Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

Zippy comedy Gaus Electronics wastes no time introducing us to our dysfunctional marketing team and their mishaps. Kwak Dong-yeon plays our protagonist, a sunny walking disaster whose zeal, paired with a tendency to wreak accidental havoc, doesn’t make him popular with his coworkers. It’s going to take a lot to get the team in working order, but our enthusiastic lead is sure going to give it his all.


Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2 Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

First things first: I love Kwak Dong-yeon. How is he so endearing, like, all the time? He never fails to make me root for him, and his hapless LEE SANG-SHIK is no exception. Sang-shik is a bit of a mess, albeit a lovable one. He’s overly earnest, honest, and unfailingly optimistic to the irritation of his colleagues. Unfortunately for him, he ends up causing trouble rather than helping most of the time.

He’s a part of the infamous Marketing Team 3 which has a reputation for being useless and a dead end. We see a manager resign rather than face reassignment there. But not only does he resign, he then leaks documents to the media detailing the current chairman’s embezzlement.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

And this is where Sang-shik does some serious damage. Amid this media frenzy, he accidentally releases this hilarious marketing video on his personal channel that chronicles Gaus Electronic’s somewhat unsavory rise, starting with the pro-Japanese founder and subsequent chairman who made his fortune off stolen goods. How he thought that would work as a marketing tool is a mystery since it comes off like a hit piece.

Sang-shik insists the video was set to private, but it doesn’t much matter since it’s public now. We do catch a glimpse of someone tampering with the settings on Sang-shik’s computer at work, so we might just have a team betrayal on our hands. Regardless, with the release of that video and the embezzlement scandal, Marketing Team 3 gets audited.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

One thing that struck me about this drama is how fast it moves. And I don’t just mean covering a lot of ground, which it does. It has this almost frenetic pace that’s clearly intentional and adds to the zany style and humor.

Speaking of humor, I have mixed feelings here. There were definitely scenes and jokes that made me cackle. I love all the name puns – almost everyone has a name that means something else – and the embracing of absurdity which we see in full force with the introduction of BAEK MA-TAN (Bae Hyun-sung), chaebol heir to Power Group.

Ma-tan is determined to prove himself and mingle with the commoners, and he decides the best method would be making a name for himself at the scandal-laden Gaus. He’s hilariously obtuse and starts off his new job by literally being parachuted in… and promptly gets hit by a car upon landing. Pfft.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2 Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

Once he heals and finally starts his job, he’s appalled by the commoner conditions but resolute – he will endure. But not without some needed amenities like the actual golden spoon he carries around for meals in potentially unsanitary places.

I just love how seriously Ma-tan takes himself while being absolutely ridiculous… and having that hair. LOL. He treats everyone like his underlings, including his new bosses. He especially bosses around enthusiastic sunbae Sang-shik who is doing his darndest to impart his wisdom to the newbie but just ends up making him copies and coffee.

The other team members are less excited about, well, pretty much everything. They’ve mostly given up at this point, accepting that their team is an unsolvable mess of underachievers. Although, CHA NA-RAE (Go Sung-hee) does seem to have some ambitions and is the one most bothered by Sang-shik’s constant fires that need putting out.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

Here’s where the humor didn’t work well for me. Na-rae is so antagonistic toward Sang-shik in a way that’s highly unprofessional, and we get a good dose of workplace bullying that’s treated as a joke. For example, during the audit, the team is afraid Sang-shik will make everything worse, so they actually tie him up and lock him in the supply room.

They leave him there for HOURS until he misses his date with his first love MO HAE-YOUNG (Lee So-hee), although that might be for the best. She clearly uses him and also has this odd habit of referring to herself in the third person constantly. It’s not cute.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2 Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

What did make me laugh about the situation was that due to the team’s obvious disdain for Sang-shik, the auditor determines that they must’ve all conspired to bully Sang-shik by creating that video and posting it to his account. (Serves them right, really.)

The auditor then sees a tied up and worse-for-the-wear Sang-shik – he got a black eye and lost a couple teeth during his escape from the supply room – in the lobby and has his bullying suspicions confirmed. The verdict: the team should be disbanded. Then, Na-rae has the gall to be mad at Sang-shik like he just ruined their team by inadvertently exposing that they assaulted him.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2 Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

It’s hard for me to get behind Na-rae as a character since she’s so abusive toward Sang-shik. Besides the actual assault, she’s constantly yelling at him and being unnecessarily mean. No matter how frustrating he might be to work with, her behavior is totally unacceptable, and it’s uncomfortable to see it played for laughs at times.

But I sense a potential enemies-to-lovers romance in the air. Na-rae moves out of her parents’ home to live alone for the first time, and of course, she ends up next-door neighbors with Sang-shik. They’re both equally appalled by the coincidence and decide to ignore each other outside of work.

That said, despite Na-rae’s insistence on maintaining their distance, she’s not shy about breaking her own rule whenever she needs his help. Never having lived alone, she struggles to figure out the basics and then panics when she sees a spider.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2 Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2

She runs over to Sang-shik’s and begs him to help her kill the spider. Sang-shik’s new roommate AZIZ (Sazal Mahamud) even tries to help get rid of her, but Na-rae is persistent.Through a series of mishaps, Na-rae ends up lying on top of Sang-shik on the hallway floor, clutching him for dear life lest the spider get her. That, naturally, is the scene Sang-shik’s crush Hae-young stumbles upon as we end our second episode.

Although some of the humor and Na-rae’s character didn’t land for me, I still enjoyed the premiere episodes. Kwak Dong-yeon is as delightful as ever, and I do like the general style of humor and overall zaniness. If it tones down the bullying aspect and gives Na-rae some serious character growth, I could be all in.

Gaus Electronics: Episodes 1-2


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@quirkycase thanks for the weecap that covered the one issue I had with the drama; the portrayal of the bullying. Other than that it has the potential to be quite an amusing watch. Looking forward to seeing what happens next week if the bullying is toned down I am in, if not I will walk.

The spider incident echoed what happened with another drama; there is a creepy crawly on the ground there is an accidental drop to the floor close to where the creature is and no one was performing Olympic speed manoeuvres to get away from the nightmare waiting to happen. As someone who literally tried to run through a wall when I discovered that cockroaches can fly will tell you logic goes out the window when you are in such situations.🤣


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GAUS ELECTRONICS has real comedy in it. My wife and I loved the first episodes and look forward to the new ones.

Ordinarily we would feel sorry for Sang-shik as his crush finds him in Na-rae's embrace (as it were). But it is so obvious that he is just a convenience for her that, if anything, we can actually rejoice: This is the first step towards freedom from that manipulative young woman. I am confident that he will run after her, try to explain, etc. but we all know where this is headed and that it is actually a good thing.

Meanwhile, Na-rae's actions reveal something very important about her view of him: She trusts him. Sure, he messes up, but he has a good character. And trust is the foundation of all love. I think we will see a story unfold here of two people who come together and through that process learn from each other and grow- and ultimately grow together.

Comedies are actually better for this kind of a story than other forms of drama.

Is it possible that writers in the ROK have learned a lesson from BUSINESS PROPOSAL: That real comedy makes for a good show? Am I being silly in hoping for this?

In any case we will definitely keep watching.

I also enjoyed our Chaebol Heir- the man who literally parachuted into his new job. (Notice: I said literally parachuted...). Why do I sniff a secondary romance here? Well, why not? And a bromance with our hapless hero as well? Maybe?


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I didn't like the bully part neither, it's why the second episode was better for me.

It's kinda frustrating because I think I missed of lot of jokes because of the language.

I wonder how Go Seung-Hee ended with such younger actors than her. Kwak Dong-Yeon looks older fortunately.


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I haven't kind of settled in with this one. The comedy is on point and I had a good number of laugh out loud moments but I don't know, something is still missing. But I do sync with the fact that Gaus Electronic is dysfunctional in every sense of it.


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I loved it, but there were a couple of jokes that I loathe like the so-lonely-for-sex and farting scenes. Since this is Kwak Dong Yeon's first lead role, I was a bit disappointed that he chose a crazy project that may not be received well by all ages, but I can see that this drama has potential to be another "Drink Now, Work Later" series, which is popular online.

Can someone please say why Ma Tan's hair is sticking out? There got to be some reference which I can't seem to figure out.


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I'm equally disappointed this is Kwak Dong-yeon's first lead role so I'm praying it gets right on track real fast.


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It's not really his first lead role.

He was lead in different special dramas like Adolescence Medly, Stutent A as a teenager.

As an adult, he was lead in Never Twice, a family drama.


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I met him in Vincenzo. And post that he's been in 2nd lead roles. This happens to be the first lead I'm watching him. I do find great squishy delight in his bubbly character here and I kind of love this comedic side he's playing but I still have reservations about the drama as a whole.


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This should have been a TVING drama like Work Later, Drink Now. I think it could have had similar success online as they both have similar comedy styles. It's not the kind of show that will do well on a channel like ENA, and it will more than likely get overlooked on the OTT service it is streaming on in SK.


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Oh, I love Marketing team 3 and their leader, the always wonderful Baek Hyun-Jin. I haven't laughed as much since Crazy Love and Birthcare Center. What a welcome contrast to all the violent thrillers and law dramas. Kwak Dong-yeon is superb at comedy - even without saying anything, also Go Sung-hee and the rest of the cast.


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For the first half of episode one I was delighted to find that this show - which I was planning to watch no matter what, just for Kwak Dong-Yeon - was right up my alley.

The moment it completely soured for me was when they come back to the office, find him with a black eye and two missing teeth, and no one involved shows any concern or remorse. In fact, like the recapper said, the female lead just gets angrier with him. I get that this show has sitcommy vibes and in most sitcoms, things that wouldn't fly in real life get a bit of a pass, but that's too much for me.

I'll still try watching for Kwak Dong-Yeon (and I also LOVE Ko Sung-hee in spite of her chracter here, and I have a soft spot for little cutie Bae Hyun-sun) but if it continues like this, I don't know how long I can hold out.


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I'm enjoying this drama largely based on how UNEXPECTED it is. We've seen this premise a million times but never told in this outrageous fashion. The parachute employee actually parachuting in... then getting hit by a car.


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this drama is just so extra and over the top. not sure if I love it or dislike it. but dongyeon is great at comedy and he's the driving force of this whole thing so I will stay and watch. i watched 50 episodes of a weekend drama that I didnt care at all bcs of him and park sewan, this is nothing lol


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This totally missed the mark for me unfortunately. I'll stick to weecaps on this one I think.


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My favorite moments of the week:

The parachute.
Ma Tan "mixing" mix coffee with everything.
The "music to calm people with nasty temper" as the bar.
San Sik's rommie Aziz trying to get rid of Na Rae.

Yep, I'm gonna love this show so much. I know it.


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Nah, this is not my cup of tea, drop it before ep 1 ends.


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I checked it out, of course, since it's Kwak Dong Yeon's first LEAD ROLE...FINALLY! I've watched him since his debut role and then his breakthrough role in Moonlight and years later, he's still playing supporting character...

Anyway, this drama is so ridiculous that I'm staying tuned. He's perfect for the oblivious troublemaker role.


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I’m currently less than impressed with this one. To be honest, I seldom find the humour in K drama, well, humorous ? Notable exception being The Producers. I don’t think this one is funny… so far. There might be fun-with-language but that doesn’t work well if you have no notion about the Korean language. The workplace antics are a bit too much to be comedy - I don’t find abuse comedic.
Still, I’ll keep watching because Kwak DY.


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I remember a few years ago, people going gaga for how hilarious Waikiki was and that left me cold as well. It's just not my brand of humour at all.


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Finally someone else who didn’t find Waikiki funny.


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Will this be the drama the lures me out of my cave?


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I have to say - I totally agree on your criticism. I was confused about why they were playing his physical harm for laughs lol. Also, Na Rae seemed to have an unusually large negative reaction to everything about him no matter what. She was just mean. That being said - I'm team enemies to lovers leggo.


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KDY is amazing and I stuck this out for as long as I could but I'm afraid there's a box marked "not my kind of humour" and this is almost entirely in that box. Work Later, Drink Now and Unicorn show how to do workplace comedy and satire. This is... not it.

Having read the weecap, it sounds like it didn't get better. I'm disappointed because what I saw of it (before I had to turn it off - and I mean HAD, I couldn't physically watch any more of it) KDY was bringing it. So I'll just have to wait for his next lead role.


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I felt the same way. I was hoping to get back into kdramas after a long hiatus but sadly this was not it.

I did have better luck with Through the Darkness.


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