watch and try to make sense of other people's lives. The funny thing is, everything feels very strange but very plausible to me.


Yeah, that's how I felt through it. Its a lesson in learning about yourself and about how you fit in the world around you and its an engaging watch all the way through.


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And LMK can do no wrong!


He was my favorite character in MLN. He was listless, career going nowhere, but he's a good guy. I loved how his story ends. Finally found what he wants to do. This was great screen writing here.


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Lol just give in to the dimples, Seon-ha!! 😉🤭

The Matchmakers is magical. After I found out about the ending, I rewatched the first two episodes before moving on to episode three. It's so RICH in layers of things to notice!!! I'm absolutely loving it ❤️


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We knew you'd love The Matchmakers!! 😀


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You all were so right!!!!! 😊❤️


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Careful watching is really going to pay off as you continue with the show. Everything about it is so lovingly constructed. Enjoy!!


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Thank you! 😊 Knowing a few of the spoilers beforehand, it's amazing to see everything seeded so carefully from the beginning! Truly well-crafted!!!


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As said before the cupid couple did one best thing and for that writer deserve some praise - by approving their feelings of previous relationship - husband was a good husband - princess was a good semi-wife. hero-heroine were in good previous relationship. Most writers use previous relationship for soap-opera drama and turn everything into too suffocating -ve. Here - you heart can beat again - you can love more and more - you can have butterflies again and you aren't disrespecting your previous partner. Outcome was predictable and low quality though.

Other good thing is - 3 sisters for 16 episodes - no every week new story nonsense.


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I couldn't predict the outcome. I remained concerned that the show would have the curse of 2023 on it and they would "teach us a lesson" rather than offering a happy ending.

Couldn't have been more thrilled with the ending.


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I was disappointed how simple the Big Evil story was in Demon. My mind is still refusing to believe it and still thinks Sukhoon is somehow plotting in the shadows.


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I'm with you. There are a LOT of episodes left. Will they inject another villain and our Demon will need to fight baddies from actual hell?


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There are still all those stopped clocks... and the pesky detail of his sort of Immortality and Dohee's mortality... I somehow wish that instead of focusing on him turning being human they would find a way that SHE turns being demon and then they rule them all! Ha! 😎


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Oh, I'd love that. Orrr...maybe they could just join the 저승 사자 crew from Tomorrow! That could be a great spin-off/cross-over...and we'd get Rowoon back (and Kim Hee-sun!! And Lee Soo-hyuk!! AND Yoon Ji-on who could use a better role after Liar-gate)!!


Remember we still haven't explored his past life, we have just seen glimpses, so there is still that.


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Ugh, that thought fills me with dread, Kafiyah, NGL.


yeah maybe he is a demon in place of someone else.


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If for nothing else, MLN will be forever ensconced in Kdrama legend for two simple words: “Worship me.” 😁


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Wishing everyone a very happy new year in advance. Hope the world is a slightly kinder place for everyone next year 🥺.

The Matchmakers - I had such a stupid smile on my face watching the last 3 episodes. So so good, so cute, so loving, so smart. One of the best written dramas of the year.

A Good Day to Be a Dog - Once again, what is the POINT?? I read about the changes from the webcomic and they're all such bad choices.

Like Flowers in Sand - I found the police interrogation scene pretty troubling. Jin-su's mom is right - it's impossible to dislike Baek-du.

My Man is Cupid - The information mismatch between the characters is so frustrating.

My Demon - That was such a satisfying denouement to the whole 'only one can live' nonsense.

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract - I was right about the 'yeolnyeo' thing 💅. What exactly is the point of the time travel though 🤔?

Welcome to Samdal-ri - Well it did my least favourite thing - parents interfering in their adult children's relationships. They're almost 40! 🤦‍♀️


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‘Wishing everyone a very happy new year in advance. Hope the world is a slightly kinder place for everyone next year 🥺’ 👈🏾great message let’s hope so because some beanies are enduring some seriously tough times 😒


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Thanks. Wishing the same for you! Have a wonderful New Year!


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What I'm Watching

The Matchmakers: 🦆❤️🦆(1-4) (*LOTS OF THOUGHTS*) I am overcome by the sheer beauty of how scenes are framed and lit. I love how the writing is carefully embroidering the plot. I am so impressed by the cast. This drama makes it clear that not only is Rowoon a good actor, he's also gifted at physical comedy, and the PD seems to have really brought this out in the characterization. "I am not the type of man who will disappoint you;" and the skill of "first sight" completely throwing the ML for a loop - so many moments that are literally perfect in their loveliness. ❤️ I also love the FL, and the fact that she loves love. The actress is so young, but there's a gentleness and nuance in her portrayal that is often missing when similarly-young actresses tackle "matronly" roles. When she thinks of her husband and cries, I tear up. I love that while the ML and FL got off on the wrong foot, they're not truly antagonistic - they've already found things they like and admire in each other - and he obviously finds her delightful, much to his surprise, poor boy. 😂 The three sisters are a hoot. I like the mystery. I like the shadow government of women. There's an absolute magic to how the writing, directing, and acting are all clicking together. I'm consistently feeling teary just from the beauty, gentleness, and just-right-ness of it all ❤️

The Crowned Clown: I made it through episode 7 and now I'm taking a break because it's giving me anxiety 😬 Eegad, Yeo Jin-goo is scary and convincing as the mad king. The politics and personal feelings are COMPLICATED, and I'm not even over the halfway mark!

Stealer: (1-3) started a rewatch for a fanwall community watch! It's a perfect rewatch, and maybe more fun the second time?? It's essentially the Korean version of National Treasure, which I adore. I love how much the team likes each other and their jobs, how Jo Han-chul is such a good boss, Kim Jae-won is such a cute maknae, and Lee Joo-woo is so all-in with this new world she's been thrown into. And I love that Skunk is such a dork 😂 🦨💨

● Waiting for The Story of Park's Marriage Contract to finish up, and for Knight Flower and <Captivating the King to start.
● Enjoying the Percy Jackson series on Disney+ - y'all, it's really good!!!


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Can we just start up another Fan Wall Community Watch for Matchmakers??? We could have one going forever and ever. 🥹

And, I keep seeing Indiana Jones in Stealer...like with his relationship with his dad?


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Seon-ha, I'm loving The Matchmakers so, so much. I miss that I didn't get to do all the discussions in real-time with you all, but this is really a perfect drama for me to experience at my own pace 🥰 Always happy to squee over the loveliness here!!

And YESSSS Indiana Jones!!!! Lol especially in the eeeeevil villain and artifact heist-ing 😆


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Ha, I wasn't serious about the FWCW except insofar as I meant that we would start one that would never stop and that would then go on for eternity. Would that be OK?


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Absolutely!! 🥰


“Carefully embroidering the plot” is 100% correct. I don’t know when I’ve watched a drama with more artistic unity.


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Yes everything is in artistic unity!!! The writing, acting, directing, music, cinematography, etc etc!!!


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Agreed EVERYTHING is on point.


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This is just what I thought about Matchmakers, it truly was a work of art where every component was used to create a greater whole. Which you very rarely get to see anywhere. It made me think of old paintings in which everything has a meaning. Just the effort put forth for the lighting alone is something I’ll never forget.


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Yes I'm only at episode 5, and I'm ready to say it's a masterpiece! Like you said so beautifully - a work of art where the components make a greater whole.


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Yay! So happy to find another Percy fan.
My sister told me this version redeems the nightmare of the movie series that broke every PERCY JACKSON fan. And I think she will be right! It IS very good so far. Can I say how happy I am that Sally gets a more prominent role in the events of the first book than she had in the original book? So far the changes that have been made make sense, the script is beautiful, the young actors are keeping up, and my fan heart is munching on blue candy with Percy.


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YAY!!! Yes I'm so happy about this - it FEELS right to my memories of the series and what I enjoyed about it. The young actor playing Percy is quite good... and I really appreciate that he's not constantly wise-cracking. Much of his humor and sarcasm were internal monologues in the books, so I'm glad the series is keeping those quips unspoken, instead of making him a pint-sized standup comic 😂


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I'm so glad you're enjoying Matchmakers! You're so right about how it's pretty much magic how all these elements are clicking together. You're so right about Jo Yi-hyun. It's easy to overlook how much she contributed to the drama since she is more the straight-man compared to Ro-woon. I think another young actress taking on this role may have given off the "I'm a mom, but I'm still a spunky young lady" cool-mom feel.


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This is my first time seeing Jo Yi-hyun, and she's just so good... light and effervescent, motherly without being shrill or a caracature. Her character is the perfect foil to Rowoon's character!


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Re tvN’s THE CROWNED CLOWN (Viki US). A few thought:
1. I am glad you are enjoying it and please stay with it. I consider Yeo Jin-goo’s performance in episodes 7 and 8 perhaps one of the best performances of his career (including up to the present). TCC was my first YJG drama and I was in awe of his dual role performance and I am a fan for life.

2. For his performance in THE CROWNED CLOWN Yeo Jin-goo was the [2019 Year in Review] Editors’ Pick for ‘Best Actor’. It was an amazing choice. He was only 21 at the time and TCC aired early in 2019 (Jan.-Mar.) so it could easily have been overlooked.

3. In TCC the wonderful character actor Jang Gwang I think set the standard for sageuk eunuchs with his performance as Eunuch Jo. Fantastic.


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Thank you for sharing that extra information! Yes, Yeo Jin-goo is stunningly good, and absolutely deserving of any awards he won for this dual role. I'm definitely going to finish the drama, but I've had to adjust my pace because I find it so stressful. Jang Gwang is so good in his role - far and away my favorite eunuch role in a sageuk.


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WELCOME TO SAMDAL-RI (Ep 7-8) I really do not the Alcoholic Sisters, with their strong personalities, are only drawn to weak, dumb men. And, apparently, dumb guys are drawn to them because they need their strength in personality to overcome their issues. That is a terrible message for relationship dynamics. Even little Haa-Yul knows this when she lies about being her mom’s niece in front of the Dolphin Chaser.

I also dislike the aspect of Samdal “having to find herself.” She found herself in her Seoul career and success based upon her passion that she developed in Jeju. Why does she need to be punished for the small-minded cancel culture behavior of strangers?

The show keeps pounding the same plot over and over like waves crashing on the breakwater.

TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME (Ep 9-10) I came to this show with no expectations. t continues to hit all the right notes in harmony with underplayed but strong acting and believable characters. In Korean dating culture, a man’s protection is directly tied to a woman’s view of her security in love. When JW states that he has nightmares about not being able to protect her because he is deaf, she severs that traditional way of thinking about protection = love. ME continues to be the mover in the couple relationship when she said she does not need his protection when she loves him. Communication, caring, concern and confession are the perfect blueprint for this story. This is a refreshing change from normal story telling.

A GOOD DAY TO BE A DOG (Ep. 12) I don’t know if this series is off-the-rails because it never was on any because of the schedule pre-exemptions and once a week drop. The backstory of the Curse gets dumber by the week. The show could have been SO MUCH better if it stayed with the OTP, and HA return to “normalcy” contained the dog traits that the uncle had upon his return, such as having a lovely walk then HA suddenly chases after a passing car. How would SW overcome his fear of dogs if he was dating one?

LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE (26-27) Still lurking around this bad weekender. It may turn the corner but I doubt it. The series is just a FF time killer now. This Makjang is not even good Makjang.


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Tell Me That You Love - Okay. I take by a little bit of my displeasure at Mo-eun's dad. His private moments with his wife is the reason for my step by step forgiveness.
Overall, I loved how her parents respected, understood and stood by her decision. Even though it isn't their expectations. Ae-sook asking whether it is alright to send Jin-woo kimchi gladdened me.
Yo-han is game. I like how he subtly not so subtly let the drama boss guy know that Mo-eun is the reason why he's signing up for his drama.
Why do I feel like that obnoxious man is gonna cause another drama again. Why would he repeat his name as if he knows something or is trying to jog his memory.

Song Seo-kyung deserves an award for the best opposition second female lead in the romance category. Outside of the romance, we see a full-fledged fleshed-out individual with the utmost professionalism. Even the coworkers who talked bad about her the day she resumed have formed a different opinion about her. I'm guessing so because of the easygoing dynamic that exists between them.

And the boy who joined Jin-woo's class. What a way to cause a ripple amongst his students. I have to give credit to Jin-woo's students. The trio I mean. These people may not be able to speak, but they are a chaotic bunch. A very very chaotic one.

Mr. Queen Special Episodes - So I had seen a version say a year ago and I thought that was the said special. Until i stumbled on this full two 20-30-minute episode special and it was a ride. It brought a whole lot of the 20 episodes to recollection. And equally spinned off some plots from the original episodes. I didn't think I'd see the Queen Dowager, Kim Tae-woo and Queen Cheorin's father in the same space and be greeted with such comedy and laughter from the trio.

Welcome to Samdalri Ep 4½ - What's up with Yong-pil's father. Get a grip and sort out your issues man.
Jin-dal's interaction with her ex-husband, and the little flashback to their past as a couple...they are an adorable bunch. I need him to get freedom off the clutches of his father. Jin-dal to the rescue.

To pick up My Happy Ending today.


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+1 for Jin-dal to the rescue!!!


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Those Mr. Queen special episodes were SO funny. I'm glad you got to see them!


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Seokyung is such a great character so far.

Yongpil's father sadly reflects real life. We still don't know the real reason, but he obviously blames Samdal (and the whole family) for the past. One of my best friends is blamed for a family tragedy she even didn't cause (a terminal disease of her child) and her partner behaves even worse than Yongpil's Dad. Sad, but true to life.
(I also disliked how Dad didn't respect the boundaries and not only went through Yongpil's stuff, but threw away that yarn ball as well. )


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I wanted more of the Mr Queen special episodes!
But the QD, and his brothers were a hoot!


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I have not been able to put my thoughts together, everything has stayed in scattered draft notes from (and since) Thursday when the news first hit me. I'm still shocked... and so sad.

So... here just goes my list of shows I had watched till then.

- Park's Marriage Contract
- My 91 Demon
- Live (Finally!) Your Own Life
- Welcome to Samdal-ri
- Tell Me That You Love Me
- Derailment
- Unpredictable Family

Hugs to all.


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Can I come back to Joonie? Or is Tae-ho still pretty irredeemable...


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I really liked last weekend episodes, supporting Taeho included.
Though maybe wait a bit. It all looked like a big restart, thus this weekend will more show the new direction of the show.


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Outside forces caused two shifts in the show but I think that we are now past that point. This writer has done two other weekenders that I know of and knows what is needed. Things should have finally settled down.


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But isn't it halfway through? I mean, if I were this writer, I'd be pretty mad...


It was tragic what he experienced, but even more tragic what he chose on how to face or rather … end it.

It’s really a shame we couldn’t really see his work anymore. But I’m still hoping on his 2 movies that put on hold will be released eventually.

Hug to you.


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Same. Everything came to a Stand still. I didn’t even want to do a kdrama WWW post.
I managed to watch a drama yesterday. Not sure if and when I will catch up on all the live watches.


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*hugs everyone*

I thought I'm the only one who have not been able to move on ever since last week. Haven't watch any Kdrama ever since. Everytime I'm online, I keep searching for news related to LSK, as if looking for a confirmation for something.


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Live watches:

Between him and her
A good start to the season looking forward to seeing how this one goes.

Worst to First: A teen baseball miracle - Japanese
Waiting impatiently for the final episode subs to drop. This has been a great watch seeing the boys and the coach team grow through adversity to turn a far fetched dream into their reality.

Welcome to Salmadari
It seems I am one of the few beanies enjoying this small town finding yourself drama. I just want to relax while watching dramas because the world is very bleak for a lot of people these days so if alcohol misuse or gossiping neighbours are my only bug bears while watching a drama I am happy.

It’s a good day to be a dog
Finally, remembered that its strengths were in the funny light movements. Whilst there was always a dark element to the story I am not sure why they stretched it out when two episodes worth of darkness would have been sufficient in a shorter drama.

Fermat’s cuisine - Japanese
The first five episodes introduce the main lead a maths genius who loses his way when he fails a maths Olympiad in his last year at school. He is rescued by a chef from a two star Michelin restaurant who sees his natural talent of using maths principles to create unusual dishes and wants to mentor him. The harsh approach to helping him grow is quite frustrating to watch as he is a sweet young man keen to learn and hard working. We see glimpses of him being transformed into a copy of his cruel mentor but have to wait for the second batch of episodes to drop in early January to discover what led to the change.

Binge watch corner -
On a starry night -Japanese
A female doctor meets a deaf younger man while out camping he has no respect for personal space and appropriate norms. However over time his attention to detail and kindness in his work with the distribution of personal items after a death leads to an opportunity for them to get to know each other in a more conventional way. The female leads allows an aggressive grieving man to wander around her rather than letting the police deal with it which results in her friends and boyfriend, work colleagues and vulnerable patients all getting exposed to the physical and emotional fallout.

Plus sized misadventures in love - Japanese
They tried to address the impact of body shaming in the office environment but because it’s a drama they still fell into using stereotypes as part of the character’s personality. Let’s hope this is part of changing the narratives so hopefully this will lead to other dramas using a range of characters as main leads.

One page love - Japanese
A man and woman meet by chance in a small town known for stargazing shooting stars. They begin a brief relationship and agree to meet there again in four years but he fails to appear. She has never got over him and draws their story as part of a one page online manga after he rejects her coldly when they meet by chance in Tokyo.

Castaway Diva


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returned to this as episode 8 had Kiho smiling again and I am finally able to enjoy the drama I thought I would be watching when I knew who the male lead was. No point in hiring an actor who has a signature smile and then not showing it for half the run time. I will read weecaps and just dive in to watch the love story unfold whilst fast forwarding through til the end is such a shame because the darkness ruined this as a proper watch for me.

Webtoon corner:
‘Til debt do us part -contract marriage between two former classmates turned enemies.
Hoping Second lead syndrome is on pause due to the holidays.

Book club:
The island of missing trees - Elif Shafak
The story starts in 1974 when two teens fall in love; one from a Greek Cypriot family and the other from a Turkish Cypriot family living on the divided island of Cyprus.

Heaven - Mieko Kawakami
Tale of bullying told from the victims perspective but feels like the author has a point to make and is just using random characters to share these thoughts. I downloaded by mistake and find the views on bullying from multiple angles not a very satisfying listen.

Feel Good productivity -Ali Abdaal
Ways to bring the fun into the process of trying to achieve life goals. Similar to Atomic habits - James Clear, in that it has actionable steps and is an easy listen.


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Since you are enjoying JP dramas right now, I need to recommend one I just started: Ishiko and Haneo: You're Suing Me? It is low-key drama about a very tiny law firm who takes on seemingly small cases like a mother who is being charged for her underaged son's online game purchases. Already the magic is in the two leads who have a night and day approach to law and lawyering, and how these small cases dive into larger societal issues like being a single parent and workplace abuse.


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I watched that a few months ago and loved it. Thanks for sharing though and keep me in the loop if you find other quality J dramas like that one.


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Reply, I thought I was the only one last week enjoying Samdal-ri...there are actually a LOT of us. We're just not too, too active in the commentary. My whole Greek tragedy thing was actually engagement and attention--if that wasn't clear (which it probably wasn't :))!


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I agree it’s reminding me of King the Land and See you in my 19th life where the vocal people were mainly the ones hate watching and we had to pop over to fan walls to share the love.


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I'm also enjoying Welcome to Samdalri! I think it took awhile to get into the groove, and it's hard to pin down what the drama is though.


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I like @attiton 's idea of a mini-weekender. And I hope they will develope more sisters' love stories.


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Tell Me you love me: Mo Eun and Jin Woo are just so precious. The way their relationship clearly makes them both happy is so nice to watch.

The Matchmakers: It ended in a predictable and fine way. Soon Gu and Sam Soon, my faves, were great until the end, so I am content.

Between Him and Her: Miscommunication is the word of the day.

Like Flowers in Sand: Baek Du is the living embodiment of sweet summer child. He is so adorable, sweet, and just slow enough that it is endearing. The fact that he still thinks Du Shik is married is so precious, lol. Watching ssierum matches are so interesting. As for Du Shik, hopefully she tells him she isn’t married to that man.

A Good Day to be a Dog: WHY?

Welcome to Samdal Ri: Hopefully nothing happens to mom, because all the previews looked to be flashbacks.

The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract: This is probably my favorite OTP and 2nd lead couple in a long time. The fact that the rest of the drama is shenanigans is irrelevant, because the couples give me so much joy.

My Demon: Well, that was easy. I am very happy they resolved the she must die in order to get my powers back nonsense. On to the next episodes

My Happy Ending: Excited for Jang Nara

Maestra Strings of Truth: Everyone just let Se Eum be GREAT and leave her BE.

My man is Cupid: Continues to be an utterly, nonsensical, and ridiculous drama. However, it isn’t because the acting is bad, but the writer obviously has no idea what they are doing or writing about. Is it a supernatural show, a past life show, a murder mystery, or a romance. No one knows, so each actor is acting according to their specific genre. Nana is in a romcom with past life instances. Jand Dong Yeon is a murder mystery/ supernatural drama. Park Ki Woong is in a police show.

This is the last What we are watching of the year. To all the recappers and beanies THANK YOU. A thousand times THANK YOU. For the laughter, the fan walls, the heartbreak, the revenge, the squees, the hate, the likes, the cries and the loves. I look forward to another year watching with the best online community. Gomawo to you all, a happy new year, and much happiness.


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Happy New Year to you too, @kafiyah-bello!!!!!


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‘ This is the last What we are watching of the year. To all the recappers and beanies THANK YOU. A thousand times THANK YOU. For the laughter, the fan walls, the heartbreak, the revenge, the squees, the hate, the likes, the cries and the loves. I look forward to another year watching with the best online community. Gomawo to you all, a happy new year, and much happiness’ 👈🏾 so sweet and sums up my thoughts too thanks for sharing see you in the new year❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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My Man Is Cupid is still quite bad. I still need to read a recap every week because I can’t absorb or remember anything about the plot(s). I am still watching. I guess I need an ongoing, senseless Moon in the Day-style experience.

Happy New Year to you, @kafiyah-bello, and to all the beanies! You truly made 2023 a better year.


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Yup, I need at least one stupid drama and My man is cupid is the one. It is funny watching it juxtaposed with Flower in the Sand, which is good. It can be a little jarring.


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Happy New Year, @elinor!!!


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I had a few days off this week so I decided to give myself a belated birthday gift and treated myself to some Park Hyung-sik (as one does).

Park Hyung-sik, who is his own category
Two Lights Relimino: Best ad I’ve seen in a while! I was expecting it to be solid, since it made so many Beanies’ list of top web dramas, but I was surprised how many things it did well in only 30 minutes. The representation of visual impairment as a wide spectrum of conditions and severity, the way that well meaning people can do more harm than good, and the depiction of technology as something that helps but is not the only means of getting around in the world. And of course, the sweet little love story itself was just great!

Juror 8: This was such a fun retelling of 12 Angry Men! PHS was playing maybe the most “normal” character I’ve ever seen him play - just a regular guy who is struggling to start a business, looks like an average person (as much as PHS can ever look like an average person with his stunning face), and just wants to do a good job. I liked that they used plenty of plot points from the original play but turned them on their heads a bit when the jury members made different discoveries. And it was quite a satisfying ending during a week when it does not at all feel like justice normally prevails.

Soundtrack #1: I know a lot of people found this boring, but so far I do not. More like comfy. I like how much it’s two normal people in a situation that anyone might actually find themselves in, but also that it’s enough of a kdrama that I can trust it will all work out.

Live Watches
The Matchmakers: One of if not the best drama of the year. Beautiful start to finish, great OTP, amazing side couples, a chilling and sympathetic villain, and a writer who knew what they were about. I’m so excited to rewatch and pick up on lots of the things I missed the first time.

My Demon: *trying to wait patiently*

Older Dramas
Twinkling Watermelon: Such a lovely drama. The ending was a bit rushed for sure (I also wanted to know what changes happened with Eun-yoo and her family) but what they did get right they got really really right, and I had a blast watching this drama.

Stealer: The Treasure Keeper: And speaking of blasts - this is so much fun. I love that it’s taking itself approximately 0% seriously, from calling out Dae-myeong lowering his voice whenever he’s in the suit, to him being totally fine with the gas coming out of his bum if it makes it look a little extra good, this feels like a parody of all my favorite heist movies in the best way.


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You had a hankering for PSH dramas, huh? :)
Juror 8 has been on my to-watch list for a long time now. Thank you for reminding me.


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I pretty much always have a hankering for PHS dramas, I just managed to make more time for them this week ;)


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Oh, I GET that. Happy to see he has a new drama coming.


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I'm another person who enjoyed Soundtrack #1 for not being too, too dramatic. I don't mind either of the leads and the last five minutes are amazing!


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Thank you for sharing your perspective on Soundtrack#1 I liked it because it was a comfort watch too. I love the K drama genre mix slice of life with romance, they are calming watches; it’s nice to not add unnecessary stress into my debrief routine at the end of the day.


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Yay! Another beanie who's enjoying Soundtrack #1 🙃 I enjoyed it for the same reasons, plus the great music and gorgeous art direction and cinematography.


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Succinctly spot-on review of Twinkling Watermelon! Been meaning to watch Juror 8, so thanks for the reminder.


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Like Flowers in Sand (Episode 1-4) - Mood: C / C
Hmm, now that I’ve watched all 4 episodes at once, I think the show would’ve been better without Du Sik in the picture. Her being there brought about the childhood connection fated love trope and soured what could’ve potentially been a very nice growth arc from frenemies to friends between Baek Du and Jin Su, not to mention all the extraneous plot with the murder or match-fixing nonsense? There was more potential in Baek Du’s arc as an athlete who’s never lived up to their potential and who now finds himself navigating through an identity crisis after retirement. But not all hope is lost with the characters, yet.

The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (Episode 9-10) - Mood: D+
Well, that turned makjang pretty quickly. I guess we at least had the proposal from Sung Pyo to lighten things up, even if he might lose Sa Wol soon if she chooses to return back to Joseon with Yeon Woo. But technically she doesn’t have to, right? I would be happy if that twist happened during the finale! Not to say I don’t like the OTP but them dimples are carrying hard.

Welcome to Samdal-ri (Episode 7-8) - Mood: D
Not the leeching family trope for the 2ML? Like come on, I’ve already seen this actor play a horrible sibling in My Lovely Liar (let’s pray he doesn’t start brandishing a knife in here), so this is just double sadness with the typecasting. I’m not sure about the other two sisters’ arcs: it feels like romance for the sake of romance? Then again, the OTP isn’t much better.

My Man Is Cupid (Episode 7-8) - Mood: D
The juxtaposition of Sang Hyuk’s sturdy love sniper rifle against the cop’s teeny revolver in the cliffhanger was mildly funny, I’ll give the show that. Somehow, the female lead seems to vacillate from one heavy emotion to another which gives me the horrifying thought that she might try to attempt to bait out the killer when sober. Speaking of which, it’s prosthetics again?!

Between Him and Her (Episode 1) - Mood: D-
Ok, so the show’s saying we have drama in the form of a long-term relationship couple both possibly having cheated at the same time, the guy more likely than the girl? That’s terrible drama. And it’s also one episode a week.

My Demon (Episode 9-10) - Mood: D-
We start off the second half of the show with the second leads doing their thing and achieving nothing in the process, also, the mastermind reveal was as predictable and pathetic as they come? I’m sure they’ll find some way to explain the deus ex machina in the cliffhanger next week (whatever God wants, I guess) but nothing will explain the atrocious characterisation.

A Good Day to Be a Dog (Episode 12) - Mood: D-
Yul is back in the show but at what cost? Just how many weeks are we dragging this revenge out when it’s so clear that the whole thing is just stupid narrative conflict to pad out the 14 episodes?


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Happy New Year, everyone! Here’s hoping for a wonderful new year of dramas. I for one can’t wait for JOL 2! Which drama are you anticipating most?

LIKE FLOWERS IN THE SAND—(ep 3) I am hooked. The pacing is deliberate like enjoying a cup of tea one swallow at a time, and the storytelling is character-centric. Really my style when it comes to dramas. Plus, you know. Jang Dong Yoon.

I AM NOBODY (CH)— I must have a soft spot for “shameless” heroes. I so happy I stumbled on this! This is a typical wuxia drama with one BIG exception—it is set in modern times. The characters also don’t quite follow the expected either, from the Celestial Master wearing sunglasses and kicks to the FL solving problems with a shovel.

The comic timing and humor reminds me of JOY OF LIFE (speaking of shameless heroes): even tense and horrific parts are broken up by levity and it never feels disjointed. The characters are just plain fun, and I find myself head-banging to the intro song every episode. All the actors who play the four young roles are new to me and they are all impressive. I don’t think I have seen any man as pretty as Neo Hou—and he can act!

MY MAN IS CUPID (ep 3)—I am still watching (episode 3) for NaNa and Jang Dong Yoon. I will give it a couple more episodes. At the very least it could stave off the long wait between episodes for Like Flowers in the Sand.

99.9 CRIMINAL LAWYER (JP)—Sometimes I just need the Japanese drama sensibility, which embraces oddball characters and stylized cinematography. I can see why this would not be for everyone, but the absurd humor and lawyers with heart are hitting the sweet spot.

MY DEMON and PARK’S STORY and Disney Plus—Someone else said this and I agree—I am tired of our main leads being punished by “fate”. I will wait to see how these conclude before picking them back up. As for D+: once again I am cursing while bemoaning the unavailability of Tell Me That You Love Me.

APOTHECARY DIARIES—the premise is fascinating and it is so easy to root for our heroine who loves her unusual work.

SPY x FAMILY —the best spoofs poke fun while keeping the heart of what we love so much about the genre (á la Princess Bride). The most famous spy has a new mission that can only be successful by putting together a fake family. It just happens that everyone in this family—even the dog!—has their own secret identity and the humor comes in everyone trying to keep their identity secret while doing their best to work together for the success of the mission, which will benefit each one for their own reasons. And of course they are a found family in the making.

WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS IN THE LIBRARY by Michiko Aoyama — I would recommend this to anyone who has lost hope in relationships, in the goodness of people, or who is stuck in life.
I come form a family of bibliophiles and my mother is a librarian so it may seem a no-brainer that I adored this book. It is an ode to libraries...


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My post is very long.

I come form a family of bibliophiles and my mother is a librarian so it may seem a no-brainer that I adored this book. It is an ode to libraries and the exploration of the ability of books to change our lives. And, personally each short story invited my personal reflection. Truly the magic of books, I think, is that we can share space with the author—a complete stranger— for a moment and be changed, inspired, and motivated by their words.


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❤️I enjoyed the book What you are looking for is in the library too. I loved going to the library as a child too and my mum was convinced that I would grow to be a librarian as I would sacrifice sleep and burn food as I was constantly totally immersed in books for my entire childhood. If it wasn’t reading stories, I was making up stories to help my brother sleep after lights out as he was scared at nights or I was watching black and white films, or going to the cinema with friends. Obsessed with narratives is it any wonder I became involved with talking therapy!


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That sounds like my teen years. :)
I discovered that I love stories and it doesn't matter the medium: dance, books, dramas, art


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🙋‍♀️Me! I'm excited for JOL 2!!! And ooh - I hadn't heard about I Am Nobody, but it sounds like one I'd enjoy!! Thanks for the recommendation!


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I think I held my breath the entirety of the JOL 2 trailer and then screamed for a solid minute. 😂

I cannot wait to watch it with Beanies here like you and @asianromance


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Yes absolutely!!! It will be fun to watch and react together!!! Also, @books7time, your description made me curious so I watched the first episode of I Am Nobody and had a BLAST! It's weird and wild in a wonderful way.


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"It's weird and wild in a wonderful way."

Yes, exactly.


I can't wait for JOL 2. Thanks for your mini-reviews! Added I Am Nobody to the watchlist and placed What's You're Looking for is in the Library on hold in my library app. I enjoyed the Spy x Family anime and should pick up the manga.


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I hope you enjoy both 😊


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Gyeongseong Creature: 7.0 (ep 3 / 7) Pulse-pounding --- pointlessness, but getting some use out of leftover tentacles from Duty After School. Not sure why the monster hates nitrogen so much since our atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. Hmmm....

My Demon: 7.5

Park's Marriage Contract: 7.0

Goryeo Kitan War: 4.0 With decent subs it would have been 6.5 for the week, but it seems their subber was on vacation and they decided to demonstrate how deficient computer translations can be. Then their proofreader ran away screaming.

Matchmakers: 6.5 for the final day, 7.5 for the series.

Good Day to Be a Dog: 6.5


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I am behind episodes on KBS’s GORYEO-KHITAN WAR (being somewhat trapped in cdramaland with 3 dramas) but even though it is airing on Viki I am sure in this case the subs are not coming from a Viki subbing team. At the end of episode 10 I saw this note: “Subtitles provided by Kocowa”.
(Another reason I am glad I cancelled my Kocowa subscription.)


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Today, I will just talk about the 2 cdramas I am watching.

Watched till episode 13.
I wish they did not show the physical aggression of the ML on the FL once he found out she wasn’t the original. I understand that he is angry that someone else possessed his friend/ex lover. But the way he went about it was so wrong. It makes it hard for me to root for them if it turns romantic. Yes he did apologize for his attitude but I think he needed to work harder to earn her kindness.
I do like how the female lead is trying to prove herself in the new world but it’s also a bit frustrating to see her constantly cry. I get it that she is seeing him as the only friend and also has distrust, but they can go easy on the crying.
Having said all that I am still liking it enough to continue. I hope there is another universe travel soon.
Also, I hate the salon ladies and their politics. So annoying.
The manager friend is wonderful!

Heaven Officials Blessibg S2:
Watch Ep 4
Its amazing! Watching HC and XL together is perfect. Love the anime and how ghost city was shown. The gambling den, HC’s home etc. all the feels from reading the novel came back.


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I have seen 4 (or 5?) episodes of Derailment so far and I'm seriously debating whether to continue or whether to go back to Parallel World instead.


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Parallel world is way better even though I didn’t finish.

I hate the silly writing of office toxicity. It is so petty. I guess it had a lot of buzz because the writer is Priest.


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I too started Heaven Official's Blessing S2 but it got put on the backburner as I was watching so many other shows. Will pick it back up now that there isn't anything this week. Haven't read the book, but I did enjoy the first season.


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The Matchmakers: This drama was, for me, utterly delightful. Every single element was given special attention and loving care. One of the very few that will be on re-watch in 2024 so I can savor every little detail again!

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract: The twist with the stepmother is fine but it felt presaged, so it wasn't really a surprise. This drama has become very average imo.

My Demon: Finished up to episode 9
Welcome to Samdal-ri: Still at episode 5

A Journey to Love (C-Drama): Out of the blue I decided to binge watch this while I'm traveling (my first C-drama!) and I loved it. I'll post more later on my fan wall.

Happy New Year Beanies!


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Happy New Year, @zindigo!! I hope your travels are filled with excitement and excellent food 🍽️


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Thank you @attiton! Wishing the same to you! Looking forward to more drama discussions with you in 2024 😊


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Have fun on your travels. Lucky you to find a C drama that you love first attempt. I hope you find many more along the way.


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Thank you! I only started the C-drama because of Beanie recommendations, so I will continue to rely on your excellent guidance! 😊


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My journey with A JOURNEY TO LOVE (iQIYI) continues. I have watched 27 of 40 episodes. I love it.
For your cdrama continuing education I think a great way would be through the work of actor Zhang Ruoyun. I am a big fan. Viki makes available a number of his well known dramas including the famous JOY OF LIFE (2019).
Right now I am live watching ZRY in the contemporary drama from Youku: THE HOPE. The episodes are being released subbed (free) on Youku’s Youtube channel. I have watched 14 episodes so far and once again ZRY is terrific as a high school teacher.The 5 young actors playing his odd ball students are also terrific.

Btw JOL 2 fans. During a promo visit for THE HOPE, Zhang Ruoyun was asked about the release date for JOL 2 (which is in post production). He answered that (maybe with all kinds of qualifications lol) it might be available in June. He jokingly added that if JOL2 comes out while students are studying for their college entrance exam they should NOT watch but continue studying.


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I haven't been disappointed with a Zhang Ruoyun drama since JoL1. I don't want to go back to 2004 and watch his old dramas, so it's forward, onward, and upward from here with Zhang Ruoyun.

I miss Jackson Yee since I rarely watch C-movies. I hope he'll do a drama soon.


Thank you for the recommendations! I will definitely check them out. Also, really good to hear that Youku has some shows/eps on YouTube.


You are my (drama) life saver!! There is new ZRY drama?!
And yes, you really can't go wrong recommending his dramas. I consider my drama-watching career pre and post-ZRY. 😍
Thank you for the JOL 2 breadcrumbs.


Happy New Year and safe travels to you, Zindigo!! 😊❤️


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Thank you and to you too Hopeful Romantic! Here's to many new and interesting dramas to watch and discuss in 2024 🤗


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Happy New Year, and safe travels!

I'm still not over the wonderful characters from "A Journey To Love." Here is to more original scripts, mature romantic relationships, and winning characters.


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Thank you! Yes, the characters really do stick with you. So well written and brought to life by the actors. It was a fantastic ensemble drama. I'm looking forward to more like this next year!


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I have heard about the ending, which is causing me to hesitate. Is a watch worth even the ending?


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Yes! I think it's definitely worth watching... even the ending! We're not talking "Heartbeat" level problematic with the ending, fortunately.


Gyeongseong Creature : It is just okay for me. It’s not gripping, but not entirely bad. Took me 1 week to finish 5 episodes and right now I haven’t have enough desire to continue yet. I have a problem with the lack of seriousness the ML shows in almost every scenes given his dire situation. I suppose his character suppose to be that way, but the comedy weren’t shown at proper timing. PSJ’s delivery was funny, but it made the urgency of the whole problem and great sacrificed it said it requires looks like a joke. Also, to the fact he was the big figure in Gyeongseong, they made him look so easy to be threatened and robbed of. I wonder how come he accumulated all those wealth if with the amount of power and money he has right now it is so easily taken. Also I think the problem that I have with the lack of love chemistry is because there weren’t enough build up. It was love at first sight, I get it, but given the emergency situation the ML has that love is too premature to worth a bargain with his goal of finding that pregnant lady. And I think the PD also realized it and change the direction midway. At first they made as if the ML didn’t want the FL to put herself too much at risk even though he is the one who hired her. He also kind of wanted to enter the hospital because the FL. But, later they made him insist to enter because he genuinely wanted to protect everything he has from being taken from him. And after they were reunited from there the show add bit by bit additional moments like saving each other life. And those added moments created much stronger bond between them that I believe it will lead to them see each other as someone worth to die for. I would say at episode 5, the romance between them isn’t something petty anymore.

Vigilante : I just found my mood to watch this and voila, I’m pleasantly surprised because it was great! I finished everything in one seating. Plot wise, I don’t think it’s perfect. Plot holes everywhere, or maybe something more like gaps. For examples, the characters entered guarded or secluded places so easily. Also at many moments the cops showed up so late. The crime happened and reported or ongoing at daylight, the next scene when the cops arrived it already dark and of course the commotions already over. But I don’t mind those all because it weren’t too significant to tampered with the strength point of the show which is its characters. I think the show is dealing with 4 antiheroes who some are against each other, but also all of them protect each other. Oh, I love the fact that they were all nutcases in different ways.

The characters writing is brilliant. The Reporter was cruel in her reporting to the “victims” but also couldn’t be compromised by any power. The Police is a polite legal vigilante, always give beating after a proper warning. The Vigilante himself is the classic case of antihero that cause dilemma between what is right and what is wrong. He did everything to someone who deserves it. Only...


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Only after proper research if he found the criminals being easily freed by law and didn’t repent then he punished them. He never hit a wrong person. The Helper is so genuine in his admiration toward his hero and what I really like is that he is a loyal ally till the end. At first I actually think he was going to mess up and become another problem given his demeanor that seems unserious about things but actually hinted at psycopathy because this is murder that thing is. Also I thought he speaks his mind with no filter to cover what is actually in his mind and had his personal own agenda.

What so admirable about those characters is they all so firm in their ideology. They were doing all those things out of deep thought, personal experience and passion. They believe it were their calling and they are willing to die for it. They take pride and honor in what they are either as reporter, as police or as vigilante. These people aren’t mere oppurtunist. And I think that what makes me rooted for them as characters despite their questionable morality. This not the matter of right or wrong, but them taking full responsibility in what they’re doing.

And I also love the ending. The last battle was epic and they went all out with the setting, venues, confrontations and actions. Though it wasn’t a happy ending, it was a proper one. I think this one of rare occasion when I like an open ending.

On less serious note, thanks to Jo Heon I’m kinda have a picture of what protein monster in Sweet Home originally looks like.

Tell Me That You Love Me : It is serene, solemn, warm and beautiful. They give us a lot of deep talk between couple. The actors chemistry are off the charts, especially between Jin Woo and Joon Seok. Even the most casual conversation between them could portray the deep bond of friendship that has been built for decades. I also like the animation they show us when those pupils of Jin Woo speak. Their interactions are so fun to watch and the new student is a good addition to the team. Even Mo Eun’s parents is perfect. They respect her choice. They weren’t entirely cool with it, not any loving parents will, but they struggle not in front of her, think it through and make peace with their own worries and prejudice, and eventually chose to trust her. This show is a world where people dealing with their struggle and misery with calmness, maturity and understanding each other.

Boyhood : If I have an award for Best Actor This Year I’ll give it to Im Si Wan. I love the way he played out this questionable hero Jang Byeong Tae. He is a funny and pitiful character. I feel bad every time he gets beaten, but a lot of times he speaks (especially with that saturi) in the way that as if he is asking for it. They also nailed it with the dark comedy I don’t feel I’m cold blooded even though I laughed at his thousand analysis and planning on how to not get beaten.


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Honestly, that friendship in Tell Me That You Love Me is THE highlight for me.


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Si Wan deserves all the awards for this hilarious and heartfelt role!


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I’d be very interested in seeing a second season of Vigilante. It felt like the bonds between our main protagonists/antiheroes were just taking shape. It would be cool to see them all coming together into an oddball “Team Vengeance”!


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Tell Me That You Love Me I don't know who is the music producer but not releasing the opening song is very mean and stupid! I wonder if the story can last for another 6 episodes.

The Matchmakers I will miss it! But it's why I will rewatch it. They were very cute Agents of Love and they deserved their own love!

Between Him and Her The first episode was like the other shows/movies with the theme and didn't bring anything new...

Like Flowers in Sand I didn't like the fact it became a cop show and not about the difficulty to find a new path after the end of a sportive career.

A Good Day to Be a Dog Boring story, bad character, meh acting... this show doesn't have a lot for itself.

Welcome to Samdal-ri Nothing feels natural but just very cliché. JCW just comes to the WMO, Geneva is a nice town 😁

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract The title doesn't really correspond to the whole drama but just a very little part of it. Defy the rules of logic by changing the present to change the past seems more adapted.

My Demon I really wonder what Madame Jung did in the past. But her lack of communication with her son caused a lot of harm.

Gyeongseong Creature I watched the first episode and not sure to watch the rest...

My Man is Cupid or The show that Dramabeans loves to ignore The story goes in cirlces... We doesn't know anything more about the murderers or the past...


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Ooooh....what if Mme. Jung actually made a deal with a demon in the past but then got out of it somehow...or wait, no, she didn't get out of it! The deal was she actually cursed her family with it and that's why her son is becoming an actual demon??


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But Gu-Won never seemed to react to Madame Jung either way. I don't think he forgot about her neither.


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I haven´t mentioned something important on My Demon. The way he de traumatised her. How does a demon know trauma therapy when even psychologists in dramas are useless. exposure therapy and rewriting that code. having her avoid and sympathize with fear would etch the fear deeper.
it still feels rushed. it had to be a short drama but could have used 2 ep for 11


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Welcome to Samdalri: Please let the mom be okay! The episodes go by quickly and I want to see the characters through their journey. But it's unexpectedly melancholic, even before what happens with Samdalri's mom. She better live, but given the drama's tone, I'm not sure.
The Matchmakers: OMG, the drama landed the ending along with every episode of its 16 episode run. It gave me the guffaws, the warm fuzzies, the thrills, and the huzzahs! I could feel the love and care and teamwork the entire production has for the drama. The story had to juggle a lot of balls and thread the needle several times and did it successfully.
Story of Park's Marriage: Still a very charming drama, but the cracks are getting bigger, particularly on the fantasy end. So 12 episodes seem to be the right number of episodes. I feel bad for that Tae-ha has been gaslit by grandpa for 2 decades.
Ripe Town: Binged. I had a lot of trouble keeping up with all the characters and their identities. Eventually, I realized the intent was not for the audience to solve the mystery with the lead, but to understand the themes, so I just sat back and watch the tragic story unfold. Cinematography and art direction are top notch and appropriately dark and grimy to reflect the seedier side of the era.


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RIPE TOWN has a distinctively Film Noir flavor to it that you do not see in many Chinese Costume dramas.


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MATCHMAKERS: I had no doubt they'd stick the landing . . . but I also had no doubt "Heartbeart" would end happily, so I'm glad my gut was right this time around. Can I say, though, that I'm still a little salty that in an otherwise perfect and perfectly romantic show the kisses were lame? At the same time, I remain astounded that I loved two Rowoon dramas--and him in them--in one year. This one was smart without being showy, and progressed smoothly towards the just-right ending for all characters without sudden, inexplicable magic to solve everything. That said, I'm not *entirely* convinced these two could go on, be matchmakers, and even get married with the world believing they are dead (seems like the FL's secret in particular would get out very fast and lead to the Joseon freeze-out-for-fallen-women we know so well). But still, this was a very successful drama by most anyone's standards and although I doubt I'll re-watch, I'm so thankful to @seon-ha and others that I stuck around after the first two episodes failed to grab me.

MY DEMON: Despite my enduring and somewhat inexplicable affection for this show, I was underwhelmed by the end of the last episode because I expected a much grander twist and resolution than the tattoo migrating from one wrist to the other (again). I get that this was supposed to be an epic true love moment where both attempted to sacrifice their own safety for that of the other person, but I couldn't stop wondering where the poor gas station clerk was during the explosion, and think Gu-won should have saved them, too. I also thought there was going to be a reveal that Noh Seok-min is actually Gu-won's boss, AKA the Real SatanTM. When that didn't happen, the whole ending montage fell flat for me. But these two continue to be criminally cute together so I'll be back tuning in next week.

FLOWERS IN THE SAND: This is hitting all the right notes for me and is like icy sorbet after a rich main course (aka "My Demon"). Sometimes I get a little preoccupied wondering where all these people work in such a small town (we have a couple of policemen and restaurant and market stall owners, but what else?), but I love the atmosphere. The mystery is surprisingly compelling, and the romance (such as it is so far) is fun and unconventional in that it's not following the typical first-loves-reunited arc. One thing I didn't get: why the blonde cafe owner told Baek-du he owes her when all she did was cause unnecessary trouble for him that ended with her telling the exonerating truth anyway. Even if her goal is just to get his attention, her tactics were odd and roundabout at best.

PARK'S MARRIAGE: Cute, dimple-y sweetness even though I know I'm going to forget about this one 10 minutes after watching the last episode.


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Gosh, I didn't know I had been part of the reason you stayed with Matchmakers, although I'm glad you did...but that said, NOW you tell us you thought this way too about HeartBeat, @laurensophie???? NOOOOWWWW? I had put all my faith in you!!!!! 🥹🤣

I too am waiting for "the Real SatanTM" in My Demon. Where are you, narrative interest? Where...are...you???


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What I'm watching:.

_ Shining for one thing (8/24). A nice c-drama about time-travelling back to the highschool years. This is the first drama starred by Qu Chuxiao I watch. I find he is quite charismatic.

_ Castaway Diva (2/12). The first episode was really really good. I was impressed by the actings, the music, the cinematography... The second episode fell short, but Park Eun Bin shines as always.

_ Between him and her (I have only watched the first half of the first episode. So far I like it).

_ Park's show (10/12). Waiting for the ending. I'm glad this drama is only twelve episodes. This way it doesn't drag and there is minimum filler content.

_ Korean documentary A nation of broth (2/3).

What I finished:

_ The Matchmakers. One of the gems of 2023. I'll miss these characters.


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Shining for one thing sounds interesting.


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It's story about a woman in her early 30's (she is unlucky in love and jobs) who travels back in time to 2010. She starts a friendship with a highschool mate she didn't even remember and tries to protect him at all costs because she knows that something bad is going to happen to him.
It's the typical highschool drama but it's nice, quite "slice-of-life", and the main couple are very cute together.


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Thank you for the summary 😊 when I am up for another 24 episode drama it will be on the list. I need to be in the right frame of mind for them.
