Would You Rather #26
by DaebakGrits
In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.
Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:
In the battle of mind versus body, the winner — but not by much — was body. A little over 54% of voters would prefer having their 18-year-old physique back because there’s little to no downside to having youthful bod again. On the other side of the coin, though, Beanies found valid reasons for avoiding the perfect memory option, and according to the final vote and comments section, slightly more than half of voters deemed those downsides not worth it in the long run.
For most, the largest negative in having a perfect memory was not being able to forget the bad memories along with the good. As @attiton reminded us, “being able to forget is a gift, not a curse,” and other Beanies, like @lostpanda, have memories that they would prefer to consign to oblivion or, at the very least, not recall in vivid detail. So for those who saw the flaws with having a perfect memory, having an 18-year-old body again was the obvious choice, especially for Beanies like @lordcobol and @laurensophie, who claim to be far enough removed from their teenaged years to appreciate the benefits of having a (presumably) healthy and youthful body.
However, the vote wouldn’t be so close if it were not for Beanies, like @welh640 and @oasia, who saw the practicality in having perfect memory, especially when it comes to one’s career. For them, they rationalized that the good memories would balance out the bad ones, but I think I’m with @ladybluestocking on this one: “Having a perfect memory would just give my neurotic brain more fodder for late night regret sessions.” And considering my current body would also protest getting out of bed the next morning with audible noises, having my 18-year-old body sounds preferable.
Tags: Would You Rather
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1 Unaspirated
September 27, 2023 at 5:07 AM
First things first: I have spent way too long in school already. Quite enough of that for a lifetime. So sneaking into the school is already sounding like the worse option. Secondly: Do you know how much energy it would take to keep up the pretense of being a boy consistently enough? I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Not to mention that the whole thing is a bit creepy.
Nope, it’s the convenience store for me. You’d get to form cute friendships with all of them, you’d get to be yourself, you’d get to go home at the end of the day. Sold!
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Flightey Gazelles
October 2, 2023 at 12:10 PM
I’m also sold by your very valid reasons! Especially reason no. 2, the pretense! I simply kent🙅🏾♀️
I didn’t even think of reason no. 1 but that alone is enough to say no. Andwae! Leaving Secondary school was my favorite memory of that entire phase of my life. Been there, done that, don’t wan’t more.
The pros of working in the store are nicely highlighted by you ✅
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2 redfox
September 27, 2023 at 5:12 AM
if I had to sneak into a boys dorm I could only do so as a cleaning lady but also im not a perv they too friggin young.
idol mart: im overqualitfied I will not get the job
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3 Seon-ha
September 27, 2023 at 5:20 AM
Having chosen the convenience store option, as I’d rather always just be myself—not pretending to be anyone else—I would like for it to be the case that, since I’m resigned to this mind-numbing job, we could from time-to-time break out in song-and-dance numbers while working?
Like in Hello, Me! only different every day, and a full-on k-pop song-and-dance, obvs.
k thx bi
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4 Blue (@mayhemf)
September 27, 2023 at 5:23 AM
Having seen the boys dorm/hostel during my youth, the mess and hygiene practices will be a living hell for me. So convenience store is a no brainer. As long as no serial killer or drunk walks into the store often. We can only hope.
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5 miso
September 27, 2023 at 5:37 AM
Lol currently 100% of the votes are for convenience store. Nobody wants to engage with the logistics of a gender bender comedy/disaster 🤣.
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6 welh
September 27, 2023 at 5:39 AM
My vote is neither.
It seems like the underlying task is to babysit childish young adults.
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7 lapislazulii
September 27, 2023 at 5:57 AM
100% would rather work with my idols - because getting paid to hang out with them sounds like a dream and would make retail tolerable lol, PLUS also I can be myself (cue y/n wattpad storyline) and avoid the awkwardness and anxiousness that would come with being undercover at an all boys school.
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September 27, 2023 at 5:58 AM
ALSO if they're former idols, less chances of getting mobbed by fans!
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8 jerrykuvira
September 27, 2023 at 6:01 AM
I agree with @welh . It's a neither for me too.
If what I see in kdramas mirrors to an extent the perceptive powers and emotional quotient of the larger number of Korean teens, I'm better off far from them during that youthful exuberance phase.
But instead of idols, I'll prefer the idols who turned actors although I don't have a list of them in my head cause I don't know if a part of my favs have been idols before becoming actors.
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9 Kurama
September 27, 2023 at 6:05 AM
My brain stopped to work at the thought of Shun Oguri 😍 :p
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10 🌸 Seeker 🌸
September 27, 2023 at 6:14 AM
I want to work at convenience store managed by Ji Chang-wook and dance with him!
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Diana Hansen
September 27, 2023 at 8:24 AM
You sold me! I'll be your backup! (when you get tired dancing and need a break)
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
September 27, 2023 at 8:51 AM
We can all dance together!!
💃 🕺 💃
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Diana Hansen
September 27, 2023 at 9:22 AM
You got me dreaming again!
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11 shinayame
September 27, 2023 at 6:18 AM
Just the sheer gymnastics I'd have to do at that time of month makes the dorm an instant no. Not to mention sharing a bathroom with teenage boys, who are not always the cleanest of creatures.
I'd much rather work at the convenience store. I've never worked at one before, but the thought of stacking shelves and looking at the neat, uniform rows of products is really relaxing. Plus, I'd get the perishables cheap the day after the sell-by date.
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
September 27, 2023 at 6:43 AM
Yay for cheaper products!
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ar_arguably romantic
September 27, 2023 at 3:49 PM
Yes, the leftover triangle kimbap....
And yes - managing that time of the month would be impossible. I bleed so much, there is always one day a month when I wake up with my bed looking like a crime scene.
Though I guess teen boys are so obtuse about periods, they would just think I've cut my butt on something sharp.
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Flightey Gazelles
October 2, 2023 at 12:14 PM
“Though I guess teen boys are so obtuse about periods, they would just think I've cut my butt on something sharp.”
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12 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
September 27, 2023 at 7:20 AM
As a male, the all-boys dorm would be nothing special, except it reminds me too much of my freshman year of college, which :(
But I can at least hope the former idols would be female?
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13 Lostpanda is now Sadpanda. 🪦 fanwall 🪦
September 27, 2023 at 7:38 AM
Let’s see:
1. Goto work
2: Goto school
Just leave me stranded on an island with Park Eun Bin.
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14 Bunny Sonaki
September 27, 2023 at 7:41 AM
Name of the drama on the right, please?
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September 27, 2023 at 8:06 AM
To The Beautiful You, it was the (bad) Korean remake of Hanazakari no Kimitachi e.
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Bunny Sonaki
September 27, 2023 at 8:22 AM
Thank you❤️❤️
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15 Diana Hansen
September 27, 2023 at 8:47 AM
Convenience store for me! I'd love stacking things in neat rows and having expired food dinners and getting to know said former idols,(maybe having a few dance lessons on down times). Many are the
perks of such a job!
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16 too_much_tv
September 27, 2023 at 12:34 PM
I love school and I dig school dramas, even though it's been AWHILE since I was 18. I would NOT like to room with high school or college aged boys though. Ugh. They aren't all necessarily slobs, but whoa. Maybe if it's a school where cleaning ladies blaze through and clean up? But absent that, I'd rather work in a convenience store.
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17 tabong is ironing the crosswalk
September 27, 2023 at 1:12 PM
This is like some kind of weird time travel? Because there's no way I'm going back to school now, especially with just teenage boys. And also my age doesn't match my idols age. I'm at least ten years younger than most of them. 😂 I need to go like 15years back, but with my body from 5 years ago. LMAO super weird.
Single gender schools are no fun, anyway. Plus, sharing the room with an idol? That sounds tiring.
At the mart I earn money, and have 1+(♾️) idols I can hang out with. I can have GOT7, DAY6, INFINITE, Soshi, T-ARA, 2PMAM, BoA, etc.
Oh, wait, the group from the drama is disbanded, so that means I can bring back all the groups I miss??? After School, Miss A, 2NE1, Wonder Girls, Block B, etc. 😎
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tabong is ironing the crosswalk
September 27, 2023 at 1:15 PM
I can't believe Sulli is the one on the picture and I forgot mentioning F(x).
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Diana Hansen
September 27, 2023 at 8:52 PM
I say its win win no matter which batch of idols you get to work with-past or present-it would still be a blast!
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tabong is ironing the crosswalk
September 27, 2023 at 9:27 PM
You're totally right!!
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18 ar_arguably romantic
September 27, 2023 at 3:46 PM
Living with someone is already tiring enough, but I have to pretend to be a boy on top of that? And on top of THAT, the roommate is an idol. Be still my hormones! And no thank you!
I want to finish my shift at the convenience store and go home to fart in peace while I squee over kdramas.
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Flightey Gazelles
October 2, 2023 at 12:18 PM
“Living with someone is already tiring enough”
“I want to finish my shift at the convenience store and go home to fart in peace while I squee over kdramas”
Gbam! Word🙌🏾
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19 LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
September 27, 2023 at 7:01 PM
I want to do neither of these things, both of these things seems to me a premise of a horror film.
I did once dream I could shapeshift and turned into Ziggy. I'm still not sure what I ate that led to that but my dream-self mostly just wanted to avoid Ziggy's fan girls while I looked like him.
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20 Cay_sbtgoG
September 28, 2023 at 4:06 AM
First of all, option 2 is borderline creepy for me, no matter how deep is my admiration for someone.
I love EXO as singers, but it doesn't mean I want to work for/with them. But since we're talking hypothetically here, can I just work for Jo Seung Woo instead??? I'd do it in a heartbeat. A girl can dream, can't she?
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21 Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
September 28, 2023 at 6:48 PM
Disbanded K-pop idols - Ah! ZEA would qualify instantly hehehehe!
So convenience store for me.
Even PHS could not drag me to an all boys school. Just thinking of the stink is giving me hives.
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22 abalyn
September 30, 2023 at 10:34 AM
I hear everyone’s points about the all-boys school, but it just sounds like an insane adventure, so more what I would do even if I regretted it. (Although I could never pass as a boy, so I would need a potion of some kind to pull it off.)
I also can’t stand the bad aesthetics and cheap stuff of convenience stores. In my starving artist days I had a bizarre side job of restocking Hallmark cards at CVS and it was one of the worst gigs I did.
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23 Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
September 30, 2023 at 10:40 PM
I'd prefer the convenience store because the dorm sounds much too stressful. On the other hand I'm not really familiar with Kpop so I wouldn't know the idols unless they're actors now - in which case they wouldn't be working at a convenience store. Perhaps I could work as an extra in a Kdrama as a convenience store employee under the management of former Kpop idols...
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