Playing in the rain with Seo Ji-hye in TV Chosun’s Red Balloon
by tccolb
The first teaser has dropped for TV Chosun’s new weekend series Red Balloon, featuring the main cast: Seo Ji-hye (Adamas), Lee Sung-jae (Show Window: The Queen’s House), Hong Soo-hyun (Police University), and Lee Sang-woo (Uncle).
At the center of the melodrama is Jo Eun-kang (Seo Ji-hye), whose dream is to become a full-fledged teacher, but has miserably missed the cut at every certification exam. Although she’s generally not fussy and has a relaxed personality, she has a tendency to become blindsided by her passions – pushing everything else in her life into the backseat.
Her best friend is Han Ba-da (Hong Soo-hyun), an understanding and kind character who doesn’t like to hold grudges. When her family lost their wealth, Ba-da considered calling off her wedding. But her then fiancé convinced her not to end their relationship and she now struggles to maintain a good relationship with her in-laws.
Sharing her pain is Ji Nam-chul (Lee Sung-jae), who married into the same family and is a brother-in-law to Ba-da’s husband. He comes from a humbler background, though, and was given one of his father-in-law’s businesses to run. But in actuality, he’s more of a figurehead and has no authority in its operations.
Ba-da’s husband and Nam-chul’s brother-in-law is Go Cha-won (Lee Sang-woo). Despite not feeling suited for the field, he became a dermatologist due to his family’s expectations and spends most of his free time coming up with new business ventures. As a gentle spirit, he doesn’t do well in conflicts and struggles to arbitrate the tensions between his mother and wife.
The new teaser begins with Eun-kang decorating for their upcoming party as she exclaims that balloons make her happy. We then hear the ominous question during one of the party games, “Have you ever felt attracted to someone other than your partner?” As Eun-kang shares a charged moment with Cha-won, the accompanying text screens read: “The secret desire that has been growing inside my heart.”
We then jump to Nam-chul eating with a young woman – amused by her remark that he has a cute smile – before the teaser returns to the party. As Eun-kang and Ba-da have some fun in the rain, Ba-da gushes that Eun-kang is her most cherished friend and a flashback takes us back to a similar moment during their high school days.
As the present situation escalates for our leads, Cha-won tries to put up boundaries while Eun-kang asks if he has some time. The appearing text screens introduce the production team: “Master of family dramas, writer Moon Young-nam,” and “Detailed directing by PD Jin Hyung-wook.” The two are also hailed as a hit-combo for this new weekend miniseries and the teaser then comes to a close on our heroine, who looks up at an escaping red balloon.
Directed by PD Jin Hyung-wook (Born Again) with scripts by Moon Young-nam (Revolutionary Sisters), TV Chosun’s Red Balloon will be coming to our screens in December.
Via Sports Chosun
Tags: Hong Soo-hyun, Lee Sang-woo, Lee Sung-jae, Red Balloon, Seo Ji-hye
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1 miss h
October 31, 2022 at 4:34 PM
Oh man, this is the writer of Revolutionary Sisters and Liver or Die. She writes the most selfish, annoying characters.
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October 31, 2022 at 5:11 PM
The writer of REVOLUTIONARY SISTERS? Someone else actually bought her script? Bad business decision. I am unlikely to watch this.
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miss h
October 31, 2022 at 7:23 PM
Her shows bring in the ratings, for whatever reason.
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October 31, 2022 at 8:41 PM
I guess I cannot blame this on bad business practices then.
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2 OldLawyer
October 31, 2022 at 5:09 PM
Why does this sound like a fairly standard melodrama to me?
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
October 31, 2022 at 9:19 PM
Because there isn't a moment or a beat we've seen so far that isn't bog-standard melo cliché? And please, please tell me they're not putting these 40-ish actors in high school uniforms for a flashback.
It's too bad. I'm a big fan of Seo Ji-hye and Lee Sang-woo but this looks so tired and tiresome.
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3 Kurama
October 31, 2022 at 9:48 PM
I really think that Seo Ji-Hye doesn't know how to choose a good drama...
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4 jerrykuvira
November 1, 2022 at 4:37 AM
I like that the four leaf characters are a bunch of misfits when you consider them in the world Red Balloon constructs for them, especially the character Go Cha-won(Lee Sang-woo). It'll be a lot of a roses and bumps watching them all navigate their world.
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5 camillecols
November 1, 2022 at 6:52 AM
I have not seen any of the writer’s works
But I will watch this for Seo Ji Hye and Lee Sung Jae
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6 fdmanjoor
November 1, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Seo Ji Hye and Hong Soo-hyun are good actresses. I will watch because of them.
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7 annavince
November 1, 2022 at 10:33 AM
Makjang Undertones
Don’t really care about the writer’s past works
Big SJH Stan
So looking forward to this
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