Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…


Run On: It’s a little light on plot, but I’m having so much fun watching Shin Se-kyung and Im Shi-wan that I don’t really mind. They are such interesting and charming weirdos that I could watch them talk and flirt all day.

True Beauty: I continue to be charmed by Moon Ga-young as Joo-bal and entertained by all of the high school foibles of the show’s world. I enjoyed this week’s episodes even more than last weeks and it feels like they’re getting into a nice groove and showing us glimpses of what makes our protagonists tick.

Sweet Home: How creepy and gross can a drama get? Creepy and gross enough that I want to turn away from the screen. Despite my low tolerance for horror, the show is so compelling and intense that I can’t stop watching no matter how scary things get.



The Uncanny Counter: It took six episodes, but I think I’m invested. I’m enjoying the ridiculous humor that balances out the darkness, and the Counters’ showcasing superpowers are always fun to watch. The reveal of the killer/demon in the memory made me gasp, but I shouldn’t have been surprised that OCN would reveal their face (and remind us of their brand) sooner or later.

Run On: The first episode was confusing and kind of chaotic. The second episode did a bit better with introducing our leads, but maybe it was only better because the first episode was bad?



Currently weecapping: Mr. Queen, True Beauty

Run On: I definitely wasn’t sure what to make of this one before it premiered… and I kind of still feel that way after the first episode? Except in a good way. The characters are odd and interesting, the story feels nicely atypical so far, and there’s absolutely no way I cannot love a heroine who’s a professional translator with a feisty attitude and a fake gun fetish. Everything about this is just weird and random enough to suit me. *Update* Episode 2 really brought things together a lot more — now it feels like a solid premiere week. We’ve got enough of our leads to understand them a bit, to get interested in their story, and I have to admit I am already behind them as a couple. They’ve got something!



Currently Recapping: Cheat on Me, If You Can

Get Revenge: It’s been obvious from the start there’s more to the story between Hae-ra and Min-joon’s noona, and now we’re finally getting to see a little more of noona’s background. I’m curious what exactly Min-joon thinks Hae-ra did to his sister because I doubt it’s as simple as he thinks. Now that he’s clearly starting to have feelings for Hae-ra, it looks like he might begin questioning his assumptions. He only has a small piece of the puzzle, and I’m ready for him and Hae-ra to team up and put it all together.

Mr. Queen: I absolutely love Shin Hye-sun, and she usually chooses interesting roles, so I’ve been excited for this one. As expected, she’s killing it as a cocky player in the queen’s body. The voiceover by Choi Jin-hyuk is a nice surprise which I hope continues. So far, it’s zany and pretty fun. I think the frenetic energy works well for this kind of fantastical and farcical premise. There are hints of a lot of politicking which gives me pause, and I just hope it doesn’t get too heavy later.


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My Unfamiliar Family: One of the best shows I've seen. Really good writing and acting. Everyone acted like real people & even when they did something dumb, it still stemmed from their character.

Cheat On Me: The cheating in this doesn't bother me. Definitely alot more moving parts than I would of expected.

Kairos: I watched the first two episodes during the premiere and now I'm trying to catch up. So yeah now I'm just on ep 3 lol, I like the show alot but my anxiety is just on 200 while watching it. I have to take alot of breaks.

Let Me Off The Earth: A HS web drama that's a version of groundhogs day. I recommend it, it's simply but interesting & entertaining.


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MUF is indeed a gem.


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MUF is absolutely wonderful. I loved it from beginning to end and I will rewatch it, no doubt.


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MY UNFAMILIAR FAMILY is a true classic. This is drama done right. As you said the writing was spot on- characters remained true to themselves.


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I think My Unfamiliar Family is probably the best show I've watched this year. I literally rewatched it this week and I was marvelling at how good it was on all levels. And it's written with so much empathy. God, what a great show. I already miss it so much, lol.


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MUF is my top drama this year. I genuinely hope drama writers take note from this show. You can write any type of crazy situations into the plot as long as your characters emotions, actions and motivations are clear and relatable.


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MUF is hands-down one of the best dramas of 2020, and I hope it becomes a classic.


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Hello Shin Sung-rok and Beanies. I’m here to tell anyone who’ll listen that Kairos, far from being too dark or gloomy for the tail-end of a plague year, is in fact brilliant escapist entertainment. Of course bad things happen, and do so in a seemingly endless loop thanks to the time-crossing premise. But because the characters are always working towards sensible solutions, and each twist or turn in the story is so exciting (even if it’s twisting or turning backwards!), I’ve found Kairos a positively exhilarating experience, weirdly more uplifting than Do You Like Brahms...

Just finished the Taiwanese I-see-dead-people series The Fearless. It’s been compared to the J-drama Border, but IMO the two shows are very different both thematically and stylistically. Border is almost abstract in its rigour, paring away all but the most essential details as it charts a cop’s descent into darkness. The Fearless, in contrast, is warmer and more expansive, and focuses less on crime and more on loss, love and family. One thing Border and The Fearless share is a deadpan humour that made me LOL at the most unexpected places. Both shows are excellent.


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I've been looking for an excuse to pick up a Taiwanese show, any Taiwanese show, and The Fearless sounds fantastic! Thank you!


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I heartily second @knewbie's recommendation for The Fearless. It didn't make too much of a buzz when it first aired because English subs took many, many months. It was one of my favorite shows of 2019 and an excellent entry into the paranormal genre. Lego Lee was superb as the sensitive, former thug grudgingly taking over his father's mortuary. The exploration of family—the ones we're born into and the ones we choose—was beautifully rendered. I wish there was a second season, to see how the mortician and forensic pathologist duo take it to the next level. I so enjoyed watching their restrained but deeply felt connection.


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Ooh The Fearless sounds like the sort of drama I would like! Thank you for the recommendation @knewbie and the addendum @tsutsuloo!


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I love your descriptions. I've seen neither show but they way you talk about them basically defined the difference between Japanese and Taiwanese dramas for me (and why I prefer Taiwanese).


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Interesting your comment about Kairos.
I love Shin Sung rok. Maybe one day I will be able to watch it


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CRICKET - Yes yes yes Test Cricket

Australia Vs. India - I was excited for this test match and what a beautiful display of cricket it was for 1st 2 days. 18 hours well invested in this match. It was beautiful. I liked it, loved it and enjoyed it.
1st 2 days had everything. That slow run rate. That batting struggle, those foolish field catching mistakes. Bowlers trying hard to get wickets. I was completely ready for today for the best display of cricket and then Indian Batting happened. woah. Good quality bowling. average at best batting. It was horrendous. The match was setup for such nice battle and then everything was a bummer. Still today's display of cricket was type that you see only in Test Cricket.

Now i'm excited for B


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Japan -

Busy busy busy raking profits and making more so had not much time for any tv drama. Good to see the enthusiasm of Japanese drama translators. Seems like all are enjoying holidays. so many translations this week alone.

Our Sister's Lover - 7.5 out of 10. This drama is in my top 10 drama of the 2020. This is one beautiful tv drama and has good dialogues, good characters, above average story, good direction, average acting. Good music. Overall a nice tv product.

Grand Blue - manga to live-action movie. Ecchi popular manga and i watched its movie in 1st week of December. Typical Japanese humour, lot of it will seem odd but those who are accustomed to it will enjoy this crazy media. fun timepass. but don't watch it in office or with family members.


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What's up with my sports - whole paragraph is cut.

Korea -

Run On - 7/10 - using full name. no nickname. So hero is younger than heroine in this show? No issue. just curiosity.
Meh posters, lech trailers but i always make my rating after watching the 1st week. For me it was good starting 1st week. A bit Interesting Characters, good sharp dialogues, ok ok direction and music. Okish story. Even in its 1st week show looked a bit dragged. Andits when not many side characters are properly introduced. So 16 episodes are a bit too much. cut it to 10. Hero is refreshing. Heroine is also somewhat refreshing for a korean one. I have too many quality female characters from Japanese side that these makeup coated korean heroines not leave much impact on me.
Maybe i was able to relate to hero for many things that i liked him untill that foolish cliche and nonsensical scenario of kiss happened. Was it even needed? Too many coincidences.
Some called them weird or strange characters and that's why they attract attention - but i don't think so. They were logical in their view. This drama is trying to compete with Be Melodramatic in dialogues and in characters department. Its not like Be Melo was something amazing. ofocourse it was above average but i'll never call its writing as quality writing. There every character was almost same. And the same problem is with this show. They all have same personality traits. So the cool dialogues actually become -ve point of characters. Everyone can't be motor mouth,witty, sarcastic, ready to counter others. And that's just 1 trait i'm checking. What about few other traits. Writer better start meeting more humans to learn that no 2 human are same.


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Well, I did have sometimes the impression that I was watching 3 Shades of Moon Young 😁😁
(We haven't seen much of the fourth lead, maybe he will still join them? 😀)


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"Run On - 7/10 - using full name. no nickname." Thanks.


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Re RUN ON. Cat wrote:

"Hero is refreshing."

It looks like Im Si-wan is working his magic on you.
I will be watching the first two episodes tonight.


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Orphan family - 4/10 - its dragging. good part is hero's father back to normal and trying to do things and wife who isn't his wife anymore aka a friend engaging with him in very casual manner.

Shut up - 6/10 - why not 4? atleast its talking well about the sold out print media and their tactics. we have seen enough shows on sold out tv media. show is quite predictable and lacks impact. it doesn't feel warm. But theme aka subject is good so i'm gonna keeping watching till 4th week and then decide to drop it or not.

CHINA - mostly export trash so no show


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Run On (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B+
From the uninspired synopsis yet unexpectedly enthralling promotional trailers, I wasn’t quite sure how much to expect: was it supposed to be a banger or a dud? The show has definitely presented us a very interesting male lead but so far I can’t help but worry about whether I’m misinterpreting the characterisation: so far, I sense that his social awkwardness goes beyond normal levels, which could explain why his sister is empathetic, his mother acts nonchalant and his dad is just abusive out of shame and disgust. Or is the unnatural dialogue just poorly written? I hope this show’s weirdly good.

Mr. Queen (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B-
Maybe it’s just me but wouldn’t it have been more interesting to see two fish-out-of-water scenarios instead of just one where the historical princess also wakes up in modern time as a male? I feel like that would have given us more content instead of the fish-hook-in-food conspiracy (yawn) and the sageuk political struggle (double yawn). If the drama starts off with comedy, it should stay within that genre instead of turning serious and eventually succumbing to the cliches as is expected. The time slip reminds me of Life on Mars: maybe he had read a history book before the interview?

The Uncanny Counter (Episode 5-6) - Mood: B-
The audience already knew that Mo Tak and So Mun were connected in the past so I don’t know why the writer thought it was a great idea for us to watch two episodes where the leading character literally stumbles upon the truth. Also, I’m not impressed at Ha Na’s backstory tease: do we really need another Counter who has had family trauma? What about the discovery of So Mun’s power: why wasn’t it elaborated on or even used when he had to fight evil spirits and ruffians later on? They also started showing Ung Min’s past and how he became So Mun’s friend but it just ended as exposition.

True Beauty (Episode 3-4) - Mood: C-
Seriously, is this show going to plagiarise the ‘second female lead has an issue unrelated to the rest of the story as well as the other characters and therefore is a mean bitch who exposes the first female lead’s secret since she’s jealous the first male lead had affections for the other girl’ arc? Bonus points if she teams up with the former bullies since that was what exactly happened in My ID is Gangnam Beauty! And of course they threw the childhood connection trope right in our faces as well: that’s the OTP signal the writer is sending, guys! Stop your delusional second lead syndrome!

Also watching:
Cheat on Me, If You Can (Episode 5-6) - Mood: B, The waltz tune played at the end of Episode 6 is gorgeous.
Awaken (Episode 5-6) - Mood: C, At least Jae Woong isn’t eating ramen anymore by himself?
Live On (Episode 5) - Mood: D-, I’m writing off the show until they at least attempt to justify the villain.


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Isn't it kinda obvious that all the counters would have a tragic past though? Cuz they're all from "Coma gang"? Of course except for Somun and I'm pretty sure we'll know the reason for it as the story goes by. It's only been 6 episodes so far so just keep calm. It's not the end yet.


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“ I hope this show’s weirdly good.”

Hope so too.


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Kairos: The writing continues to be tight and the plot compelling. They even made me feel for Do-kyun and Hyun-chae. I can't praise this drama enough ... Just crossing my fingers that it stays good til the end.

Run-On: I love it? I know it's probably too early to say that, but it has the quirky kind of tone I like. The characters are weirdos, and I love them already. Im Si-wan and Shin Se-kyung are good, and Soo-young really caught my attention. I adore the dialogue. So many great lines. It's fun watching Oh Mi-joo and Seo Dan-ah try to have a conversation with Ki Seon-gyeom. I want a new pair of sneakers after seeing Dan-ah rocking hers.

Sweet Home: Quickly binging the series and it's so gory and creepy and weird. The Netflix money definitely shows. I'm loving it, but I haven't read the webtoon. Some webtoon readers reactions seem more mixed.

Mr. Queen: I tentatively like it? Shin Hye-sun is doing a good job playing a man stuck in a woman's body. Kim Jung-hyun is a little bland for me, but hopefully, I'll warm up to him with some character development. I am concerned about all the ways a body swapping romance can go wrong, especially with 20 episodes. I want a fun, light, compelling drama but sageuks always seem to turn serious as the palace intrigue takes over the plot, and I see that happening here.

The Uncanny Counter: The storyline is predictable but the Counter relationships and friendship scenes make this a worthwhile watch.

Cheat On Me, If You Can: I don't even remember what happened in this week's episodes.


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I realized I'm basically watching only comedies. Or more precisely shows with some humour, sometimes very unique 😀

Spy - I wasn't there for the spying (sometimes even silly, like phoning when secretly following someone.. or letting the villain visit the hospital and sow a discord. I could also see the main twist eons ahead.). I was there for the relationships and marriage talks. And the surprising bond between our male leads. (And I loved the couples' flashbacks, with that black and white touch).

Cheat on Me - I'm still enjoying the specific humour and (nearly) all actors... though I also wish for more of our Agent (and why do I ship him so much with the Writernim??)

Run On - Shin Sekyung is cute and I love that her character is a subs translator. And I never considered Im Shiwan super handsome, but gosh when he turns his charm on, he is irresistible 😍

Queen Cheorin - I expected a wacky comedy and I got a wacky comedy. I had fun... though more than the situational humour I like the interactions of Bonghwan-as-Soyong with... well with everyone basically 😀 (or maybe Shin Hyesun just creates chemistry with everyone... ❤).


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I also sort of ship our Agent with Writernim too. :) I love how she annoys him (his "I'm trying to hold back my anger" expression is quite hot), and I love how he's drawn to her and crushing on her without realizing it.


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He, I started grinning the moment I saw Yeo Jung holding the national flag upside down... knowing what is coming 😀😀


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I was also into Spies for the relationships much more than the spy stuff.
But the spy stuff was also serviceable in fact it surprised me in ep 14. Howevet, I never took it that seriously neither did the show, since it was mainly focused on relationships.


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I'm on episode 12 of Into the Ring and am already missing it. Sera is the heroine I always wished for. Simply magnificent. ❤ On paper this could be just another political drama but the characters make it come alive and so so so enjoyable. I'll never miss a chance to praise it.

Also, on episode 12 of Two Cops. I really shouldn't have watched this alongside Into the Ring because the latter outshines it so much. Two Cops is good but the FL just drags it down. The OTP is going through a separation of sorts but I don't really care for that plot. Like I get it. I get Jian's disbelief and disappointment. It was so wrong for both of the guys to date her but I feel I might care more if the OTP had been better developed from the beginning and if Jian was played by another actress. I know I sound like a broken record but it frustrates me. What could have been! At least there's less of Jian with this rupture lol (sorry not sorry). I am however still enjoying the bromance. The plot is moving along quite slow though so I hope it picks up because it's getting rather close to the end.

2D1N is currently on hold until I finish Two Cops but I do miss the crew!

@katakwasabi Your wish was granted. Sung Rok!


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Have you seen the latest ep of 2D1N, KSH is just too adorable for words and his teammates are oh-so-hilarious in the best way possible. You really should watch ep53 (if I'm not mistaken) when they tried to film their chosen location for Feel the Rythm Korea campaign.

I am gonna cry his team is so adorable and hilarious. Jong Min you also did so well with your dance moves.

P.S. This is difficult; I feel like giving you all my 'likes' because of your avatar.. lol


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I haven't, unfortunately. I've only seen clips on IG. I'm desperate to catch up!

Aww it's KSH's charm. Same though, I see your posts, I like and then try again later on only to be reminded I've already upvoted your post. ☺️


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Me too! I ‘liked’ so many comments and posts about KSH just to realize that I’ve already done that. 😅


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I really should watch more 2D1N, other than the clips but ngl. I watched Start Up mid way, and after watching some 2D1N clips. I just kept thinking of 2D1N lol, so I had to stop lol. One thing though, there's this thing he did with cherry blossoms, and KSH, dude your awesome, but PLS never do that again. Nightmares :O !!


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Now I'm cautiously curious about these cherry blossoms. 🤔


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It's from episode 17, the board game around Korea with the dice of doom. KSH and YJH went first, and it's as if the machine ran out of petals after them. 🤣 Here's the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ptQRXjbdco


Well to your displeasure, it awaits you. Like KSH bae, you know I adore ya, but that screen grab gives me the body shakes. UGH No thanks lol :3 Prob. the only time I've ever found him unflattering lol.


Ohhhh, I see haha looks like he really wanted to win, even at his image's expense 😅


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Well to the expense of my eye sight and nightmare fueled dreams ;)

Oh KSH, you rascal!! But I have an urge to ad-block that screen grab when I see it LOL.


I was going to say this - hurrah for @katakwasabi!!


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CHEAT ON ME (Ep 5-6): For all the observation and deductive skills Yeo-joo has, she has a blind spot for her husband. It feels like there are several still unseen suspects in the mistresses' death. There are also a few glaring clues being misinterpreted by the police and Yeo-joo. We are slowly piecing the innocent student's backstory which I think will lead to solving some of the key story mysteries.


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The Uncanny Counter: Everyone loves Mun, and so do I. I love the highschool friend group and the Counter family. Ha-na is definite girl crush material here.

Mr. Queen: Poor, poor court lady Choi. I need more of the queen flirting with the royal concubine and Choi Jin-hyuk's voiceovers.

Run On: Ki Seon-gyeom is, like, adorably weird and I think I need more of the second male lead.


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“ I need more of the queen flirting with the royal concubine “

Opens the door to interesting possibilities!


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The 2015 Chinese series Go Princess, Go! explored similar territory. A modern playa has pool accident and wakes up in body of ancient dynasty princess. He looooves hanging out with the harem and invites them to "play." The story eventually plays out like a faux BL story. If the series was made today, would they push the storyline of the princess aggressively pursuing the ladies? (That 2015 production was cheap AF but the FL was hilarious as the butch princess.)


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and definitely more of Choi JinHyuk's voice overs! i so miss that zombie dectective!


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detective my fingers ran away from my brain again


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The show wouldn’t be the same without CJH’s voice overs.


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Is Sweet Home too gory like everyone is saying? Because I want to see it but I cannot take gory very much. It makes me ill, literally.


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Don't watch it if it makes you ill because it really IS too gory. Like i am okay with gore and blood but some parts (especially the nosebleeds) made even me feel sick. I am a fan of the webtoon this series is based on so i would say it's one masterpiece of a series (despite some few changes, it's still following most of the webtoon material till 3rd episode that i am currently watching) but if you can't handle the gore, seriously don't watch it.


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Thank you for the warning. I guess I have to let this show go! I can take thrillers, horror and violence, but not gore.


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Kairos No time to be bored with this drama!

Live On I think I'm just watching it for Jung Da Bin.

Awaken NGM is so good at being goofy, sexy and charismatic at the same time. The way his character looked at Kong Hye-Won after he got from the safe 😍 I think it won't be a happy ever after end.

Run On I have no idea what is the plot of this drama. The ML is pretty weird and I'm not convinced by Im Si-Wan in a romance...

True Beauty The FL is so lovely, I love her! The rest is pretty typical. The Extraordinary You moment was so funny! I missed Danoh's Haruyaaa.

The Spies Who Loved Me I was kinda scared what the end will be, but I'm happy with it.

The Uncanny Counter I'm happy that the ML knows the truth about his parents. They will be able to work together and won't lost time to hide things from him.

Mr. Queen Shin Hye-Sun is killing it. She's so funny. She matched very well Choi Jin-Hyuk's voice.

Alice in Borderland It was kinda disapointing. The rules weren't consistent and we couldn't invest ourself in the riddles/games.

Drama Special KBS While You're Away Who lives in someone else's house in secret? Korean people are crazy... But I was happy to see Dong-Ha back :)

Drama Special KBS Traces of Love When the person who most wants to hide the truth is the most obvious...


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Can I ask what are Drama Specials? Are they the ones released before New Year with fewer episodes?


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It's one episode = one story.

This year, Modern Girl was interesting, it starts brightly but the story is a little bit darker.

The KBS World Youtube channel has the old episodes with subtitles, if you want to try it like Review Notebook of My Embarrassing Days.


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Wow these are so helpful! Thanks @kurama! I watched the first minutes of Review Notebook and I'm liking it so far. I'll save these for the more in-the-mood days. It's only about an hour a story, so it will be very handy in many occasions. :D


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You're welcome :)

It's nice to see new actors as main lead too. They usually do supporting or second role but in these special episode, they're main lead.


I love drama specials! I watch them when I don’t feel like committing to a full drama. 😄


"NGM is so good at being goofy, sexy and charismatic at the same time"... exactly! I just get distracted and distracted by him. How amazing can he be?
And that look? Obviously he has feelings for HyeWon, but it may also be related to the fact that he knows what part his dad plays in the whole White Night thing and how much she'll be hurt by it.


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I'm happy to know that I'm not the only who got distracted by NGM and strucked by that look :p

I think he wanted to use HyeWon against her father but he couldn't do it anymore because of his feelings. ( I don't know if it's love or mentor-mentee or friendship).


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Do you think Hye-won is un'aware' of her father's connection to the White Night Village? After all he is proudly displaying photos from those early days on the book shelf.


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I hope she didn’t make the connection, because I like her so much. Although that could explain his sad look.


I don't think she did. It looks like she has no idea what is her actual father's job. He is pretty vague about it and I guess she admires him so much she doesn't ask for more informations.


Dong Ha from Chief Kim? I might have to check it out.


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I watched him in Suspicious Partner and Judge vd Judge, but yes, this one :p


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We have a number of dramas in common @kurama ie KAIROS, AWAKEN and THE UNCANNY COUNTER and I agree with your take on all three.
I am embarrassed to admit I still have not watched Dong Ha's return to kdramaland after his military service in DRAMA SPECIAL SEASON 11: WHILE YOU'RE AWAY. I will take care of that this weekend.
Also Dong Ha is part of the cast of the KBS's S/S drama HOMEMADE LOVE STORY.


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I'd love to see Kim Seon-ho in everything.. <3 But my mood is more important; so here are what I'm watching nowadays..

1. 2 Days 1 Night: It's a variety show with Baby KSH in it. If you even have a tiny bit of like towards him, I highly recommend this one as the cast is solid. You'll also have Jong-min who is oh-so-hilarious. The last episode when Kim Seon-ho, Jong-min and Din Din went to Incheon Airport and an amusement park is gold. You'll really miss out if you haven't seen this one.

2. It's Okay to Not Be Okay: The last time I watched this one it was hyped so much but I wasn't in the appropriate mood to watch and enjoy it. Now, with a reason unknown to me, I want to pick up this one again. It feels better now. I'll stick with this one for a while...


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Isn't amazing how mood influences drama watching? I have learned to not force a drama. I need to finish Its Okay...maybe I will join you.


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I learned that by choosing the drama which feels right to be watched at that moment, you’ll end up loving almost all the dramas you watched instead if hating any one of them. The way each drama resonates with your mood at a certain time is special. Timing can make every drama a great drama.


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That is so true! I haven't watch IOTNBO yet, but I remember starting Crash Landing on You and just not getting into it, but 8 months later, I decided to pick it back up again and really enjoyed it.


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Spies Who Loved Me: 7.5 Not a great show, but pleasant and didn't involve as much mental strain as some others *cough*kairos*cough*. I wish they had Tinkered with the ending a bit.

Mr. Queen: 9.9 I don't expect it to stay this fresh and funny, but I can't take points off for getting mired in stale old palace intrigues until that happens.

Run On: 7.9 Shin Se-kyung can be quite boring when things are serious but fine when things are light-hearted and/or over-the-top, so this show seems a good match.

Uncanny Counter: 8.0

Kairos: 8.0 Enjoying it, but having trouble following the time skips. Last-month me wasn't having quite so much trouble.

Awaken: 7.8 Damnesia and a huge evil conspiracy. I don't remember seeing those in kdramas before :)

Cheat on Me If You Can: 7.7

Fly Dragon / Delayed Justice: 4.0 for day 12 - it was mostly about distrust between the good guys, and I just don't enjoy that. Meanwhile, I wonder if all the obsessing over money and then going overboard when they have it is really all about a struggling writer projecting. Anyway, don't like watching that either. From the previews I guess they'll reconcile soon, but for now I score them on this week, not the past or possible future. Contrary to the title, justice was not delayed for drunk driver / fallen dragon Bae Sung-Woo.

Hush: _._ I've only done about half of day 1 and can't really score it. Not terrible but also not to my taste. Writer, PD and the 2 main leads have never done anything that I really liked, so I can't summon the energy to continue.


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I just watched the first episode of Hush, there were too many characters, I was lost. For the actors, Hwang Jung-Min was a super cute mailman in The Accidental Couple.


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I loooooved him in The Fool! 😍❤


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I've never watched anything with either of the leads of Hush in it, so I'm sticking with the show for a few eps more to see where it/s all headed. But so far, there's nothing special. The newsroom is such a great setting for drama and this show isn't using it too well so far. I'm beginning to feel that this will end up being a case of lost potential.


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Not much free time this week, but new airing dramas brought me some fresh air after a mild slump.

Mr Queen eps 1 and 2: Shin Hyesun is awesome and she's my current girlcrush. This drama is so funny and characters are intriguing. Somebody said last week that more jokes were made out of "fish out of the water" class antics than gender, and I have the feeling that's the direction the drama is taking. Plus, SHS as a dude is flawless and Choi Jinhyuk's voiceover make everything even funnier.

Awaken eps 1-4: man... The first two episodes were interesting, but I've got the feeling that the writing in this drama is already going off the rails. Mmm, I don't know if I'm going to stick around, lollipop eating Namgoong Min notwithstanding.

Uncanny Counter: still haven't watched this week's episodes, but I'm growing to love this more and more. Jo Byunggu's So Mun is the softest baby and I want to protect him forever, and everyone is lovely when they're not being demon-fighting badasses.

Still watching Nokdu Flower, on ep 15 now, and still loving it to bits.

Finally, really eager to start watching Sweet Home tonight. I think I can get FlyGuy to watch it with me, and I'm super pumped about it because the webtoon is awesome and the trailers are fittingly creepy. I'm usually a scareddy cat, but I love a bit of existential body horror - blame my family for watching all those David Lynch and Cronenberg movies on VHS without giving a toss that I was still a kid 😋


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I still don't know what to think about Awaken... but as long as I have NGM and his lollypops I'm okay. I still don't know if he's the hero or the villain, and I've already watched episodes 5 and 6.


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NGM is great, but when Jamie disappears at the fire and - for THREE WHOLE DAYS - and nobody really seems worried about her I was like WHOT?


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NGM's character deflected their worries because he was the one that kidnapped her.
Contrary to what people think I like the drama. There weren't hiding any pieces right from the get go. The main plot point is when these pieces start moving and coming together to play their part in the whole conspiracy. Some will make predictable moves others won't. Like a puzzle.


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@zitless, you probably watched further than me, so I'll take your word and keep on watching to see if this -at the moment- plot hole gets cleared, thanks!


It was sooo frustrating I couldn't believe no one even tries to look for her.


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I thought it was very strange that the rest of the team was not raising hell and calling out the troops to find her even if she was not officially a police officer.


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Mr. Queen.Funny premiere. All actors were fantastic, form CJH cameo, to SHS as a man who lost his dragon, KJH as more than a pretty face king and a special mention to Cha Chung Hwa as Lady Choi, she has all my sympathies. I hope this goes from enemies to friends, and so far I don’t see a loveline, not even the king and his concubine.

The Uncanny Counter. Moon friendship with JuYeon and UngNim is one of the most beautiful relations I’ve seen on dramaland EVER. I love how OCN manages to move from sweetness to scary in just one minute. Shin is a REALLY scary guy.

Kairos. I’m so willing to watch the last two episodes and at the same time I’m so sad this is almost over… We’ve seen a more human HyunChae, suffering herself and by realizing she lost DoKyun, and I love SeoJin and AeRi trying to beat destiny and get Chairman Yoo and all his minions to pay for what they did 19 years ago.

Awaken. Distracting detective seem to be a serial killer, but… is he? This drama keeps confusing me in the best way possible. The three White Night surviving kids are really four, as MODU CEO is obviously the 14 year old last surviving kid. I’m not totally buying that JungWoo is the real killer. The monster can be any of the three kids right now.

Also watching Six Flying Dragons, and I finished My strange hero which I really liked, a nice healing drama… Forever in love with BokSooooooooo!!!


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Also Run on. I loved the premiere and all four leads. Like a lot. I know it's nothing similar, but I had Memorials vibes regarding weirdly cute OTP.


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BokSo was the cutest! Such a lovely character.


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Shin is a REALLY scary guy.

I backed away from my computer during the "memory" scene. Holy f—! One moment he's yearning desperately for his father's approval (that wallet!) and the next, he's your living nightmare. As @dramallama said at the top, OCN doesn't let you forget their brand.


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BokSoo is a hard one to beat! An evergreen all-time favourite character, IMO.


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"...as a man who lost his dragon..."
...and his dragon balls


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RUN ON: I was a bit reluctant to continue after the first episode, the FL felt totally relatable but overall I felt the chaos and the incredibly stiff ML. The second episode really brought things together, like missvictrix said and I really came to embrace and love the total square-shaped character of Ki Yeon-gyeom. And that smile at the end just killed me.

INTO THE RING: I have one episode to go and I really love this show. A lot of the things in this drama feel real and unique and the OTP might just be my favorite of the year. I really like the wide angle shots and the feeling of smallness it brings.

MOMENT OF EIGHTEEN: Hwi-young's mom is such a sad character, I wish the show would give her more screen time in which she isn't the mama dragon of prestige. But I'm only on episode 11, so here's to hope for a divorce and a poorer, more autonomous, life.


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True beauty 3-4 : I hate love triangle in start up but enjoy it here. Love the colourful pallette and also JuKyeong! Protect her at all cost. Both Suho and Seojung are amazing so both of them are great for Jukyeong. Hopefully Sujin stays good in the drama. In webtoon she's only a filler arc anyway.
Run On 1-2 : LOVEEEEEE ITTTTT. There's something in the dialogue, atmosphere, or i don't know... lol. Just feel so breezy and fuzzy watching this. I like both of the male leads are so soft. Can't wait for more Kang Tae Oh appearance. Love Sooyoung style in this drama. This drama remind me of be melodramatic in dialogue aspect and search www for the characters dynamic.


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Age of youth completed.. watched the 1st episode awhile back. Dunno why I discontinued it. Picked it back and completed. All the 5 girls are awesome. Park eun bin is really tje life of the drama. I have so many thoughts but not able to express it. Will take a break before I pick up the 2nd season.
Into the ring 2/16: Many of you were praising this as a good rom com and I'm in the mood for a rom com. I started AOY and this together but I wanted to complete the former and finish this later. Will pick it up and the leads chemistry and the tension is sizzling. I just want them to make out.
Planning to pick on run on. Im shi wan looks attractive in this.


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Park Eun Bin is even better in the second season of AoY!


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I don't know why you dropped it 1st time round, but I can understand it. For me, Age of youth is a share house full of sociopaths. The early eps are a share house that is disturbing dysfunctional and it evolves to becoming ever more Stockholm syndrome.


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TRUE BEAUTY (Ep.4): Moon Ga-Young is the heart and soul of this drama. I’m enjoying this one in all its slapstick ridiculous glory.

KIM SU RO (Ep.3): Working my way through Three Kingdoms dramas, this one set in Gaya. I wasn’t prepared to witness the gruesome burial custom whereby slaves are killed and buried alongside their dead master. Thankfully our future hero won’t stand for it.

ANSI FORTRESS: Enjoyed it a lot. Military action film is what I came for and it delivered. Nam Joo-Hyuk is everywhere. I’m sure there are historical inaccuracies (like calling your brother “Oppa” not “Orabeoni” ) but overall a solid film.


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I went back in the time machine this week and finally finished A Secret Love Affair. This show may literally be my favorite Kdrama of all time. Astonishing performances by both leads, so well written (though I could have used a bit less of the chaebol scenes), so thoughtfully directed. Honestly, my heart is aching that it's over. I will watch Yoo Ah In in the movie Burning this weekend, I think.

Uncanny Counter - I really get a kick out of this show. It won't go down on any top ten lists but Jo Byung Kyoo is so charming and his high school friends are too. I'm in for the long haul.

Kairos - I am chomping at the bit for the last two episodes. I cannot wait to see that Chairman get what's coming to him. And thankfully less wailing this week from Ae-Ri and her mom. That was getting to me.

And because of the comments, I will try Run On.


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Yesss! Secret Love Affair. Truly, one of the best performances I've seen. Both leads were so effective. I felt the longing, the pain, the happiness, the freedom, and even meaning of that piano scene. I felt it all, even without uttering a single thing.. I got hooked with the way they move their hands, their feet, the way they look at each other, and with the way they play piano.


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