The right-hand men of dramaland
by Unit
Like the female lead to a male lead, to every chaebol boss there must be a right-hand man. To the elderly chairmen, he’s the one who knows where all the bodies are buried and where the slush funds are hidden. And to the young CEOs, he’s the other half of their bromance and oftentimes the cupid to their romance. The right-hand man is a dramaland staple, and he can take the form of a secretary, a manager, a personal assistant, and the like. And in sageuk, he takes the shape of the king’s eunuch or his quiet but deadly bodyguard.
My focus here will be limited to the right-hand men of the younger generation male leads like our chaebol CEOs — whom we are attracted to for obvious reasons: they provide expensive makeovers, rent out amusement parks for dates, and jump to the female lead’s rescue in helicopters. These grand romantic gestures we swoon over are evidence of character growth in the once cold-hearted CEO which, admittedly, stems from his love for the female lead. But this raises the question: how did the CEO realize that he’s in love?
Dramaland CEOs speak multiple languages and can accurately predict the rise and fall of stock prices, but they are total novices on matters of the heart. This is where the right-hand men comes in — often with eyerolls and facepalms — because they’ve spent so many years joined at the hip with their bosses that they can instantly tell when the latter has been bitten by the love bug. It takes a few cycles of denial, but the right-hand man is nothing if not persistent. Soon enough, our CEO comes to the realization that he’s indeed in love.
But because this life love is his first, the CEO who effortlessly commands a board of directors and several subsidiaries is always clueless about the right move to make when it comes to approaching his love interest. So, the job of the right-hand man is far from done as he has to come up with a How to Ask Her Out list for our love-struck CEO. But is it a worthy love story if this list is the key to winning the heroine’s heart? No. Eventually, the CEO has to figure out the best approach on his own. After all, it’s called the hero’s journey, not the sidekick’s. Still, we cannot undermine the importance of the sidekick on this journey.
But the right-hand man does more than merely serve as cupid or a source of comic relief. He remains rooted in reality because, well, someone has to be realistic when the male lead becomes delusional in love. With his chaebol boss, he is extra protective and always on guard because the CEO position attracts sharks seeking to take over from the rightful heir. His loyalty remains unwavering towards the male lead — which is an absolute necessity because our leading man needs genuine people on his side as he fights to secure his position. And while the right-hand man knows his place, he is not afraid to cross the line to rein in his boss when the latter goes overboard — because sometimes, our CEOs need to be protected from themselves.
In a company setting, the right-hand man is not always a junior employee. Park Yoo-shik (Kang Ki-young) in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim and Ki Dae-joo (Gu Ja-sung) in The Secret Life of My Secretary both occupied senior roles in their respective companies, but were still functional as right-hand men. The right-hand man is also not always a contemporary (age wise), and as such, he can take up a fatherly role in the male lead’s life. Chaebol sons (and Joseon kings) have one thing in common: daddy issues. And who steps in to fill that void? The right-hand man. We see this with characters like the delightful Secretary Kim (Choi Jung-woo) in Master’s Sun who — as an act of penance for his niece’s action — took care of the boy she hurt and stayed by his side as the loyal secretary to His Royal Gruffness for 15 whole years. Such dedication!
The fatherly right-hand man is more often seen in sageuk as the older eunuch to a youthful king. Like our chaebol CEOs, for our young kings, getting crowned is basically throwing themselves at the wolves. Their position is constantly threatened by domineering dowagers and meddling ministers. And there’s also the matter of protecting their love interests from political schemes. In what is oftentimes a life and death situation for the hapless kings — who have to put on a stoic persona in the face of the threats — there’s only one person they can be truly vulnerable with: their right-hand man.
The palace is a lonely place and before they can finally get together with their love interest, they are made less lonely by the presence of their right-hand man — the one person who has been by their side since childhood and has watched them grow from crown prince to king. He is aware of their scars, fears, secrets, and deepest desires, and with him, they can just be.
Although the right-hand man plays a supporting role in the male lead’s life, he is very much the main character in his own story. He has goals and ambitions that drive him — and even if the driving factor is a need to see the male lead succeed solely because that in turn assures a better life for himself, it is also valid. As a main character, the right-hand man sometimes gets involved in a cute side romance of his own, like Secretary Cha (Kim Min-kyu) with Young-seo in Business Proposal, and most recently, Secretary Ha (Ahn Dong-goo) with Cho-won in See You in My 19th Life. But speaking of romance, the right-hand man might also end up as a rival in love to the leading man. *coughs* The Forbidden Marriage *coughs* And because you can’t help who you fall for, we can overlook instances like this — even to the point of developing second lead syndrome — when the feelings are genuine.
Unfortunately, some right-hand men take their personal agency too far, like in the case of The Red Sleeve Cuff, where the king’s (already banished from the palace) teacher attempted to manipulate the king’s love interest into running away with him. And no, he wasn’t in love with her, he just wanted to one-up the king. Another example of going above and beyond is the assemblyman’s chief of staff (Kim Mu-yeol) in Trolley, who ignored his boss’s “troublesome” son and left him to drown for the “greater good.” These right-hand men may argue that their actions were driven by loyalty, but as soon as they began to make arbitrary decisions, it became a case of seeing themselves as the boss rather than as the right hand.
Still, the few bad eggs among them cannot soil the reputation of dramaland’s right-hand men — not when loyal-to-the-death ones exist. *Cries in Kings 2 Hearts* In dramas, just like in life, the male lead needs more than a romance. He needs someone who is unequivocally on his side. Someone who makes it their mission to support him and invest in his success for all the right reasons. And to the faithful right-hand men of dramaland, we thank you for your service!
Tags: Business Proposal, editorial, King the Land, Master's Sun, See You in My 19th Life, The Forbidden Marriage, The King 2 Hearts, The Secret Life of My Secretary, Trolley, What's Wrong With Secretary Kim
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1 Jezz
July 18, 2023 at 7:38 PM
My rare examples of Kdrama right hand men that not mention on this article:
(1) Vincenzo Cassano (Song Joong-ki) was Don Fabio's righthand man in this eponymous Kdrama
(2) in Lie After Lie, Lee Won-jong played Yoon Sang-gyu, Kim Ho-ran's right hand man who was a former secretary
(3) in Bloodhounds, Lee Hae-yeong played Hwang Yang-jung, who ran Japanese restaurant
(4) in 2007 Kdrama I Am Sam, Park Jae-jung played Kim Woo-jin, Mr. Yoo's right-hand man
(5) in Agency, Han Joon-woo played Park Young-woo, Han-na's loyal right-hand man
(6) in Tomorrow, with You, Kang Ki-doong (as himself!), So-Joon’s right hand man who was also his best friend
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 20, 2023 at 3:12 AM
Vincenzo is that rare right-hand man who was also the leading man, considering the entire drama is about him pursuing his own agenda to exit the role. But obvo that's tough if you're the consigliere to a mafia family!
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2 DancingEmma
July 18, 2023 at 7:46 PM
Now, now, Kang Hoon deserved an outright mention and not just an implied reference to Dokro. Kang Hoon is an outstanding actor and can out-act a few of those mentioned in this post.
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3 Ahjummaaa
July 18, 2023 at 7:49 PM
Hear, hear. Blessed are the smart, watchful, and diplomatic right hand men of drama land and the screenwriters who put care into developing their characters and give them a love story of their own. I want to marry a right hand man myself, the kind that works behind the scene to take care of everything, the kind that knows how to plan a wedding and a funeral and everything in between. You know you are in safe hands with a capable right hand man. As the coffee mug goes, "Shit show supervisor". That's the kind of man I want to be with.
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4 bbstl 🧹
July 18, 2023 at 7:51 PM
Kang Ki Young in Secretary Kim for the win! 🥇 Bestest, funniest, least sh*t-taking, most eye-rolling (at his BFF boss) and with a great story of his own 😍
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July 19, 2023 at 6:08 AM
I came here just to say this! lol
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bbstl 🧹
July 19, 2023 at 3:56 PM
@unit Thanks for using the perfect picture that conveys the character’s frequent polite exasperation (aka “I can’t believe this guy”) right to the face of the person he calls “Owner”.
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5 Britney
July 18, 2023 at 8:51 PM
I completely blanked on ANYONE who would fit the bill and then as I was reading the post above, I was like "yeah, yeah, totally agree, yep" haha
I didn't see much of What's Wrong With Secretary Kim (whichever episode featured him correcting her english pronounciation is the last thing I remember seeing) but I do remember liking the guy who was kinda sardonic or deadpan haha
The right hand men of A Business Proposal & The King 2 Hearts would have to be my choices. For a Business Proposal, one of the moments that's stand out to me is when the grandfather was like why doesn't he want to date or get married? Are you two a couple? And the secretary barely (if he even did) looked up from what he was doing and said the lead wasn't his type even if he were gay before just giving whatever answer to appease the grandfather. It just stood out to me how everything was just second nature and comfortable in that dynamic haha. I really liked their friendship.
With The King 2 Hearts, I liked that their relationship built due to the right hand man's faith in the king. The king didn't even want the position and he certainly didn't know if he could handle the weight of it but because of that unwavering faith & loyalty & earnestness, the king was able to fight his enemy (despite how powerless he was and felt at times). Oh, I just made myself said thinking of his video message to his crush/love. Sigh.
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July 19, 2023 at 6:07 AM
The best part of that scene in ABP was ML being genuinely offended by such cold rejection, he did not see that coming at all lol)))
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 6:31 AM
hehehe! Yes, that was such a memorable little scene. Even when he deadpans - "uncanny resemblance" to Shin hari's Archaeopteryx comment, it's so funny.
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July 19, 2023 at 7:07 AM
Archaeopteryx bit was brilliant, whoever invented that deserved a rise.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 7:23 AM
Agree, that was brilliant and novel. Shin Hari's phone and it's animated Archaeopteryx was a character on its own.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 20, 2023 at 3:18 AM
Business Proposal had a top tier right-hand man and story, still one of the greats of this category
I'm enjoying Secretary Noh in King The Land too, loved the start of that relationship when he assumed his fellow intern (and eventual boss) was a no-hoper just like him and spent the entire time desperately trying to save him from himself.
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6 Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
July 18, 2023 at 9:49 PM
Thanks @unit this is the type of relationship I have taken for granted but absolutely love and now realise tends to be present in the dramas I enjoy the most.
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7 panshel
July 18, 2023 at 9:59 PM
I always take notice of handsome right-hand men and eagerly await their scenes. Some of them even graduate into leading men.
The OG right-hand man for me is Choi Kwang-soo (Choi Woong) who played Ji Sung's secretary in Secret. I loved Kwang-soo so much, and despite being a revenge melo, their bromance was fun and cute.
The quiet but deadly bodyguards whom I loved include Park Yeon (Ahn Hyo-seop) who played the king's (Yoon Doo-joon) swordsman in Splish Splash Love and Park Dan-ho (Hwang In-youp) who played the evil prince's (Kang Tae-oh) swordsman in The Tale of Nokdu in their acting debuts.
Can I mention a right-hand man for a (second) female lead because Secretary Moon Do-wan (Cha Ji-hyuk) in Eve was hot? I pitied him every time crazy and abusive Yoo Sun forced him to sleep with her.
One best friend whom I loved is No Hak-young (Moo Jin-sung) who played the crown prince's (Shim Chang-min) best friend in The Scholar Who Walks the Night. Hak-young looked smoking hot when he turned into a vampire with guyliner.
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8 ladynightshade wants her own ryu sunjae
July 18, 2023 at 10:38 PM
*Sigh* This is a post dedicated to ME, that one girl who is always more in love with the right hand man/bodyguard/secretary/sidekick than the prickly male lead with never-ending entitlement and debilitating parental issues. I was literally just thinking of See You in My 19th Life's Ha Do-yoon and how much more invested I am in him and his extreme repression and pining than the male lead's storylines. And let's not forget the hot, sexy swordsman guy from Secret Inspector and Joy who will forever have a special place in my heart. I am a bonafide connoisseur of sexy supporting/right-hand men.
Also, namedropping King 2 Hearts out of nowhere like that still hurts my soul. Please be more considerate of my delicate feelings about a drama from... *checks notes* (god help me) eleven years ago.
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July 18, 2023 at 11:10 PM
Oof. Anyone who has lived through King 2 Hearts is scared by THAT.
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July 19, 2023 at 6:09 AM
I was thinking about Do-yoon as I read this article too. Partly just because we're in the thick of it right now so it's pretty top of mind, but partly because I do feel much more invested in him than in Seo-ha. And unlike you, I am not usually more drawn to the right-hand man! They are fantastic characters, but I'm usually so invested in the leads that anything else is just a bonus. This drama has been a different experience for me.
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July 19, 2023 at 6:12 AM
I'm not usually more invested in the right hand men or second couples, but those moments that I go for them, I go hard. Do-yun is one example.
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9 books7time
July 18, 2023 at 11:08 PM
Thank you @unit for giving the spotlight to our unsung heroes, the best of the right hand men. Question: who is the pair in the thrid picture between KtL and WWWSK?
I want to just add one of my favorites is the right hand (wo)man from Dali and Gamjatang (cocky prince), Yeo Mi Ri. Hwang Bo Ra and Kim Min Jae have the straight man and eccentric comedy duo down. And she should get a grand prize for keeping her composure--minus the occasional eye roll --with Jin Moo Hak and his family. Yet she is still respectful support for our hero even if she gets an (un)knowing jab in here and there about being fooled by the watch con artist. hahah
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Isa is always time travelling
July 19, 2023 at 12:02 AM
"Question: who is the pair in the thrid picture between KtL and WWWSK?".
They are ML and his right hand in Shooting Stars.
ML is Kim Young Dae, his character in the series is a very famous k-drama actor, and the boy next to him is his rookie assistant (a very nice and positive character).
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July 19, 2023 at 9:58 AM
I am holding my head in shame. I have watched the drama and love these two. 😳
Thank you.
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July 19, 2023 at 12:15 AM
Gong Tae-sung and his manager from Shooting Stars.
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ladynightshade wants her own ryu sunjae
July 19, 2023 at 9:09 AM
Thank you for the Yeo Mi-ri shoutout! She was one of the main highlights of Dal-li and Gamjatang. Such a departure from the quirky characters Kim Bo-ra is usually typecast as and she was so good. I remember fangirling over her three-pieces suits, so unusual from the typical business garb for female characters. I was obsessed.
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10 redfox
July 18, 2023 at 11:49 PM
Young-Mok from my love from the star - impactful
Officer Bang in Suspicious Partner - a national treasure.
Byeong-yeon from Love in the moonlight
Shin-joo in Tale of the nine tailed. He deserves a spin-off.
Yung-Ran grannies assistant in Shopping Louie.
Shi-Gyung King 2 Hearts
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11 FormAnOrderlyQueue
July 19, 2023 at 12:29 AM
@unit, thank you! Right hand men so often completely make (or save) a drama for me. My best case in point: TKEM. Still no idea about how the logic of the drama was meant to work, but Jo Yeong (Woo Do Hwan) still burns brightly in my heart, never more so than when he was cradling mini-king in his arms after the shoot out. There is no trumping the Unbreakable Sword...
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12 Isa is always time travelling
July 19, 2023 at 3:11 AM
I remember I liked Kim Sung-oh as Hyun Bin's right hand in Secret Garden. He had his own love story too.
And another Hyun Bin's right hand which I liked was Min Jin-woong in Memories of the Alhambra. He was his only trustful friend.
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July 19, 2023 at 6:13 AM
I just came here to sing the praises of Secretary Seo in Memories of the Alhambra! He was such a great character, and at the center of so many heartbreaking scenes!
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Isa is always time travelling
July 19, 2023 at 2:55 PM
Totally true! That's why I remember him well.
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July 19, 2023 at 8:10 AM
The spin-off commercials with Hyun Bin and Kim Sung-oh as their characters were hilarious.
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Isa is always time travelling
July 19, 2023 at 2:57 PM
I have not watched them! I'll try to find them.
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13 redfox
July 19, 2023 at 3:30 AM
Jae-seok in Greatest Love
also most idol managers in dramas
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14 HopefulRomantic 🦋 Tigermoth 🦞
July 19, 2023 at 3:32 AM
What a great writeup, @unit! So many good examples shared here. This is definitely one of my favorite character archetypes in dramaland.
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15 darwi
July 19, 2023 at 3:45 AM
The right-hand man is often the one that allows the lead to function. And I am in awe of their efficiency and capabilities. What a dream to have such a capable person with you.
I have 3 types of right-hand men to propose:
- the papa bear, already mentionned by @Unit with good representation in The Master's sun and Suspicious partner.
- the best friend that becomes part of the love triangle and gave me second lead symdrome : Jealousy incarnate and The forbidden mariage.
- the one that is indispensable, the person ML relies on to function and live : Kill me heal me, Prison playbook, Are you humain, Ghost doctor. These right-hand men are so crucial that they can even become CEO. Or maybe I'm blending right-hand man with bromance as this is not a straight frontier.
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16 Bunny Sonaki
July 19, 2023 at 3:52 AM
There is also the second female lead's guard from Ruler Owner of the Mask. And Female lead's guard in Gu Family Book.
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17 Kafiyah Bello
July 19, 2023 at 4:16 AM
I don't have any examples, but I love the right hand men in Saeguk and fantasy saeguks, both the ones in all black and the ones in rough hewn clothes. They are always so loyal and the ones in all black tend to have fabulous hair.
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Diana Hansen
July 19, 2023 at 8:50 AM
Yes to the fabulous hair! And the rough hewn black clothes. My kind of man!
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18 Seon-ha
July 19, 2023 at 4:24 AM
The images you selected for this post are on point, @unit! Thank you (of course) for this analysis, but also for the choice of visual illustration. So many memories and feels.
I'm with @ladynightshade. These guys are like catnip. It's the small/large acts of service angle for me (served here with a jealous side-eye to @minka who has this IRL 😒).
I think the one I have in my mind as the "ur" right-hand least the one who set the standard for me is Secretary Kim from Goblin.
I suppose, in thinking about this, he's even the right-hand man to a right-hand man. But what that means is he's double-layered: he's got mortals to support as well as immortals to support. When Deok-hwa is clearly not ready to take on his responsibilities for Kim Shin, right there is Secretary Kim--and part of me wishes he could just have that job for life (for me, for ME). He does his work with such calm, knowledgeable grace (and a side of K-pop dance, when necessary). He's my guy.
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July 19, 2023 at 6:53 AM
Sorry, @minkathedreamer…I remembered suddenly, like a flash, that I had that @ mention wrong :)
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July 19, 2023 at 7:26 AM
Thanks for the notif. I still have to catch up on new posts/comments, so tagging me is appreciated.
Lol at the side-eye. 😆
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19 kimchiturka
July 19, 2023 at 4:27 AM
Excellent write-up, but regarding the Red Sleeve Cuff: there was another, much better right-hand man, the king's (quiet) bodyguard - now, he was the real thing! Btw, the quiet and deadly bodyguards are totally my thing here, headlining with Hwang in Yeop in NokDu (though he was technically right-handing for the Big Bad there, not the ML)
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Diana Hansen
July 19, 2023 at 8:47 AM
Quiet and deadly bodyguards YES!
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20 Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 5:07 AM
Comment was deleted
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21 Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 5:09 AM
Of all that I have watched, these four impressed me the most:
Kim Min Kyu in Business Proposal: He was not only effortless, his story was as interesting as the main couple's which is rare, steamier if I may add. By far my #1 choice
Woo Do-Hwan I dropped Eternal Monarch episode 3, but not before Do-Hwan's stoic presence as the handsome King's (Lee Min Ho) handsomer bodyguard made me take notice.
Kang Ki Young: Hilarious in Secretary Kim; His scenes with his 'aura' inspiring boss (Park Seo Joon) are some of the high points in the drama.
Yoo Jae Myung: - The young King's (Park Hyung Sik) devoted bodyguard and a father like figure - some of the best funny scenes belong to him in Hwarang.
Honorable mention: Jeon Seok Ho as Ahn Min Hyuk's (Park Hyung Sik) secreatry in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I typically don't like fringe characters, but as the hapless and naive secretary who becomes the butt (pun intended) of all Mih Hyuk's experiments (bad boy), Seok Ho is hilarious.
Dishonorable mention: I had to put this in: Ahn Se Ha as Sang Sik in King the land in insufferable. I groan every time he comes on screen.
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July 19, 2023 at 10:13 AM
I am shocked that this is the first mention of Kim Min Kyu. BP was that special story where the second leads were at least as interesting and HOT as the fist.
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
July 19, 2023 at 11:11 AM
Ugh, yes! I usually like the wildcard energy Ahn Se-ha brings to a role and was expecting him to be a positive force in this drama, but he's really letting down the side.
Speaking of Park Hyung-shik: I liked the way Our Blooming Youth split the role of the Prince's devoted right-hand-man between Yoon Jong-seok's Seung-on, the best friend and closest thing he has to a peer (and the SML), and Heo Won-seo's Tae-gang, the pretty but stiff personal bodyguard, with both of them having their loyalties cast in doubt at some point so our poor Prince has to gamble his life on his reliance on them.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 1:05 PM
Oh yes, how did I forget them! Heo Won Seo is actually quite hilarious and adds a lot of fun flavor to his role, though the kid still needs to go a long way before he can ace emotional roles. His sibling like chemistry with Jeon So Nee's Jay Yi was absolutely amazing, and his insolence with the Crown Prince was endearing. Sung On made up for the emotional quotient (Jong Seok is phenomenal in this under fleshed role), creating a lovely foil to the immensely talented PHS. Lee Tae San could also be added to the list as well, after all, he was Scholar Park's right hand man - Sheild!!! (boy he was uproariously funny in the series).
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July 19, 2023 at 5:18 PM
Honestly I was enjoying Sang-sik's character till they went to Thailand and he was just annoying me for some reason.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 6:15 PM
He never worked for me right from the get go. I am amazed how much Junho is doing for the series - thankfully his comic timing is perfect and YoonA is keeping up for most part.
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Qingdao: likes scented candles
July 19, 2023 at 11:15 AM
GREAT list! Glad you listed Strong Woman's Jun Sook-Ho and Hwarang's Yoo Jae-Myung, but the best of the best has to be Kim Min-Kyu in Business Proposal.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 1:49 PM
@qingdao Thank you. Do add Our Blooming Youth to the list as well, the right hand men of the Prince were phenomenal (thanks @elinor )
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22 Unaspirated
July 19, 2023 at 6:31 AM
I totally agree that the right-hand man relationship in Business Proposal was awesome, and I wish that Sung-hoon's romantic relationship could have been just as good. I know that I'm in the minority here, but it just does not work for me on most levels.
I also wanted to give a shoutout to Choi Sun-u from Call it Love! Our ML wasn't a chaebol here, but Sun-u still functioned as the right-hand man who knew more about Dong-jin's situation than most other people and always tried to protect him and nudge him into healthier and happier places.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 1:58 PM
You didn't like that pair? Why so?
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July 19, 2023 at 2:09 PM
I liked it up until he slept with her without her consent (because she was way too drunk to even remember what happened, let alone consent). And then I thought their ending was really unsatisfying. It seemed like he gave her his life savings awfully quickly after their relationship started, and then became a trophy boyfriend and mostly just sat on his hands until his friend came back to Korea. I get why everyone thought they were really steamy, but the whole thing was undercut by the circumstances. It just wasn’t for me.
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Minnie🫘👩🏻🚀Pioneer and Teacher 👩🏻🏫🌱🏹
July 19, 2023 at 2:31 PM
Hmnnnn....I didn't think of it that way. Wasn't he drunk too? I don't recall. Put that way...I need to check it out again.
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23 Diana Hansen
July 19, 2023 at 8:45 AM
@Unit I love this article! Here here to the right hand man! they really do add so much to the stories!
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Qingdao: likes scented candles
July 19, 2023 at 11:10 AM
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24 Qingdao: likes scented candles
July 19, 2023 at 11:09 AM
What a great article! Thank you for highlighting this essential Kdrama character. There are SO MANY examples; thanks for fellow beanies for the lists of their favs in recent Kdramas. Here are just a few of my random picks where that right-hand man has his own story:
*Beauty Inside: Lee Tae-Ree shines as the essential Secretary Joo-Hwan
*Business Proposal: Kim Min-Kyu was fantastic--a most successful use of the right-hand man
*Shopaholic Louis: Eom Hyo-Seop as Secretary Kim Ho-Jun
*The Crowned Clown: Jang Gwang as Eunuch Jo
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25 Babylilo
July 19, 2023 at 11:52 AM
Hyde, Jekyll, Me - Secretary Kwan protects nervous chaebol heir Seo-Jin from becoming anxious, overexcited, or angry; if Seo-Jin’s heart rate rises above a certain level, his free-spirited alter ego Robin emerges and could potentially cause him no end of embarrassment. Kwan stands up for Seo-Jin when Daddy Chaebol decides to put him on the next flight out of the country, as the company’s reputation could be harmed if his son’s condition became public knowledge. (Way to go, Dad—business before family!)
Shopaholic Louis - Pampered, overprotected young chaebol heir Louis has his devoted right-hand man Ho-Joon.
Six Flying Dragons - Genial, clueless giant Moo-Hyul becomes the staunch warrior and devoted bodyguard of Prince Lee Bang-Won, who was eventually to become King Taejong. Moo-Hyul’s story continues in Tree With Deep Roots, when he becomes the bodyguard of Bang-Won’s son and successor, King Sejong the Great.
Oh My Venus - Celebrity trainer (and eventual Noble Idiot) Young-Ho has his two lovable acolytes—Joon-sung and Ji-woong—who enthusiastically enter into his project to transform Joo-Eun from plump frump to breathtaking (and much healthier) beauty.
A related category puts doctors in the role of friend/protector. Examples can be found in shows like I’m Not a Robot and It’s Okay, That’s Love.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
July 20, 2023 at 12:09 PM
I agree the doctor/vet filling in as a doctor/confidant is a key role in some dramas.
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