You can only pick one: Lee Bo-young drama
by DB Staff
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You can only pick one Lee Bo-young drama
quirkycase: There are multiple dramas I could choose here, but I’m going to go with the drama that first made me a true Lee Bo-young fan: I Hear Your Voice. I loved this drama, and that’s in no small part due to Lee Bo-young’s hilarious portrayal of ridiculous-yet-lovable lawyer Jang Hye-sung. Her never-ending confidence, even when unearned, and her completely unapologetic way of being herself made her one of my top drama heroines. Lee Bo-young played her with such charm and humor, somehow riding that line between selfish and kind, strong and vulnerable. It was a drama that shouldn’t have worked as well as it did, given the somewhat bizarre mash-up of, well, everything. But rather than the mess it could’ve been, we got a memorable and engrossing drama with a fantastic heroine at its center.
mistyisles: Much as I love I Hear Your Voice, I think I have to go with Mother. The main reason being that, while there are other romances that I love — including ones with fantasy elements and Lee Jong-seok — there aren’t many shows out there like Mother. Emotionally, it’s tough to watch, but it’s so well done that it’s captivating at the same time. Plus, I’m a sucker for strong introverted female characters, and something in me really resonated with Soo-jin’s dream of flying away to Iceland like her beloved birds to focus on her passion instead of what others thought she should do with her life.
DaebakGrits: This is a no-brainer for me because I Hear Your Voice is one of my all time guilty pleasure dramas — even if the age difference for this particular noona romance is a tad awkward. Back when this drama was still fresh, it was one of my go-to dramas to try and convert newbies to the K-drama dark side because it had a little bit of everything: romance, suspense, magical realism, and a confident leading lady played by Lee Bo-young. Her character, Jang Hye-sung, is fun, admirable, and entirely relatable because of her imperfections and professional apathy, which evolves as she grows over the course of the story. Not to mention she had one of the best mother-daughter relationships ever. I honestly can’t say whether or not this drama has aged well (I should probably plan a re-watch), but at the very least, the nostalgia for this drama has stuck with me over the years.
solstices: I Hear Your Voice, a hundred times over! Not only was it my first Lee Bo-young drama, but Hye-sung also remains as one of my favorite protagonists till this day. There’s just something about her strength and vulnerability, pettiness and maturity, jadedness and sincerity. All these traits may seem like diametrical opposites on paper, but instead they came together to form a character that’s wonderfully flawed and relatable and human. Lee Bo-young played Hye-sung as earnestly tenacious, hilariously unabashed, and confidently sassy — at the heart of it all, she wasn’t afraid to be herself, and that’s what made her so lovable. Oh, and this drama also set the bar way up high for all noona romances. Both our heroine and her adoring puppy of a suitor were such positive influences on each other, inspiring growth and kindness while also being a safe space for each other’s inner child. A swoonworthy romance, snarky frenemy bickering, and a tale of mutual sacrifice and support? It’s no wonder this show has maintained its spot in my favorites list for a decade.
Dramaddictally: I picked When My Love Blooms, which I only watched recently for the first time. This is such an understated drama, with pretty hues and quietly hurt characters, and I loved watching the leads be in love (in both the past and present timeline). Lee Bo-young presents a silent strength in this show that’s underscored by her small frame and appearance of fragility — she looks like she needs to be taken care of, but she’s a super tough cookie. So, it makes it all the more powerful (my heart just about fell out of my chest) watching Yoo Ji-tae try to give her the rest and care she deserves. Ah, I’m tearing up just thinking about it.
Tags: I Hear Your Voice, Lee Bo-young, Mother, When My Love Blooms, You can only pick one
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1 Midnight
January 17, 2023 at 11:41 AM
I loved her character and portrayal in I Hear Your Voice but I can't choose it as a recommendation because I disliked the romance arc.
I will choose Birth of a Rich Man, which has quite a few of my favorite actors, and the story was fun too.
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January 17, 2023 at 12:37 PM
I agree with you about I Can Hear Your Voice. I am normally on board with noona romances, but in this instance I found the disparity in maturity—more than numerical age—between the leads really off-putting. I didn't feel a lot of chemistry between them, either.
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January 18, 2023 at 9:49 AM
Really really off-putting. It felt like her little brother living with her, not her boyfriend.
And sending him to the army in the end to pretend he has grown up not only didn't help, but it was worse inho, because for the life of me I could not believe her waiting and staying in love with him during the 2 year separation.
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January 17, 2023 at 12:44 PM
No one talks about Birth of a Rich Man (it's now available to watch legally lol). It was more fun watching all four mains go on to bigger things, esp. LBY, NGM, and LSY. Her role there was low-key funny in the second half, though she and Ji Hyun Woo had cute chemistry aside from the kiss scenes lol. The father's plot did go on too long, and the characters were memorable and rootable. For an old drama, the plot wasn't nonsensical and I thought their motivations made sense.
If some are curious, give it a shot if you want something light, funny, and watching now famous actors in their early days. Will say the 2nd half lags a bit but it does pick up when a big plot point gets revealed!
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
January 17, 2023 at 1:17 PM
Where is Birth of a Rich Man available legally? I've only found it Darkside.
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January 17, 2023 at 1:31 PM
It’s on Viki (at least in the US), under the title Becoming a Billionaire.
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January 18, 2023 at 9:52 AM
I LOVE Birth of A Rich Man, but if I have to be honest it is because of Namgoong Min not Lee Bo Young. I first saw and fell for him in this, and on later rewatches mostly ff'ed to his scenes.
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January 18, 2023 at 2:57 PM
This was his and LBY's comeback drama, and they worked together before on a film! I do LOL in rl because NGM said Lee Si Young's role was his ideal type over hers. LBY got a bit jealous over that lol, its kinda relatable that even big stars feel that too.
NGM had a nice arc towards the end, he was sidelined compared to the other three but I thought he did the best with what he had. He did an interview that while the show did well (ratings), b/c his role was an antagonist, he didn't receive much fanfare/success from it.
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January 26, 2023 at 8:18 AM
Woww... been a while since I heard the Birth of the Rich! I thought nobody watched it. It was my first introduction to Lee Bo Young, and I've watched her dramas since then.
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2 LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
January 17, 2023 at 12:15 PM
I love I Hear Your Voice. Despite all its flaws, I have a lot of good feelings about that drama and LBY is great in it. But if I have to choose a drama on its narrative and other merits then Mother was her best drama.
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3 soulsearch12
January 17, 2023 at 12:35 PM
When I began my Kdrama journey a few yrs back, I watched a lot of classics & I Hear Your Voice was one of them so it has a special place for me! Loved her character, and her charisma shone through! Since then, I watched a lot of her works and she is such a skilled performer who has gotten better and stronger! Mother is on par with My Mister for me, her, and Heo Yool!!
She picks good scripts and takes on strong female roles (someone headstrong but also can be delicate). Even in her less touted works (Seohyung My Daughter/Birth of a Rich Man/etc), she has this watchable quality to her along with her perfect diction. She said she's grateful that despite her age, she's able to still get leading roles and I'm glad that she continues to strive for that she's one of my favorites, (stating the obvious lol).
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January 18, 2023 at 3:22 AM
I agree. Mother is at the level of My Mister
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January 18, 2023 at 3:01 PM
Also, this interview gave me insight into her thoughts for anyone curious. She came across as an intelligent woman who knew what she wanted and was grateful for her opportunities too.
"Lee Bo Young also discussed the bond she felt with the return of many of her fellow veteran actresses, like Kim Tae Hee and Kim Hee Sun. She explained, “While watching Kim Nam Joo in ‘Misty,’ I had this thought. I want to promote long enough so that when my daughter is older, she can say, ‘My mom does that kind of work."
“Regardless of gender, the genres that an actor can portray decrease with age. However, since there are many good examples to follow, even if I age, I’ve gained confidence that I can do it too. In the past, it was honestly thought to be too difficult. Since there are many role models doing it well now, I expect that I can act for a long time too.”
She would know b/c when news of her dating Ji Sung came out, she said she lost jobs/CFs as a result. Which is so sad, to say the least, and she had to take a break to ignite her passion for acting. Glad she got that spark back! It's great to see actresses grow and get the chances to do so!
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4 spazmo
January 17, 2023 at 12:42 PM
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January 17, 2023 at 4:34 PM
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5 jerrykuvira
January 17, 2023 at 12:58 PM
I've only seen 3 Lee Bo-young pieces except Agency in this order When My Love Blooms, Whisper, Mine. In all three Lee Bo-young carried her character with this strength that I can't quite place but I sure could feel. I most especially felt this way when I was watching When My Love Blooms. I still vividly remember her sitting behind the piano playing the classical piece Au Comme Premiere Jour. Despite Yoon Ji-soo having life thrown at her almost every episode, she managed to plod through with this fragile strength which can turn into that of a wounded lion when she or those she holds dear get or feel threatened.
Not to forget is the beautiful forbidden love story you want to root for that she shared with Yoo Ji-tae.
All of the Lee Bo-young's pieces I've seen has her kicking asses all the way, When My Love Blooms is the one in which she was the most disadvantaged and was was very much a formidable foe. For that, When My Love Blooms is my fav Lee Bo-young drama.
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6 Jance
January 17, 2023 at 2:47 PM
I Hear Your Voice. No question. It’s just SO FUN! (And reminds me of being at school)
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January 17, 2023 at 2:50 PM
And it always makes me happy that she’s married to Ji Sung. They’re both phenomenal actors…
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January 19, 2023 at 1:09 AM
I'm honestly in awe of how well they stay low-key while raising a family and balancing their career too. Of course, they have the means to have help. But I think it's cool that both of them take turns with the kids when one's working.
Ji Sung said he would quit acting for her since she didn't want to date celebs then. Luckily it worked out, & his passion for acting ignited her drive again for acting. And she enriched his life. Both are lucky to have each other.
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7 bdk0221
January 17, 2023 at 4:04 PM
Mother by a long shot...
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8 Strawberry
January 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM
I love Lee Bo Young since Seoyong My daughter.
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January 18, 2023 at 12:21 PM
Ha thank you! I couldn't remember the title of the drama, only that it was a long family drama that was actually good.
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January 18, 2023 at 12:58 PM
My first completed Lee Bo Young drama was "BALLAD OF SEO DONG," but "SEOYONG MY DAUGHTER" was her big break.
Having seen the original MOTHER and loved it, I was pretty nervous when she stepped into the role, but she made it her own.
She is not an actress I'd auto-follow, but I'm happy for her thriving career.
Yay to one of the successful leading ladies in their 40s.
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9 Kafiyah Bello
January 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Strangely enough I have never cared for or finished any of her dramas. I am currently watching Agency and she is fantastic in it, so Agency for me.
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10 technicat
January 17, 2023 at 6:18 PM
I liked her in everything I've seen, but the most rewatchable and bingeable for me is God's Gift: 14 Days
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January 17, 2023 at 8:04 PM
She was excellent at conveying the emotions of a mom who was going all out for her child's whereabouts. Esp. the live tv scene!! But I do feel her role was more of being worried all the time lol, but I also think the writer gave a lot more complexities to Cho Seung Woo. But still, an interesting and fast-paced show, whether you are a fan of hers or not, you can't deny she doesn't pick 9/10 times an interesting show.
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January 17, 2023 at 8:33 PM
Yeah, that is my favorite show of hers, but if I were to choose solely based on her performance I'd pick Mother. And her most fun character is in I Hear Your Voice. And most ridiculous moment was chomping onto a PPL subway sandwich during a revenge-planning meeting in Whisper.
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11 DancingEmma
January 17, 2023 at 6:47 PM
I have only seen her in ‘When my love blooms’ and she was underwhelming as Jeon Sonee as the younger version of the character just overshadowed LBY. JSN was outstanding.
However, I will try and watch ‘I hear your voice’ as so many have recommended it.
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January 18, 2023 at 2:10 AM
LBY is one of the actors I have never been able to warn of to their characters. I wasn’t impressed by her in IHYV and I was feeling nothing for her cameo in StartUp. I’ve never seen any other work of hers, but to me she doesn’t particularly impress.
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January 18, 2023 at 3:11 PM
I think it's b/c she has this steely coldness to her roles (in rl, she's actually rather cheeky and cute), that it does take a while to get into her roles. I will say why she continues to get cast in Korea, is that whenever they talk about great actors they always mention diction. For Koreans, her enunciation is pronounced and clear. Always cool to see everyone's different POVs!
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January 18, 2023 at 8:23 PM
@soulsearch12: I appreciate your interesting input. I will try and find her other work including ‘Mother’ (@Mindy). It is not always possible for me to find legal viewing options but I will look out for her other work.
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January 19, 2023 at 12:57 AM
Thanks for being open-minded. It's not easy delving into a work of an actor who you're not familiar with. I'll also say When My Love Blooms (I paused it, and forgot to go back to finishing it). Wouldn't say that's her most memorable role.
Mother is a very heavy drama, but worth it but be prepared to cry. Let me know how that works out, if you do watch!
If you want something less heavy, and more sci-fi then God's Gift with Cho Seung Woo. She had good chemistry with him there. For comedy then I think I Hear Your Voice/Being a Billionaire (to a lesser degree).
Also, did anyone watch Harvest Villa? I watched a few clips, & she was funny. But sadly it's not streaming.
January 26, 2023 at 8:30 AM
Harvest Villa! It's my favorite too. I watched it because of Lee Bo Young after I watched the Birth of the Rich. Harvest Villa is a dark comedy, and it was the first time I knew K-drama was not about romance :)
January 18, 2023 at 3:29 PM
What are you doing not watching Mother?!
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January 18, 2023 at 8:25 PM
@mindy: I haven’t forgotten how much you like her!
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12 bogumlips
January 18, 2023 at 7:49 AM
I Hear Your Voice was the 1st show I watched of hers and it holds a special place in my heart but Mother is my favorite.
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13 Diana Hansen
January 18, 2023 at 8:36 AM
Have to go with I Hear Your Voice. She was outstanding and it is one of my very favorites.
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14 VanityFair
January 18, 2023 at 10:48 AM
I Hear Your Voice for the win (for me). I am usually not a fan of noona romances but was pretty sold on this one. Everyone did a good job - including the ensemble cast.
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15 CDF
January 18, 2023 at 11:08 AM
Out of three drama I have watched ; I Hear Your Voice, Mine, and My daughter Seo-Young, I will recommend - I hear your voice.
The drama does lot of things with exception of romance. I did not find it addicting.
Out of drama that I haven't watched, I will recommend Mother. I do not have courage to go through such heavy subject matter.
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16 fab
January 18, 2023 at 12:37 PM
I hear Your Voice! It was such a fun (so fun!) watch mainly because Hye-sun was such a riot. I can't imagine anyone else playing that role. Lee Bo-young is truly the main lead.
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17 Mia
January 18, 2023 at 8:34 PM
I honestly haven't watched enough of Lee Bo Young's dramas, but I still think I'd wind up choosing 'I Hear Your Voice'. It still ranks high amongst my all time favorite dramas. After Dream High, screenwriter Park Hye Ryun was permanently on my watchlist. I was truly disappointed when the news broke that she wasn't returning to write the second season of Dream High. Interestingly enough, that second season going bust might have lead to the resurrection of the series School which hadn't aired in over a decade. School 2013 gave Lee Jong Suk his breakthrough role which lead to him becoming the lead of 'I Hear Your Voice'. Those two combined just made it one of my most highly anticipated dramas. Honestly if working on this drama is the reason Park Hye Ryun didn't return to Dream High, it definitely paid off. IHYV solidified both of their careers. It was a huge success and there just wasn't another drama like it at the time. This drama also reintroduced me to Lee Bo Young who I actually thought I was watching for the first time. She definitely joined the list of actresses that impress me. I had no idea, until years later, she was the lead of one of my first dramas, Birth A Rich Man. This drama also happened to star Nam Goong Min in one of a number of dramas I only later realized he starred in. Lee Si Young, with her over the top character in the drama, is the one I never forgot. I've seen several eps of My Daughter Seo Young, but wound up dropping it. When My Love Blooms is one I definitely have to get back too. I really want to watch Mother, but I'm still on the fence as to whether I should watch the it or the original Japanese drama first.
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18 ixion
January 19, 2023 at 11:53 AM
It would have to be "Mother." That drama wrung me inside out, and I mean that in a good way. The whole cast was great, and it was also the first drama that I saw Son Seok-ku in.
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19 Fiona
January 20, 2023 at 1:25 PM
Becoming a billioanire, and I hear your voice!
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20 TAS-Mania
January 20, 2023 at 1:28 PM
I Hear Your Voice
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21 kakiperi
January 26, 2023 at 8:24 AM
Like most comments here, my favorite is I Hear Your Voice. Her portrayal of Jang Hye Sung is soo good. I think LBY is a very good actress and she chose her roles carefully, but I love her when she plays a sassy character like Jang Hye Sung. I also like her personality in the interviews she had. She gives an impression of an intelligent, strong, yet gentle woman -and has a good sense of humor.
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22 K-BearLovesDramas
March 14, 2023 at 6:15 PM
Mother!! Mother!!!! Mother!!!!!!
I was crying- scratch that, braying like a donkey in my room when I watched it. Shredded me. None of her dramas have topped it before and after.
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23 djf
July 4, 2023 at 9:24 PM
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