Drama viewership ratings for the week of April 10-16, 2023

Ouch, some of these ratings hurt. Both Paper Moon and Bora! Deborah grabbed only the tiniest sliver of an audience during their premiere weeks (poor ENA), while Stealer and Doctor Cha did better, and the latter flew up to almost 8% with its second episode.

But of course the newsworthy (or is that bragworthy?) ratings are for Taxi Driver 2, which grabbed 21% with its finale… aaaaand SBS wasted no time to announce they’re doing a third season.


Drama viewership ratings for the week of April 10-16, 2023

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, April 10
Paper Moon 1 ENA 1.0%
Oasis 11 KBS 6.9%
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse 7 SBS 3.7%
Our Blooming Youth 19 tvN 3.7%
Tuesday, April 11
Paper Moon 2 ENA 0.9%
Oasis 12 KBS 7.1%
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse 8 SBS 3.8%
Our Blooming Youth 20 tvN 4.9%
Wednesday, April 12
Bora! Deborah 1 ENA 0.7%
Stealer: The Treasure Keeper 1 tvN 4.7%
Thursday, April 13
Bora! Deborah 2 ENA 0.6%
Stealer: The Treasure Keeper 2 tvN 3.7%
Friday, April 14
Joseon Attorney 5 MBC 2.5%
Taxi Driver 2 15 SBS 15.7%
Saturday, April 15
Doctor Cha 1 JTBC 4.9%
The Real Has Come 7 KBS 18.3%
Joseon Attorney 6 MBC 2.2%
Taxi Driver 2 16 SBS 21.0%
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise 11 tvN 3.2%
Sunday, April 16
Doctor Cha 2 JTBC 7.8%
The Real Has Come 8 KBS 21.7%
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise 12 tvN 3.6%




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Wow Taxi Driver competing with a weekenders ratings. I can’t believe Dr Cha did so well straight off while Bora is barely scrapping it in. Looking forward to seeing how Family does in the ratings and if Bora can climb next week.


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Family has a chance to do well because it has that one magical ingredient of most hit shows of recent times - veteran actors famous for their skills as leads. AND widely loved OTP. Now, the genre and timeslot can be tricky, but if the script is decent I can see pros outweighing cons.


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Congratulations to Taxi Driver 2, but really congratulations to SBS because Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3 that will air in its slot is guaranteed higher ratings than 21.0%.


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At least OBY managed to finish with dignity, even if it was not 100% deserved. tvN really lost their touch lately, even their hit shows became famous mostly despite and not because of channel's efforts. What a shame. JTBC is on roll though, wonder how long it will last.


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As a Lee Je-hoon fangirl, TAXI DRIVER getting 21% in ratings makes me all kinds of happy! Since season 2 finished its run, I guess it’s time to marathon it. Also I desperately need my Lee Je-hoon fix asap. Side note I read his interview at soompi and dude if you want to quench your thirst for a rom com maybe actually act in one already! And preferably one that doesn’t have serial killers


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Is Dr.Cha really so good??
From Beanies' comments I didn't get the impression this show is worth checking, but seeing the rise I'm getting curious.


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It is,


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I have just finished episode 2 and you are right, it is good 🙂


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The first two episodes of BORA! DEBORAH were simply not that good, although the show has real promise.

My wife and I really enjoyed the first episodes of DOCTOR CHA and apparently the broadcast audience agrees.

THE REAL HAS COME! will be doing better in the future as the writer has now added material for yet another side story. The end of Episode eight was absolutely classic.


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Fwiw. Unfortunately BORA! joins a group of dramas that I recall off the top of my head where the main characters were introduced so negatively that the viewing public didn’t stick with them after an initial look see. The 3 dramas became favorites after I survived the early episodes: tvN’s CHICAGO TYPEWRITER (average Nielsen rating: 2.27%), MBC’s I AM NOT A ROBOT (2017/18) (aNr: 3.2%), tvN’s A POEM A DAY (aNr: 1.01%).
It still amazes me how writers take chances on how they introduce characters. Also ENA is a small network.
I enjoyed episode 2 better than episode 1.


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Thanks for pointing this out as it gives hope but my previous enjoyable watches with low ratings never changed throughout the duration, Love all, play and Sh**ting Stars.


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O/T @reply1988. Last night I finished episode 10 (final) of series 1of jdrama ISEKAI IZAKAYA NOBU (2020) (Viki US) Thanks for the tip. MIDNIGHT DINER with a twist. The Japanese have a knack for producing 25 minute episodes. Very enjoyable. I am moving on to the 10 episode series 2 (2022) (Viki US).
I am not sure if you are aware but the 10 episode series 3 aired this year Jan. 13-Mar. 17.
I hope it eventually appears on Viki US.
Perhaps they will match MIDNIGHT DINER’s 50 episodes.


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So glad you liked it. I couldn't watch the second series as it seemed to have something a little bit too gothic/scary for me but I didn’t know about the third season hopefully that will be back to business as normal. I will look out for it as it might be in the coming soon section.


I though that it was a kdrama rule that the ML is a jerk in the first(s) ep(s) in order to have a transformation induced by the nice FL... I'm so accustomed to this that I do not register their jerkiness anymore (most of the time, I'm still searching for the character evolution of Jealousy incarnate ML at ep 20/24).


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In BORA! it is not only the MLs but right now it is hard to warm up to sis Bo-mi.
The whole point of the drama is for character growth and a happy ending (sans serial killer), right?


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May all drama-writer listen to you !


Episode 2 was way better than the first one. I hope it keeps improving.


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Ratings have no correlation with my decision to watch or enjoyment of a drama and I don't usually pay attention to them, but I worry a little about low ratings discouraging production of the kinds of shows I like - Bora so far being one of them. I'm with @darwi in barely noticing how much of a jerk the ML is at first because it's expected. I wouldn't mind if low ratings or any other factor taught writers and producers that that isn't necessary, though.


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Same here. As an international viewer watching these shows online, ratings are negligible in my decision to watch or not watch something. Any attention I pay are mostly out of curiosity to see how local Korean audiences are responding to the current crop of dramas and if their reactions overlap with mine (Usually? Not at all). The secondary reason I pay attention is to look out for how low ratings might influence the productions of those shows to cut down on the number of episodes. I'm still reeling from what happened to A Piece of Your Mind.

I have to agree with @darwi on not registering the ML's assholery too much because the romcom formula has basically trained me to expect him to change over the runtime of the drama. That's a bit alarming, isn't it>


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It does not say anything alarming about you that you have come to accept that the ML is so typically a jerk or at least acts like one at the beginning. The sixteen episode format encourages this particular start- there is a lot of space to fill and still have a coherent story.


@oldawyer: I agree that the sixteen-episode formula means it’s good the hero starts out dickish and improves over the course of the show. What I meant by being alarmed is that I’m now so accustomed to this sort of behaviour that I couldn’t even imagine an introduction outside that archetype.


@ladynightshade Honestly I get more excited when the MLs aren’t dickish in the beginning. My favourites are the soft boy archetypes or flawed but real male leads without being the typical chaebol jerk with mommy or daddy issues.


Law School - Han Joon-hwi pining over Kang Sol A

Happiness - Jung Yi-hyun pining over Yoon Sae-bom

I’ll Go To You When The Weather Is Nice - Lim Eun-seob pining over Mok Hye-won

Record Of Youth - I know this is not a popular one but I loved the easy banter between the leads

Yumi Cells S1 - Both leads were flawed but in a very human way

K2 - We all know the true romantic pairing was between the ‘evil stepmom’ Choi Yoo-jin and Kim Je-ha. Would’ve been a nice subversion too where the FL is the complicated heroine for once

Hyena - Where both the leads are assholes


@linarrick: Yup, right there with you. I'm always excited when male leads tend to be softer or have calmer, nicer 'starting' personalities. This shouldn't be seen as an absence of complexity or a lack of inner depth or trauma, but instead as acknowledgment that those issues are not an excuse to act like a massive jerk to the people around you. Love all the examples (bonus points for the Law School OTP-that-exists-idc-what-the-show-said and the couple from Hyena who are both deeply messed-up, but I'd argue the female lead even more so).


Oh no, midweek graveyard. I feel bad for Bora! Deborah. I hope it picks up.

I was hoping Joseon Attorney could rise this week now that Taxi Driver is done, but the new competition is fierce.


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Doctor cha ratings look good. I was going to wait for beanie feedback before I try.
I hope Bora picks up in the next two episodes. I feel the first two episodes were just a set up. And took awhile before putting leads together. Hopefully it picks up this week.


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I was hoping the end of Taxi Driver 2 signalled the rise for the fortunes of Joseon Attorney, but sadly the juggernaut that is the Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim series is about to take over that time slot. *Sigh* at least SBS is having a good year there. I just wish they also had that luck in another time slot (*cough* The Secret Romantic Guesthouse *cough*).

ENA has some interesting projects out there, but man they cannot catch a break commercially after the end of EAW.


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MBC has scaled down its drama production these days. Yet to have a hit since last year.


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