Shooting Stars: Episodes 7-8
by Unit
We reach the halfway mark this week and as our characters arrive at their midpoint, feelings are realized, confessions are made, and some mysteries deepen.
Tae-sung’s newfound realization that he likes Han-byeol comes with the desire to confess his feelings to her, and he begins “operation confess to Han-byeol.” He tries to win her over with various tropes – tying her shoelaces, bringing her coffee – but Han-byeol is not having any of it thanks to PTSD from all the pranks he’s pulled on her over the years. Ha! Serves his petty ass right.
An observant Yoo-sung finds the situation amusing – which is funny because he doesn’t see that Ho-young has a crush on him. Or does he? Han-byeol sees it though, and teases Ho-young. But she can’t see how bright Tae-sung’s green light has been shining lately. Why are people this clueless when it comes to themselves?
Actor Yoo-sung gets a favorable reaction from viewers, and the StarForce team celebrates their new signee. I’ve never seen Ji-woo look so excited! Unfortunately, when he is pressed by some ahjumma fans to drink, Yoo-sung ends up sleeping in his underwear, drunk at a playground, and the pictures circulate the internet.
The PR team cleans up the mess at the expense of a good night’s rest, and they wrap it up the next day with Yoo-sung’s handwritten apology letter – which of course, is the day Tae-sung decides to give a grouchy Han-byeol his own handwritten confession letter. He tears up the letter upon her rant that she never wants to see one again, but she chews him out regardless. On a happy note, actor Yoo-sung lands an underwear ad, and all is well with the world again.
In their unrelenting effort to come up with the perfect confession, Tae-sung and Jung-yeol do all sorts – from hilariously recreating famous drama confession scenes to going over Han-byeol TMI in the hopes of finding a common ground between Tae-sung and Han-byeol – and I just love how eager Jung-yeol is about the whole thing.
A sulky Tae-sung tries to eavesdrop on Soo-hyuk’s housewarming party through the wall, but the party is quite lifeless with just Jung-yeol and the PR staff — minus Han-byeol. Even with Tae-sung eventually crashing the party, the vibe is still nonexistent until Han-byeol, the life of the party, arrives.
While the others busy themselves with games, Soo-hyuk and Han-byeol have a moment alone and she realizes that he likes her. Things get slightly awkward and he tells her he’ll wait for an answer.
Yoo-sung encourages Tae-sung to hurry up with his confession because Soo-hyuk has already beaten him to it. But Tae-sung’s eventual confession to Han-byeol sends her screaming and running for the hills. Lol.
Wanting to know if he has other competitors beside Soo-hyuk, Tae-sung asks Yoo-sung if he likes Han-byeol, and he gets a firm NO. Apparently, Yoo-sung doesn’t see colleagues in a romantic way, and it makes me wonder what that means for Ho-young’s crush.
Meanwhile, with the knowledge that Tae-sung and Soo-hyuk are interested in her, Han-byeol wryly thinks she has hit the jackpot. *googles how to be Oh Han-byeol*. But seeing how awkward the situation makes her feel, I can’t say I envy her.
Han-byeol is present on set for Tae-sung and Da-hye’s kiss scene, and he starts to explain that the kiss is just for work. It’s amusing how he acts like she caught him cheating on her or something. Han-byeol acts like it’s no big deal, but as we see later on, she is clearly affected by the kiss scene.
Speaking of kisses, Yoo-na and Jae-hyun!!! Those two adorable idiots are definitely up to something. They fight their own kiss scene tooth and nail, but when the director says, “Cut!” they can’t seem to detach from each other.
Tae-sung almost has a heart attack when he runs into Yeo Ha-jin – his ex-girlfriend from back in the day – and belatedly realizes the girl he likes (Han-byeol) was the one who officially confirmed his dating rumor with another girl (Ha-jin). But in reality, Tae-sung and Ha-jin never had a relationship and only “confirmed” it to keep the media quiet.
While we’re learning about the un-couple, we get a cute scene between Ha-jin and her current boyfriend (cameo by Kim Dong-wook as his character in Find me in Your Memory), and this has to be my favorite cameo appearance/meta moment yet.
Even though his confession is still in limbo, Soo-hyuk tries to play the cool guy and doesn’t want to rush into getting an answer from Han-byeol. But he can’t help picking up on the awkwardness between them and asks her out for dinner.
But while Han-byeol is being asked out by the competition, Tae-sung is lovesick at home and has his meal spiked with excess salt by his suspicious housekeeper with a limited edition diamond watch, KWON MYUNG-HEE (So Hee-jung).
To one-up Soo-hyuk, Tae-sung also asks to meet up with Han-byeol, and the poor girl – and we, by extension – are left to wonder whose invitation she will honor, and the episode ends with her running out hurriedly to meet someone…
For some reason this halfway point signaled the funniest week in Shooting Stars for me, and I laughed a LOT. But it wasn’t all fun moments, as there’s still the mystery surrounding Eun Si-woo – the divorced actress, who just so happens to be Tae-sung’s mom. And we see that apart from Yoo-sung, the suspicious housekeeper seems to know her as well.
Speaking of which, is that woman even a housekeeper? Considering her sodium poisoning attempts on Tae-sung, and her rich madam behavior at the mall, she gives me the creeps, and I don’t understand what her deal is.
Another thing I don’t understand is Ki-bbeum’s character. It’s like she’s just there to interact with cameos and hangout with Han-byeol and Ho-young. It’s not exactly bad, but I feel like they can do more with her character – or maybe they’re setting her up to be the one to break Tae-sung and Han-byeol’s eventual dating scandal?
Finally, per K-drama rules, we know Soo-hyuk is not likely get the girl, but can he get some more screen time at least? It’s almost like he’s just there to be the mandatory second lead and stoke the fire for our hero. But Lee Jung-shin is cute, and he makes the flat-ish character really likable, so #JusticeForSoohyuk!
- Premiere Watch: Shooting Stars, Showtime Begins!
- Poking fun at celebrities in new promos for tvN’s Shooting Stars
- Bickering sparks into love for Lee Sung-kyung, Kim Young-dae in tvN’s Shooting Stars
- Kim Young-dae causes havoc for Lee Sung-kyung in tvN’s Shooting Stars
- Lee Sung-kyung and Kim Young-dae to star in new tvN drama
Tags: Kim Yoon-hye, Kim Young-dae, Lee Jung-shin, Lee Sung-kyung, Shooting Stars, Sojin, Yoon Jong-hoon
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1 Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
May 15, 2022 at 2:19 PM
I loved this weekend’s episodes they were on point. I am really liking the unfolding of the backstory.
Looking forward to the next weekend. I hope we find out the housekeepers story. I don’t understand why Tae Sung is not calling it on the food even if he got Yoo Sung to talk to her or sack her. I know he is rich but it’s a waste of food, if they have to constantly bin it and he needs to eat decent food to maintain his physique and energy while on set.
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May 16, 2022 at 12:29 AM
Wasn't there something in earlier episodes about the housekeeper claiming to have health problems thus not being able to taste the food properly so I guess Tae-sung is trying to be considerate by not saying anything about the food being salty.
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parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
May 16, 2022 at 4:12 AM
yup, she was his housekeeper and claimed her food got saltier as she aged, so TS didnt want to offend her cos of their relationship before.
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2 Nefret
May 15, 2022 at 2:33 PM
Episode 7 had so many scenes that made me laugh out loud.
I was wondering when Tae-sung's and Han-byeol's best friend would show up, well, we have the sad answer. My guess ist that the housekeeper is the deceased friend's mother and she wants revenge for something.
Now that Tae-sung has finally realized how he feels, you have to give him credit for not faffing about, but wanting to spring into action quickly. Unfortunately, his attempts to show his love to Han-byeol are not particularly crowned with success. Now it takes its toll that he wasn't exactly gentle with her in the past, Han-byeol thinks his actions are just some more pranks. If anything would have worked, it probably would have been his letter. Unfortunately, the timing was very bad considering the inflation of handwritten letters.
I loved it how Tae-sung and his manager team up and make plans together for Tae-sung to succeed with Han-byeol. Even little stunts are included when it comes to the "shoelace mission“.
I give Tae-sung credit for quickly admitting that he screwed up in the past and that he is not complaining about how Han-byeol has to feel honoured that he likes her.
Who are the messages from that Han-byeol reads in bed at the end? Could they be reservations for movie tickets?
"Introverted" Yoo-Na, lol.
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May 16, 2022 at 11:01 AM
I thought they were movie tickets from Tae-sung - buying and sending each viewing when she didn't turn up to the cinema. Maybe not, though? It didn't look like he was at a cinema - more like on a film set.
Oh, the intrigue (for people who can't read Korean).
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May 16, 2022 at 11:16 AM
Yes, I mean to recognize QR codes, which also makes me suspect that they are movie tickets. However, I don't think these were sent by Tae-sung.
From previous episodes, we know that Han-byeol often goes to the late show alone to relax and distract herself.
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May 16, 2022 at 11:33 AM
If I was her, I'd run away to the cinema by myself hahaha
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May 17, 2022 at 7:23 AM
Elsewhere I just read that they are text messages from Tae-sung, with movie tickets attached. In addition, he writes "I'm waiting for you".
Damn, I'm obsessed with this drama when I should be working.
3 Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
May 15, 2022 at 2:37 PM
The multiple confession rehearsals occupied a little too much of these episodes but Kim Young-dae and Jin Ho-eun carried them off so well that I didn’t mind. TS’s indignant, impotent fury whenever he’s left sprawling in the dust just cracks me up, especially in contrast to how ubercool he is during the drama-filming scenes. I gotta say, the boy can smolder. 🔥🔥🔥
Do we know how Tae-sung’s and Han-byeol’s best friend Luca/Lee Yun-woo (the dead Korean adult, not the live ‘African’ child) died yet? The photo at his grave looks like one of the guys standing near him and HB in the flashback college graduation scenes. There was also that flashback in ep. 3 at 31:30 - Yun-woo says “I want to go to Africa and help people” and challenges TS to go together. TS thinks of that later when reading about his acting rival’s supposed wish to go there, right before he accidentally volunteers to do just that.
Was that also Choi Ji-woo in the flashback weepy movie TS and HB watch in college in ep. 7? Does anyone recognize that as a real movie or was it something they filmed just for this? There's obviously some dark back story coming for TS but I'm enjoying the lighthearted goofiness so much that I hope it's minimal.
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bbstl 🧹
May 16, 2022 at 12:30 PM
Yes, Choi Ji Woo is the mom in the movie. I assumed it is a scene made for this show to tie to the irony of how badly she treated her real life son who watches her “acting” as a good Mom.
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4 fannypackage
May 15, 2022 at 2:54 PM
i started liking taesung this week’s episodes. his antics and whining were funny!
i think the less screen time taesung has with hanbyul means more taesung and jungyeol bromance so i guess i can’t complain that much. the bromance is currently my fave thing about the show.
while i’m not buying the main pair’s romance yet i’ll give it a pass for now because it reminds me of me and my boyfriend (minus all the stardom drama), but also lee sungkyung and kim youngdae have great chemistry in all the behind the scenes and interview vids i seen, i am so sad i don’t really see that translated into the drama itself?
also: kang yoosung panty! kang yoosung panty!
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5 JillofAllTrades
May 15, 2022 at 3:09 PM
Is it just me of the they are playing a bit with the whole suspicious housekeeper trope and Choi Ji Woo?
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6 tiredys
May 15, 2022 at 3:34 PM
Does he actually eat the salted/poisoned cooking anymore? Be nice to get some backstory because can't see why he's not doing anything about it and wasting all that food.
Yoo-Sung watching all the shenanigans was great.
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7 ar_arguably romantic
May 15, 2022 at 4:01 PM
The funniest set of episodes, especially with Han-byeol being such a tough nut to crack and more k-celeb hijinx. Somehow the jokes and gags were coming in faster. Having Yoo-sung just watching Tae-sung fail at his confession missions was the cherry on top. And also the exclamations of "Yoo-sung PANTY" were hilarious.
Looks like Yoo-sung may start developing feelings for Ho-young?
As for the housekeeper, I hope she isn't as sinister as the drama wants us to think she is. Maybe she has some petty grievance and wants revenge. She must be playing some long game because I think she was his housekeeper before he left to volunteer for a year and now she's only at the point of oversalting his food.
I really like how this drama focuses more on the workplace hijinx and the comedy and adds enough romance to spice it up.
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parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
May 16, 2022 at 4:10 AM
Housekeeper attempting death by high blood pressure but our boy is smart enough not to eat it. Kudos to her patience in playing the long game though..
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May 16, 2022 at 8:55 AM
I agree about these episodes. Kim Young-Dae (and the writer) has successfully humanized Tae Sung as the show has gone along and made him funny rather than annoying--but what's very good about this show is that it isn't totally depending on the romance for viewer enjoyment.
After a shaky start, which even then had some really hilarious individual scenes sprinkled in, I think this show has gotten steadily better in developing the characters, while keeping the really funny scenes that send up the foibles of actors and the industry.
Stepping back into analytic mode, I'll be really interested to see if the series keeps its momentum in its second half, and retains its humor to a happy end, in which case it could be a fluffy rom-com favorite, or whether it gets too entangled in things like the creepy housekeeper and dead friend and ends with a messy conclusion that ruins the overall effect of the show.
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May 16, 2022 at 10:55 AM
I'm worried the drama is going to slide into serious because I really don't think that will work with these characters. His mother issues are enough - let's not get stuck with sabotage, revenge and grief.
I just want to see them navigate the press and joke around. Please?
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8 Lonestar Girl
May 15, 2022 at 5:07 PM
I really enjoyed this week’s episodes. They are my favorite so far. I agree with @unit that people are clueless when it comes to themselves. I think that’s true irl.
Can I say, Ho-young is adorbs. She reminds me a little of Kim Tae Ri with her pixie face and high energy.
Loved, loved, loved the cameo by Kim Dong-wook❣️
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9 Kafiyah Bello
May 15, 2022 at 6:15 PM
I was sad no Yu naaa. Lol. TS confessing his feelings and then doing his damndest to get her to believe him is Hilarious.
Also why is the lawyer so incredibly petty, lol.
I also don't understand about the ahjumma and the food. I despise wasting food and that is precisely what that woman and TS are doing. It is shameful.
I have to give it to KYD, he really knows his angles. He photographs beautifully. All his photo shoots are fire, I am not even mad.
Finally, a shout out to my cutie Jung Yeol who is always rooting for love and his Hyung. Here for it.
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Lonestar Girl
May 16, 2022 at 6:44 PM
Hey, now. Watch what you say about lawyers! 😆 Said no one . . . !!
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Kafiyah Bello
May 17, 2022 at 3:58 AM
I am lawyer, so yes please, most of us are solid individuals lol.
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Lonestar Girl
May 17, 2022 at 2:38 PM
Same. I too think most of us are solid individuals, but I’ll admit to occasional pettiness.
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10 fannypackage
May 15, 2022 at 6:53 PM
the epilogue scene:
when taesung says the line: just close your eyes if you like me.
I feel like it was a missed opportunity. hanbyeol watching from the other side of the room should have also closed her eyes 😂
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parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
May 15, 2022 at 11:52 PM
I had the same thought!
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11 Deeja
May 15, 2022 at 6:58 PM
I wish I can wait until all episodes are out to binge this show, but I just can't! I love the light vibe and that this drama is about behind the scene of entertainment industry.
The bromance between Tae Sul & Jung Yeol is hilarious! Tae Sul is shown as not the typical cold star to his manager. He didn't kinda 'force' or saying he has the privilege (because he's a top star) when he confessed to Han Byeol.
That's so considerate.
He gave her space & time, at the same time anxious for her reply & lawyer Do. Hahaha.
I don't think this show need the mother or the suspicious housekeeper, but well, who knows it might spice up the story. Just I wish writer-nim keep it sweet and light.
Can't wait for next week!
And hoping for more Han Byeol-Tae Sung interaction together in the present time line.
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12 Mike
May 15, 2022 at 7:21 PM
I almost ruined the series for me when someone over on the 'What we're watching' thread pointed out the the series has no actual plot. It may be true but its still unkind. Watching 'Business Proposal' I felt the intrusive plot was getting in the way of me just spending time with the characters. I'd be happy if nothing happened in this series and we just had one mild happy episode after another.
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May 16, 2022 at 5:10 AM
The plot is not important in this drama because the show is characters driven.
It does not bother me as much as in Descendants of the sun.
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ar_arguably romantic
May 16, 2022 at 7:40 PM
Agreed, there are such things as character driven shows. I think about some great workplace comedies in the US - the office, scrubs, parks and rec, 30 rock, superstore, Brooklyn-99. They're not plot-driven either. You get funny characters and a behind-the-scenes look at a workplace.
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May 17, 2022 at 2:04 AM
Parks and rec and Brooklyn 99 are a lot of fun. If I were not deep in dramaland i would take the others suggestions.
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miss h
May 17, 2022 at 12:08 AM
I always see that criticism about slice-of-life or workplace shows, and it always bothers me. Some shows are character driven and that is okay.
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13 lapislazulii
May 15, 2022 at 8:58 PM
Out of nowhere, I’m suddenly so invested in Jaehyun x Yuna - I was squealing so hard at that kiss. ALSO how freaking adorable, Dahye going into a state of deliriousness post kiss and walking just like GTS did when he went back into the office after his confession. The SLS is indeed gone now that Mr Lawyer doesn’t really have a personality beyond being a love rival but I'm having so much fun watching the rivalry between the two ML's - I'm liking GTS so much more now that he's unashamedly trying to win her heart (him and Jungyeol are the comedic duo I didn't know I needed).
Random but the photo shoot with Taesung and Hajin on the couch took me back to True Beauty heart ache - that was REAL SLS. Highlight of the week has to be the Find Me In Your Memory skit with GTS on the floor reeling in shock from a flashback, I absolutely lost it 😂
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14 panshel
May 15, 2022 at 10:57 PM
Imma need a breakdown of the timeline of their relationship. Ji-hoon scouted Tae-sung in high school, so was he already an actor in university? During the promotional brochure photo shoot, they bickered, but like he told Soo-hyuk, they looked like best friends at their graduation. When did they have a falling-out because Han-byul had a crush on him after the eunuch restroom incident until his dating confirmation? Then they were enemies before he went to Africa.
Tae-sung going back and forth between telling Jung-yeol to call Han-byul was so cute. I love their new bromance.
My theory on suspicious housekeeper is Eun Si-woo is paying her to take care of Tae-sung in exchange for keeping their mother-son relationship a secret, and Han-byul will have to handle the scandal once it's revealed.
Thanks a bunch for the weecap, @Unit!
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Dramas found by chance
May 16, 2022 at 2:58 AM
Me too on the timeline. I'm pretty sure there's more to come out on the history of the relationship, though.
This whole show feels like the writer wants to fix those dramas where there's a time skip without everything being resolved, and then it all comes together in the last ten minutes. Let's move the time skip to the beginning of the drama, and then expand those ten minutes to 15 episodes, including flashbacks to the 'original' drama.
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May 16, 2022 at 11:10 PM
To me, the timeline is confusing because the writer prolonged the did they or didn't they date mystery, so we assumed that they hate each other because they had broken up on bad terms. But then we see them sharing cute moments like her crying tears of joy over his movie selling ten million tickets and celebrating his first Best Actor award.
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May 16, 2022 at 10:49 AM
My understanding of the timeline is:
1. They meet in the cinema
2. He gets scouted
3. They meet at uni
4. They do a group project
5. They do couple modelling
6. They graduate
7. He becomes a star / she becomes a PR rep?
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May 16, 2022 at 11:14 PM
But when did they have a falling-out because I wouldn't call them best friends now? He's in love with her, but she just kind of puts up with him.
So in between 5 & 6, they become best friends.
7. She becomes a PR rep and makes the eunuch typo
8. His archaeologist movie sells 10 million tickets
9. He becomes a star and wins Best Actor
10. She confirms his dating rumor through heartbreak
11. She "sends" him to Africa
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May 17, 2022 at 4:37 AM
10. She confirms his dating rumour
11. She masks heartbreak with anger, concentrates on job?
12. He goes to “Africa”
(I think he fell in love with her at the start but probably didn’t realise it / was too proud to admit it)
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Dramas found by chance
May 17, 2022 at 7:47 PM
Yes, she's a rookie when she makes the eunuch (yuuu-nuuuch?) typo, so 8 and 9 suggest their relationship recovers from that just fine (as it should - it was just a typo). So why is he so horrible to her later (I don't really buy the 'pulling pigtails' interpretation)?
I did think her reaction at 8 was a bit odd: she seemed to go from shouting to crying - maybe tears of joy but it didn't quite look like it.
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May 17, 2022 at 11:11 PM
I wonder if Yoon-woo's death put a strain on their relationship. I know he's dense, but he has to realize that she became distant after his confirmed girlfriend. He went from sleeping on her shoulder six years ago to being yeeted on the couch.
Maybe she was crying out of relief that her mistake didn't cause his movie to flop. Or as Dae-soo would say, "Yuuu-nuch-ah~"
15 OldLawyer
May 15, 2022 at 11:17 PM
I have really enjoyed this show, except what is going on with the ML's housekeeper? It really bugged me.
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16 blue
May 16, 2022 at 12:27 AM
I was not quite invested in the couple or the drama, but the Ost# 3 played at the end of last week episodes endeared them to me. And, I found myself waiting for this batch of episodes and then....Ho Young happened. Cutie. 😭😭😭
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17 Toodlepip
May 16, 2022 at 12:33 AM
I'm having a great time with this show. Lot's of laugh out loud moments. Tae Sung is finally galvanised into action but I'm loving how the pettiness of his previous actions is causing everything to backfire. I'm not surprised that Han Byeol is running a mile.
Also loving the bromance that has developed between TS and his manager, it's so cute, glad that we're seeing TS open up a bit there too.
Not really seeing the need for the housekeeper mystery, is there really a need to introduce this plot at this stage? I would have liked to have seen more development of Lawyer Do, I'd like for there to be some real competition there, plus he's great to look at too.
Speaking of which, I could watch Tae Sungs modelling shots/kiss scenes all day...
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May 16, 2022 at 10:45 AM
I'm also confused why they're adding extra stress with this housekeeper - I can already see so many budding problems with Tae Sung's mother, his fame and how our OTP will manage a relationship. I really don't think we need any more!
Haha - agree the modelling / romantic drama scenes are a real highlight. ;)
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ar_arguably romantic
May 16, 2022 at 7:30 PM
I'm hoping the suspicious housekeeper is some sort of fakeout. Like maybe she's a famous writer and she was offended by him turning down a script she wrote or something so she decided to make him inconvenienced by oversalting his food. Feel like it would be in the tone of his drama where you have people in the industry just get hilariously petty.
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18 Kurama
May 16, 2022 at 12:40 AM
After 8 episodes, the romance and the main couple are the weakest part of the drama. The humor with Tae-Sung trying to confess is funny but as a relationship, TS is more building his relationship with his manager than the one with Han-Byeol...
There are creepy things with the housekeeper and the man at the cementery who was watching them...
Yuna~a and Jae-Hyun's relationship was predictable. I just wonder why he would fall for her... She didn't show anything interesting for now.
Kang Yoo-Sung junior was really cute when he was cleaning the street completely drunk then he exercised in underwear. Poor Lee Seung-Hyub, the weather had to be pretty cold.
Kang Yoo-Sung senior is really fast to catch secrets. Except for Ho-Young, I guess he just sees as a cute hoobae and nothing more. It needs to change!
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19 Scottie
May 16, 2022 at 3:25 AM
The house warming party from hell by the most boring and set in his ways SML, followed by a wonderful cameo scene by Kim Dong-wook and Moon Ga-young.
The drama is actually getting better and funnier, long may it last. Just love how Tae-sung's schemes to get closer to Han-byeol are only met by her thinking that he is trying to play another nasty trick one her again (has he really tied the laces of her shoes together before, to make her trip?).
Another good scene is a very flustered Han-beyol getting into the back of her own car and then putting the seatbelt on with shaking hands.
What a good drama to laugh and relax.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
May 17, 2022 at 8:29 PM
I agree this episode was comedy gold her shock was played so well. I really felt for her questioning herself because looking at his behave through the lens of an emotionally immature boy/man rather than someone out to get her would undermine everything she has believed for years.
The fact no one could lift the dryness of that party was so funny but I really don’t see how she could consider being with someone who has such clear boundaries about work. He would be complaining about her out of hours duties and it’s impact on their love life so would question her commitment to the job over their relationship. He definitely would not fit with her friendship group. It’s a hard no for me.
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20 parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
May 16, 2022 at 4:05 AM
Gong Tae Sung is such an endearing character, I feel like Kim Young Dae really hit the jackpot with this one. His relations with both managers are so adorable too. It's funny how Han Byeol is the office problem-solver but can't manage her own issues with TS. I hope the two have an honest conversation this coming week, but I also don't want their weird and funny antics to stop anytime soon.
Who else wondered what'd happen if Ha Jin were to meet Happy in ep 8? Love all the cameos in this!
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21 Guac
May 16, 2022 at 4:26 AM
Honestly, I ship HB with SH more, he would bring this calmness to her hectic life and would give her a respite once in while. Even though they work together, it wouldn't be on the same scale as dating a celebrity she's managing. Also he is sooooo respectful of her feelings and has always been fun and nice. I know it's probably never going to happen, but damn, I'd like to see a drama where the supposed second lead wins the girl for once. At least here the main lead isn't toxic.
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22 Dramas found by chance
May 16, 2022 at 7:28 AM
I feel the big reveal this week was that Yoo-sung is the second lead, isn't he? Not Soo-hyuk, who's just a distraction. Bad news for Ho-young, I think, because I'm beginning to suspect a degree of villainy, or at least sleaziness, here. Wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that the bad state of the main leads' relationship at the beginning had something to do with him.
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
May 16, 2022 at 8:24 AM
I've been getting weird, too-good-to-be-true vibes from Manager Yoo-sung for a while.
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bbstl 🧹
May 16, 2022 at 2:10 PM
Feels like they’re really trying to get us going by implying something sinister involving the housekeeper, Manager Yoo Sung, Choi Ji Woo and the mystery person at the cemetery *side-eyes writer*
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May 16, 2022 at 10:41 AM
No, surely not! He's the pin that holds the company together TT_TT
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
May 16, 2022 at 12:17 PM
When Tae-sung asks Manager Yoo-sung if he has feelings for Han-Byeol and YS emphatically denies it, it reminded me of Ki-bbeum teasing HB that a too-strong denial of romantic feelings is an admission of them. 🤔
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ar_arguably romantic
May 16, 2022 at 7:35 PM
I didn't get any bad vibes from Yoo-sung at all. He treats everyone platonically and made such an emphatic declaration of not getting romantically involved with coworkers that it was sort of fitting that he'd start to catch feelings for someone, like Ho-young who is now laser-focused on her celeb. Given how she is aspiring to Yoo-sung's level of professionalism, I'm guessing if he does try to pursue her, any and all signals will bounce off her.
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Dramas found by chance
May 17, 2022 at 7:50 PM
We see he is a master at engineering situations to get the outcome he wants. So far, we have only seen him use those powers for good (well, the good of the company), but they are very adaptable powers. He might be well-intentioned from his own point of view, but still crossing a moral line - the ends justify the means etc.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
May 17, 2022 at 8:10 PM
I think you make a compelling case because this is a drama and they keep showing his behind the scenes so there could definitely be an ‘unexpected’ reveal. ‘Nice guy turns bad’ trope is usually connected with losing in a love triangle so it will be interesting to see the backstory if they turn the spotlight on our glue that keeps the company going.
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miss h
May 17, 2022 at 12:20 AM
I don't see any sleaziness or villainy from Yoo-sung at all. Clearly, he's been keeping his interactions with Tae-sung's mom secret, which is going to blow up because Tae-sung really trusts him, but I think he means well. Otherwise, I see him as a nice guy who is good at his job.
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23 Jance
May 16, 2022 at 10:40 AM
100% it's a fake-out. I mean, he shouldn't be standing in such an obvious place waiting for her. Is it a scene from his drama?
I'm loving this show - it's mainly fluff and swooning but that's okay with me! It does feel weird that what's shown in the drama as they film "World of the Stars" is genuinely happening to shoot this drama.... It messes with my mind a bit. :D
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May 16, 2022 at 10:48 AM
In any case, I'm sure there won't be a meeting of Tae-sung and Han-byeol at the beginning of the next episode. That would be too fast, and I want Tae-sung to suffer a little more.
At most, I could imagine that it's a glimpse into the near future and we'll see the same scene again at the end of the next episode. In the preview, Han-byeol is wearing the same jacket as in this scene from episode 8.
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
May 16, 2022 at 11:25 AM
Me, too! Don't we all? 😈 #dramagoals
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24 SooHa
May 16, 2022 at 6:28 PM
This week episodes really give me amount of laugh .. that confession is gold! lol
Everything that 'should be' a romantic result end up as a comedic troup lol
That housekeeper really creepy though .. is she the mother of the raising star that already pass away and wants to ge revenge or something?
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May 17, 2022 at 9:31 AM
That also occurred to me, that she's the mother of the dead friend.
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Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️
May 17, 2022 at 8:14 PM
I wondered if she is linked to a fan/love interest who is bitter that their love was rejected but it would make more sense if she feels he is to blame for her child dying.
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25 blessingwind
May 20, 2022 at 9:10 AM
I love the first opening scene of the ep 7 where Tae Sung and Han Byul were at the grave of their close friend Luca wishing happy birthday. That scene was so natural. Both have come such a long way, yet they never forget their friend and so many memories would have been made over the years. I just love their cute banters alot. I sense the great chemistry between them, but would be so awkward at first to start as couple, but eventually we will witness some very sweet moments between them and I cant wait.
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