Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 8-14, 2022

In drama ratings this week, Poong secures a nice audience, while our Extraordinary Attorney continues to do the same (for the most part anyway). If You Wish Upon Me had a smaller premiere than one might expect, but being pitted against Woo is like David versus Goliath at this point. Next week should be fairly brutal, with everyone tuning into the finale, but maybe after that love will move over to the healing hospice tale instead.

As for our weekend shows, with Alchemy taking a week off, Big Mouth saw a steady increase, while Today’s Webtoon and The Witch is Alive remain sadly low.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 8-14, 2022

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, August 8
Cafe Minamdang 13 KBS 3.7%
Wild Boar Hunting 2 MBC 1.4%
Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist 3 tvN 4.3%
Tuesday, August 9
Cafe Minamdang 14 KBS 4.3%
Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist 4 tvN 5.1%
Wednesday, August 10
If You Wish Upon Me 1 KBS 3.6%
Adamas 5 tvN 2.7%
Extraordinary Attorney Woo 13 ENA 13.5%
Thursday, August 11
If You Wish Upon Me 2 KBS 3.0%
Adamas 6 tvN 2.9%
Extraordinary Attorney Woo 14 ENA 14.6%
Friday, August 12
Big Mouth 5 MBC 9.8%
Today’s Webtoon 5 SBS 3.4%
Saturday, August 13
It’s Beautiful Now 39 KBS 25.0%
Big Mouth 6 MBC 10.8%
Today’s Webtoon 6 SBS 2.8%
Alchemy of Souls tvN
The Good Detective 2 5 JTBC 4.3%
The Witch is Alive 8 TV Chosun 1.6%
Sunday, August 14
It’s Beautiful Now 40 KBS 27.3%
Alchemy of Souls tvN
The Good Detective 2 6 JTBC 4.7%




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I watched the first two episodes of Poong and although it was fairly entertaining, and the two leads do have chemistry, I didn't find it to be that compelling. So I'm a little baffled as to why it is doubling Link's ratings in that same slot.


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I feel like Poong is straightforward, so it's easy to get into? Of course a million different things come into play for ratings - how easy is it to understand, sageuk vs non-sageuk, actors, directors, promotions before and while airing, what drama/sports were airing the same night, weather, summer vacation plans, availability on streaming, current events affecting mood, etc.


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No matter what the conditions or variables that affect drama ratings, Link was never going to get high ratings unless they had maybe PSJ and PSH as leads. The plot was never going to capture the general audience but YJG has no ratings power without a strong or popular female/male lead to carry him. MGY has almost no presence in South Korea, her last drama was carried by HIY and CEW to overseas popularity and domestically CEW is adored by the general public for his looks and personality. He just got his 3rd drama offer in less than 2 months. Poong works because sageuk never fails in South Korea (unless you are YSH who manages to turn everything he touches into a flop) plus the story is easy to get into and short at just 12 episodes. KMJ is also a more compelling actor than YJG even though they look alike. He also manages to have great chemistry with his co-leads something that YJG fails at miserably.


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whoa whoa


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IT'S BEAUTIFUL NOW turned up the angst- and saw a ratings rise.


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Wow, Big Mouth already reaching double digits! Was it worth to watch? LJS always interesting but thriller drama isn't much unless the OTP is really someone rare and special ( Kim Seo Hyung, Shin Ha Kyun, Sung Dong Il, etc.)


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I would kill for a thriller starring Kim Seo-hyung, Shin Ha-kyun and Sung Dong-il. But IMO thrillers live and die on the writer's skill. Even great actors couldn't save OCN's Trap or Voice...


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