Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Today’s Webtoon: As much as I love Daniel Choi, I think I’m firmly on the Ma-eum and Joon-young ship. They complement each other very well, and I hope Joon-young’s little heart flutterings won’t be one-sided. Unfortunately, unless things pick up soon, I suspect Ma-eum will continue to live in her own little world and not exhibit any romantic interest in either of the male leads.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Was it the greatest finale in the world? No, but I think it was a fairly satisfying and appropriate wrap-up. The drama was mostly episodic and character driven from the start, so ending the story with minimal fanfare after solving the case of the week was consistent with the rest of the show. And as much as I wanted more — like way more — Woo-young and Jun-ho romance, their love story has always kind of taken a backseat to whatever was going on in the courtroom. So, in my opinion, it makes sense that their reunion was as understated as the rest of their relationship — but I absolutely adored the cat metaphor! If I had any complaints, it’s that I wish they had deviated from the previously mentioned formula and dedicated more time to Woo-young’s mother and brother, whether it was in the final four episodes or just have them featured a little more leading up to the finale. The only loose end that I can think of is the whole feud between Woo-young’s mother and boss, which was never fully explained. Supposedly, a second season is in discussion. I’d love to spend more time with these characters in a second season, but if it never comes to fruition, at least I don’t feel like I left hanging — like a few dramas that shall not be named.
Currently covering: Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist
It’s Beautiful Now: It was a surprising change to see Hyun-jae being such a mess this week and Mi-rae being the “strong one.” I had a feeling the father will attempt to sacrifice himself by cancelling his adoption, but it was a good thing the grandpa stopped him. Adoption doesn’t make a person less of their adoptive parent’s child, neither does not being put on the biological parent’s family register make them less of the biological child. There were lots of moments I teared up while watching these episodes, and I was grateful for the cousin and his family. Those kids are such a breath of fine distraction. But that preview…
Today’s Webtoon: The PD and artist relationships in this drama remind me of the manager and celeb relationships in Shooting Stars. It’s even the same actor playing a boss in both dramas, although he’s jerk boss here. By the way, is that a love triangle I see on the horizon? I love Choi Daniel but there’s something about Nam Yoon-soo’s dimples and the role reversal of his character and Ma-eum. That box carrying scene and the bicycle scene… that was gold!
Do You Like Brahms?: With Kim Min-jae and Park Eun-bin starring in dramas that I’m currently watching, I took it as the universe’s sign for me to watch them together in one drama. Then I saw Bae Da-bin from It’s Beautiful Now and two other actors from Attorney Woo also in Brahms, and now it feels like my worlds are colliding. Heh. Brahms is such a comforting and relaxing watch, and I enjoy watching classical music performances, so that’s a plus. I also really like Park Eun-bin’s hair in this drama.
Currently covering: Big Mouth
When My Love Blooms: I watched an older drama this week — one I picked because I needed a Jinyoung fix after Yumi’s Cells ended. This was quiet and lovely and felt much older than its 2020 air date, but in a good way. I could guess the story beats every step of the way and I think I liked it partly for that reason. The historical protests were incorporated nicely and not just used as a backdrop and the leads were handled with a lot of care. Long story short: I totally cried at the end.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 13, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 6, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 30, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 23, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 16, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 9, 2022)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 2, 2022)
Tags: Do You Like Brahms, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Today's Webtoon, What We're Watching, When My Love Blooms
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1 Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 6:00 AM
If you wish upon me
Enjoying the show, as we get to know the characters link to the hospice and motivations for being part of the team.
Poong Joseon Psychiatrist
Back watching this as feel the balance is better fit for me this week. Taking it week by week in terms of fast forward options.
Today’s webtoon
So glad we are finally seeing more explanations for the ghostly presence in the house.
Sleeeper hit Japanese
Continues to deliver solidly. I actually preferred the way they portrayed one of the scenes over the Kdrama version.
Still enjoying this idol coming of age web drama.
In time with you Japanese
Romance slice of life. Having watched two versions of this I was recommended the Japanese version. However, because it is a story that has stuck with me I can still remember it so its harder to watch this time round especially as the annoying characters are annoying me already in this one too.
Moonlight Chinese
Rom com about a writer and editor. Enjoying it so far.
Playful Kiss
Rom com school drama came highly recommended. Golden oldie. PPL was different back then the end has teddy bears acting out a scene from the drama just like the Princess hours and she has a teddy bear as a comforter so it must have been a fad back then.
Continuing to watch in bite sized sections.
Page Turner
3 episodes an enjoyable glimpse into the lives of three teens who have lost themselves. They find a shared goal and gain a sense of purpose. Both they and their parents grow through the experience.
On hold:
When my love blooms
Devilish joy
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Your honour
Cheer up
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August 20, 2022 at 9:31 AM
Playfull kiss was THE drama that introduced me to Kdramas. I will always have a soft spot for it even with its weaknesses. Fun to watch JSM in it as the same time as Aos and see her growth as an actor. Make sure to check out the specials. I think the chemistry between JSM and KHJ finally blossoms in these. Or KHJ is not a jerk so he is more lovable. Not sure.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 9:40 AM
What are the specials?
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August 20, 2022 at 10:02 AM
They are short mini episodes that cover what could have been the second season and follow them after their marriage. If you have seen the Japanese version or read the manga the stories will be familiar. You actually see the loving couple these two can be.
You can do a search for them and find subbed versions.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 10:07 AM
Oh yes thank you I remember that being part of the recommendation now that you have said that.
August 20, 2022 at 10:06 AM
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August 20, 2022 at 11:42 AM
Here's a fun bit of trivia: Choi Woo Shik appears in the last minisode! Blink and you will miss him.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 11:45 AM
I will look for him, he is so cute I know he doesn’t want to be seen as cute any more but how can he not be when he has that face and smile.
August 21, 2022 at 3:38 PM
Page Turner was such a wonderful little drama!
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 21, 2022 at 11:04 PM
It really was we should campaign for it to get more recognition🥰 I will have to check if there is a drama chat on hidden gems you wish had a higher profile. If not let’s request that as a topic.
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August 26, 2022 at 1:05 AM
Playful kiss was my first kdrama! :D And while I liked the Thaiwanese version more, the korean version got me into the kdrama madness and addiction so will forever be special :D
And I loved Healer and enjoyed Page turner!
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 26, 2022 at 2:04 AM
Looks like you have a varied taste and if you like Taiwanese dramas they probably spoiled you as it seems a lot of the classic dramas were Taiwanese originals like In time with you which has multiple versions.
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2 Linarrick
August 20, 2022 at 6:01 AM
What a little gem of a show! I absolutely loved it, minor quibbles aside, this drama was the highlight of my week. I especially enjoyed reading the discourse surrounding it and while I usually don’t like multi season dramas, I’m definitely looking forward to EAW season two!
I’m glad many beanies are having a blast with this one! Personally, I’m entertained while I watch it but then I promptly forget about it. Still this is the farthest I’ve come to completing a Hong Sisters drama in a while and I’m curious to see how this season ends (tho I’m not too psyched about season two).
ADAMAS (Eps 7&8):
Everyone has their motivations and secrets, Lady Kwon’s is especially tragic. We’re halfway through and while I have my nitpicks, Adamas has taken me hook, line and sinker. It’s my new thriller obsession and I’m gonna have immense fun shitposting!
BIG MOUTH (Eps 5&6):
I’m still on the fence, my newly found attraction to Lee Jong-suk notwithstanding. I find the fan theories surrounding the identity of Big Mouse far more fun & interesting than the show itself.
NEVER GIVE UP (To Start Soon):
Seeing some good reviews from fellow beanies about this, and since EAW has finished (and left a gaping hole in my heart), I’m hoping NGU will at least fill some of that void.
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3 Radily
August 20, 2022 at 6:02 AM
Wild Boar Hunting (Episode 3)
So if we take In Sung’s words at face value, then who did Young Soo shoot that fateful day? But I suspect that the truth lies between what they both said: Young Soo’s gun did kill Hyun Min, though the reason Hyun Min was in the position to get shot was because of In Sung. I also think Hyun Min may have bullied In Sung out of hatred for his parents’ untimely death but there’s still 1 more episode for a giant plot twist where maybe it was the granny who set the fire herself (then losing her sanity due to guilt?). I didn’t like the blackmailer arc: it’s too coincidental that they found Hyun Min’s corpse?
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (Series review) - Mood progression: B / A- / B+ / B+ / B / B- / C+ / B-
Looking back on the show, it peaked in the second week when it actually focused on the autism spectrum and even did research into Hans Asperger himself. Ever since then, it’s been a slow but steady decline into the usual drama fanfare I don’t have much appreciation for, with unneeded makjang arcs being dragged or even introduced as late as this week. With all that being said, nothing will take away my love for Jun Ho and his often unrealistic gracefulness, though I hope that Kang Tae Oh won’t fall for the military curse and come back with a good show. His agent better pick well?
Big Mouth (Episode 5-6) - Mood: C-
On a superficial note, I’m glad that we’re going to be seeing more of Jerry’s hidden side next week: it’s way too cruel to have to wait till the 2nd half of the show to get more crumbs of Kwak Dong Yeon’s acting. But back to the plot: I can’t help but feel that the show is overstepping it with the possibility of an unreliable narrator. The cliffhanger’s quite the dare to the audience but that just means anything less than a terrific twist won’t cut it and we’ve all witnessed how a plot can go astray because a writer was too ambitious. None of that split personality, amnesia, twin nonsense, right?
Today’s Webtoon (Episode 5-6) - Mood: C-
I’m quite ambivalent about Kwon PD’s backstory: on one hand, the story of the once passionate colleague disillusioned by the realities of capitalism was a really nice touch of nuance, on the other hand, the involvement of Director Heo with that backstabbing in the past destroys that very nuance. Also, this development reminds me of the classic jerk with the heart of gold caricature so often associated with male leads and I can’t say Kwon PD was always reasonable right now in the present. I hope there won’t be any love triangle regardless of which character ends up being in its center. Please!
Cafe Minamdang (Episode 15-16) - Mood: D-
Yawn, who didn’t predict that Kwon Soo Hyun was Gopuri? Why couldn’t we get interesting twists such as Han Jun being a real shaman and hiding all this time? Instead, we got stupid protagonist stuff for the penultimate episodes.
Also watching: Adamas
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4 welh
August 20, 2022 at 6:03 AM
THE WITCH IS ALIVE (Becoming Witch) (Ep. 8) The daughter coming home led to more wackiness than one could image. She is a chip off the Ma-Ri block. Ma-Ri’s head is also on the block as the Oracle has made her a suspect in the Death Note site. Jin-A’s money arc went according to foreshadowing . . . a total mess. She never could realize that Woo Bin makes her life a disaster until after it implodes.
Hee Soo’s story gets sadder by the episode. She is not pregnant; she gets a quick divorce; and her life gets terminal. I now get Thelma and Louise vibes as the crazy comedy goes toward dark humor.
TODAY’S WEBTOON (Ep. 5-6) The ruthless side of the business casts a long shadow in these episodes. Ma-eum’s bright spirit starts to harden with the backstory of producer Young-Bae. It did show that the other producers and director still don’t get the idea of being ruthless about getting marketable content and artists to boost sales. I was waiting for Jun-Yeong to tell them what needs to be done in order to turn the department around. But maybe he is too scared to risk his lifeboat in Gwan-Young. Adding a stalker element into the department woes seems a little overkill. The happy foundation story is going to make a hard turn toward sadness starting with Seul-A’s burnout and Shin’s inner demons.
STOCK STRUCK (Ep. 1-2) The first episode was OK. The female lead's perky manipulative salesperson approach to getting what she wants could be tiresome in the long run. Her "friend" left her out to dry when not counseling a novice on when to sell her shares. Perhaps the whiff of Cleaning Up is still in the air, but insider trading/stock investing quick rich, solve all your problems thinking is a tired topic.
The formation of the group of odd people reminds me of the Beardstown Ladies, a group of women who formed an investment club in 1983 to learn and invest in securities. Back then, Investment clubs used to be a big fad for a short while. Today, no one can remember them. Each member has their own story . . mostly feeling being left out because of past decisions.
I am not familiar with Han Ji-eun. I do not know if she can anchor a series like Kim Se-Jeong in Business Proposal or Today's Webtoon. I do find it interesting that the network put in an epilogue about factual stock investing points to counteract the actual story lines.
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5 Blue (@mayhemf)
August 20, 2022 at 6:05 AM
Screee!!!! I just came to screeeee after seeing Ji Sung/Adamas as the cover pic ; )
Loving the show to bits!!
and watching 'You are my Glory' (cdrama) - enjoying it a lot so far!
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August 20, 2022 at 7:55 AM
@mayhemf Right back attcha on the screeee!
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6 miso
August 20, 2022 at 6:06 AM
Rewatched Goblin, thanks to the ToD post, and I'd forgotten how sad the show was. TL;DR my eyes were swollen to twice their size by the end 😭.
Extraordinary Attorney - I fell a little bit out of love with this show over the last 2-3 weeks. But this was a good finale. Ending on a sense of fulfillment for Young-woo was right since this was really her journey.
Café Minamdang - 😑
Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist - Needing to wrap each story within 2 episodes means we get some really pat resolutions to deep psychological issues. Leads are still cute though.
Adamas - Lol @ Prosecutor Bro being basically fine after literally being in a car explosion. Didn't even lose a limb or two but somehow still (fake) died. The assassin is so OTT it’s laughable.
Big Mouth - The man who put a bag over Changho's head had the same inmate number as Jerry. Or am I imagining things? I like dark-ish LJS.
Today's Webtoon - The lalalalalala music that played when she saved him from the bike 💯. We are getting glimpses of romantic interest from both MLs and I already feel like I have a favourite 😭.
The Good Detective S2 - The wedding scene was a bit…strange and the plot is sort of meandering along.
Alchemy of Souls - Waiting…
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la wants to feel liberated too
August 20, 2022 at 9:21 AM
ToD post made me rewatch a drama too but it's W-Two Worlds. I forget how much I miss Kang Chul.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:28 AM
Oh I rewatched that too but didn't have quite the same dramatic emotional reaction lol. Though Kang Chul was 🥰.
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7 miss h
August 20, 2022 at 6:06 AM
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: While Episode 15 still seemed like the writers were out to lunch, the finale was back to being the show I loved. I really enjoyed the scenes between Young-woo and her brother. I missed Attorney Jung though. I had assumed the issues with last week’s episodes were because the writers were setting up Season 2, but it appears it ended how they always intended it to end, which makes the drop in quality all the more frustrating. Still, the drama was about Young-woo’s growth, and they kept their eye on the ball there. If they had just rethought the Min-woo trying to get Young-woo fired plot line, I would have been a much happier camper. I will tune in for Season 2 in 2024 though.
Today’s Webtoon: The plot line with PD Kwon and Seul-ah made me mad at PD Kwon, Ji-hyung and Man-cheol. I really like Ma-eum and Jun-young’s relationship. They make a great team. The last conversation between Shin Dae-ryuk and Dong-hee was nice.
Adamas: This drama is so underrated. It’s my favorite of the current thrillers by far and not just because I love me some Ji Sung. Soo-hyun better have faked his death. I know playing two characters is a lot, but I need the twins to share the screen again.
Wild Boar Hunting: I just caught up on this drama, and it is very well done but very depressing. That town is certainly not the close, supportive place it first seemed.
A Model Family: Let’s get this out of the way: The setup is very dumb. I understand why many wouldn’t make it past the first episode. I did, and while it’s no masterpiece, it was okay. Park Hee-soon is hot. I support Netflix employing him as hot criminals in their series.
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8 cat-cric-kat
August 20, 2022 at 6:08 AM
CRICKET - yes yes yes
season is up
England vs. Safas - South africa won convincingly. Australia vs. South Africa will be high quality - that's what i'm expecting.
World Test Championship Final has become even more interesting.
Who reaches the final will be decided soon.
Test Cricket the best Cricket
Kiwis - poor poor - too few test macthes in next few years. They are the current world test championship winner. woah.
Bangladesh - got so many tests.
IPL getting more months - that's what not needed.
Women ODI cricket falling - true - that's not how you promote a world cup.
Women T20 leagues - good - everyone has to earn a livlihood.
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August 20, 2022 at 6:19 AM
Loud Show - 4/10 - Its pretty loud show - writer fro start went for entertainment - It becomes repetitive and now we done with all rash car driving to hero or heroine in danger tropes. Last moments ooh no nonsense isn't working anymore. What could surprise you when you have seen almost everything dozen times before. Still, this low quality entertainer has the ratings. ratings aren't quality. Heroine's gone down pretty fast. Caricature villains are cheerleader of hero. hero still is selling some kind of idol album. This kind of show demands action and this show has nothing to offer any of that. waste of resources.
You after You after You - 6/10 - as said last week - everyone is going for everyone. This adds to risks, when, a hero, openly talks about everything and anything. Typical dramatic nonsense you can deal with. Writer has done better job for creating an event where everyone can have a gun and pull it on everyone else - this actually speaks of typical human society.
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9 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
August 20, 2022 at 6:11 AM
WebtoonPPL: 7.5 Day 6 PL - water purifier that makes ice. For day 7 we got ---- Subway.Big Mouth: 6.5
Cafe Minamdamn: 4.5 Take away the shamans' fans and this is just another bog-standard kdrama trying to out-kdrama every other kdrama ever by adding more and more of the same kinds of twists, but with even less logic and consistency.
But was Auntie Im a real shaman with powerful eternal youth spells? I mean even more powerful than the cosmetic and surgical spells normal Koreans have access to?Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist: 6.5
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: 9.8
Stock Struck: __ Struck Out on subs?
Alchemy of Souls: __ Please be worth the wait.
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August 20, 2022 at 6:20 AM
Woo for the win...
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August 22, 2022 at 9:27 AM
Alchemy of Souls: __ Please be worth the wait. << This!
I admit that I have little hope that it will end well - I think it'll be one of those WTH?? finales (where I'm staring at the credits scrolling and dying to ask SOMEBODY about 147 questions...).
I started this one, and subjected myself to watching a live drama rather than a completed one, for one reason only: Jung So Min. Love, love, love her. And for all the fantastical frippery, she has handled this one well as expected. I adore how she can express such detailed emotion with just her facial expressions. But back on topic... I consider myself to have a fairly healthy imagination, but I cannot figure out how all of the convolutions in this one are going to get resolved in any coherent way. I know that we're in for a body shift someplace -after all, there's another season on the books without the main actress... - but nobody in this dramaworld has the emotional capacity to handle *that* well. (As if we mere mortals could?? whatevs.) Plus, Master Lee has been absent from the last couple of episodes, off burying his dog (really??) so I'm bored lol
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10 wapz
August 20, 2022 at 6:19 AM
Love between fairy and devil
Pausing literally every drama i was watching to watch only this one. It is all over my mind and for all the good reasons. This drama just goes to show that troupes and simple stories ar3 certainly not outdated. If done correctly they can generate the excitement of old dramaland days while also maintaining the logics of the current world. So good! Everything is done so well from the script, to the directing, acting and special effects. Plus it maintains its slight unpredictability that differentiates it from a standard xanxia. Alchemy of souls who?
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11 Beverly
August 20, 2022 at 6:39 AM
Happiness: just the finale to go. Oh, I really liked this drama. I'm usually a complete scaredy cat, so had put it off for a long time. It was people talking about the main couple that finally convinced me to give it a try. That was such a great pairing, with amazing chemistry. I loved watching how in sync with each other they were as friends and partners.
I do have one quibble that I wish some of the apartment people could of been, well, not psychotic. Though I did like that a couple that I disliked showed they also have stronger sides.
Skate into Love: I've stalled in this. It just has so many side plots. It's weird because if well done an ensemble feeling or a secondary love story can be so rewarding, but this just feels bloated. However, going to start it up again this weekend. The MCs are fun and the actors so watchable.
Love Like the Galaxy: I became a little obsessed with this one. I just started it this week and already on episode 40. I'm not sure why, when it can be kind of bloody, but it has a cozy feel. The heroines mother is sometimes so frustrating, but I also like her? I want them to find a happy ending as much as I want the OTP to. I'm a little concerned that the story is about to turn dark.
This next week I want to finish up shows that I stopped right before the endings: Business Proposal, Bossam, and Contract Marriage. I love Uee's character in that last one so much it makes it hard to watch her have any pain.
Otherwise I want to start Webtoon and Attorney Woo. If I finish the two C dramas I'm debating between Love Between Fairy and Devil and A Dream of Splendor.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:37 AM
Your thoughts on Happiness make me happy.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:47 AM
So true - Love Like the Galaxyis a black hole, but a beautifully staged, masterfully acted and tightly written one. I realized after I binged 24 episodes in 4 days that I was a goner. It will be the first Cdrama I'm sure to finish as I'm getting bogged down in Dream of Splendor. When the OTP are not onscreen together for several episodes, the crack factor diminishes greatly.
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August 20, 2022 at 10:54 AM
It's so fun when I find something to binge, reminds me of when I first found dramas.
I love a slow burn, but agree that the story can't keep them apart for too long. Definitely a balance. In Galaxy it might help that I am also invested in the heroine's other relationships, like with her parents, aunt, and so on.
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August 22, 2022 at 1:18 AM
I agree !
I'm also fully immersed in this beautiful black hole, and actively trying to attract others in it.
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August 22, 2022 at 9:08 AM
Yay! Another fan!
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August 20, 2022 at 1:53 PM
I love LLtG. The characters are full of flaws and i love that.
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August 20, 2022 at 3:27 PM
Another shout out to Love like the Galaxy!
Yes I finished EAW (great finale after getting slightly impatient with the series 2nd half). But Love like the Galaxy is the one that sucked me in totally and transported to a new universe. I can relate to bingeing ala my early Kdrama watching days
Funny because I’m not entirely convinced that Leo Wu (whom I adored in Nirvana in Fire) can pull off being such an accomplished general. But somewhere along the series I just went along and so far at ep24 thoroughly enjoying
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MikeyD signed up
August 20, 2022 at 4:48 PM
Happines.s I liked how the male and female lead roles were interchangeable. He could have just as easily been cast as the special ops agent trying to get an apartment and she could have been the local cop with the secret crush, and it would had done no harm to the story.
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12 geminirat
August 20, 2022 at 6:45 AM
Watching several dramas right now: Poong Joseon Psychiatrist - like the story but the political manipulation is getting boring; Today's Webtoon - just finished episode 5 but I love the way Ma-eum is always perky and thinks positively; It's Beautiful Now - Grandpa better decide what to do because he might be happy but he also needs to consider Minho's and Hyungjae's feelings; Cafe Minamdang - with the ending coming, the villain has been revealed; Becoming Witch - I really wish Mari will just divorce her jerk of a husband, even her daughter wishes her to!; The Good Detective 2 - still on the fence whether I'll continue or not. Starting to watch Signal because of all the good reviews I've been getting about it and maybe start with If you Wish Upon Me just because of Soo-young.
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13 Dorotka
August 20, 2022 at 6:48 AM
This week I only managed to finish Attorney Woo... and I was surprised that the finale was much better than I feared. No Noble Idiocy, no separation, no cancer death... and no TOD 😁 I will miss the Hanbada team (and Dad ❤️)... and I also surprisingly want season 2 - now with Junho at the centre.
Heyer book reading: I thought I would advance with the list... but... I'm just re-reading The Grand Sophy 😁 ...because it just is so entertaining 😊
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August 20, 2022 at 9:12 AM
Not sure where you are in your Heyer journey, but three of my favorites are The Reluctant Widow, The Talisman Ring, and The Unknown Ajax. So many great choices!!
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August 20, 2022 at 9:52 AM
Heyer Club scribbling down all recommendations, thanks. Just finished "Cousin Kate" which is more Gothic than others, but with a heroine who has brains, wit and mettle.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:56 AM
I liked Cousin Kate a lot! In some ways it and Unknown Ajax are two sides of the same coin except one (Ajax) is adventure comedy and the other (Kate) is a moody gothic.
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August 20, 2022 at 11:01 AM
I have read so far Sylvester, Venetia, Frederica, Faro's Daughter and The Grand Sophy. Sophy is my favourite right now, the heroine is a clever independent woman... and the book makes me laugh, it's just a joy to read it 😊
I'm planning to continue with Arabella and A Civil Contract (and many others 😁).
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
August 20, 2022 at 12:09 PM
I think the Grand Sophy was my favourite one.
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August 21, 2022 at 12:25 AM
Nothing can beat the ducklings!! 😄
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August 20, 2022 at 6:37 PM
The ToD was used in an earlier episode of EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO. They did not want to overuse it.
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14 Eazal
August 20, 2022 at 6:58 AM
So I’m not really watching those many shows as I am 6 episodes behind Alchemy of Souls (Which I am loving specially the way humours breaks every too serious moment) and I have just began Adamas (only watched half an episode but loving so far). So here it goes what I am actually watching:
If you wish upon me: I am really happy to find again Wookie in his best shape. Love the bickering with Sooyoung’s character and even if I foresee al the tropes coming I am enjoying the drama. Can I say I have high hopes for next week’s musical? Also, I loved Min Wook Hyuk cameo. I have a soft spot for him ever since his WonJae in Love with flaws.
Today’s webtoon I am on team no romance, tbh. Let MaEum enjoy her life and her job and find herself in real life, let her be herself and find out what she wants, she’s still figuring out how life works. Having said this I admit I find it quite unrealistic the fact that a rookie PD that only knows about webtoon because she’s always read them to be able to give assessment the way she does. I liked Eun JiHyung told her she was overestimating herself. Anyone who has worked in a certain field knows that you barely know what you are doing during the first two years, even if you think you are. MaEum has been working for a couple of months and her giving a thorough assessment is just too unrealistic.
Happiness. Despite my aversion to zombies I am watching this drama because I promised a friend I would. I can barely deal with the zombies although I do like the explanation of the plague, already love the OTP, and the fact that the drama is full of people you love to hate.
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la wants to feel liberated too
August 20, 2022 at 9:25 AM
As someone who still can't move on from the greatness of Happiness, I do hope you'll enjoy the show, Eaz!
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August 20, 2022 at 9:54 AM
I agree with the no romance needed in Today's Webtoon. Give me a slice of office life show. In regard to expertise in a given field, the debated standard is 10 years of experience. She may have worked at the family comic store for that long so she knows what is a good comic, but she still does not know how to create one. The tutoring is lacking so far, as well as the director's lack of business salesmanship which is why Gingertoons failed.
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August 21, 2022 at 8:11 AM
Check out the J drama Sleeper Hit .
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August 22, 2022 at 9:12 AM
I am waiting for Viki to land all of it's episodes to start (binge) watching!
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 22, 2022 at 11:02 AM
It finishes this week so get ready!
August 22, 2022 at 12:09 PM
@reply1988 Hear Hear! I was also waiting for some time to binge watch Sandman. Any plans to watch it? I am a long time fan of the comics (Have all of them) and the author.
I want to watch something together with a friend and discuss/dissect it to my heart's content. Let me know which one we should accord this honour to!
Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 22, 2022 at 12:21 PM
Sleepeeer Hit please as I am watching and enjoying and it would be good to discuss. I prefer some elements of Sleepeeer although Today’s is winning overall because its running longer it has more detail in some areas.
I will open the discussion on my fan wall.
August 22, 2022 at 12:34 PM
@reply1988 Done! I am starting it tomorrow and will keep on posting on your fan-wall. As you have already seen all the episodes, there will be no spoilers for you and I will add spoiler part for those who have not seen it.
15 jerrykuvira
August 20, 2022 at 7:04 AM
It was hard watching Hyun-jae lose his neat and collected nature in It's Beautiful Now. While I think Min-ho needs a knock on the head for making that suggestion to his father(what did you take your father for? It seemed like Min-ho was back to the moment when he was doubtful of Haraboji Lee's genuine parental love for him. I'm glad Haraboji both scolded, reminded and reassured him of their deep bond), I'm glad of the effect its having - the parents are now talking about the children.
Adamas (Ep 5) is a ride. But what I wasn't reexpecting was Hye-soo threatening Lee Dongrim with his father's life. The dude overplayed his life and she told him so. She told Woo-shin to threaten her properly if ever he wanted to so why would I think a voice recording from Dongrim would have an effect. I myself miscalculated 😅.
I didn't find the ending of Extraordinary Attorney Woo satisfying, but I found the happenings around the Raon case extremely satisfying including where we are left with respect to Attorney Jung.
I resumed King of Tears, Lee Bangwon from where I stopped at Ep 20 and I remembered why I paused it. I wasn't ready for the fallout between Lee Bangwon and Queen Min. I'm sitting through this with the aid of the fast-forward button.
I'm waiting expectantly for Alchemy of Souls.
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August 20, 2022 at 11:52 AM
I understood Min-ho in IBN, he was the only one thinking about the kids and saying what really matters. The grandfather is acting selfish as are all the other older adults. The others won't say anything because it's a weekender and the elders are not supposed to get challenged so they pretend everyone would accept their decision. Either that or their culture is really so different that is too strange for westerners to get the reason. Why would MR's mother ever change her family on paper? She loved them, even if they stole her. There is no reason for any of that. The only one that is also believable is Mi-Rae, because she is not emotionally independent so she makes choices in order to please her family.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:40 PM
I actually think it's fair that Haraboji Lee is selfish at the moment. Kyung-ae well captured the scenario when she told Haraboji Lee that even though it's uncomfortable for the family that Hyun-jae's problem is taking a backseat instead of being addressed in the nick of time(He even stopped cooking. Cupid really dealt a number on him in the form of Mi-rae), it's right that he acts that way and they even though they want to cough they can't because it's grandpa's time. I just want them to start talking about the children before Min-ho says another thing. He shouldn't be expected to sit by and watch his child degenerate into something he knows he's not.
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August 20, 2022 at 2:45 PM
I think it's understandable but the grandfather was a better person before. It's almost as if his other family isn't as important as getting rid of the guilt about his daughter. The fact he didn't even reply to Mirae's grandmother decision was too selfish for me.
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16 Wise
August 20, 2022 at 7:17 AM
Attorney Woo : They hardly recover from slide after the child kidnapper episode, but I glad the end it on high note. As kdrama viewer for years I know so little dramas with good ending, and this one though isn’t feel fulfilling, the ending quite satisfying. I can’t wait for Park Eun Bin in another project.
Big Mouth : I still think the show gaslighting us by telling CH isn’t the big mouse, but they present us a pretty solid narrative that Big Mouse is another person who is close to CH. Now I’m starting to think maybe Jerry is the Big Mouse. He is the one who has rat tattoo and find CH unconscious with card inside his pocket.
If you wish upon me : I always like Sooyoung and JCW is a talented and quite mature actor but his drama is either hit or miss for me (so far I only appreciate 2 of his drama). The premiere episode is warm, but some scenes feel overdramatic. I actually like this kind of drama if they leaned more towards slice of life genre instead of melo. I notice when they make it more to slice of life, the melo aspect will emphasize without feeling forced. Me as viewer can relate more to the story and therefore the emotion will sinks deeper into heart (ex : Dear My Friends). I really hope this drama will turn to be that kind of drama.
Good detectives : like season 1, it’s still underrated. I bet JSJ’s stare while looking at suspect could really kill. You can see anger, disgust and blood thirst in his eyes.
Psychiatrist Poong : honestly, Kim Hyang Gi isn’t really pretty, though she is not ugly. She is just not the blinding beauty like another actresses with the same age like Kim Soo Hyun or Kim Yoo Jung. But there is something in her eyes while she is acting that draw you in. Something in her eyes and also mannerism that makes her desirable it’s fit with romantic drama.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:47 AM
Agreed about slice of life dramas. Perhaps this is why they are my favorite genre.
Wish I could watch Good Detective 2. Boo hoo
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August 20, 2022 at 9:49 AM
I know, two comments. But, I sent the first one off before I finished reading. *face palm*.
Re: Kim Hyan Gi. She is something special. I saw her first in Revenge Note and she stole the show and I knew I had to keep my eye on her. PP is on my list.
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August 21, 2022 at 2:22 AM
I suggest you give it a try with Good Detective. Don’t know if you’d watched the first season, but the second season is as good.
Revenge note probably the most enjoyable web drama out there. You may also want to try Moment of Eighteen, but this one on heavier side.
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August 26, 2022 at 10:52 PM
I enjoyed Good Detective, but the second season is in Disney + prison where I live.
I didn't finish Moment of Eighteen but I remember loving what I watched. I will have to go back when I can.
Thanks for the rec.
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17 A. McG.
August 20, 2022 at 7:42 AM
Alchemy of Souls. I'm not a fan of this genre. And getting tired of the true identity trope. I'll plod along until I found something else.
Extraordinary Atty. Woo. I'm on episode 15 and will finish it by end of the weekend. I found it less interesting after episode 8. The romantic story line was OK but I'm not buying it.
My Mister. I love, love this show. I can't believe I waited this long to see this. This is the kind of slice of life show I like. The "romance" between the youngest brother and the actress is so weird, touching, and funny all at the same time.
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August 20, 2022 at 6:15 PM
@javinne probably loved My Ahjusshi more than anyone I know. Do you think you can rival her love? I saw it late too— maybe a year later? It’s also one of my favorites.
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August 25, 2022 at 1:57 AM
Yep, i am still crazy in love with My Ahjusshi, and it is still my number one.
I keep watching here and there to see if there comes a better drama over there, but no... Not until now.
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18 Unaspirated
August 20, 2022 at 8:06 AM
Alchemy of Souls – Trying to maintain a normal level of excitement for a new episode today! Translate like the wind, Netflix sub folks!
Cafe Minamdang – This past week was the first one that Seo In-guk wasn’t his normal, fantastic, ridiculous, shaman self and it really showed. Hoping for more Minamdang crew in the coming week for the finale!
Extraordinary Attorney Woo – A reasonably satisfying ending this week. There were things I loved and things I didn’t, but overall I really enjoyed the drama.
Crash Landing on You – My very first re-watch! I’m loving everything I loved before, and finding new things to love every two seconds.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:51 AM
I am catching up with AoS today so I will be ready. It is thrilling to see Beanies rubbing their hands in anticipation. That we are all enjoying it--whether for the actual drama or the conversations--is a treat.
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
August 20, 2022 at 11:04 AM
I really need to finish my rewatch of CLOY. I got up to ep. 14 but started to have the same problem as during my first watch (it was my first kdrama ever): I was so mesmerized that I would stay up until 3 or 4 AM to see 'just one more episode' and then not really be able to remember it because I was too tired. Maybe I should start over - I'm sure I'll recognize tropes and themes (and PPL! 😂) that I didn't even know existed the first two times. Except for Alchemy, I'm in a bit of a drama desert.
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August 21, 2022 at 4:51 AM
CLOY was my very first drama also (and still, I think, my reigning favorite), but at the time, I was loving it so much that I was constantly torn between wanting it to last as long as possible, and watching the next episode right away. I think I only ever watched two episodes in a row once or twice. So it was actually my longest (non live) drama watch ever.
It's so nice to rewatch now that I have way more knowledge of the language and can hear the North Korean accents and when someone drops into banmal. I'm not really into the parts that will have strong PPL yet (still in the North), but I definitely remember finding out that that was a thing in kdramas and suddenly Se-ri eating at Subway made way more sense. You should definitely finish your rewatch! Mine's been so fun, and comforting in a way that I wasn't expecting.
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19 mmmmm
August 20, 2022 at 8:18 AM
I’m rewatching Start-Up now and every minute is gold. I love their writing (most of the time), and this second watch reaffirmed my love for my bias BB Kim Seon-ho aka Han Ji-pyeong in the story. He has all my heart. ♥️
I’m glad there are many gems like this one among the produced Kdramas, but dear Drama God can we please have some more of these? Light-hearted, fun, engaging dramas that ones don’t have to think too much or are too depressing or violent. Im not interested in those because I’ve seen so much of it irl already.
Im eagerly looking forward to BB’s comeback. I hope he will grace my screen in new projects soon. Im about to finish watching every of his project now (including all eps of 2D1N ss4 that have him in them). 🥺🥺🥺
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la wants to feel liberated too
August 20, 2022 at 9:29 AM
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August 20, 2022 at 12:37 PM
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August 20, 2022 at 10:47 AM
This was my gateway to kdramas so I have a massive soft spot for it! You are so right re HJP, I was totally on his team! Fingers crossed 🤞 we'll see KSH back soon...
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August 20, 2022 at 12:22 PM
Yay for Start-Up for drawing in more Kdrama lovers! In the second rewatch, I am being intentionally more objective, and try to watch it as objectively as possible on the romance front. I have to say that besides the very childish and immature act of following and hitting HJP for saying some asked for and much needed hard truth to the whole Samsan Tech team in ep12, Do-san has always been a good companion and has always been there with Dal-mi. Dalmi, on the other hand, seems to be a more mature person in this romantic relationship and I wonder if she would be able to reunite with Do-san had her sister not forced her to recruit him. She seems like a person who’s more focused on the success of her project than a woman pining for a man she loves towards the end of the story. I actually feel like she has a soft spot for HJP, too. The writing keeps us on our toes as to whom she would choose and as KSH acted so well, people, me included, couldn’t help rooting for him aka a lost cause. 😅
Awww I miss BB 🥰🥰🥰
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August 20, 2022 at 2:55 PM
2D1N is not the same without KSH unfortunately. Joining you in wishing for his comeback soon.
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20 Nefret
August 20, 2022 at 8:40 AM
The last two episodes of EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNY WOO left me thoroughly satisfied. If there is a 2nd season, I'm definitely in.
The show I can relax the most with at the moment is ADAMAS. The various twists are just too entertaining. I am permanently curious to see what spectacular ideas the writers will come up with.
I liked episode 4 of IF YOU WISH UPON ME best of all the episodes aired so far. A good mix of humour and serious topics.
Having finished REPLY 1994, I have now started JEALOUSY INCARNATE.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 9:14 AM
I hope you like Jealousy incarnate I thought it was a good mix of friendship, comedy, romance, slice of life and work place issues with a health issue thrown in for good measure. It is part of the old skool male attitudes can suck at times but outside of that I found it really funny at times.
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August 20, 2022 at 10:05 AM
Yes, I really like it, because
a) Cho Jung-seok is the ML
b) it's one of my favourite tropes
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 10:12 AM
He is so good I have liked everything I have seen him in so far and he plays playful/funny characters so well.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:54 AM
So many Beanies have raved about ADAMAS. It seems I need to put it on my to watch list.
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21 Kurama
August 20, 2022 at 8:40 AM
Cafe Minamdang So we went back to the beginning of the story, he's a bad guy and the FL is angry against him...
Extraordinary Attorney Woo It was a great drama! I really liked it from the beginning to the end.
If You Wish Upon Me Not sure about this drama... It's pretty cliché.
Today's Webtoon Nam Yoon-So is cute but Daniel Choi is hot, but for a couple? I don't know. The FL didn't show any interest for a romance in her life...
The Good Detective 2 I'm happy that I finally got what were the stakes.
Alchemy of Souls I didn't get annoyed by the one week break, so I guess it shows my interest for this drama.
Great Seoul Invasion It's sad that Mnet is still a snake because these bands are great!
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22 Scottie
August 20, 2022 at 8:41 AM
ATTORNEY WOO came to a good end and it was lovely to see a grown up Woo-young, together with Jun-ho again. I liked the understated romance. The scenes between Woo-young and her brother were very touching, they were so nice and respectful towards each other. I have to praise the selection of the legal cases, they were all very interesting. I don't really need a season 2, but if there is going to be one, I'll be watching.
WILD BOAR HUNT is such a little gem and the 4 episode format works very well here. This is the village from hell!
ADAMAS also is not short of unexpected twists and turns, although I would like to see more to be made of the fact that there are identical twins. The female assassin character is over the top and a pretty annoying plot element.
It is so good to see Ji Chang-wook back to form in IF YOU WISH UPON ME. I am sure cook will soon find out what food he likes. The dog is super cute and I am ready to fast forward when it will be time to say a heart-breaking goodbye to him.
There are dark forebodings in TODAYS WEBTOON and do I detect a love triangle forming? Love the speculations about the identity of the real BIG MOUTH - anything is possible.
Also watching THE GOOD DETECTIVE which is plodding on nicely, but not particularly exciting. Gave STOCK STRUCK a try, but dropped it after the first episode, I find the the characters mostly annoying, stupid and over the top.
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August 20, 2022 at 8:45 AM
I was planning to watch If You Wish Upon Me this week, but if there’s a dog that passes away in the drama, I’ll have to pass.
That is the last thing I need to see right now.
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August 20, 2022 at 8:50 AM
This is a drama of many goodbyes. Only watch with tissues.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 9:09 AM
They flagged it from the first episode and have continued to do so each week so I think it’s a loud and clear trigger warning to step away if that is going to be too much for you.
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August 20, 2022 at 1:40 PM
I haven’t watched the first episode yet so of course I didn’t get the loud and clear warning.
I am glad Scottie mentioned it here and, in doing so, warned me. I am going to hold off on starting this drama despite the fact that I was really looking forward to it.
I am currently grieving the lost of my beloved dog so it’s not the right time for me to watch a drama where the dog dies. It will indeed be too much for me.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
August 20, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Definitely not the right time for you to watch. Sorry to hear your sad news.
August 21, 2022 at 1:24 AM
Doggie seemed to pick up when he got to the hospice, but of course we'll end up saying good-bye to him, and JCW will break our hearts with his heartbrokeness. Best avoided if you are grieving the loss of a significant four-legged family member, although seeing it on screen can sometimes be cathartic. So sorry for your loss. 🐕
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23 ar_arguably romantic
August 20, 2022 at 8:50 AM
Cafe Minamdang: the biggest twist was that this thing is 18 episodes. Stuck halfway through ep 16, and I don't think I'm going to make it..
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: I went into finale week a bit worried, but it smoothed out the rough parts of the last few weeks and wrapped everything up in a neat bow (even if the bow is too neat with Hanbada CEO deciding not to attack Taesan CEO). I love endings that have callbacks to the beginning and EAW did that. I felt satisfied and really hope they won't do a season 2.
Poong Joseon Psychiatrist: I enjoyed getting a case without a dead body and we got enough protagonist scenes to keep me satisfied. My only complaint are the mustache-twirling palace/political stuff.
Today's Webtoon: Watching this with a friend so not caught up. It's a warm, pleasant watch. I'm a webtoon/manhwa fan, so it does give me a deeper appreciation of how much physical, emotional, and mental work comes with creating something that I enjoy.
Secret Life of My Secretary (up to ep 8): Fun and lovable characters and great chemistry, though I'm getting increasingly skeptical that the ML is still not picking up on FL pretending to be Veronica since he has already worked with the FL stuck to his side for an entire year.
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August 20, 2022 at 6:12 PM
I really liked TSLOMS! It’s a satisfying watch all the way through! Loved Veronica Park and the ending was done well!
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24 books7time
August 20, 2022 at 9:25 AM
YOU ARE MY SPRING--Finished and had to sit for a moment to savor the bittersweet feeling of finishing a drama that spoke to my soul.
A PIECE OF YOUR MIND--Still in the mood for melancholy, thoughtful dramas after finishing YAMS. This fits perfectly with an added metaphorical exploration of grief. I started crying after the third episode and didn't quite know why. I know this drama may not be for everyone, but for those who it speaks to it is a gorgeous experience.
Any other recommendations for dramas such as these? I tried MY MISTER, but it was too bleak for me--I will have to be in just the right mood to try that one. I am thinking CHOCOLATE next.
SLEEPER HIT--the Japanese drama that Today's Webtoon remakes. There is something about Japanese sentiment that resonates with me and this one with an underdog, confident go-getter who changes the people around me is hitting the spot.
Otherwise, I am excited to catch up with EAW and AoS. And hoping Law of Love (Law Cafe) becomes available in my area.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:37 AM
A Piece of Your Mind is my all time favorite kdrama. Realize it’s not for everyone, but it always makes me so happy when someone is watching it and liking it!
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August 20, 2022 at 9:57 AM
Well, I am loving watching it unfold at its thoughtful pace. It helps that I adore the ML's as characters and actors.
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August 20, 2022 at 10:59 AM
I watched APOYM earlier this year on a recommendation and thoroughly enjoyed the performances of Chae Soo-bin and Jung Hae-in.
I highly recommend it also.
Of the four CSB dramas I have watched (SD, INAR, and WSL/FBS being the other three) her performance in APOYM is my favorite.
Of the four JHI dramas I have watched (WYWS, PP and D.P. being the other three) if I was forced to pick a favorite performance I think I might give a slight edge to his performance in D.P. and that is mainly because of his outstanding physicality in D.P.
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MikeyD signed up
August 20, 2022 at 4:56 PM
There's an old comedy saying, "If they buy the premise they'll buy the bit". APOYM had all the right ingredients for me to like but I just could not buy the premise. I wanted to yell at the screen ITS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, ITS JUST A BOX!
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August 20, 2022 at 9:57 AM
CHOCOLATE is a very good, under-appreciated series.
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August 20, 2022 at 10:07 AM
I loved Chocolate! I think it’s a very visually beautiful drama and I feel like it’s the best Ha Ji-won’s project so far (I haven’t watched Empress Ki though) because she looks DIVINE and serene in cooking scenes. For me it is a healing drama, but some do think it’s too depressing as its main location in the story is at a hospice.
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August 20, 2022 at 11:44 PM
Have you watched When the Weather is Fine? This might fit the vibe you're on right now.
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August 21, 2022 at 12:08 AM
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do watch it if you haven't. I can't wait for the winter to come to make my annual rewatch. Such a warm drama!!!
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August 26, 2022 at 10:54 PM
I have tried twice to finish it. I don't know what it is because I love, love the mood and the characters. I guess the requisite break up and angst just scare me away.
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August 29, 2022 at 10:29 AM
Trust meeee. It's worth it!
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25 Kittystanden
August 20, 2022 at 9:29 AM
*Love Like the Galaxy* - went for it and bought the fast pass so I could finish this week. I thinking the ending showed signs of rushed editing but overall I really liked this show. A slow burn done well. And it was visually a treat - the costumes, sets, and CGI all really felt like a step up from the usual. I was unspoiled so some of the plot development really took me by surprise, though in retrospect it was pretty clearly signaled.
*Today’s Webtoon* - paused last week so I could gauge reaction to the next couple episodes, but think I’ll restart. I like Ma Eum’s enthusiasm and dedication, but Joon Young and his prickly caution really won me over. Will be low key devastated if it turns out that he’s the 2L.
*Alchemy of Souls* - saved the last two episodes so I’d have four in a row to watch. The Hong Sisters are so great with characters and relationships. I wish I had more faith in their overall plotting and conclusion skills!
*Love Between Fairy and Devil* - on episode 6 and really need the plot to pick up!!
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August 20, 2022 at 9:37 AM
Keep going with LBFaD. I honestly think it has a good pace from the beginning.
But in a few episodes from where you are there will be a huge change.
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August 20, 2022 at 9:52 AM
Okay that’s helpful! Will stick with it.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:08 PM
The first few episodes are introduction to lots of characters so it can get a little slow but even these will make sense later and the things they discuss here will be reflected back.
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26 jillian
August 20, 2022 at 9:55 AM
If You Wish Upon Me is hitting close to home. I need to refill by box of tissues soon.
My grandmother recently passed away less than a year ago. I can deeply relate to the patients and their families. I wish I was able to do more for her just like Team Genie are doing for their patients.
Today's Webtoon I really like this show but mostly because of the character Ma Eum. It would be great to have an editor like her. But sometimes I think that her Bosses are putting a lot of responsibilities on both rookie editors considering the Webtoon Team are in the verge of being removed from the company.
Europe Outside Your Tent this show makes me want to see the Swiss Alps. It looks gorgeous onscreen and it must look much better in person. Much majestic than the German side I saw.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:33 PM
I read Heidi and I also want to see real the Swiss Alp. It must look majestic.
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August 20, 2022 at 1:14 PM
Oh, I didn't know this show. Now, I know it's happening in my country, I need to watch it!
I was very surprised when I read that Switzerland was in the top 10 of the countries that Koreans want to visit. CLOY's power!
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August 20, 2022 at 4:01 PM
They drove to and camped in Interlaken and Grindelwald then even went paragliding like in CLOY. Episode 1-3 were devoted to the Swiss side. They ended Ep3 on their way to the three passes so can cross the border to Italy.
Yes its CLOY's power indeed!
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August 22, 2022 at 12:05 AM
I watched the first episode.
They have a good project. I really like Italy too and the region of the Lake Garda is beautiful, I really liked Sirmione personally. Firenze and Rome are such beautiful cities too.
For Switzerland, I'm impressed by Hae-Jin's knowledge about the country.
They're so much celebrities in Interlaken and Grindelwald, I think I should stay there :p
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August 22, 2022 at 12:14 AM
Firenze and Rome are beautiful. I love Firenze sunsets. I would like to see the places they visit in Italy and will def be taking notes for when I can visit again.
August 21, 2022 at 12:10 AM
I think this was even before CLOY, don't ask me why but Jun.K has always talked about going to Switzerland, and it's something 2PM always joke about: traveling to your country.
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August 21, 2022 at 12:24 AM
I guess Heidi was popular too :p
Memory of Alhambra didn't do the same thing for Spain?
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August 21, 2022 at 12:43 AM
I know also Camino de Santiago is quite popular because some famous journalist made a variety/documentary about her journey and then wrote a book.
But my hometown is where Legend of the Blue Sea was filmed and I haven’t seen many Korean around 😅
August 21, 2022 at 12:50 AM
@eazal Lee Min-Ho has a lot of Chinese fans, maybe you should watch for them? :p
27 OldLawyer
August 20, 2022 at 10:40 AM
EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO was an extraordinary show to the end. I am usually not a fan of legal shows but this one did it right - we saw an exploration (even if simpplified at times) of the ethical dilemmas that lawyers face and how an attorney becomes an actual lawyer- one whis is skilled in the law. Like Daebakgrits, I too wish that there was more about Woo-young’s mother and her little half-brother- the third Autism spectrum character to appear in the show. Her little brother really struck home with me because he so resmbled my family members who are on the spectrum- a person without most of the visual tics and mnnerisms we see in Wooyoung but still possessing the underlying difficulties which come with being neurodivergent. It was a bit disconcerting. And what is this feud between Woo-young’s mom and her boss really all about and from whence did it spring? This has been our favorite show and I actually hope that we see a second season.
Watching Hyun-jae fall apart this week on the weekender IT'S BEAUTIFUL NOW was painful. Unit is right in saying that he became a total mess- to the point where he stopped thinking like a lawyer. If he really wants to take effective action, then he would not be suggesting that he and Mi-re live together- it would be to say that they should simply go and immediately register their marriage (before Mi-rae’s mother could apply for legal recognition of her biological relationship with his grandfather). Her mom would then be faced with a difficult choice. Of course, her grandmother would probably take great offense and others in their family would also be upset- but no solution comes without cost and what he proposes would be at least as offensive in any case. This is what a lawyer would suggest in any case- if he were my client that is what I would advise, while acknowledging that it is a solution which may cost dear in terms of family relationships. Like Unit I was not surprised when his father proposed cancelling his adoption- he is just that sort of a man. I am sure that this week’s episodes will be rough, but I am still looking forward to them. Question though: will we ever get to see Soo-jae re-united with Yoona?
My wife and I have really liked TODAY’S WEBTOON. My thanks to my fellow beanies for pointing out that the original J-drama is named SLEEPEEER HIT on Viki- we will probably get to watching it too at some point.
My wife watched the Sageuk SAIMDANG: MEMOIR OF COLORS on Amazon Prime. She was really impressed with it. She continues to watch the currently boadcasting Chinese costume dramas IMMORTAL SAMSARA and LOVE LIKE THE GALAXY, both of which are excellent with LOVE LIKE THE GALAXY being truly great. She gave THE LEGENDRY LIFE OF QUEEN LAU a shot but simply could not get into it.
We simply have not been able to get back to YOU ARE MY GLORY given all the other shows we are watching. We will get back to it at some point.
One show we have gotten back to...
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August 20, 2022 at 10:42 AM
..... watching is JINXED AT FIRST. We are enjoying it a lot.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:04 PM
"will we ever get to see Soo-jae re-united with Yoona?"
Maybe we will in episode 50.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:38 PM
I guess that would be something. I was hoping for a third wedding.
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August 20, 2022 at 2:23 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Soe-Jae and Yoona should not be together?
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August 20, 2022 at 3:37 PM
Perhaps. To me the point of their relationship was simply that we cannot schedule love. Meeting the person who is best for you may not happen at the time that is best for you. In that sense their love is may be a tragic one- or not. If they find the courage to re-unite and move forward, they may find that IF they are truly willing to work together and communicate, they will be able to deal with the challenges and have a future together in a marriage that would be all the stronger for the struggle that they will have at the beginning.
28 bong-soo
August 20, 2022 at 11:27 AM
With ALCHEMY on a short hiatus, I put POONG on the back burner and devoted my viewing this week to Yoon Doo-joon’s comeback drama now on Netflix: NEVER GIVE UP. I have watched 13 of the 16 episodes and I am thoroughly enjoying it. It may sneak in as one of my 2022 favorites. NGU qualifies I think as a drama recommendation on the recent DB Extra about ‘best found families’.
I probably wouldn’t use the term ‘bromance’ but how the friendship between YDJ’s character Suk and Kwak Do-won’s Pil-soo evolves is beautiful. 4 episodes to go but I think the two writers have things in hand.
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August 20, 2022 at 7:11 PM
You won’t be disappointed. NGU is probably the most underrated show this year.
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29 Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
August 20, 2022 at 12:15 PM
During the hiatus of Alchemy of Souls, I watched a couple of Korean movies: Twenty, which was funny and enjoyable (mini-review on my fanwall) and Nothing Special, which was nothing special. I am a few episodes into The Great Shaman Ga Doo-shim and it’s a nice light treat, like having a popsicle on a hot day. The 20-minute episodes are perfect for my bus ride to work. I’m also halfway through Splash Splash Love and it’s engaging but the storytelling is so compressed and choppy that I keep thinking I missed a scene here and there. Thinking of starting If You Wish Upon Me now that there are a few episodes on which to base a binge-or-drop decision. I have a watchlist a mile long but nothing on it really seems to suit my mood (which is basically MORE ALCHEMY NOW).
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
August 20, 2022 at 12:16 PM
Sorry, the movie is called Nothing Serious not Special. Opinion is unchanged.
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August 22, 2022 at 7:43 AM
I watched this during my plane to Korea last May. Suprisingly found Tokyo and Mr. Gu's for this film. Indeed, it was nothing special, judging from the ending. But they did left me with some of their impression about their project of choice 😅.
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August 20, 2022 at 12:46 PM
Twenty made me laugh so much!! 😄
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August 21, 2022 at 12:12 AM
The fighting scene 😂😂😂😂😂
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MikeyD signed up
August 20, 2022 at 5:04 PM
I feel sorry for THSGDS actress Kim Sae-ron for having recently found herself embroiled in a scandal after finally transitioning to adult roles. Its not like she has access to the male actor route of going off into the army until things blow over.
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
August 20, 2022 at 5:53 PM
Well, as far as I know there's nothing stopping her from joining the army. 😆
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August 20, 2022 at 6:51 PM
Good point- there are even female officers in the ROK Army- remember the one who was a side character in HOSPITAL PLAYLIST?
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30 GiveMeAngst
August 20, 2022 at 2:06 PM
Cafe Minamdang - I don't feel the chemistry. The only good thing about this show is SIG and and his shaman shenanigans. SIG really shines in these kind of characters.
Love Like the Galaxy - Of course I had to get the fast pass. I'm part of the minority that felt like the ending wasn't rushed. I would've loved to see more of them onscreen though. Ep 52 felt so raw. *sniff* Overall, my second favorite cDrama of the year. *heart eyes* I'm gonna miss the CP and of course, Emperor Wen. Emperor Wen is a first of his kind in dramaland. LOL
Love between Fairy and Devil - Started out slow, but by ep 9, I was hooked. Dylan Wang and his expressions are sooo good. He is DFCQ. Also the ost is really good. Maybe the best ost of the year?
Model Family - started this. Full of flaws and how dumb can he be moments, but I can see his stupidness in some of my family members *roll eyes* so maybe he's not so dumb? LOL.
Alchemy of Souls - Watched the new ep this morning and glad there's fire again! Can't wait for Sunday's episode.
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31 JillofAllTrades
August 20, 2022 at 2:16 PM
@daebakgrits I agree with your comment about the ship in Today's webtoon. But I will be happier if they give Daniel Choi to me! :-D
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August 21, 2022 at 5:16 AM
Haha! I have definitely justified rooting for "the other guy" for that very reason.
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32 JillofAllTrades
August 20, 2022 at 2:19 PM
What am I watching :
1. Today's Webtoon (Korean)
2. Love like the Galaxy (Chinese)
3. Magpie Murders (Amazon prime)
4. Forever (Amazon prime)
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33 ssandulak
August 20, 2022 at 4:39 PM
Cafe Minamdang DROPPED (for now)
I just missed a pair of episodes and found I didn’t really miss it at all. I might finish it up for the bean at some point (or if I hear other beanies say the ending was good) but honestly pretty meh overall.
Adamas *5.5/10*
A list of great actors, and one who really shouldn’t be allowed to act (but I digress, they’re going to keep giving him these roles I guess), but I’m still not gripped. Seems like some characters are in a different drama with some real over the top almost cartoonish motivations. While others are playing it more straight laced.
Today’s Webtoon *9/10*
Se-jeong is still crazy loveable and the rest of the webtoon department is growing on me. Besides Yang Hyun-Min’s character. They gave us his backstory, and it was suitably heartbreaking. Still doesn’t change the fact he’s treating these artists like disposable assets he can burn out and toss. Sad to see Ha Do-Kwon’s character also be such a crappy boss, after he was the picture of support in Shooting Stars, but that’s no fault of the show, he’s here to play a role after all. I’m hoping Daniel Choi’s character stays the kind mentor and doesn’t become a love interest.
Big Mouth *7/10*
They’re stringing us along for sure, and it’s getting a little long in the tooth without a lot of forward momentum. That being said, I’m still mostly enthralled when Lee Jong Suk is doing his thing. I’m still enjoying it, but I want it to live up to it’s potential and really wow me.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo *7.5/10* for the series
Never quite hit the heights of some of the earlier episodes imo. An average ending (which in kdrama land is probably above average?) coupled with my disappointment on some drama threads they absolutely could have pulled more on. I figured when the half sibling stuff got introduced we were gonna get some MEAT on those bones, but alas…I think I’d prefer this one doesn’t get a season 2 as I’m afraid it’ll just continue dragging without recapturing that earlier magic.
Ultimate Weapon Alice *7/10* for the series
SURPRISE drop out of nowhere. I’m not sure if this was airing and it just got subbed all at once, but saw it pop up and saw Park Se Wan as the lead. That’s really all you needed to snag me. The translation was…rough, but the cast was solid and it was a quick watch. I enjoyed the chemistry between the leads and the darker tone kind of gave me a bit of a netflix vibe at certain points. Worth a watch if you’re a fan of either of the leads, but not going to blow any minds.
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August 20, 2022 at 7:02 PM
A second season for EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO could be very successful, if they can find more good cases of the week, and for several reasons:
First, every good actor and actress in Korea will be knocking on the door to make an appearance as a character in the case of the week.
Second, there is definitely a lot more room for growth in our main characters, including, in Woo-young's case as an older sister as well as romantically and professionally.
Third, there are more than enough lose ends hanging at the end of the first season that progression into a second season would be organic and logical.
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tabong is ironing the crosswalk
August 21, 2022 at 9:25 AM