Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Currently weecapping: Police University
Human Disqualification: This was everything I was expecting/hoping for. Ryu Joon-yeol pretty much knocked my socks off, but it’s really the filmmaking that’s just glorious here. It’s slow, it’s heavy, it’s really depressing… but there’s something transfixing about it. I love it. I can tell this is going to be a special drama for me, so much that I probably won’t want to talk about it after this.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: So! Looks like Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha will be a case study for the unwritten 4-episode rule: that every drama deserves a 4-episode chance before you hang it out to dry. And I’m glad I stuck around for this one, because once Episode 3 hit, I felt the charm coming over me.
The Great Shaman Ga Doo-shim: I really love this little show, and I wish I had the patience to wait till it finishes airing and so I could just watch the episodes all in one go. It would certainly make it an even better experience that way, since with these short episodes, by the time you get invested, it’s over and you have to wait for next week. Still, I don’t know how many times I can say how great Nam Da-reum and Kim Sae-ron are here. I can’t wait to see their next projects.
Currently recapping: Human Disqualification
Lovers of the Red Sky: This isn’t what I expected, but I’m having fun with it. I like the premise and found the cheesy CGI and hilarious styling of Ma-wang looking like the sixth DBSK member in “Triangle” kind of endearing. I’m not sure if I’ll stick with this one until the end, but I’m in for now.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: I have conflicting feelings about Doo-shik. He can be very thoughtful and kind, but he’s also pushy and disrespectful toward Hye-jin at times. I’m glad he apologized to her for being rude, and hopefully that signals he’ll take her more seriously from now on.
Hospital Playlist 2: Thank goodness we finally got movement on some of the romantic fronts because the whole will-they-won’t-they was getting very old. There’s been a little too much of that this season for my taste. It’d be fine if it were one couple, but three is just tiresome.
Currently recapping: Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Police University: My favorite thing about this show (well, besides the team coming together and the lovely little friendship/romance between Sun-ho and Kang-hee) continues to be that it never forgets that these are still kids who have just started learning. Sun-ho may be a super skilled hacker, but he also makes big mistakes, has no actual field experience, and can’t lie to save his life. And don’t get me wrong, I love him for it! I really felt how in over their heads the students were when they headed out to investigate on their own, and then felt so much relief that we paired adults with each of them. Except some of those adults are acting suspicious again and now I don’t know who to trust.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (September 4, 2021)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 28, 2021)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 21, 2021)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 14, 2021)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 7, 2021)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (July 31, 2021)
Tags: Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Hospital Playlist 2, Human Disqualification, Lovers of the Red Sky, Police University, The Great Shaman Ga Doo-Shim, What We're Watching
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1 💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 6:02 AM
I am. In a bit of a watching drought. :scary cry:
The only airings I am watching are Police University and Lovers of the Red Sky
Police University is… not very well written, or made, and is getting increasingly boring and annoying and is losing its sort of mindless filler “charm”, if you can even call it that, that it had in the first 6 episodes.
Lovers of the Red Sky is ok, and filling my sageuk and fantasy appetite for now, but I wish it were more cracky, and moved faster, because its editing and pacing is either weird or frustrating depending on the scene.
I tried to start Pegasus Market because it has weird supermarket shenanigans and apparently a ghost in it, but tragically, although I find it funny, I don’t find it grabbing, or bingeable, and I haven’t clicked past episode 2. To give credit where credit is due though, the music and the music numbers are great, and I screamed laughed at the Vocaloid Metal Band and subsequent theatre “performance” … but I still haven’t clicked past ep 2. *Cries*
I am NOT watching Cha Cha, because of the PD and writer credits, which is *almost?* a shame because otherwise it is almost something I’d pick up as another filler watch. But I just. Can’t. With that crew helming it. Nothing would make me. Don't try to make me. I’m not even sorry.
I am NOT watching Lost, because it sounds super depressing and I don’t have the headspace for it right now; which is also the case with the Majority! Of! My! Immediate! Watchlist!
All heavy, serious subject matter watches. Sigh.
And I WAS going to wait till Hosplay2 ended to binge it but the more I learn and read about it, the less inclined I am to pick it up at all... A travesty.
I am waiting for a few other dramas to start, but they’re all a week or more away and this drought has been going on for several weeks already, so the wait seems like an eternity~
And what I feel like? What I FEEL like watching is cracky fantasy! Except Red Sky doesn’t air every day, and isn’t nearly cracky enough.
I loved YAMS. Why did it have to end. I guess the drought will thus continue.
*despondently lays head on desk and makes sad faces*
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September 11, 2021 at 6:21 AM
I would say, try Great Shaman, which is a cute little drama, but then I remember how agonising is to wait until the next episode airs…
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:27 PM
Oh yes I'm watching that but I'm waiting for IT to end also because 1x 19 episode a week pulls me too much out of the story!
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
September 11, 2021 at 9:17 AM
Figurative watch-drought. Real water-drought. Wanna trade?
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:37 PM
🤔🤔🤔🤔 maybe? Ironically it's raining here rn...
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 4:07 AM
Thundering and Lightning-ing even. Quite dramatically.
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September 11, 2021 at 4:53 PM
Real Drought is no fun at all.
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September 11, 2021 at 9:41 AM
HP 2, The Travesty is exactly correct, I think. What they’ve done to some of the characters is beyond the pale. I should have known when the talk was all about the neuralizer moment at the beginning of season 2.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:36 PM
😬🙃 when it's finished I'll pick your brains about it.
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September 11, 2021 at 10:25 AM
My recommendation- for fantasy-is to watch a Chinese costume drama fantasy, provided you can hang in there for a lot of episodes, although it sounds like you may actually be in need of a lot of episodes...
As for PEGASUS MARKET remember Missvictix's 4 episode rule. At the same time realize that this is a true comedy. If Aristophanes were reincarnated as a K-drama writer this is what he would have written. It has some moments of outright belly laugh humor- but then in the next moment such pathos as will bring tears to your eyes.
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September 11, 2021 at 2:30 PM
I agree - Pegasus Market is one you need to keep watching as it grows and gets better. I'm watching it a second time and find it just as funny and heartwarming as the first time.
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September 11, 2021 at 3:04 PM
"Satu" indeed- the Bbaya Tribe was an important element in this drama- at one level a parody of these who parody native people (note- the Bbaya are omnicompetent and perhaps the smartest people in the room) but also because they really do help bring us back the the origins of comedy: They are the functional equivalent of a Greek Chorus (and even sing at times). PEGASUS MARKET would not have been anywhere near as good a show without them.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:33 PM
What's the Cdrama recc?
HMMMM this would be a good way of looking at Pegasus Market... I think unfortunately rn when it's not funny I just get bored 😬 but it's analyses such as this that make WANT to keep going. Well I'll try keep going and won't give up just yet then.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:44 PM
(P.S. I actually used to follow the 4 episode rule before Miss Victrix, bless her heart, even worked for DB. Then I took a 2019 to the knee and do not often like to push through something if it's not working for me even the slightest. 😂😂.)
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September 11, 2021 at 5:14 PM
Assuming that you want fantasy- and plenty of episodes- there are a number of good one's to pick from.
I would maybe start with the one that my son thinks has the most complete world since J.R.R Tolkien wrote THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE LEGEND OF FUYAO.
You could also check out ETERNAL LOVE aka TEN MILES OF PEACH BLOSSOMS and the somewhat related LOVE AND DESTINY (great CGI there), also related is THREE LIVES, THREE WORLDS: THE PILLOW BOOK.
Actually there are a lot to choose from, so have fun.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 5:25 PM
I will look into those! Thanks!
September 11, 2021 at 12:56 PM
I’m with you on Police University. I enjoyed the start as just a light mindless watch but the last episode I saw (ep 8) really dragged.
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September 11, 2021 at 5:57 PM
I do hope you give Pegasus Market another try. As some of our fellow Beanies here have indicated, it does get better.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 7:50 PM
I mean I WANT to like it, I really do.
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September 11, 2021 at 11:30 PM
I totally understand. I also understand that sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. It's like when I recently tried to like Police University. I did watch the first episode but, um, let's just say things didn't work out.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 12:31 AM
Hah! Well to be fair I think I'd still rate the two eps of Pegasus Market I *have* seen technically over all of Police Uni pfffft.
September 12, 2021 at 9:50 AM
Pegasus Market is really in a whole different league of it's own. They do some of the usual tropes - but completely upend them in the process.
It may be my all time favorite for just how weirdly funny it is.
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 4:56 PM
I initially had PM on my watchlist because it was compared to my dream convenience store story/drama (that I ended up writing anyway), and I was intrigued. But because of that comparison, perhaps I had expectations about it stylistically, and perhaps that effected how I went into it. I don't know.
Perhaps I should keep going for just how many @magichorse jokes I could make. Pfft.
September 12, 2021 at 3:59 PM
I think I’m stuck at maybe 10 min into the 2nd ep of Pegasus Market. I really enjoyed how wild and quirky and different it was, but I never continued with it for pretty much the same feelings as you. I’m determined to see it through one of these days though.
I had to look up the writer and director of Cha Cha to see why….PFFT I should have known.
Glad to know you loved You Are My Spring as that is what I’m planning to watch next. What have been your other favorite dramas from this year if I may ask?
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 4:47 PM
Oh I'm so glad I am not alone! I hope perhaps we can both keep going with it.
YAMS was not perfect, but it is very dear to me and I feel like defending it a lot.
Unfortunately, dramas I have LOVED have been on... short supply, this year.
So far I would peg YAMS as my favourite, and possibly the only one I would say I truly loved, followed by Sell Your Haunted House, although the ending only got it half right for me, and Special Labour Inspector Jo, although that isn't a 2021 drama.
A mini drama I did enjoy was Here's My Plan, and in terms of trashy-crack I suppose I could mention So I Married an Anti-Fan, but that was more of a -so bad it was cathartic- watch.
And that's... about it... for me. It's honestly been a pretty depressing year. 😭😭😭
I wish I could say something like Racket Boys or Run On but unfortunately they both disappointed me too much for that. RIP.
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September 12, 2021 at 9:36 PM
I’m sorry your drama year has been less than stellar :(. Hopefully that cracky fantasy will materialize soon. I’m excited to watch YAMS. I haven’t read much about it, so I’m going into it fairly blind. So I Married an Anti-Fan is also a priority. I could use some of that trashy-crackness.
I feel like my drama watching experience has been pretty 50/50 this year even though I technically have more dramas that I liked on my list than ones I didn’t.
-More Than Friends was okay but forgettable.
-I liked Run On so much that I didn’t want it to end, so I’ve been procrastinating watching the last two episodes for months.
-Navillera was beautiful.
-The Liar and His Lover was really enjoyable except for the last episode which annoyed me.
-Shopping King Louis was cute and wholesome and I liked it, but I didn’t like it as much as I wanted to like it.
-I actually watched Here’s My Plan after reading a comment you made about it on here a while back, and I meant to come thank you for that because it was a good little watch.
-Youth of May was something that on paper I should have loved but in reality fell kinda flat.
-I just finished Racket Boys today and some minor complaints aside, I enjoyed it a lot. I’d be curious to hear where your disappoint with it lies.
I also watched Nevertheless but we’re going to pretend that I didn’t 😁
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 10:26 PM
Such a dry year, I was just saying to Muggy I think I've dropped more dramas than finished :O_O:
I hope you like YAMS!! It is a bit of a mix of genres which I personally didn't mind, but the central themes are just wonderful, and it's charming, and amusing, and yeah. Maybe I'll say more after you finish haha.
- I LOVED Run On at the start. I rewatched every episode like twice a week. The first 6 episodes I still rate, along with the dialogue. The middle section was fine although it didn't go the direction I wanted it to... and then the end just... left me feeling so unsatisfied compared to the beginning and it's still a bit hard to explain WHY D: D: But I still miss Ki Seon Gyeom dreadfully :(
- TLAHL! Omo! You watched that this year. Amazing. I still remember when TLAHL would guarantee a minimum of 20 up-votes for every comment to do with on here. Rest In Peace to the Liar Craze and the Liar Ninjas. (Don't tell anyone but I never finished it aldkfjhakdfjha haha but not for any particularly good reason pffT)
- SKL. Understandable. I don't think I would say it's anything more than cute and wholesome myself, although it is one of my few rewatches for some reason hehe.
- And oh you you did watch Here's My Plan! Oh you're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!
Racket Boys, oh Racket Boys.
So I'll start off by saying that I love Haekang with my whole heart, and after that all the central 9 kids quite delightfully and equally.
I thought the show was strongest when it was about just middle school badminton, and the friendships (and budding childhood romances) between the central group of kids. Whenever they were on screen interacting with each other, was I most invested.
However, I frequently found everything else boring, or downright annoying.
For example, I never loved the coaches and have issues with their characterisations and execution, and I was apathetic overall to the village life subplots, that ranged from poignant, to annoying, to tedious, predictable, and unnecessary.
But perhaps what contributed to this the most; I found the directing style to be inefficient, confusing at times, and not the most effective way to tell a story, and I found the writing style (especially re. character motivations and development) often inconsistent, leading to it feeling forced or shallow at times, (mostly applicable to the coaches), and again, inefficient at telling the story well. A lot of the conflict heaped upon the kids was too external and felt inorganic, or just downright stupid, and therefore irritating.
I am inclined to think that the Reply team works better together, rather than individually, as I have rather unique issues with Hosplay (despite overall liking S01) related writing and directing style as well.
September 13, 2021 at 12:32 PM
I guess we’ll see how I feel about Run On’s conclusion whenever I finally make myself watch it. I don’t exactly have a good track record with delaying finales. I watched 6 other dramas between watching Healer ep 19 and 20, and as much as I adore that drama I would be lying if I said the last episode didn’t disappoint me.
But yes, the first half was the strongest (when is it not), the dialogue so refreshing and fun, the supporting characters feel like fully realized people, and Seon Gyeom is an utter delight who fascinated my socks off.
I’m trash for dramas set in the music industry so of course I had to watch TLAHL. And it gave me all those twisty music industry feels that I would want out of a drama like this, so I had a good time. This one aired during the early days of the fan wall right? I’m still sad that I missed those days.
I think my love for the core group of kids in Racket Boys allowed me to mostly give the things that didn’t hit the mark a pass, but I did notice them. I agree that the villager side stories were hit and miss. I could definitely have done without the whole hikers-turned-evil-developers plotline. And some of their acting was too over the top for my taste. The coaches’ arcs were also a mixed bag and overall not as well developed as they could have been.
And since its fresh on my mind, there was an excessive amount of expository fairy-ing going on in the last couple episodes between the coaches that got on my nerves. Just let us watch the kids do their thing. And I didn’t get to see Yoonie play badminton which is offensive but whatever.
All in all I came away with positive feelings and it made me laugh more than the average drama, so I can’t complain too much :).
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 14, 2021 at 12:51 AM
Pfahaha! That’s quite amusing actually. The last episode of Healer disappointed me at first too, but I’ve grown to be fine with it over the years, and the 7 rewatches heh (two of which weren’t actually full though which is interesting).
“(when is it not),”- rarely, however 9Tails was strongest in the middle, if you can believe it, so, it can happen, haha! I would like to try rewatching Run On at some point to see what holds up and if my issues can be clarified at all.
TLAHL- Yeahp, it was one of the first dramas to be recapped under the new site, which I think had a lot to do with it’s prolificity, I wasn’t around for the recaps themselves, but the craze lasted well near the end of the year if I recall correctly. It was a lot of fun.
RB- *Nods in understanding*--“Just let us watch the kids do their thing.” Oh yes I couldn’t agree more!!!! I had an idea that they didn’t show Yoonie playing because maybe he COULDN’T play hahaha but I am not sure tbh. (Ooph another thing I found lacking, was emotional attachment to Yoon’s character’s storyline. I felt he wasn’t on screen earlier enough for me to really care about his last minute arc, no matter how much I love Yoon himself pfft)
-- yes a lot of people really loved it and anything that makes one laugh is a good thing- I can’t say I’m exactly in the popular camp regarding it, but what’s new keke.
September 14, 2021 at 7:09 PM
Heh, yeah I really walked myself into that one, hyping it up in my head for months assuming that it was going to be so great that I couldn’t even bear to watch it. And what it gave me wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as epic as whatever I had been fantasizing in my head for 5 months either. It will definitely be interesting to see how I feel about it when I do finally do that rewatch.
How our views and feelings towards a drama might change upon rewatch is an interesting thing to ponder and investigate. I don’t have much experience with this yet as I’ve barely rewatched anything (although I did spend some time this past weekend rewatching chunks of JBL), but I do wonder. Those dramas that didn’t quite click with me the first time around - would they speak to me more on the second? Those that I watched early on - would their flaws be more obvious to me now and hamper my enjoyment? Would those supposedly big disappointments still be just as big? On the initial watch everything is new and I’m just taking it in as it’s being thrown at me which means I may not be able to fully process all the aspects of the story and what it is trying to accomplish as a whole (that is if it’s, you know, reasonably well written and actually has something that it’s trying to accomplish as a whole). Whereas on a rewatch you come into it with more of that bird’s eye perspective of knowing what direction it will take and you can spend more of your time absorbing what it is giving you now instead of chomping at the bit wondering what it will give you next.
...And then you can add all the other variables on top of that like changing tastes or perspectives or moods…but I didn’t come here to write an essay about this so I’ll stop now 😆.
I would like to experience one of those rare cases because I feel like virtually every drama I’ve watched in the past year has had that weaker second half, and being enamored at the start only to become disappointed by varying degrees in the second gets old after a while. But such is the fate of a drama watcher, apparently.
“I had an idea that they didn’t show Yoonie playing because maybe he COULDN’T play hahaha but I am not sure tbh.”
Haha yeah I did have that thought too. I know one thing though - this drama made me badly want to play badminton. It was one of my favorite games to play in the yard with my dad as a kid, but I haven’t played it since. But alas, I don’t know where, or with who, I would play it. Maybe I could be like Hae Kang and just find a wall somewhere haha.
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 16, 2021 at 10:03 PM
SNOWWWY HI SORRY. I wrote a ridiculously long thing on RED SKY yesterday so I had no time or energy left to reply to you once I had finished!
I’m not a particularly prolific rewatcher either to be honest.
Dramas I have successfully completed at least one single full rewatch of are:
Sassy Go Go
Radiant Office
and Shopping King Louis.
Although I skimmed parts of the latter two on rewatch.
Partial rewatches include, Healer and Sassy Go Go again, I Am Not A Robot, Shut Up Flower Boy Band (although I intend to finish that rewatch), The Secret Life of My Secretary and the Cdrama When We Were Young.
Dramas I watched parts of multiple times whilst airing include, Run On, AOY2 and YAMS.
Healer still remains the only thing I’ve rewatched fully more than once.
I find some things you loved the first time round don’t have the same re-watchability, although that doesn’t make them bad per se, it might just mean they’re not rewatchable.
I liked and agree with your essay on the nature of watching and watches- so feel free to write more. I would have more to add usually but I am afraid the brain is not co-operating right now as much as I’d like.
Unfortunately 9Tails ending was also weak, despite a strong middle. Still it’s a bit of a weird drama in that episode 9 and 11 were the strongest. And not because they had the set up of the first 8 to make them better, but just standalone. Lol
The bad ending is the constant bane of many a drama watcher alas.
Well! You could look up to see if there were any badminton clubs near you, couldn’t you?
September 13, 2021 at 8:34 AM
And I TOLD you to watch Homecha with me. Even if BB's character Hong Du-sik isn't the sweetest one around (I completely agree with quirkycase's take on this), I think the show is nailing it in its own way. You can shitpost about many things in the show, e.g., the cheesy CG, the lead couple's dance moves.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 14, 2021 at 12:54 AM
😂😂😂😂 did you? No, you didn't. And I must confess even if you did, I don't remember, as I decided not to watch it before it even began.
Besides, I'm quite serious about the "don't make me" part, dear M; The PD and Writer don't even deserve the privilege of being sh☠️tposted 😂😂
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September 14, 2021 at 1:34 AM
I approve of your “dear M” part.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 14, 2021 at 1:40 AM
I may be an evil queen (sometimes), but I can also be affectionate (sometimes). :P ♥
September 14, 2021 at 1:59 AM
Of course you’re affectionate in your own way, but you also can’t tame me. I’m wanting the White Magic horse my dear Siccie Queenie the Beanie! 🦄
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 14, 2021 at 2:02 AM
If you can't be tamed, why would you try so hard to tame another? Maxi makes her own choices.
September 15, 2021 at 2:09 AM
Yes, I wanted to invite you to watch it because I liked it, but I don't want to do that anymore.
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2 Radily
September 11, 2021 at 6:03 AM
Hospital Playlist 2 (Episode 11) - Mood: B
I’m sorry if the comparison is crude but the sailing of the Iksong ship reminded me of Was It Love when Dae Oh got injured which pushed Ae Jung to confess her feelings: sure, there weren’t stupid plot reasons but would it have hurt for the writer to come up with a better development for arguably the main OTP of the show? On a brighter note, we had plenty of development for the various interns and residents which is always a plus in my book: see we didn’t need Geon to have a lame crush for his arc! And I guess Min Ha’s confession was cute, even if I think a romance wasn’t necessary.
High Class (episode 1-2) - Mood: C
With the reveal that Do Young is having an affair with the chef, it's quite unlikely that she was Ji Yong's mistress: she did lock Yi Chan up but doesn't appear to have wrote the lipstick message. Yeo Wool will think otherwise: so frustrating when the viewers knows more than the main lead in a whodunit! For us, our red herring may be Na Yoon whose helpful nature and momentary reaction to Ji Yong's photo was somewhat suspicious. But given that this was the premiere week, does that mean it's neither of them?
Lovers of the Red Sky (Episode 3-4) - Mood: C-
Gong Myung, your last drama was Be Melodramatic, why are you playing essentially a simp in this show? I really hope there is something more to his character and pray that he won't be a friend-turned-enemy because of jealousy over the girl. On another note, the fact that we haven't seen the adult version of the Crown Prince is a dead giveaway that he'll most likely be assassinated soon. It feels like the painting scammers are going to be another obstacle: I'm disappointed but not surprised?
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (Episode 3-4) - Mood: C-
The first moment in this show where I was paying attention to the plot was when Yi Joon revealed that it's okay for his parents to drop the facade of a happy family in front of him: he's certainly grown up so much faster than usual and it's a nice catalyst for the parents to consider co-parenting going forward. But then the first love appeared and I don't think the writer will explore the potential there. Otherwise, I remain pretty nonplussed by Doo Sik rescuing Hye Jin from multiple scenarios: pervert takes the cake.
Also watching but not really:
- Check Out the Event: A lot of rushed side-arcs while the main triangle ended on a whimper.
- The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim: You had a nice cliffhanger … and the preview totally blows it apart. Sigh.
- Blue Birthday: I did remember to watch this every week at the very least but I don’t really remember much.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 5:23 PM
I am with you plot wise on Red Sky.
At the very least, sacrificing the supporting male lead's development, if not assassinating his entire character, for the girl, has been present in both of the last sageuks I have watched, so whilst I'm praying for some nuance this time round, I am also simultaneously not getting my hopes up too high.
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3 miso
September 11, 2021 at 6:04 AM
Hometown Cha-cha-cha - I like the feeling of settling in that this set of episodes gave us. In the beginning you feel ambivalent about the townspeople and as Hye-jin starts feeling at home, we do too. Our OTP is becoming cuter too as they learn from each other. Best parts - Grandma Gam-ri making a choice for herself + Hye-jin's epic kick and bitch slap + Hye-jin/Mi-sun 💖
Lovers of the Red Sky - Pretty OTP and pretty cinematography but too many flashbacks. How many times did we need to see Ha Ram remembering child Cheon Gi. Like other sageuks, the show feels filled with too many characters. I keep getting confused between the painter friends and all the palace factions.
The Great Shaman Ga Doo-shim - I'm not worried about the cliffhanger but man these short episodes 😖
Taking a break from Hospital Playlist. Will try and finish altogether next week.
Will try out Lost over the weekend.
Completed Song of Youth. It didn't hold up till the end the way I wanted but still pretty great performance from Bai Lu.
Started Forever and Ever - very good adaptation of the novel so far and the OTP are perfect.
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4 knewbie
September 11, 2021 at 6:04 AM
Finished ZOMBIE DETECTIVE. While our hero makes the most of his compromised existence, the show presents three cases of humans - the cult members, the kidnapper and the serial killer - holding on to life in increasingly ruinous ways. In the hands of a more disciplined writer and/or PD, I think this narrative framework and all the characters populating it could have resulted in a truly great drama. What they’ve produced instead is a good-natured but rather fuzzy and superficial piece of entertainment. For instance, characters like the World King guys and the brother-in-law are allowed to extend their shtick to the point where they muddy the story and blunt the satire. The show is still pretty funny and the cast members are obviously a very sporting bunch, but IMO it could have been so much more.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:53 AM
I've also watched five of the six half-hour episodes of WOWOW’s Enjiya. The eponymous group is basically in the same business as Ryu Joon-yeol in Human Disqualification, but so far there has been very little performing that requires specialised skill. Rather, a lot of what they've done is stuff that I’ve seen in tons of J-drama: taking revenge on bitches in sheep’s clothing; rescuing sweet little boys from incompetent mothers and lowlife stepdads, etc. Frankly, the Zombie Detective’s attempts to pass as human go way beyond any of the Enjiya members’ efforts. Well, they and their cop friend do rub a lot of their typical vein-throbbing, pupil-dilating gambatte earnestness in the male protagonist’s face, which is pretty tedious. There should have been more of that moment when their leader suddenly dropped his manic mask and just as suddenly put it back on again. The script wastes Nao, who was so scary in Anata no Ban Desu, but it’s nice to see Isomura Hayato as a convincingly depressed young man who has lost everything.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
September 11, 2021 at 4:55 PM
Really great insights into Zombie Detective.
For me, the introduction of the cult was what killed the show for me and I didn't make it much past episode 4. The first two episodes were so hilarious and so meta and so self-aware and in contrast the cult plotline didn't seem to fit.
You've made a great argument for why it did fit if the show is viewed as a satire but I agree with you that it had clashing tones with each undermining the other.
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5 miss h
September 11, 2021 at 6:05 AM
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: This is exactly what I needed, a sweet, funny healing romance. I love it. The leads are so cute. I really like the sense of community. The mark of a good drama is when you are invested in the supporting cast, and I find Mi-sun, the divorced couple, Gam-ri and the other villagers interesting too. I’m happy to see Lee Sang-yi arrive, but I really don’t want a love triangle.
High Class: Mine x Sky Castle with little kids but even more boring than Mine and not cracktastic like Sky Castle. I like Jo Yeo-jung and am all for female lead casts, but her character was bland and the drama predictable. I’ve had enough of snobby rich people treating those they view as inferior badly.
Human Disqualification: The first two episodes were well done, the acting is very good, Ryu Joon-yeol’s hair is amazing, but I don’t feel a connection to the characters yet. It’s good to see Park In-hwan as the female lead’s father. I hate the MIL.
Hospital Playlist 2: I’m sad that the drama is coming to a close. I think I’m the lone viewer that enjoyed Season 2 more than Season 1. I didn’t support Seok-hyung and Min-ha, but now that it’s happened, I admit he needs someone with her dogged determination. Do Jae-hak and Jun-wan are my OTP.
Police University: The fast forward button has been getting a workout.
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September 11, 2021 at 7:25 AM
Oh I’m glad to find someone who has enjoyed season 2 as well! I admit the first few episodes of this season were not on par with season 1’s but the second half as been just as enjoyable.
Jaehak and Junwan are my favourite duo too! I really hope nothing bad will happen to Jaehak. He deserves only happiness and good news.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:28 AM
Jae-hak and Jun-wan for the win!!
Same same - I was eye rolling at the Min-ha romance (especially after Wintergarden) but it actually works -maybe even better than Wintergarden! I fell in love with their story - and Seok-hyung more and more.
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September 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM
I've thoroughly enjoyed Hospital Playlist S2 and I know plenty of others who do as well. To me it's as good as it's always been or in some instances, even better.
I've always been behind all the love lines especially the ones with the nicknames. Shin-Lee really do a good job of reinforcing the themes with those romances.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:55 PM
HPS2 has a different vibe from S1 and I like it better for that. It’a deliberate slower with most episodes threaded by a theme.
For ensemble piece like this, romance is a part but not all of it. I didn’t watch or like S1 for its romance but its characters, their relations and dynamics and the hospital stories.
S2, after establishing its popularity in S1, should actually be commended for trying something differently. To me, I find it extremely comforting to meet our hospital friends weekly. It’s no longer chasing a story anymore, especially in the world we live in now.
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6 cat-cric-kat
September 11, 2021 at 6:08 AM
England Vs. India - 4th Test 5th day - This test was good. quite good and 5th day bowling from india was high quality. entertaining and engaging. Then there were like 10 articles on the beauty of Test Cricket. The romance of Test Cricket shines best in these words of various writers. Cricket is the only sport whose articles i like to read. rest of the sports i just check the score and stats and move ahead.
5th test - oh my - such nonsense - such headache - Don't put it on pandemic - What players were upto - what boards were upto - Such crucial test and so much of garbage being aired and no sport in sight. Reports and more in news to rile the spectators. And there is no answer to that question anywhere? Test is cancelled. woah. Too many people showed their incompetency and buffoonery in such a short time. Ofcourse, layers played part in it too.
And as i have said before too - I don't like IPL at all.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:20 AM
JAPAN - not watching any tv show and have 5 movies in watchlist
This season has like 2 dramas that are getting some views and as expected Surprise Cinderella is popular. I just don't get how come these shoujo garbage always get much of audience.
Now time to talk about the show that can beat almost all airing Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese shows.
Enjiya - 6 episodes - 25min per episode - tv drama from wowow. Its from that broadcaster so you can expect something different - and it surely is different - you can involve social media prank or scripted action all as main theme of the show. It works - beta male works - story works - The timing of episodes and number of episodes work too well.
This is the drama with lot of -ve factor but comedy genre is attached to it. I'm quite sure that after all things have happened at the 6th episode we gonna see the +ve factor that will give audience a lot to clap for.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:09 AM
I'm putting Enjiya on my watch list. I'd read the description when it came out this summer but was soon distracted by other things. Sounds intriguing!
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September 11, 2021 at 9:08 AM
Concept and theme is really interesting and real but then most of fiction falters in execution and here execution so far is well above average. I did want a few things done bit more rationally but well no to be greedy with a 6 episodes short drama.
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September 11, 2021 at 11:15 PM
I can recommend Enjiya as well!
There are softsubs available at DA and another subber just posted hardsubs for all episodes on their WordPress (not sure if I'm allowed to post links here...)
Please enjoy this great show!
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September 11, 2021 at 6:32 AM
KOREA + CHINA + India(youtube)
Time to time i jump youtube demographics to see what's trending in this n that region.
JTBC show - I had some expectations and yup it isn't a disappointing watch. As the name goes audience gets confused where and what of story and characters. Story gives you that real life feel and you start to think why this show not match with typical korean writing and then you google and learn that its source is Japanese. heh. I don't like to watch dramas with mistresses and affairs so i've already moved on from it - but 1st week was good and good enough to beat almost all kdramas aired in 2021.
Reactionary sisters - My fellow guest viewer, i agree with your view that this lousy written story does provide you a chance to look at society and its structure. Its vulgar and blatant in your face - which irks most audience and even i nitpick over it but nonetheless so true to the bone.
Nosy town - 4/10 the show is dud and show at times looks too fake with all the city dwellers adjusting in countryside trope being played. Hero has build personality of being bossy and does impose himself on others, especially heroine is simpler target. Hero does need to correct it and as it took long for him to become forcefull part of town and its residents the same way it will take long for him to become less less nosy and busybody. Heroine has anything to give this story? side characters have?
RICH - another show of rich, more makeup, more stairs and all the plotting around. How boring.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:44 AM
CHINA + India(youtube)
The Bond - 7/10 - Yes this is the Chinese show to go for. ofcourse it has those typical Chiense romance nonsense but overall as a package this show is good.
3-4 other romance dramas garbage - that make you puke.
Pandora - 6/10 - 12 episodes fun - lacks lot of logic but sstill good timepass. There is nothing special or new in the story - If you are into reading comics, manga or teenage novels then you must have seen this kind of story more than 1 dozen times. The writer does looks confused where to go with the story but still its good attempt from the writer - The story is set in Japan so you can feel where the writer got the idea. Its music is good. The villain is your cliche one and actually look more of a human as he's a hypocrite.
India 2 shows - mostly songs from youtube algorithm and short videos from official broadcasters of those shows - a woman who's in 30's - talk is marriage - typical Asian attitude - Garbage show - 90% skip scenes and talk - you expect hero-heroine scenes to be romantic - and indian generic romance far tops korean one but here the show is barely started so not such action and even if hero-heroine have scenes together, everything is so badly done that nothing leaves impact on you. I think 2-3 hero-heroine scenes could have become lot better but nopes no effort from creators. The other show reeks of Right wing propaganda and cringe ticktok level romance.
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September 11, 2021 at 9:26 AM
heh dog
for those who know cricket + regularly or sometimes do watch it
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September 11, 2021 at 12:58 PM
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7 sorrynotsorry
September 11, 2021 at 6:12 AM
Hometown Cha Cha Cha: This is just an easy watch and my expectations are at that level.
Lovers of the Red Sky: I'm the only person who doesn't seem to mind the CGI. I just don't care if it is cheesy or not. It has a bit of an old historical feel to it while trying to move it along imo. For me a good blend of romance, comedy, serious with minimal "Churnaaaaah" going on.
PBS: Atlantic Crossing: Not what I expected at all but entertaining.
Hulu: The new whodunit with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez. Not what I expected but entertaining.
I have Great Shaman on my list but I am waiting til it is done. Also looking forward to two forthcoming historicals. I really should go back to Bossam where I stalled around the halfway point.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:27 AM
I’m with you about the GGI in Red Sky. I really don’t care. So far, I’m enjoying every minute!
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September 11, 2021 at 2:22 PM
I agree with you both about the CGI and appreciate really good CGI but it is not critical.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:41 PM
I also don't mind the CGI. Some parts of it are descent, some are offensively awful- it just makes it more campy which I kinda dig.
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September 11, 2021 at 7:08 AM
I agree with you on Lovers of the Red Sky! I usually don’t like ridiculous fantasy stuff but I’m too obsessed with Haram’s red eyes to care. Ahn hyo seop is acing this character better than his other previous lead roles in my opinion. Also Kim yoojung in sageuk is always a win. Am loving the romance and their chemistry so far!
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September 11, 2021 at 12:02 PM
I dropped Abyss so I haven't seen him in a while. He looks like solid leading man material here so far.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:27 AM
Putting Atlantic Crossing on my watch list. There's so much to watch in PBS Passport but I tend to go for the murdery stuff. I mean, c'mon—Kyle MacLachlan as FDR?! Of course I'm watching.
Will start Hometown Cha Cha Cha and Lovers of the Red Sky this week too. I generally follow @missvictrix's 4-episode rule before dropping a show. But I also like to save four episodes before even starting a show. (A lot of c-dramas will drop 8 or so episodes at once to give you that crack-y taste.)
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September 11, 2021 at 12:07 PM
With regard to Atlantic Crossing, it is one of those "inspired by" things so I take with a grain of salt but it kept me interested. Not "murdery" as I'm sure you know. It's more the story of a marriage separation and a princess coming into her own.
I am off the C-dramas these days. Went for a shortish contemporary (at 16 episodes) and it still was contrived and silly though the leads had nice chemistry and the direction was better than usual. It's another writing fail. I'm just over it and since the powers that be in China are purging their own entertainment industry, I wonder if the flow of shows will slow down.
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September 11, 2021 at 10:27 PM
What is CGI?
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 12:36 AM
Computer Generated Imagery. In this case it refers to creating the show's VFX (visual effects) with computer graphics.
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September 13, 2021 at 6:38 AM
You are not the only one my friend. I have seen a lotta dramas with awesome CGI and vice versa. But lovers in the red sky frankly has a good fantasy type CGi which I’m loving so I’m kind surprised about how many people are commenting abt how they don’t fancy the CGI
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8 Kafiyah Bello
September 11, 2021 at 6:13 AM
Police University: So Dong Man continues to act like a teenager who can't control his emotions, Sigh. Everyone else is so fun though, now they think they caught the ringleader, what is next. We have 6 episodes left and it should be fun who all is involved in the conspiracy.
Lovers of the Red Sky: The fantasy element doesn't make sense. They are just adding and subtracting things without rules. However I enjoy the rest of the drama enough that I can ignore that part. The leads are really cute, also Gong Myung is so precious lol.
High Class: I really liked this drama, but that doesn't surprise me Cho Yeo Jeong always picks interesting projects. I love the mother-son relationship, it is really sweet.
Hospital Playlist: Well they used all the tropes to get Song Hwa and Ik Joon together didn't they, lol. 😅😅. Ik Joon and Ul Joo's relationship continues to be my favorite, how precious are they together. Their reunion was so cute. As for Min Ha and Soek Hyung their relationship doesn't bother me that much despite the difference in power.
Lost/Human Disqualification: Aww I loved it, the interpersonal relationships were awesome. Her evil mother in law can go away, but I enjoy our leads for now.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha: DS seems to be growing up and that is what we need in a male lead. However based on the previews I may have spoken too soon lol. HJ continues to be my favorite.
The Veil seems to be coming next week. Viki has it coming on the 17th.😔😔, I was looking forward to it.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:45 AM
I totally agree with you about the fantasy element in Red Sky. I really don’t understand what is happening or why. I mean… why does Ma Wang seem to be set free when Ha Ram and ChunKi are together? Is it because the soul meet the eyes? Shouldn’t Sham Sim haven known that? After all she was the one who decided the two of them would walk together… but when they are together her worst enemy is set free? Does it make sense?
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September 11, 2021 at 2:29 PM
I too wait for the explanation.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 11, 2021 at 4:48 PM
Yeah the world building is ... 😅😂
I'm just waiting to see to what extent it will annoy me down the track. Enough to spit fyre and drop? Or not enough that I can watch and maybe even enjoy it for what it is anyway?
We'll see.
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Kafiyah Bello
September 11, 2021 at 8:33 PM
That is why it is strange, why does the butterfly on his back appear and disappear, why did Sam Shin need to hide from him? It is all nonsense, so I decided to accept it as nonsense and not question it, that way I can enjoy the rest of the drama, lol.
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9 Eazal
September 11, 2021 at 6:15 AM
I finally found the courage to watch the last two episodes of Monthly Magazine Home and yes, it was a total waste of time. Everything that was nice and sweet about in the first part was boring in the second. I mainly watched x2 and by FF, which says very little about everything. Another big waste of a bunch of super talented actors that ended with the worst trope in dramaland “3 years later”. Booooooo. My advice: don’t watch. If you are thinking about finishing it: don’t do it.
D.P. Finished. Loved it. It’s hard. The bullying scenes are hard. The message delivered is hard. We must not stay silent as a society to this problem. It’s not normal. Let’s not normalise violence, please.
The great shaman Ga Doo Shim. I love the sweet chemistry between DoShim and WooSoo is perfect, and that scen with them holding hands and being supportive to each other is what this drama is about. Keep recommending: don’t watch until it’s over and then binge. Learn from this beanie agony.
Lovers of the Red Sky. I loved it!!! I watched with no much expectations and mainly because it had been on the Viki “coming soon” list forever. I loved, loved, loved it. I hope it keeps this way.
Hospital Playlist. Even if S2 is not giving me what S1 gave me, these last episodes are being better. I really loved episode 11, and what I loved above all was SeokHyung’s smile. It made my day!!!
Hometown Chachahcha. This is my happy pill. I wanted a romcom and I have a romcom. I’m loving every minute of it. And, please, rise your hands if you are also find yourself singing “Romantic Sunday” for no reason. Such a catchy song.
ILost / Human Disqualification. I was fine until the Naeun realisation. Thanks to all the supportive beanies and their comments who know about my trauma. I will keep reading your comments and I hope her part is a minor one so I can resume.
So to compensate from this big disappointment, I decided to watch Confession because it seems I don’t have enough Junho in my life (ha!). Don’t ask me why I hadn’t done it before, I’m only on episode 1. I also recorded to rewatch Be Melodramatic: only one episode and I cried and laughed and loved every minute of it.
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kippeum (ft. liberation and bath robots)
September 11, 2021 at 7:02 AM
I dropped Homcha but I sing Lalalala at the most random moments xD
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September 13, 2021 at 8:37 AM
Oh My God What Have You Done ?
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September 13, 2021 at 9:23 AM
M, please remember we love Joy!
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September 13, 2021 at 10:52 AM
We love Joy. We love Joy.
*chants to self*
kippeum (ft. liberation and bath robots)
September 13, 2021 at 6:44 PM
Teehee. Love you M, and your love for KSH! *shoots fingerhearts*
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September 14, 2021 at 1:07 AM
September 11, 2021 at 7:47 AM
Yeah, I was disapointed to see Son Na-Eun in Lost too...
D.P. was the best! So depressive but great in the same time.
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September 11, 2021 at 12:11 PM
I was really enjoying Monthly Magazine. Went out of town for a few weeks, came home and read some reviews and baaaaacked away. I was really liking the whole vibe and what home really means was moving to me as someone who spent youth and a chunk of adult life moving more than the norm. Also, with real estate so expensive in Seoul, there was just a lot they could have done with that. And the actors were funny....that dance scene the ML did at the gym. Hilarious. I just don't know why writers do this stuff....which reminds me to go look up the writer because he or she is on my no go list now.
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September 11, 2021 at 1:00 PM
Same, I was really enjoying it and then …not going to finish. It makes me sad.
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September 11, 2021 at 1:49 PM
I feel you so much! It was so promising and then it went down for no reason. I love both JSM and KJS and they were so cute… but it just went totally downhill.
You two are wise beanies. It’s not worth finishing it.
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September 12, 2021 at 4:28 AM
how did the show go down the hill specifically? i plan to watch it, but now that i've seen your comment, i'll prolly not. just curious abt the details
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September 12, 2021 at 6:08 AM
The plot became silly, there was noble idiocy everywhere, what was cute and soft about the characters became boring, side characters too cliché and, to sum it up, there was no plot, no story to tell. The most interesting thing that was the discussion about the struggle to buy / have a house you can call home, disappeared and was not around anymore.
But that’s only my opinion. The first half of the drama is really cute, but the second part is just filling minutes with no sense, IMO.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:05 PM
Confession! I recall several of the Beanies enjoyed this (and Junho, of course!) while it was airing. I do hope you enjoy it as well!
I totally understand regarding the Lost situation. Let's cross our fingers that, one, the actress somehow surprises us (I'm trying to be optimistic here! Heh!) or two, that her scenes are kept to a minimum.
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September 11, 2021 at 11:12 PM
I will read your comments, so please make a mention if she really is harmless.
You all know how traumatised I am by her.
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September 12, 2021 at 4:36 AM
😂😂 Does she always pick bad roles or are bad roles given to her or is she just a bad actor in general? I din't notice her until you mentioned it in bean wall because thankfully, I watched her only in "Cinderella and four knights" and that was terrible.
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September 12, 2021 at 5:56 AM
I’m afraid she is as terrible actress as she is a gorgeous woman.
Maybe this is the drama that proves me wrong.
Although I seriously doubt it.
September 11, 2021 at 6:56 PM
I can recommend CONFESSION (2019) as a fine crime/mystery drama. Junho gave a nice performance as a lawyer wrapped uptight. In WOK he played a chef wrapped uptight and in his upcoming RED CUFF SLEEVE he will be playing Yi San, the son of Prince Sado, and if any historical figure ever had a right to be wrapped uptight it might be him.
Anyway in CONFESSION it was so nice to see Yoo Jae-myung play a good guy. I had watched ITAEWON CLASS (2020) before CONFESSION and in it YJM was anything but a good guy.
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Kafiyah Bello
September 11, 2021 at 8:38 PM
TWIN!!! Agree to all, 😅😅😅. I too need to rewatch Be Melodramatic. Fantastic drama. I don't think I have seen Confession. Tell us if you like it.
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September 13, 2021 at 8:39 AM
It IS a very catchy song! And yes I even *danced* a little bit when I heard this song played during the show.
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September 14, 2021 at 8:47 PM
You brave soul—-I still have 2 eps of Mmh. Not even for bean will I finish it—and I love those actors.
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September 14, 2021 at 10:08 PM
I was indeed brave. It was worthless.
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10 Dorotka
September 11, 2021 at 6:16 AM
I'm still lounging at the beach with Hometown. It's my feel-good drama keeping me going in the hectic September. Shin Mina and Kim Sunho have such an effortless and easy going chemistry 💕... and I like Dooshik's house. 🙂
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September 11, 2021 at 6:49 AM
I'm just down the beach from you in that lounge chair! Yaaaay, it's Saturday and we can look forward to some sun and sparkly water, well written dialogue and a cast of superb actors.
Have to say something about the attempts at surfing, though. Along the Gulf of Mexico's eastern coast, surfers are called "ripple riders" since the waves rarely get above one's knees. Looks similar to what the ML is floating on, but I am NOT complaining.
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September 11, 2021 at 7:11 AM
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September 11, 2021 at 8:31 AM
Yeah this was bothering me too - mate, if you’re going to surf, check the waves first!
There were some waves intercut but it looked super strange…
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September 11, 2021 at 1:06 PM
The surfing in Hometown CCC cracks me up. I grew up in a small surf town and it would be a *very* bad day for it to be that flat.
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September 11, 2021 at 6:51 PM
Speaking of a small surfing town, we are heading out to El Granada @ Mavericks near Half Moon Bay, CA, USA in two weeks. We are visiting our son and maybe his best gal? This is not the season for the Maverick's monsta waves.
Having grown up near oceans & waves, you know how much I am amped for this trip.
Even being near little ripples soothes my soul.
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September 11, 2021 at 7:11 PM
Just a taste:
September 13, 2021 at 8:40 AM
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September 11, 2021 at 9:02 PM
I honestly think the writer is not a surfer or know surfing at all - but it’s a fan candy device.
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September 11, 2021 at 9:38 PM
There is quite a lot of fan candy so you are likely right.
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11 kippeum (ft. liberation and bath robots)
September 11, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Hosplay 2: Tbh it was difficult for me to sit through the aneurysm patient scenes (it reminds me of my best friend, whose death anniv is coming up). So on my rewatch I ff’d them.
Ep 11 had a lot of weird cuts but overall I enjoyed it. I swooned over Seokhyung raising the armrest (and him being all light and joyful!) and their run-in with Rosa and Chairman was hilarious. We all saw the Iksong thing coming but that slow zoom was just brilliantly done. Uju crying broke my heart. And I can’t believe I waited two weeks to see Jeongwon try and fail to lend his dr gown sksksksksfd
Lost aka Human Disqualification: I need episode three!!!!
I’m looking for another drama to start as well just to balance the Lost heaviness. I watched two eps of BTLIOF a few days ago so unless someone recommends something or I find one, maybe I’ll do a rewatch.
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September 11, 2021 at 7:16 AM
Uju crying broke my heart too 😭
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12 welh
September 11, 2021 at 7:29 AM
HIGH CLASS (Ep 1 & 2): Jo Yeo Jeong really does know how to pick interesting shows. The premise is fairly simple but the previews were slightly incorrect. The promos claim that JYJ character, Yeol Woo, was framed or killed her rich husband and she lost everything. But Episode 1 negated that statement. Her husband swindled investors out of tens of millions of dollars; then disappeared when he jumped off a boat (in an apparent suicide). She may have been charged, but she was a very good corporate lawyer so it appears she was not tried or convicted of any crime. However, the family’s assets were seized dropping her from the super rich class to being a single mother. We were immediately placed in a family mystery story.
Episode 2 puts the story into overdrive with the introduction of the “frenemy,” Hwang Na Yoon, another single mother, but who also has a secret grudge against Yeol Woo. But I like how the writer has used the “don’t jump to quick conclusion” card in ways that creates some doubt and suspicion on the apparent facts. I have started a mental list of many possible plot twists and misdirections.
Overall, High Class has not disappointed in its story, themes and its grand scale of the elite upper class lifestyle. The young actors playing the school children may become the stars of the show.
DOGS ARE INCREDIBLE: With pet ownership skyrocketing in Korea, this show teaches many valuable lessons about dealing with pets and their issues. The biggest take away about dog training I already knew: you have to first train the pet owner.
THE SIXTH SENSE: The production added two additional episodes. The choices are getting harder to determine the fake business. The chemistry between the main cast continues to be stellar.
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13 Kurama
September 11, 2021 at 7:43 AM
Police University The investigation doesn't make sense, but the students are cute.
Lovers of the Red Sky I really liked the fantasy part with the CGI, I found that for a Kdrama, they're pretty good.
Hospital Playlist 2 Now, we got 3 couples, can we go back to patient stories and friendship ?
Human Disqualification The beginning was pretty confuse. I can handle depressive characters but I need to understand why...
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha This rom-com is perfect! Great actors, lovely characters, beautiful places!
The Great Shaman It's tiring to have stupid characters like the friend... they made everything to save him, explained to him the situation but he absoutely needed to go back to school while he never studied before...
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September 11, 2021 at 8:28 AM
I felt the same about Lost until the “Naeun incident” and then I will just have to wait until all of you tell me she’s harmless. Even if it was good and I liked both episode (incident apart) ep. 1 was very confusing with so many characters that seem to be importan to the plot and yet not knowing why they are here. The episode felt a bit suffocating but I guess that’s what it aimed for.
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14 Ikiu
September 11, 2021 at 7:51 AM
I have finally seen "On The Verge Of Insanity" and although I liked it I have not found it as enjoyable as the rest for the character of Lee Sang-Yeob and it turns out that I had an identical boss, without the fun part. A narcissist who stole the ideas of the workers and made them pass as his own, subservient to bosses and tyrant to employees, in short, a gem. So the series has been a trip to the distant past that I would rather have saved myself but otherwise a good drama.
I still had time this week to start watching the Cdrama "The Coolest World", I was interested in seeing it, not because of the drama itself but to see if they dealt with the issue of journalism under a dictatorship but I ended up drop it.
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September 11, 2021 at 12:13 PM
I loved On The Verge of Insanity, but I just had a toxic co-worker. That's miserable enough but, yeah, if it is the boss I could see why it would not quite the same ride.
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15 Mike
September 11, 2021 at 7:54 AM
I'm fast forwarding through Hometown Cha Cha Chal a LOT. I keep waiting for the 'humorous' moments. I hear musical cues telling me this should be funny but it just isn't.
I finished the tiny little drama 'Check Out The Event'. The story is so slight that its hardly even there, but I loved the dialogue writing. It the opposite of the usual drama that has too much plot and is badly written.
I've got to disagree with the comment above that the CGI in 'Lovers Of The Red Sky'is 'cheesy'. Cheesy compared to what, 500 million dollar Marvel movies?
I'm stuck between episodes in 'D.P.' I want to keep watching but I've got to prepare myself to watch the next episode.
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16 am1993
September 11, 2021 at 8:02 AM
Hospital Playlist 2
I love slow-burn romances so I have no complaints about Iksong couple’s progress. I didn’t expect a kiss too. My jaw dropped when it happen.
Aside from the romance, that delivery scene was also intense. What a fearful sight.
I’ll be sad to see this one end next Thursday. Still no news about a third season?
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim
The show is fun and a great critique of the hyper competitive school system.
I hope to see Nam Dareum and Kim Saeron paired up again in the future. They have great on screen chemistry... actually I’m just happy to see Kim Saeron finally cast with someone her age.
Soredemo ikite Yuku
I re-watched this japanese drama this week. What a beautiful story about grief, guilt, anger and healing. I believe the translation for the title is « Life Goes On ». Eita and Hikari are wonderful as the leads.
The fact that the leads come together to heal from a shared trauma reminds me of Just Between Lovers. However, in this one, the main characters are on opposing/conflicting sides. The unlikely friendship they form with each other is truly the heart of drama.
I finished it this morning. The end is depressing and provoking. Bullying and sexual harassment are unfortunately issues that plage military organizations everywhere. We had a scandal broke out about abuse of power and sexual assault in our military just last year. The military culture needs to change. It is toxic and inexcusable. I’m glad this drama was made to shed more light on the issue.
Racket Boys
I started it this morning to balance out the depressing tone of D.P. I have only watched 30mins of Ep1 but I think I’ll love this drama.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:39 AM
Thank you for recommending Soredemo, Ikite Yuku. I love Eita but there's too much to choose from from his oeuvre!
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September 11, 2021 at 1:54 PM
D.P. and Racket Boys, two dramas that couldn't be more different but both were highlights for me this year!
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kippeum (ft. liberation and bath robots)
September 11, 2021 at 7:30 PM
No S3 news. But the cast is filming/had finished filming a variety show with Na PD, so yay~
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17 wonhwa
September 11, 2021 at 8:03 AM
On the Verge of Insanity: Four episodes in, and it's quite good so far, but as someone who works at an institution that is always looking to cut staff it's not necessarily a relaxing watch. Also, am I the only one who still thinks "SERIAL KILLER" when I see Lee Sang Yeob?
Word of Honor: Okay, but suffered from an overabundance of secondary characters and shaky plot structure. Also, while it portrayed its world as uniformly dysfunctional and awful, I wish it had actually examined the values underpinning that world more critically. Cause somehow, I don't think "more martial arts training" was likely to fix anything.
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18 wandering spot
September 11, 2021 at 8:13 AM
Hometown cha cha cha (3-4): Totally loving it. KSH was the reason I started it, but I am loving Minah too here. We cant ask for a more perfect cast here. I loved how both leads are shown flawed here and i am totally loving the way their bond is being developed. The SML has already entered and cant wait for a jealous and petty KSH. Besides the leads, I also liked the way the side stories are developing. The whole set up is so adorable.
And the final scene of ep 4 😍😍😍. The silence and vulnerability was so beautifully portrayed. It a proof that sometimes a drama doesn't necessarily need a kissing or hugging scene to make your heart flutter !!!!
HP 2 (11): And just like that all the ships sailed and the fangirl in me totally lose my sanity. I loved how the drama slow burned us with the two ships all through this season and finally threw two heart warming confessions in a single episode. I cant stop smiling.
I was worried about our bear leaving for US but I guess he took inspiration from our winter couple to make a scenario that Dr chu is the reason for him to stay back 😄
Penthouse 3 (13-14): And the show ends !!!!
It's been one kind of a journey. Am I satisfied ? No I am not. But we take what we get. I had ranted enough on my fan wall so I wont say much here. Penthouse has definitely set bar for makjang high and while I wont rewatch it, I guess I will be struck with the withdrawal symptoms from next friday. The almost one year journey was a long run. The drama made me a fan KSY and Han Ji hyun. They acted their characters so well and I am sure I will be checking out all their future dramas. I will remember this drama for making me feel almost all kind of emotions (from anger, ridiculousness and mostly extreme frustration) and raising my BP for almost all episodes. 😃😃
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19 velagirl
September 11, 2021 at 8:13 AM
Hospital Playlist The only thing I care about is IkSong and I loved how it played out this week. Lovely work by both of them. I don't believe Min-Ha and Seok-hyung for a minute. Lots of fast forwarding for me. Good song performance this week, too.
Lovers of the Red Sky I am enjoying this one, even the crazy CGI. Love the idea of trapping an evil spirit in a painting. The FL lead is a little grating and annoying. Love our ML though. I'll keep after it, I think.
Police University It's OK. I was hoping for more, I think.
Human Disqualification Highlight of the week. It's fantastic.
Special Labor Inspector, Mr. Jo Gosh, I love this show. It's a blast. Speeding through it as fast as I can, hoping our rag tag team can take down the ultimate bad guy. Reminds me of The Fiery Priest somehow.
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September 11, 2021 at 8:34 AM
I never believed Wintergarden for a minute… orz
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September 11, 2021 at 1:50 PM
I'm not a Hosplay fan (kinda feel like I'm committing treason by saying this...) but from what I saw of season 1, I never saw any chemistry there.
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September 12, 2021 at 4:00 AM
I think the problem was that they didn’t show his feelings until the last episode. The whole series has him faking apathy toward her. Then they kissed out of nowhere…
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September 12, 2021 at 6:54 AM
I haven't perceived it as Ik-jun faking apathy this season. It felt more like respect for her feelings and fear. He kept being her friend, waiting and hoping. And he also showed his love in so many ways.
September 12, 2021 at 9:18 AM
Sorry I meant season 1 with Jung-won… orz
September 12, 2021 at 12:17 AM
Special Labour Inspector Jo is absolutely exhilarating. It's also an extraordinary high-wire act that manages to balance between uproarious comedy and utter despair.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
September 12, 2021 at 12:41 AM
Oh I missed that @velagirl1147 watched Inspector Jo!
What a fun show. Much to love about it. The titular Jo is the definition of Tenacious.
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September 12, 2021 at 6:49 AM
That is it exactly - an extraordinary high wire act. Well put.
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20 Scottie
September 11, 2021 at 8:22 AM
I am really looking forward to this week's episodes of LOST. The cast is great, not surprised that the ML is a successful escort! I can understand the anger and frustration of the FL much better now and am surprised that she is raging even more. Not the kind of husband you need in bad times.
POLICE UNIVERSITY still fun to watch even if there are fewer laughs, which is ok, it will become more serious the closer they get to the real, big villain.
Both CHA CHA CHA and LOVERS OF THE RED SKY are entertaining and easy to watch. Both are full of all sorts of common tropes, the more boring ones in RED SKY, which I find a bit slow as well. I like the actors and will not drop it for now. I quite like the CGI.
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21 lillamy
September 11, 2021 at 8:46 AM
I finished YOU ARE MY GLORY this week and liked it a lot. The OTP was super sweet together and really complemented each other's strengths. I cringed a lot during the really patriotic parts though and would have enjoyed more scenes of everyday life between our OTP.
I'm still trying to watch VINCENZO but between the highly violent content and children going to bed a bit late, I seldom get the chance to watch an episode. Agent Ahn still rules and Song Joon-ki really shines when dark, that sums it up pretty well.
However, this hasn't bothered me in the last couple of days because nestled in my watch-list has been THE DAY OF BECOMING YOU, a C-drama well on it's way to becoming my favorite of the year. 20 episodes in, and I haven't felt the need to fast-forward even once. It's the body-switch trope done very well including all the cringe, the humiliation and the comedy needed to make it a credible story. I highly recommend it. The only sadness is the male second lead whom I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about since my judgement of the actor is too favorable since Le coup the Foudre.
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September 11, 2021 at 1:47 PM
Agent Ahn was possibly the best part of Vincenzo <3
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September 11, 2021 at 9:26 PM
Also loved the second male lead from le coupe de foudre... love him! He is a pretty decent second male lead... and pretty helpful, you'll see.
Now, this drama.... 😍😍😍😍😍
I also watched it in several days without FF nothing, which is a miracle taking into account it is a Chinese drama, where honestly I usually don't care about second couples or other secondary boring or annoying characters....
By the way, also in Le Coup de Foudre i remember I didn't FF anything because it was this good.
Anyway, keep enjoying The Day of Becoming You. It is really good. Really really good. 😛😍☺😊
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