Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Currently covering: Yumi’s Cells 2

Alchemy of Souls: I am still loving this show and how it’s just throwing itself in the lore. Also, the whole “F4” component is probably my favorite thing about this drama. Or is it devoted puppy Wook? Or the moments the drama just builds in for the sheer squee? Or is it the when-are-you-going-to-happen romance that I am just gobbling up the crumbs of?

Cafe Minamdang: Okay, maybe the secret sauce for me and this drama is to watch it late at night, because I definitely laughed a lot this week. Also, how does Seo in-gook go from goofy to swoony in a literal millisecond?! He kills me.



Currently covering: Jinxed at First

Alchemy of Souls: Oh my gosh, Episode 7 just dialed my love for this show alll the rest of the way up. Mu-deok and Wook kill me with their complete and utter devotion to each other, but there were also lots of little things this week that added up to make my favorite episodes of this show yet. Like a potential begrudging friendship between Wook and the crown prince (please, I need this to happen), Yul being Yul, and every moment of the whole mirror incident. I do wish the fourth (and only female) Season were a little more likable, but everything I love about Alchemy continues to outweigh everything I don’t by a long shot.



Currently covering: Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Link: Eat, Love, Kill: I finally get the kiss I wanted, but then Da-hyun decides to give in to noble idiocy? This is all Lee Jin-geun’s fault. But thankfully, though he tried to run, he couldn’t hide from his fridge destiny. He will not be missed!
PS: Jihwadong is a weird place.
PPS: Is Gye-hoon’s restaurant opening any time soon?

It’s Beautiful Now : We have finally gotten into makjang territory. This is why don’t like when background siblings enter the main story, because they do nothing else apart from upsetting the balance of things. Hae-jun’s brother and sister-in-law are not nice people, and Mi-rae’s aunty was really annoying. Calling Mi-rae’s mum out in front of everyone was a real jerk move, and I hope she’s happy now. Ugh!

The Uncanny Counter: Adorable Jo Byung-kyu, red tracksuit uniforms, and superpowers? I can’t believe I waited this long to watch the drama. Seriously, what was I thinking? I loved every minute of my three-day binge, and now I can’t wait for the second season. They are making a second season, right?



Yumi’s Cells 2: I love everyone in this show (and Jinyoung is killing it) but I still feel this season lacks something that the original had. The cells are only effective when they’re used to show decision-making — we can understand why a character behaves a certain way after we’ve seen all the deliberations happening in their heads. Last season was genius for that reason. This season we see less thought processes as they’re occurring. Instead, the cells are used to reveal things that already happened (since the sequences are out of order), which makes them less necessary as a storytelling device (and the overall effect less satisfying). Still, even if the show is going the trope-y route at the end, I’m loving every minute of the love triangle.


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More J-dramas because why not. Watched Black Cinderella (surprisingly okay), Only Just Married (too many silly misunderstandings), the She Was Pretty remake (okay, ML was much less of a douche), and the Midnight Runner adaptation (also okay).

Café Minamdang - Not a fan of the way the cops are written but I like the core Minamdang crew. As for the romance let the over-eager CEO have Han-jun, at least she's funny.

Link - I kinda think the break-up makes sense? Even though Dahyun was also a victim, she's inextricably linked with Gye-young's disappearance and they both need time to process that revelation.

Insider - Nice to see Yo-han putting his learnings to use but to me Sun-oh is still the most interesting character - Yo-han understanding him made sense.

Extraordinary Attorney - The Spring Sunshine moment was so lovely. I liked the intricacy of the legal issues at play in the Ep. 6 story. Side note - they've brought in some excellent guest stars for each episode/ case arc and it really elevates the quality of the drama.

Doctor Lawyer - I liked the boardroom scene with everything falling apart simultaneously for the evil trio. The surgery scenes made me laugh.

Why Her - Both the young guys annoy me to death. Don't know why Se-pil needed 10 whole years to do literally anything.

Alchemy of Souls - Loved the fight scenes (the scarf!). I like that the plot keeps moving and the world-building looks solid.


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Re EAW: I too like the guest stars. I forgot to mention in my comment, I really like the judges they chose. They are really great guest stars.


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Yes the latest judge was top-of-mind when I wrote that! But even the prosecutors and the clients have been excellent.


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I watched Only Just Married recently and liked it! It was silly but different :)


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It was definitely cute but after a point the misunderstandings were too much for me!


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The doppelgänger was a real laugh/groan. Only in J-doramas...


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I definitely did an eyeroll at that one - a person who just happens to look like the LOML walks into my office AND is interested in me!


Extraordinary Attorney Woo: There’s always a Min-woo in the workplace. Spring Sunshine Su-yeon really is a sweetheart. I’m glad she and Young-woo are getting closer. Both cases were good this week with some good lessons for Young-woo.

Yumi’s Cells 2: Between Yumi getting back together with Babi, Woong and Babi’s pissing contest and Ruby and Control Z, this week was pretty tedious. Where are you, third guy? Come and save me. Sadly, it doesn’t look like that will happen. I only hope they have Yumi end up alone and not with Babi.

Link: Eat, Love, Kill: For once, I thought a kdrama break up actually made sense. Da-hyun is grappling with survivor’s guilt and Gye-hoon has been conditioned since childhood to say he’s fine. They need some time apart. Jin-geun was destined for that fridge. I thought the actor did a really good job playing a creepy, delusional stalker.

Alchemy of Souls: I’m glad the duel is finally over. Uk’s scarf move was pretty smooth but the whole plotline with the soul shifter went on too long. I feel like a lot of sequences go on a little too long. Uk and Mu-deok are good as partner’s in crime, but I’m not feeling any romantic vibes.

Remarriage & Desires: Episodes 1-2: I was hoping the satire would be sharper but this just feels like a typical revenge melodrama.

Insider: I was hoping for more from Yo-han and Sun-oh. I’m having a hard time buying Yo-han as a genius with these intricate plans considering what he was like in the first half of the drama. I wish he wasn’t the only good guy in the whole drama. Everyone is so evil or shady, even Soo-yeon. I keep feeling like she’s going to betray Yo-han soon.

Café Minamdang: I don’t know why I’m still watching this. It’s so dumb. Who thought it was a good idea to play the FL physically assaulting the ML for laughs? It is not funny but then neither is any of the other so-called comedy.


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Re: Remarriage: yes, I watched all of it and didn't catch the satire until I re-read the description on this site. Until the end it was a typical revenge melo. The only difference being in this the revenge wasn't as insanely dramatic as I've seen other non-satirical revenge dramas be.


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I'm glad i'm not alone to not find Café Minamdang comedy funny.
I wish the show turns to serious investigation cases.


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CRICKET - England vs. New Zealand - competitive test matches till day 3 and then England batting in ODI form took all the wins.

Here comes India - 5th Test match - same thing happens. It's funny to see ODI in Test matches. I like to see much more struggle.

New Zealand vs. Ireland - 3 matches - 9 hours each match and we got outcome in last over. woah - Ireland should have won 2 matches but they lost all 3 matches. They are a good side and surely are a weak team but gave awesome competition to Kiwis who are performing not so well for months.

The real cricket fun starts now - these next 6 months gonna have too much cricket action - the real action.


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Tennis - have no time
Cricket - watched youtube videos, couldn't get on live-action.

tv dramas - health, busy, antics so didn't watch much except few turkish dramas.

JAPAN - 1st 6 months not much - ok ok stuff - but summer started pretty well - already have 5 dramas in watch as well as few movies.

@screen if you tried some then can talk about them -

my watch

Hatsukoi no akuma - has matsuoka mayo n nakano taiga. this guy like ryusei is almost everywhere.

Ishiko and haneo - typical timepass but is entertaining for sure.

Riding a unicorn - mei nagano and her smile - timepass

Hirowareta Otoko - taiga here - story looks good.

My Favourite Wife - this looks a must

Keeper of Competition - let's see they bring consumer protection act or not - competition comession it does look like. kentaro

Fukomuto Riko's new show - this time around i'm in for some +ve smiles.

In between 2 food dramas.


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Korea + China + Turkey

It's beautiful now - 4/10 - woah writer - 30 episodes for so little a story - you have fooled everyone and made fortune. haha.

korean sword street performers have 1 good thing - Heroine. rest is too much forced into your face.

That garbage is seen as a good show - no wonder Chinese media has taken over the market. Hero or heroine in a drama always r special, powerful n do things that r not normal or ordinary. that cliche cringe full of baloney is good. heh.

Hope these next 6 months won't be any of this garbage.

Anna - the typical story actually is able to reach audience. that says much about the quality of that garbage.

Big Mouth am interested in.

CHINA - Hasty Youth - 7/10 - yes - Quality.
3 action shows - i really think Chinese dramas have easily outmatched any kdrama this year.


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ALCHEMY OF SOULS (Ep 7-8) Episode 7 gives us some important background information on Naksu, the past conflict and resolution (which I predicted in less detail) and the powerful concept of the ice stone - - - the key to soul removal and shifting. The darkest of the dark arts was sealed away by the Jin family in a very unlikely place (but to hold onto its power it makes sense). It is interesting to note that both Uk and Cho-Yeon’s fathers have been away from Songrim for a long time, I don’t think that is a coincidence. I like the Crown Prince a little more with his interactions with Mu-deok, who unknowingly is created her own army of mages. But the “science” of the soul shifting stone is still unclear to the point of being troublesome. The idea of a love pentagon around Uk seems overwhelmingly unnecessary. The duel was short on action and impact. Master Lee is the one character that can pull the loose writing together into some logical sense. The news that after this run there is a Part 2 of 10 episodes of a different focus does not sit well.

CLEANING UP (Ep.11-12) The reveal that the Captain is a former gangster yields the motivation for his reckless behavior toward Yong Mi. At least she had the common sense to get “new” evidence to protect herself from further harm. But the naive nature of it is troublesome. The writer misapplies legal procedure to release the Captain - - since two former Presidents were charged with corruption, there a new anti-corruption bureau to by-pass prosecutor office to press charges. No matter, Yong Mi shining knight must be sacrificed in order to win the game. I do not like that the cleaning ladies have NOT learned their lesson that they are over their heads in playing criminal gambling on stocks. The time jump skipped the apparent hardship of navigating insider bets on their own. Adding a moral component to their stock bet was weakly played since both are losing propositions. I just find the situational stupidity of making larger bets with borrowed money with dubious information foolish.

THE WITCH IS ALIVE (Becoming Witch) (Ep.3) Jin-A’s bloody moment was a good fake out, but the intruder did not calm her paranoia about her dead husband’s return. What is she going to do now that the police (and others) know about her huge mattress stash?
Hee-Soo dilemma may be partially delusional madness of resentment against her husband.

Ma-Ri’s life is getting more complicated because it seems Go-Eun really likes her. The lawyerly advice given to them was spot-on for a change: in Korea, the one at fault cannot file for divorce. Now, the game is which spouse can make the other crazier.


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Extraordinary Attorney Woo (Episode 5-6) - Mood: B+
No no no Show, stop with that family drama nonsense! Why do we need this hidden mother makjang? The only way out is to subvert the trope and make this whole birth secret a bait to troll the viewers: anything else is an insult to the other arcs in the plot. I also can’t understand why we’re being force-fed a love triangle but thankfully it appears that Su Yeon is picking friendship over love in the preview? I guess it’s the power of Young Woo’s sincerity that got through to her. As for Min Woo, I’ve rambled enough about him on my fan-wall and I still think it’s crazy that Jun Ho was fine drinking with him and pouring out his heart after the basketball incident? I also found it difficult to reconcile Episode 6’s Myung Seok with Episode 5’s: suddenly he’s not blaming Young Woo for a mistake she made? There were a lot of strong moments in this week’s episodes such that I’m willing to write off Episode 5 as a blip but I really wished we didn’t get all the tropes.
And, if the writer feared having main lead cheerleader syndrome, writing Min Woo as indifferent wouldn’t change much of the plot while still reflecting the sad reality that most of society just tolerates autistic people. But it is what it is, sigh.

Yumi’s Cells 2 (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D+
Hmm, I seem to have seen this dilemma in 2521 not that long ago whereby the writer has written the story into a corner regarding romance endgame: worse, unlike that show this show doesn’t even have a good critical ending as it is adapted so there’s the additional webtoon vs drama stuff to consider. I’m just going to enjoy the popcorn next week?

Link: Eat, Love, Kill (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D+
A classic third-quarter breakup because of childhood trauma: you know, I would’ve bought the trope if Jin Geun had an interesting backstory but nah, he’s just motivated by a twisted sense of obsession whether it’s a gaming console or the girl he bullied. Of course he dies after fulfilling his narrative purpose. Do I care about what all the adults did? Not at all!

Cafe Minamdang (Episode 5-6) - Mood: D+
The tone of the show is giving me a severe whiplash: we went from parent-induced baby spirit faking to Han Jun telling Jae Hui that he saw the real culprit to breaking up an attempted pyramid scam on Hye Jun to drug-induced kisses and classic feeling denials to a Gopuri chase cliffhanger. It’s downright funny that there’s 0 coherence between the genres.

Jinxed at First (Episode 9-10) - Mood: D-
So Soo Kwang has to find a deus ex machina in order to turn Seul Bi mortal? This is all such good writing, aren’t I right?

Cleaning Up (Episode 11-12) - Mood: D
At least this week featured some actual cleaner snooping! But the show’s still piling on makjang with the CEO’s murder.

Also watching: Dear X Who Doesn’t Love Me


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Omg, are you me? I have the exact *same* critiques for both EAW and Yumi's! Re: birth secret, I hope it's a red-herring, and Tae-san Lady Boss turns out to be Junho's mom instead of Young-Woo's!


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Yumi’s cells
Really intrigued with how they will end it.

Why her

Moment of 18
I like the male lead having seen him in Do you want a cup of coffee. He may be one to watch if he continues to choose his dramas wisely.

Miracle (2022)
It’s a low maintenance watch

Scent of a woman
Restarted watching and enjoying.

He who can’t marry
The original J drama on Amazon prime as can’t find the Korean version anywhere and Dramabeans recommends J drama over the K version.

Your honour
Started this tentatively as it has violence and tension but so far FF working well to reduce impact.

Dear X who doesn’t love me
Started this week not sure what to make of it.


Would you like a cup of coffee?
Loved this drama so calming only one incident of noble idiocy that could have been sorted with a conversation.

Dear. M
Would have been better with less episodes but good enough college drama.

On hold:
When my love blooms
Devilish joy
Sungkyunkwan Scandal

Dropped: as they are on dodgy site got sick of the graphic adverts

Bravo my life (daily drama)
Goo Pilsoo is not there


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The Best Friend Woo Young Woo - episode 4 touched me a lot, because we were there as well with our son - the bullying, changing schools... and the pains and worries of a parent of a special kid. When Father was so grateful to the CEO for giving his autistic daughter the job, I had tears in my eyes.
(And then Attorney Kwon made my blood boil with stressing Woo Young Woo on purpose in ep 5 🤬🍅).
I'm loving the female friendships (omg that Spring Sunshine!) and Junho in love 😍
Question for RL lawyers (@oldawyer ?): How it is in real life when a client is not playing fair and it goes against the attorney's beliefs/morals?

Link - The Fridge and all that inspecting and measuring 😄 And yes, it was a no-brainer that Stalker would finally end up in it, but that the reveal actually happened at the police station self put me in stitches. 😂
The reveal of the real culprit on the other hand left me cold... I would prefer a better build up (and more prior knowledge). And I would also prefer less reckless leads - what is this (repeated!) going to a suspicious house, completely alone, without notice to anyone, and sometimes even in the middle of the night?

Alchemy - Blue scarf scene 😂 😂
I'm surprised the mags are aware that Naksu very likely misinterpreted the truth about her father's death and sees them as killers and mortal enemies. And I'm even more (positively) surprised that Naksu gets to know the truth so soon. Also, I didn't know that I would be so interested (and amused) in Dojoo and Jin love line 🙂
And I want Yul, Won and Uk make a team and work (and tease each other) together... and create some epic bromance.

Enjoying a low-cost cdrama The Night of Love With You in the vain of Extraordinary You and Taiwanese drama Lost Romance.

Oh, and I watched Extreme Job and oh my, it is soooo funnyyyyy 😂 it's not an award winning movie, but I laughed so much! 😄 And the fighting scenes are epic... and funny at the same time 😁


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Re: your question about clients. It really depends on the country. I can't speak to SK, but in the states, a lawyer is allowed to drop a client. However, a case like this would probably go to a public defenders office unless it is pro bono. In a PD's office they have clients all the time that go against their morals, but everyone is entitled to a defense. So they defend to the best of their ability and if the client lies, it is to their detriment.


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Picking up Night of Love With You, thank you. Just watched the first episode (10 minutes) and the plot moves right along, doesn't it?


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I'm also enjoying Night of Love With You. I find the first episodes the most fun, but I'm currently at 16 and it's getting paced again.


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Extraordinary Attorney Woo - This week is filled with foods for thought. We are infallible , and can be deceived. EAW pointed it out this week. We make a conscious effort, Youngwoo makes more conscious effort, to not fall prey but we all still do fall prey at times. I must say, Min-woo as a competition really dulled out her objectivity I pray they do not pair him with her again except for Youngwoo to teach him a thing or two. I don’t like Min-woo with Youngwoo, but I really like him with Jun-ho.
The bow at the end of ep 6’s case, filled me with gratitude.
Mr Woo denying his daughter in broad daylight is my comical highlight for the week. In a way I love how he doesn’t treat her like an egg all the time. ‘Naaaaaaaah, this one is on you Youngwoo. Face it, and clean it😁'

It’s Beautiful Now - The eldest couple remains the best part of the story.
The 3 sons of Kyung-ae is constant headache I really feel for her😅, and her fourth boy does nothing but rub it in. She really needs the whack-a-mole to loose all that bad mood they give her everytime😂😂, even Grandpa will share in her wrath.
Good one Soojung. Let it out and have peace. Besides, while your birth father isn’t an educator, he groomed a son that become one. Be proud, as you've always been.

Alchemy of Souls - Dang! The story moved up a lot. Mudeok finally wields a sword✅, in a mage-ic fight✅✅. Even if nothing else happened, I’m at peace with the episodes.
I do find it sketchy that Songrim offered to take him in. Park Jin will inhibit Wook instead of train him so as to take the eyes of the Royal Court off him. Prince Won definitely won’t leave his lose standing by. And more important Shifty Queen aka Danju.
And to the blue scarf, 🥂.


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Cafe Minamdang: This drama continues to be fun. Our cafe team is funny and our resident shaman high as a kite is hilarious. They did the FL dirty though, she isn't particularly well written and miscast. That said I can ignore that because I really like our cafe team and I always love SIG.

Link: The inevitable break up. That was coming. We have four episodes left. We know who is murderer is. I believe Jin Geun is actually dead this time. So now onto reconciliations, catching a murderer, happy endings, and some peace.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: This show is extraordinary. When Young Woo told Sy Yeon she was spring sunshine, i cried. Honestly, it is one of the sweetest things anyone can say to a person. I also cried at the North Korean defector's story. How sweet. I will say, I really hope they address that poor woman being consistently beaten by her husband. I am honestly surprised he hasn't killed her. There was a lot of speculation that Min Woo was Attorney Tae's son, and I agreed initially, but now I think that is wrong, only because Min Woo and Young Woo seem to be the same age. Her secret baby, Young Woo, she had in college. So unless she had a baby before Young Woo, her son is probably a teenager. As for Jun Ho, I want to know more about him and why he thinks he can't like her.

Insider: Everything is going far too smoothly for a drama with 4 episodes left. So I am curious as what is going to happen. I also wonder what Seung Wan is dying from.

Eve: So everything is out in the open. the Chairman finally realizes his wife is not only unhinged but truly a terrible person. Why he didn't divorce her before, Idk. La El is slowly but surely getting her revenge. Her rather slow husband is realizing he got played. Also Mon Hee didn't deserve to go out like that. Convenient confession though. However, all I am thinking about is the poor children.

Remarriage & Desires: I actually liked it. I honestly didn't realize it was satire. It didn't come off that way to me. I liked that Hye Seung kept her integrity throughout her revenge. Happy to say I finished a KHS drama and enjoyed her in it.

Doctor Lawyer: So who got the heart? This is the question, it would be interesting if it is Micheal in a fabulous plot twist.


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Regarding EAW, I think people have jumped the gun assuming the writer intends either guy to be the son of the CEO. I also agree with your assessment that her son has to be younger than Young Woo.


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Kdrama trauma, perhaps, lol. Thankfully gone is the yesteryear of making the character think the love interest is a sibling(shudder, dark times in kdrama land). Everyone has to be related, hopefully it is neither.


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Along with the cold hero who really does have a heart somewhere inside there, but only the plucky, cheerful heroine can see it. Ugh.
How relieved am I that dramaland has (overall) gone to sweet, supportive--respectful even!--heroes? Let me count the ways.


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All facts, lol.


Cafe Minamdang: Very watchable, but the writing is pretty clunky at best and just all over the place, like the script was being developed on-the-fly in an improv class. Can't tell if it's because the original source materials has the same flaws.

Alchemy of Souls: Last week's set of episodes gave me goosebumps - the good kind! And we got two Tansu scenes! The way Mu-deok and Wook re-affirm their trust and partnership each week warms my heart. It is not just a quid-pro-quo master-student relationship - it is one that is almost like a familial relationship. It's like team against the world!

Extraordinary Lawyer Yoo: I enjoyed that we shift gears to YW's working relationships with Min-woo and Su-yeon and to her struggles not just as a lawyer on the spectrum, but as a lawyer in general facing things that rookie lawyers face.

I rarely post about non-asian dramas, but omg, I just watched the latest Persuasian netflix movie, and it was so terrible! I still watched it in awe of all the WTF-ery. It's my favorite Austen novel, so I was disappointed.


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Re: Persuasion: It looked actively terrible, not just because Dakota Johnson is just a so so actress, but because there is never a need to change Jane Austen, her works are pretty timeless.


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Thank you both for posting, I won't bother with this new Persuasion. Modernising Jane Austen rarely goes well...trailer gave me vibes of Bridgerton, which I dropped early on. When I watch a period drama, I want to feel I am in that period.


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I really like Bridgerton, but Persuasion looked just terrible to me.


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My thanks as well- forewarned is indeed forearmed. As a fan of Austen, I enjoy those dramas which are faithful to the spirit of the novels and hate those which are not.

Never mess with Austen.


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"Actively terrible" perfectly describes it!

I also loved Bridgerton and am open to modern adaptations of classic works and taking liberties with historical accuracies (sometimes I even find anachronisms charming), but the new work needs to carry on the spirit of the original. Persuasion 2022 ignores the spirit of the work. It decides it wants to be Fleabag meets cheap-imitation-Bridgerton and insinuates that the audience is too dumb to understand Persuasion. But the reason why Austen's works have been so popular and timeless is that they are almost effortlessly relatable. *facepalm*


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I heard a great critique which said if you take the tone of Persuasion and replace it with the archness of Emma / Pride and Prejudice then the plot doesn’t work. The characters are introspective and repressed which is why it takes them so long to be honest. If not, there’s no reason for them not to reconnect immediately.


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Whew! I am glad I saved myself heartache on Persuasion. It is my favorite Jane Austen book too and I was thrilled to see another adaptation...until I watched the first minute. Ugh! The complete disregard for historical accuracy in costume and speech, and much worse, character (that was not Ann Elliot) made me click out at superspeed.


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I'll repeat myself that Amanda Root was the perfect Anne Elliot.


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the 1995 adaptation was really the best. I was disappointed at how the actor who played Frederick was a little too old for the part, but everything was done really well, especially Amanda Root's portrayal. The novel is a lot of Anne's inner thoughts and inner turmoil while remaining unflappable to the people around her, and it's really hard to carry that onto screen.


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I saw the trailer two weeks ago and thought that it looked like rubbish. Glad to get some confirmation on that.


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I agree that this new version is very different from the book, and that the Amanda Root version is the best. I certainly sat and picked out which things were in the book and which were not. But I thought there were some things that were good. They used the narration as a way to condense the story, and I always complain that the last part gets condensed wrong. I also thought it was kind of nice that lady Russell and Louisa were so much sweeter to Anne. So she had some friends and felt accepted. That probably is not part of the original plot because she was supposed to feel alone.


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I've read the book (Carnet d'enquête d'un beau gosse nécromant) and found it funny (even if the exagerated comedy is a bit tiring. That's a genre easy to recognise by the long detailled titles such as The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir who Got Trapped in an Ikea wardrobe).
There are a lot of internal thoughts of the shaman (it's supposed to be his journal...) and he is very self-infatuated. But there are also more of the female inspector. She is a good and tireless inspector. And not this prone to kick him.
There is no romance in the book.
The gopuri storyline is not in the book. There is no childhood connexion, nor chaterbox prossecutor.


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My highlight of the week at the moment is EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNY WOO, followed by LINK: EAT, LOVE, KILL.

I also enjoy watching ALCHEMY OF SOULS, but I still think that some parts are too long.
YUMI'S CELLS 2 is still on my watchlist, but I'll be glad when the Bobby era is hopefully over soon.

WHY HER?: I'm only holding out until the end because I'm just too stubborn and seem to have a masochistic streak.

I also watched the first two episodes of DEAR X WHO DOESN'T LOVE ME. But the series couldn't convince me so far, it seemed too sterile and emotionless.

I also had a look at REMARRIAGE & DESIRES, the first episode was quite promising.

It's a miracle that I still have a social and professional life, but I also watched HOSPITAL PLAYLIST on the side. Season 2 will follow soon.


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'Holding out for Why Her?'
While Why Her? is a really good watch, I share your sentiments. And it's really sad that it is veering into this point.


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Dropped Why Her? after 10 episodes...watching it was like working at a job you can't stand. If they would have not shoehorned in this implausible romance line, I probably would have enjoyed it. Picked up Tracer, which I enjoyed from first episode.


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The romance is the undoing of Why Her?. Totally. Undisputed. I've dropped it already at Ep 10. When 15&16 ends I binge them all while following in the recaps till then. It's really sad for a very very good show.


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Tracer is on my watchlist. Can't pass up Im Shiwon and his nose for good projects.


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Why Her used to be my favorite drama. And eventhough a lot is not but I'm also in it for the romance. Not until I guess ep 9 or 10? Maybe it's because I loved the strong female lead but on those episodes she seems a little off for me. idk. It's just I want to enjoy while watching a drama and watching Why Her suddenly felt like a task so I have to drop it. It's actually sad losing interest in a drama. Hopefully the same thing won't happen in Alchemy of Souls. It's the only drama I'm watching right now


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ALCHEMY OF SOULS—I thought episode 6 meandered and lacked the tension of the other episodes, perhaps because our master and pupil were separated or I thought the story was a bit of a filler. Thankfully the next episode picked up and we learned a couple more tantalizing backstory details. I want to know the story of the female mage who partnered to end the abuse of the alchemy of souls and also more about Mu Deok.

EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO—The character growth and time spent on relationships is my cup of tea and this drama serves it with heart, humor, and pathos. Young Woo’s hard lesson and her remorse was the kind of character building lesson that will guide her through future challenges. As usual, there was so much to love, but hands down the most touching has to be Young Woo’s nickname for Su Yeon and all the emotional impact.

THE DAY OF BECOMING YOU—This is a hoot! Imagine if Your Are Beautiful got a modern makeover and added body switching. I have been following Steven Zhang’s career and he is one Chinese actor I will check out just on the basis that he is in a drama, but I am pleasantly surprised at how cute this is. For one thing, the actors do a fantastic job with the body switch plot, no over-exaggerated acting thank goodness (much better and, honestly, funnier than Secret Garden). If you want something light to make you giggle, this is for you.

THE GOOD DETECTIVE—Oof. I finished it. How is it possible that I almost cried for the death of a character that firmly left the gray boundary of black and white? Bravo, to the writer and actors that showed a story of very human characters. The difference between the protagonists and the antagonists was a thin, but critical line that we all grapple with. One side took responsibility for their actions—some later than others—while the other side sought to cover and justify their actions. I am curious to see if the second season will address Ji Hyuk’s father’s mystery. And I hope we get more character growth and background for our team.


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There is a Secret Garden Easter-Egg thrown into one of the early episodes of TDoBY... it's when Steven appears in a silvery, sparkly, tracksuit! xD
I love when show-makers place intentional tributes for drama-watchers to catch! :D


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Ha! I completely missed the reference. Now I am facepalming. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. 😅


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But was it Italian?


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and more importantly, was it designer Italian?


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Thanks for recommending The day of becoming you I saw it on Viki but thought it was a secret garden remake so not worth watching. As soon as I saw Steven Zhang I decided to give it time as he was the second male lead in Go Ahead which is my favourite Chinese drama so I am looking forward to seeing him in a lead role.


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My thanks also- I am adding it to my watchlist as well.


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And thank you for bringing up Go Ahead. I still haven't checked it out, but will now with your rec.


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Looking forward to hearing what you think about it.


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Thanks again for the recommendation of The day of becoming you I am at episode 11 and loving it such an easy watch. I needed to get back into Chinese dramas and I love that when they do a classic Korean drama trope they call it out!
The intro and closing credits are long enough to be an episode of a web drama in their own right 😐 It takes so long to ff to get to the start and I watched the end initially thinking there would be an epilogue.


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You are catching up to me! I am glad you are enjoying it. My favorite scene has to be their conversation in the hotel room--a different kind of intimacy than expected, but I think even more important than a kiss at that point.


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Yes it was a powerful conversation but why they can’t just say they like each other now and that’s the real reason for the kiss…noble idiocy trope rolling out 😐I am episode 16 now and the pressure is mounting!


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I have finished The day of becoming you. A great watch so glad you mentioned it. I didn’t have to pause it once to give myself prep time due to conflict making me tense. It is a rare thing these days to watch straight through as most romance / slice of life dramas have something which needs effort from me to stay until it’s enjoyable again.
Their conflict in terms of noble idiocy made sense and it wasn’t something they could talk out and easily solve.


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Are you me? 🤣


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🤣 That’s funny.
On another note, they talk about face blindness in a lot of dramas and I am sure I have a mild version of it, I often get confused when people change their hairstyle. So, I was convinced the start of the drama must have been a film set even though they never showed the crew or yelled cut. I was going to go back to rewatch as I didn’t get why it had started with two people I didn’t know going through a hard time as I didn’t care so had switched off and didn’t listen. I needed the last bit of the last episode to realise who she was and why that scene was there. 😬


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Alchemy of Souls: 8.4 Poor Jung So-min. Most years her performance here would probably snag her a lot of Best Actress awards, but this year she's got that Extraordinary performance to lose to compete against.

Why Her?: 6.0 Should we shorten the title to just "Why?" At least the FL hasn't walked into many dangerous places lately.
Somewhere in an alternate universe, a young lawyer whose client is being framed is pressured to lose the case by people who arrest her relatives. But in this universe she successfully defends her client, then goes on to defend the relatives, resulting in a shorter, simpler and more satisfying show.

Doctor Lawyer: 6.5

Link: Eat, Love, Die: 6.0 More serial killing and less Mega Food Market PPL, please. Is the FL taking over the "recklessly walk into dark and dangerous places" duties that are being neglected over on Why Her?

Cafe Minamdang: 6.5 At least they're trying to be a bit different from Why Her & Doctor Lawyer every other kdrama ever, but unlike Alchemy & Extraordinary, they're not different in quite the right ways. "Why Her?" is also a question we could ask Minamdang's casting director.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: 8.5 Day 5 was still "good", but somehow less enjoyable than days 1/4. Day 6 was back to being Extraordinary.

Jinxed At First: 6.0 I thought I was watching a fun fish-out-of-water/superpower tale but the mopey fathers and melo chaebol succession struggle bits are not what I came for.

Once again the winner this week is 🐋🐋🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳


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Why Her? could still remain long and engaging with the the situation with Gong Chan as its premise for Soo-jae's cutthroat persona world and a reason for her to really climb up to the very top of TK Law firm. She lost, not due to incompetence, but to a lack of power.
If TK had to threaten her 10 years ago then she must have been a very badass lawyer, and if I recall quite alright it was her very first case.


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I cracked up with all the Why questions linking Why her? 😂😂😂😂


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M'Lord, the whale emojis are fierce.


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Alchemy of Souls – I don’t even know where to start. The leads continuing to grow closer and more awesome? The Four Seasons’ absolute commitment to wearing colors that reflect their respective seasons? Seo Yul confidently striding in the wrong direction when he’s been startled? The Naksu-blue cloth I’m planning on wearing around my face all winter? I love it all.

Cafe Minamdang – lots of good backstory this week, and more amazing shenanigans from our cafe team. The FL insists on being annoying (but I sense some growth coming soon! Hopefully!) and Su-cheol insists on having the worst style ever, but I’m still enjoying how things are playing out and am excited for Monday. Seo In-guk continues to have an absolute blast with his part and it’s hard not to feel the same way whenever he’s around!

Chocolate – I wanted to watch something that I figured would be pretty different from the other things I’m watching right now, and help fill in the gaps of my live-watching schedule, so I picked this up this week. I’m through the first 5 episodes right now, and I’m pretty satisfied with my choice. It’s slower (not in a bad way) and more pensive than the others I’m watching right now, and I like how it centers on the microcosm of these two people in their intertwining and unfortunate lives. I’m so glad Kang didn’t lose his kindness after his mom died and his only adult influences were his terrible relatives, but I wish I could understand more about what made him accept the competition to be the heir to their toxic organization. I really enjoy Cha-young’s earnestness and really do not enjoy her brother. I guess I sort of understand why she allows him to leech off of her, but if it were me, I would have waved at him as he was trucked off to jail a long time ago. I’m also totally drawn to Jun, though it might be more because of his eyes and his pottery than because he’s actually done anything positive. At this point I’m chalking it all up to bad parenting and choosing to believe he’s secretly a good person. He’s certainly unhappy with his life, and that’s a signal to me that he has regrets and just doesn’t know how to live differently (hopefully!). I’m here for whatever redemptive arc he gets! And as a person who absolutely loves cooking and food (and watching people cook and enjoy food), I love all of the scenes of cooking, and all the food memories that all the characters carry with them.


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I thought CHOCOLATE was a very good but underrated show when it aired, possibly because of the pace and subject matter.


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Chocolate's pacing almost like a throwback to like 15 years ago, so I get it. I loved the Ha Ji -won and Yoon kye-sung pairing.


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😂 colour commitment is real, I hadn’t clicked but you’re so right.


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Every single outfit works for their season! I am also interpreting the fact that MD wears blue as a small signal of loyalty to Team Winter haha!


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Episode 12 = breakup. I even expected it this time, and taking time on their own might be good for our couple. The main question about the past mystery for me is not the perpetrator, but: Why do the many people who were around then (and know at least part of what has happened) not talk, especially the mother and grandmother? Are they all guilty in part? And the recklessness of walking around and going into suspicious basements alone, tsk…
Again, the music is the best of all current dramas.
*Café Minamdang*
I’m enjoying myself because SIG is!!! And I agree, the FL is really annoying, let’s hope she changes for the better.
The very involved plan has been working out and Yo Han is now king of the casino. Is that what he wanted?? Every time I’m wondering who is on the good or bad side, I realize that there aren’t any “good” people in this drama and it’ll change around anyway. Sun Oh has died about three times in these episodes, and I’m convinced he will stay alive, because he is my ray of sunshine! Again, the violence and torture were hard to watch, this time against a woman…
*Why Her Ep.13*
I liked the mock trial, that was something different. The romance got back on track, but it doesn’t feel very convincing. Finally, the legal clinic is starting to work on Gong Chan’s case together, and we’re heading toward the conclusion of the drama. If they really pull the “supposedly stillborn child was switched and is alive”, I’ll scream – that’s just too farfetched to make any sense.
*Yumi’s Cells 2*
Loved these episodes. BUT: until last week, I was totally relaxed with this show, still thinking that there would be a third part with 10 or 14 episodes. But after I realized we only had 4 (now 2) episodes to go??? Will the drama leave out a lot from the webtoon or end totally differently? Where we are now doesn’t look like it’s the right path for Yumi. Her love cell is not committed to this relationship.
The dating pros were great together (or rather, pitted against each other?)! Also, the war between the exes in their heads and in real life.
*Jinxed at First*
This is turning much darker, and I like that. Along with the story, the fashion, hair, lighting and ambience has changed, too, and even the market people are a thankfully a bit more subdued (sometimes). Let’s see where this is going, a witch ending or a happy happy fairy ending? Side note: of all the young men around Seul-Bi, I actually like evil Dong Shik best.
*Extraordinary Attorney Woo*
Ep. 4 did it for me, I love the show now, too! The psycho friend made the difference, and maybe the unusual habits and demeanor are toned down a little, or I’m getting used to them. So now I’m with you all who love the show. Episode 6 was excellent!
I was interested in this because I read that Bae Suzy is wearing more than 150 costumes (in a 6 hour show!). I expected this to be either makjang and over the top, or funny and thrilling, something like Catch Me If You Can. It was...


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"If they really pull the ... I’ll scream"

Wait till I find my earplugs.


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Just watched ep.14 and literally screamed at the street crossing scene - not out of fear for the character, but out of rage at the show!


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@lissi did you mean to show you had no words or did the character count literally show this for you and cut off the end of your post?


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Sorry, got cut off and didn't realize it...
I was interested in this because I read that Bae Suzy is wearing more than 150 costumes (in a 6 hour show!). I expected this to be either makjang and over the top, or funny and thrilling, something like Catch Me If You Can. It was totally different, toned down and introspective? Although we didn’t get to see much that went along in Anna’s brain. Anyway, I liked it, but I wouldn’t rewatch the extended 8 ep. show that is supposed to air in August.


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I did not watch ep 14 of why her, but wouldn't the baby switch be possible if Soo Jae was under anesthesia for C-section?


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C-sections can be performed with an epidural that leaves the mom awake and aware.


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They can be, but sometimes also under general - So I guess if you were planning a baby switch you could put her under completely? (I have not seen any of Why her? So I have no context for this lol)


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Mine was epi. Just saw you lured your hubby into a LIVE watch. Oh girl, you are brave. Only lure when I've seen the whole thing because, as you point out, one glitch and they are gone. My co-worker's hubby bailed on CLOY because the tornado was so not possible. I admit - the tornado sucked but the rest was fun. My fav re-watch!


Way normal - breech. Lost a dear colleague to natural childbirth recently so I have much emotion. How is it that so many women die in childbirth in this first-world country?
Could it be the basic hatred of women?


@jossie4cheryl I’m sorry to hear that, that’s awful! It doesn’t seem possible that people should still die in childbirth regularly in first world countries and yet here we are.


@jossie4cheryl I’ve had three - one under general because the epi didn’t take 😬 and the other two with epidural. For recovery I prefer the epidural (even though the last time it started to wear off, which I do NOT recommend).

Haha yeah I hope I can keep him going - I’m hoping live will help because then there’s no pressure to watch it every night. I haven’t told him there’s a season 2 in the works 🫢


The murder mystery in LINK is still unsolved, despite more and more reveals. There were plenty of hints that Da-hyun was also a victim which is now confirmed, but whose body did the mother hide before? The fridge is one of my favourite characters and maybe it was just the stalkers fate to end up dead and stuffed in it eventually. He was very creepy, but somehow I did not want to see him dead.

Love the Harry Potter elements in ALCHEMY OF SOULS. I was almost expecting Dumbledore or at least Master Lee to step out behind Uk to explain what the mirror does, but luckily UK is smart enough to work out for himself that it only shows illusions - well done Uk! The biting and talking artefacts in the room are familiar, too and Uk's skill as a wizzard/mage is getting better and better. Loved the duel with the crown prince.

ATTORNEY WOO is still my favourite, though. Loved how Su-yeon outsmarted the prosecutor with her own connections with the judiciary, but it is really the judge who is at fault for being swayed by personal connections. The same issue was nicely shown with the army connections - Young-woo has zero chance to make herself a favourite with the client in this regard and her 'colleague' takes full advantage of this.

Did not like YUMI and her cells last week. I always thought that she behaves much younger than her age and I was not impressed with her immaturity and the way she handled the Babi situation.

JINXED improved a little, but the same cannot be said about WHY HER and DR LAWYER. I am just earning a bean here.

Finished ANNA and really enjoyed it, particularly the ending.


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I am with you in the - Why her support group doing our time to add to our bean count. I am going to be so low as there are not many dramas I can handle in each batch of new releases so I have to just suck it up each week despite the show revealing more signs that it disrespects the audience members who are still along for the ride!


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The army connections also reminded me about how professional advancement is often due to the "old boys' club"s. Yes, I get the sacrifice that young men are making to take 18 months out of their youths to do military service.
At the same time, women don't get the advantage of forging incidental connections with powerful men that would be helpful to their careers.


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Finished ep 10 of Black Dog. This drama doesn't seem to be discussed much, but I'm enjoying it so far. Ra Mi Ran is great (there was even a shoutout to Cheetah :). I also really like seeing Lee Chang Hoon since he was so appealing in One Spring Night, but it's a main role billing and I don't think he's getting enough screen time. There's no personal storyline for him so far and I'll be disappointed if it never comes.


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I have it on my watch list started and put it on hold after a couple of episodes due to one of the characters getting on my nerves. I have heard good things about it I am sure there must be a review/recap on here and people it its fan club.


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I loved Black Dog.


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this was an excellent watch! my teacher friend LOVED IT and said he experienced many if not all of the issues/situations that the drama addressed.


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Kingdom: not the zombie one, the idol one! Wanted something a little different and it’s great so far. I usually don’t get too affected by survival shows like these but I’m surprised at how much I’m sweating with anticipation and panic as I watch the boys get really nervous about their performances/ abilities but it’s nice to be reminded of the fact that these well polished idols are also human. All 6 teams are groups that I’m already a fan of, but I have to say - my heart lies with BtoB in this show❤️

Alchemy: I LOVE IT. That about sums it up. Eating up all the Mudeok/Wook crumbs but preview for Ep 9 looks like we might be getting a bit more than just crumbs and I’m giddy with excitement.

Attorney Woo: speaking of giddiness - this show perpetually has me giddy, in love and really feeling the presence of my heart one way or another. *insert incoherent fangirl noises*

Link: I think it might be because my emotions are being used up by the above two shows, and also partly because of the interesting reveal in the last episode but I’m not as in love with it as I once was. I’m still enjoying it all the same though. The iconic three- gen-women trio are the backbone of this show.

Jinxed: the charm is wearing off at this point because the plot is becoming a little nonsensical but I’m interested to see how it all ends still!

Miracle: breezy popcorn watch, great if you’re an SF9 fan.

Dear X: it’s not going how I thought it’d go (in a good way) & is touching on some quite heavy topics around self-esteem, troubled upbringings etc. Doyoung is cute, I’ve dusted off and put my NCTzen hat back on again now bc of him (and Jaehyun, I just recently finished Dear M too)


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Cafe Minamdang Definitely SIG's show! He's funny and swoony in the same time.

Link: Eat, Love, Kill I'm sad that Lee Jin-Geun succeeded in separating them, but he's definitely dead \o/

Extraordinary Attorney Woo I loved both episodes. The 5th was very realistic and Young-Woo learned painfully her lessons. I love to watch her growing as a person.

Why Her? Because of a report, they had to find a new killer. So why nobody is watching this famous report?

Alchemy of Souls It's an enternaining show but I'm not really invested in the story or the characters.

Yumi Cells 2 I found this season a little bit weird. There are some missing pieces like the fact they decided to get back together...


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when I first laid my eyes on Oh My Girl's Arin, I always thought she and Jung So min should co-star as siblings and I can't believe a casting director exactly did that! When I saw the cast list, I kept thinking "what a missed opportunity" but I'm glad to eat my own words. Also JANG UK is so destined to be with a Jin Family daughter, just not the one everyone thinks. The ice stone possession is confusing, but I am trusting the Hong sisters for the first time ( a tall order I know) to tie up all the loose ends. The crown prince is on his way to become my fav character after Naksu, and needless to say, their ship is the cutest. Pure serotonin!
I can't wait to know about the real Mudeok and why is she willingly sheltering Naksu inside her body? Is she a clairvoyant? Did she have a clue that her body will ultimately unite with Jang-uk?

Can we have the real Naksu aka Go Youn Jung to end up together with Seo Yul and BuYeon/Mudeok to end up with Jang-uk so that everybody gets their happily ever after... Let a girl be delusional 😌
For a fearsome bloodthirsty assassin, Naksu really knows how to have men fall for her deep 😁
The yin and yang jade is already being a cupid, I'm interested to see what's the ultimate aim the writers are aiming for? They already burnt Naksu's body so how will she gain her powers?
Will Jang Gang show up? And*gasp* will Jang Uk take the throne?


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I didn't read this because I'm waiting to watch eps 9 and 10 tomorrow, but just wanted to say THANK YOU for the clear, upfront spoiler warning! AoS is my current obsession and anything about it is my catnip. I probably should stay out of the "What We're Watching" threads if I don't want to get spoiled for some shows, but I get so many good ideas from them that I can't resist.


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I wish I had the patience to wait for 2 whole episodes. I just kept refreshing Netflix for ep 9 😅
I'm also obsessed with AOS right now and would love to speculate the endless hypotheses, what ifs, what nots and cry over the ships that could not sail 😛
I'll try next week to patiently wait for 2 episodes to drop


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