Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…


The Uncanny Counter: This was such a fun, solid premiere. There was a surprising amount of warmth especially when you consider that there are grisly deaths and evil spirits all around, and I’d credit that to the performances (as well as the writing). I’ve only just met the core groups, but I love them already. I hope the awkward high schooler trio and the Unni’s Noodles crew stay safe through the end of the show, but considering that it’s OCN we might have a horrific and bloody death to deal with sooner rather than later. 



Tale of the Nine Tailed: Rang’s sacrifice in the last episode saved the choppy ending and got me teary-eyed, reminding me that the brothers’ relationship was the true heart of this show. I loved Kim Bum as Rang, and I can’t wait for his next project. But what was this ending? Yeon is… a nocturnal gumiho?

Start-Up: I swear there was a spark when I first started this show! Where did it go? Sandbox started to feel like high school, and the time jump didn’t do much for the characters. I think the spark was Han Ji-pyeong, and now I’m just watching for him and halmoni.



Currently weecapping: Start-Up

Get Revenge: This drama continues to be fun, though I admittedly was a little lost this week. Our hero and heroine teaming up was great, but I’m feeling a little sleepy when it comes to them uncovering corporate crimes. On the other hand, the reveal around Hae-ra’s son, and the continuing trauma/drama with her horrible husband is exciting. We’re also slowly getting a look at Min-joon’s past story, so things are shaping up well for two weeks into the story. As long as things stay juicy and get a little bit juicier (come on, TV Chosun!), I’m in for the long haul. Kim Sarang is also refreshing as a heroine that’s not a 98-pound twenty-something.

Cheat on Me, If You Can: Is this what I was hoping it would be? I’m not sure yet. One thing I do know, though, is that Jo Yeo-jung is fantastic, and I’m loving her here, as this cold and prickly writer that gets really into her research process. I’m slightly disappointed that her husband actually is a cheating playboy… is this drama just going to be them playing games, with tons of murder fake-outs? I’m hoping for something a little more substantial than that, and I have a feeling there’s a lot of backstory we have yet to uncover. Kim Young-dae is awesome/troubling here, and his story line could go in a fun direction. Or, you know, he could wind up in a freezer. I guess I’m confused over the “rules” of this story right now, but that’s not necessarily a bad place to be after only two episodes. I’m definitely interested enough to give it a few more. Also, Go Joon plays a great scoundrel.



Currently Recapping: Tale of the Nine Tailed

Get Revenge: This is fun! I like the premise of exposing the crimes of the powerful but with a typical revenge melo feel. It’s just over the top enough to be fun but not super ridiculous. I’m loving Hae-ra and her quirky detective buddy – those two are such a weird yet compatible pair. And I’m curious about Min-joon and his interest in Hae-ra who is turning out to be way gutsier than I expected; she really took things up a notch with that disgusting CEO. Although that was maybe not the smartest move, the results were incredibly satisfying. I like that things are moving quickly, and I hope we keep this momentum going.


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The Uncanny Counter (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B
The trifecta of politician / police / corporation baddies means that this show definitely won’t be outstanding: I think I’ve gotten desensitised to this setup especially when it brings along the Truck of Doom and Childhood Trauma tropes. And do I sense some classic daddy issues for the school bullies given what Ha Na said? But I did enjoy watching the drama with the male lead being a fierce protector of his friends and an adorable son for his grandparents. I do wonder what’s so special about him: maybe he was supposed to have died in that accident? Does Wigen know more stuff about that?

Awaken (Episode 1-2) - Mood: B
When you start the show with 2 unrealistic gunshots, that doesn’t exactly inspire much confidence in the quality of the plot: I’m ignoring the bullying scandal to watch Yoon Sun Woo in his first leading role so please don’t make me regret it. From the premiere, I’m surprised that they already revealed who the three kids from the opening are currently in the present, though doesn’t it seem way too obvious if Hooded Guy was the suicide-inducing hypnotist? Hye Won’s a lead too so she must have some link to the cases herself: please don’t tell me it’s her father, that would be bad writing.

Cheat on Me, If You Can (Episode 1-2) - Mood: C+
With Woo Sung being a serial cheater (it’s impossible that everything was Yeo Joo’s imagination given that his friend is also another jerk), I would normally be rooting for her happiness, however, she did marry him knowing that he’s sketchy so I’m not sure if I can exactly pity her when she herself is so eccentric. The political subplot seems really questionable to me: isn’t Soo Jung’s death more than enough drama for the inevitable cheating reveal? I will be rolling my eyes if the new assistant’s a private investigator and the female student’s a honeytrap working for Woo Sung’s political adversary.

Start-Up (Episode 13-14) - Mood: C-
In Jae, you go girl! Finally the writer is giving you some just deserts in character moments: 1) Her being able to fend off her disgusting stepfamily without breaking her composure, 2) Her pushing Dal Mi to get over her Noble Idiocy and stop mixing up professional and personal affairs, 3) Her finally allowing herself to rejoin and bond with her old family (I think it’s total bullshit that her mom knew but not her but whatever). But I’m still not letting the writer off the hook for all that nonsense about In Jae not having a backup and losing two developers so easily: we all know it’s just plot convenience!

Also watching:
Live On (Episode 3) - Mood: C, Woo Jae broke up with Jae Yi! But I guess under drama laws they’ll reunite.
The Spies Who Loved Me (Episode 11-12) - Mood: C-, So Derek’s mom will be the deal-breaker for Ah Reum.
Tale of the Nine Tailed (Episode 15-16) - Mood: D, Lee Yeon’s post-reincarnation lie had 0 narrative purpose.


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Start up started losing me around EP12, and seeing how it has gone off the rails so much I may never finish. Sad to see such a good start fall apart this way.


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TV Chosun is putting out very good content. It could be the new JTBC. Get Revenge is fab.


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Start Up. Ep. 14 was better that 13. We got some character growth. One day I may write an essay on how in dramas, even if times goes by, it doesn’t go by to characters. Anyway, finishing it this week for the bean.

The Uncanny Counter. I have no more expectations than to have a good time and I did. As expected, OCN balances humor and darkness in the best way possible.

Kairos. DoKyun and HyunChae almost convinced me for a minute that there could a change in them, but it was just a minute. Gosh, I do hope drama makes them pay for all the pain they are causing in multiple alternative realities. I’m so glad we have SeoJin back and that his one-month-ago version is also changing the way he sees life. And yes, we all knew there’s no such thing a good CEO in Dramaland.

Awaken. NDM, I really don’t need any other reason. Also, I’m quite intrigued by the story.

Tale of the Nine Tailed. I had to admit it. At the end I didn’t care a little about Jia. I cared before, but in this lasts episode when she was chosen before Rang… I was so sad. I understood it was not JiA’s fault, but that I never got the love story (sorry show) and I just wanted my distracting foxes to live happy and together. Distracting foxes were the real OTP of this show. But I loved the drama and would recommend it to anyone who asks.

My strange hero. I’ve had this one on my to watch list ever since it aired, and decided to give it a try. Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Mi Kyung and Kwak Dong Jeo are reasons enough. I think I’ve never seen a drama in which the lead’s name is mentioned so many times. Has anyone ever counted how many BokSoos an episode have?

I also continue my watching Six Flying Dragons. The politics are killing me, but I made it to half of the drama without FF a single scene. I’m both proud and highly surprised of myself. Also, I’m loving all the silk costumes. If only I could get my hands on them!

I’ve finished Strongest Deliveryman. I liked it a lot. It says much more that it seems it the surface, and addresses some important subjects (although maybe not in the deep way it could have been). We are shown how much young people have to struggle in SK, making emigration the only possible option, how suicide is a real thing (one of the leads hears his dad say: “Why don’t you do us all a favor and die” meaning every word of it), how complicated it is to struggle with money, banks, loan sharks. Not only bad things: wonderful and bonding friendship, some nice love stories, leads that grow as episodes go by and find their place in the world. Yes, lots of tropes and plot holes, but it’s the kind of drama you watch with a smile in your face. And it has Dimples AND Chae Soo Bin.


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Bok Soooooooo, I loved that drama.


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Agree with strongest deliveryman... I really enjoyed the first time.

You know, sometimes I watch a drama where these people have everything, or even when they are supposed to be poor they are just wasting their time with stupid dysfunctional relationships and I am like, oh yeah, this is a fairy tale, because in real life, you have to work... just like that.


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Re STRONGEST DELIVERYMAN (2017). It was the first drama I watched in sequence with the DB recaps i.e. watch an episode, read the recaps. You get the idea. I had seen Go Kyung-pyo in CHICAGO TYPEWRITER (2017) (5 stars) so I am sure that is the reason I watched. I really enjoyed it and thought GKP was great. I will be honest and admit Chae Soo-bin turned out to be a challenge. Her character was tough but in retrospect I realize she gave a fine performance. I really liked her in INAR.
Back to GKO. I happen now to be watching FLOWER BOY NEXT DOOR (2013) as an antidote to DO DO’s (as I put it ) spectacular crash landing of an ending. I am getting a YSY fix and loving it. GKP is a 2L in FBND. He is giving a nice performance but what amazes me is how he progressed to those ‘heavy’ roles of 2017. Whatever he was doing he was learning his craft.


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Agree. GKO is a fine young actor. I also loved him to death in Tomorrow Cantabile, he was super easy to love since day one.
I think he was also in a drama where he played a doctor, but because of the darker mood of that drama, I was not interested. But in general, he is always on my list of favorite actors. 🙂


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You are referencing tvN's CROSS (2018) which was GKP's last drama before his military enlistment. It was a revenge drama which wound up being jinxed because of a scandal around one of the MLs. At the time I did not think it was wise selection for him to chooses such a role against type. Perhaps he was looking for a challenge. I did watch it and fwir the drama did try to educate the public on organ transplants.
Given the circumstances the ratings were not a disaster. For those interested:


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Thank you for the info. I hope he will do better projects coming back from military service. Not like gorgeous Ji Chang wook (I really like him because of healer, but please.... choose better), or overrated Lee Min ho (I actually don't like him, so I don't care, but as an example 😂)


Later this month I plan on watching JCW’s upcoming LOVESTRUCK IN THE CITY which will be available on Netflix (USA).
I like the cast so I am hoping this one is a keeper.
LOL. I am not as down on LMH as you are.


I started Into the Ring and girl has spunk!

Also, still on my 1N2D marathon. Currently on episode 13. Jung Hoon is exponentially becoming a favorite.


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You'll love Into the Ring!!
Go Gu Se Ra!!!!


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And Nana is really good as Gu Sera ❤


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This is the best that I have ever seen from Nana.


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Into the Ring is so much fun!

I really like Jung Hoon in 1N2D.


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Right there with you, thanks for the recs from many Beanies! On ep 3...and have no idea where they go from here.


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Into the ring was my happy pill for 16 episodes! And the ost! Very good.
The OTP, even better!
Almost no waste at all in the whole story.
It is a rewatch for sure.


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Into the Ring is good from the beginning till end, which is quite a feat. And Nana has never been better and she's disappeared into Go Sera - the most impressive heroine in 2020.


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Do So La or Whatever: Dropped. I got behind because of the holiday and when I was ready to jump back in saw a spoiler for the end and decided life's too short. A lovely drama ruined. This gal also wrote Louie and Terrius and this has been her weakest. Terrius just needed to be 12 episodes.

I'm not even that particularly bitter but do they do this makjang stuff for ratings because I've seen it in dramas before where the end goes off the rails? Oh well.

The Guest: It hit Netflix and I've been pretty invested in it this week and will finish up this weekend. Solid pacing which I respect in k-drama because it happens so rarely.

The Uncanny Counter: One episode in and it's okay.

I'm planning on jumping into Kairos but a part of me is concerned about it going off the rails.

Tale of the 9 Tailed: I am behind but plan on finishing up. The Guest got me more invested than I expected so this drama got left on the back burner.

Love and Redemption...anyone watch this C-drama? Save me from 59 episodes if it isn't worth the effort.


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Don't be afraid to jump into Kairos. It's a real rollercoaster and not a single episodes has been boring and you can never take things for granted. Acting is top notch, we've past half of the show and I feel anything can happen!!
You will enjoy it!


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My wife has been loving LOVE AND REDEMPTION- even staying up late to watch more. She only has a few episodes to go. Some shows are addictive and this is one of them.


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I checked with my wife and she adds that this show is deeper than most- It really is about love itself.


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I laughed so hard at the last sentence because that is EXACTLY the question I ask before starting a CDrama (there have been several culprits butPrincess Agents taught me a lesson I'll never forget).


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What a let down Princess Agents was! Only good thing I remembered was Shawn Dou and the fantastic acting when his whole family was beheaded...😢😢


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Good to see you. DO DO ‘Survivor’ here. If you have watched through episode 8 consider the production stopped because of the virus. It was lovely through episode 8 for me.
THE UNCANNY SURVIVOR. I loved the first 2 episodes.
KAIROS. Take the plunge. I am slightly behind and have seen through episode 8 (half way). The writing and acting is terrific.
I would be shocked it writer-nim messes things up in the second half.


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Now that I come to think about it, maybe the writer got the virus, and that is why the second half of the show is trash????😒😒😒😒


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You are not bitter with Do Do... because you dropped it. (Good beanie)
If you would have watched like some of us did, you would really want to kill this writer. 😡😡😡
It was so bad, really.... so so so bad what she did with poor Lee Jae wook.
I will never forgive her.


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I tried Counters... but... it's too violent for me. And I can't avoid comparing it to Mystic Bar which was funnier, full of more interesting characters and with stories (and storytelling) which grabbed me and touched me from the start.

I also checked Cheater and it was so different from what I expected (please tell me there is a twist and the actual cheating (and politics 🙄) is not a reality!)... but then when I adjusted my original expectations I somehow started enjoying the humour (and director's plays with us viewers 😆). If this is actually going to be a whodunit (and perhaps even written by that famous writer 😁)... why not? (I'm also shamelessly watching for the Male Lead from Extraordinary You 😀)

Spy - a bit behind. The relationships and talks are the most interesting parts. The spying is sometimes silly and sometimes full of twists that I'm worried the show will overtwist itself. (Ahreum is always great though ❤)

Start Up - I'm so behind that I'm not sure I will ever go back... is it worth it? (And is it better than Cyrano?)

Hikaru no Go, 3/36 - time skip to high school and 😂😂 I can't believe the main lead still behaves like his 6 year old self 😂😂 though he also still has his good heart... and starts finding his way to Go. And our Ghost is baaaaaack! ❤

Waiting for Run On and Queen Cheorin.


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Mystic Bar is delightful. I expected absolutely nothing from that drama, which is the best way to go into one, and it ended up being one of my favorites for the year.


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MYSTIC POP-UP BAR stands as a great example of a drama done right- with truly great storytelling.


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MYSTIC POP-UP BAR was a late season catch up for me and I loved it. One of my favorites of 2020. There is the one degree of separation between MYSTIC and THE UNCANNY COUNTER and that is Yeom Hye-ran, a favorite of mine. Everyone’s taste is different.

I am a fight guy and one of the things that impressed me about TUC was its physicality. All the leads must have trained and are in great shape. I mean all of them.
Yoo Jun-sang is 51. YHR is 44. Then come the ‘kids’ Kim Se-jeong (24) and Jo Byung-gyu (24 but credibly playing a high school boy of 17-18). The opening sequence fights (pre JBG’s appearance) were the best I have seen since LAWLESS LAWYER.


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Thank you for reminding me of Yeom Hye-ran's performance in Mystic Pop-Up Bar! That slicked-backed hair and arrogant manner—I love her so much. She's got to be one of the best actresses in Korea—she's like a human version of umami. Just a touch and it's oh, so savory!


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I loved her as the lawyer in Camellia.


Have you seen the awesome intro? I usually skip intros but not for the Uncanny Counter!


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Your take on Yeom Hye-ran is so on point! She is indeed that degree of separation that elevates Uncanny Counter.


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wobble hair - for a hero n that too a highschool boy with fantasy tag. The 1st week was too underwhelming. Not a shred of it had any originality of something that might make you care for any of these fictional characters. It looked pretty low quality written media and you start to think whether writer got this job b/c of some connections or not.


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Yeah, Uncanny Counter doesn't really offer anything new or ground breaking, but it is entertaining and it does all the tropes right. Car accident with parents dead (check), amnesia (check), dark past not to be shared (check), training montage (check), team building (check), dishing out just desserts to bullies (check). What I liked is what's not broken - compassionate and protective main character, caring and quirky team, an overarching plotline with episodic nature and just an overall fun world. Not going to lie, I'm not really looking forward to the overarching plotline (seems a bit boring), but I am looking forward to how the characters react to the overarching plot line. Because the characters were brought to life by some decent actors. This show still gives me Mystic pop-up bar vibes, but I like the pacing of Uncanny counter more. If Uncanny Counter continues like this, it'll make it on my top 10 for 2020 list, alongside Mystic Pop-up Bar.


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re: Start Up, if you are anything but a Dosan / Dalmi fan, there's no point picking it up, looks unlikely that any plot except the romance will get a decent treatment. Which led me to wonder - what kind of a disturbed person watches Cyrano and decides Christian should get a happy ending? I mean, what radical interpretation of the text is this? It's like reading the Southern Vampire mysteries and deciding that Blll was cooler than Eric.


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I watched for the the Start-up projects, for the team work, for the growth of all the main protagonists... and for Halmoni. I paused after the glass name plate incident (which I didn't like) and now not sure whether to go back.


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I think I wouldn't mind a happyend for Christian IF it's well justified.
(Though...yes... I always fall for Cyrano... and always cry for Roxanne who is left alone...)


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Hikaru no Go is an absolute gem!!! Definitely one of my favorite dramas. Highly recommend it to everyone!!!


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I love it! ❤ Only I watch with my son, thus out tempo is sloooow...


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Finally caught up on a lot of kdramas I had skipped / paused to revel in BTS's comeback.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol - What on earth was that ending. I'm glad I watched last 4 episodes together. Got over the misery at one go at least.
Private Lives - I would not have expected this to have a better ending than DDSSLLS but surprisingly it ended pretty well, tied up the storylines and the good guys won!
Tale of the Nine-Tailed - Ended pretty much as I expected - big sacrifice in Ep 15 that becomes meaningless in Ep 16. But I still cried in the scenes with the video messages from the brothers.
More Than Friends - Fast forwarded through the last 10 episodes lol. And still didn't miss much. The lead characters were so unlikeable.
Also completed Flower of Evil which I had paused long back. Lee Joon-gi was fantastic!

The Spies Who Loved Me - A lot happens in each episode of this show and yet the plot doesn't seem to have moved at all. At least it ends in 4 episodes so yay?
Delayed Justice - A really good show that I wish was getting more love. Every character feels so real and relatable and the stories have me weeping each week.
Kairos - Watched episodes 7-10 at one go between last night and this morning. This is probably my other favourite show right now. This is really how you do thrillers.

Plan for this week is to binge and finish Start-up and test the waters with Awaken and Cheat On Me. Maybe also try out The Uncanny Counter 🤞


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Your comment on The Spies Who Loved Me is SO TRUE! I really liked this show in the first two episodes but now I've dropped it because the plot really doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I feel like it's the same thing each episode-- not to mention I'm pretty certain the writer will make Ah Reum end up with Derek instead of Ji Hyun which disappoints me because I don't like Derek at all. I think for now I'll probably just reading the recaps here on dramabeans instead of waste 2 hours of my life every week.


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Uncanny Counter: Strong premiere week. The world-building and character introductions were done well. So Moon is a sweet kid carrying around a lot of anger; I see him eventually exploding and breaking one of the rules of being a Counter.

Kairos: Another good week. Ae-ri was smart, Seo-jin made me sad and Hyun-chae continued to be a psycho.The drama does a good job navigating the two timelines. Each episode feels like a movie, almost.

Awaken: If it weren't for the last five minutes of Episode 2 I would drop this because the first two episodes were boring.

Cheat On Me, If You Can: This was not what I was expecting. I love Go Joon, but a serial cheater who carries around a cheating kit. Eww. I love Jo Yeo-jeong but her character was strange. I just finished My Dangerous Wife with a cheating husband and a wife who played mind games. Not sure if I'm up for Round 2.

Start-Up: The gang is back together, but as usual, hairstyles are almost the only things that change after the time jump. I'm bored but nonetheless, hoping for a decent finish.

Get Revenge: The revenge is satisfying. Hae-ra's son reveal makes things complicated, especially since I suspect it ties to Min-joon's sister.


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(Sorry—had to delete for styling spelling errors.)

I'm enjoying The Uncanny Counter too and think it would be an excellent introduction to kdramas for the uninitiated. I like the grittiness balanced with warmth and humor. The hair (everyone of the counters has curly hair!), the tracksuits (I want!), and the set designs (all those broken walls at the restaurant!) work beautifully together too. Above all, the actors are top notch. Yeom Hye-ran (she plays ChoongMae Ok—the older woman of the team) was superb as the toady, sycophant in Lawless Lawyers. I love, love, love seeing her play a strong, warm-hearted character here.


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Thank you @tsutsuloo. Just above at No. 6 I commented on YHR being the connection to MYSTIC and TUC. I then who went on to say that the fight sequence at the beginning of TUC was the best I have seen since LAWLESS LAWYER.
How could I forget YHR’s performance in LL? Her character was like the anti Mae-ok of TUC. She is a wonderful actress. I loved YHR in MYSTIC, HOSPITAL PLAYLIST, CAMELLIA, LIFE, LAWLESS LAWYER and LIVE. (I like to point out that she was in both LIFE and LIVE.)


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Could watch only one ongoing drama. There are so many I have to watch.
1. Start up: Ep 13-14. I am exhausted. So much exhausted. Defending, crying, more defending, more crying. I just loved the two episodes. There was a lot of character growth and development. There were lot of sweet sad moments. A name taken many times oh so softly it hurt. Reading the comments and the posts on a character I relate to extremely much being called stuff like manipulative, ungrateful made me feel like my own struggles were invalidated.

Anyway I wouldn't have thought what kept me sane would be Netflix produced dramas.
1. School nurse files: Of course I had to watch this cause NJH. It's weird but kept me occupied enough to take my mind off Start up and calm down. I don't really know what to say about this yet. But I like NJH in this.

2. Extracurricular: Ep 1-4 Have Netflix for two days. I thought a short drama which I could watch in two days would be good. I was already watching school nurse files. So out of curiosity and against my better judgement I decided to watch this. The first ep was hard to watch. But I am interested enough to watch the whole thing.

I think I used up my brain capacity for Start up. So maybe I will have more coherent thoughts about these two dramas after I finish.


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Right watched ep 1-4 of school nurse files. 2 eps left.
Want to watch Uncanny counter, Awaken, Fly Dragon/Delayed Justice, Live on. Have to finish 9 tailed and Search yet. I tried watching Kairos but couldn't.


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Kairos The best parts are when the FL and ML work together. So please Kim Seo Jin, heal faster!

Live On Nothing really happened...

Awaken It was an exciting start. I'm curious about the creepy past. NGM looks pretty fine :D

Tale of the Nine Tailed Not sure about the end... It was this kind of drama that has every elements to make an epic story but sadly lacks the little spark that would have made it work.

The Spies Who Loved Me Ah-Reum fighting !

The Uncanny Counter It was a good start! The ML is a lovely and warm character.

Start-Up I really like how they put a NG scene in the episode :p

Drama special : The reason why I can't tell you It was boring... I already watched too many dramas with this kind of story and it brought nothing more. But I really love the actress Go Min-Si.


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The Uncanny Counter : First two episodes were solid. They have established world, rules and dangers. The high school trio is quite adorable. I like how much they care for each other and how much protective they are of each other. The Unni gang is quite fun to watch as well.
Tale of Nine Tailed: I am yet to catch up with last two episodes.
Live On : I have not gone back for third episode and I don’t think I ever will. First two episodes were snooze fest.


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I found it refreshing that The Uncanny Counter features a young hero with a happy family life and good friends. Of course he has an inner sadness but his support network is extraordinary. The Counters themselves are delightful.


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Tale of the Nine Tailed
Show Overall: 6/10. Pretty great til 9/10 with 9 being the best. Lost direction after that and went off rails in 13-16, with some good moments scattered here and there. Dragged down by annoying, nonsensical romance and leads but elevated by Kim Bum's star turn, bromance, colorful supporting cast and the magnificent score.
Finale (Ep 16)
0/10. Hard to call this it a finale since 50% of the running time was padded with old footage, while the rest was recorded messages of characters fawning over ML, and some interminable filler of ML and FL trying to be cute without success (as always) and about 7 min of something actually happening. It didn't feel like an actual episode, but like a bonus feature on Blue Ray Disc 2 where they keep outtakes/deleted scenes, goofs&gaffes and specials that puff the main star. This was honestly the worst finale I've ever seen in my life. It forced me to sit through old footage again. Nothing happened for about 98% of the overlong episode. I gave it 0/10 cause the magnificent score saved it from negative number/10 rating. However, it's an easy 10/10 for insomniacs in desperate need of effective sedative and, of course, LY/JA shippers. I can't recommend this show and I will avoid anything with the ML and FL in the future.


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Lee Dong Wook in my opinion is an excellent actor, so I wouldn't necessarily blame how bad Tale of the Nine Tailed ended on him, but rather the writer. I can't speak for the female lead, but I highly suggest more of LDW's works over Tale of the Nine Tailed. I think that in this scenario, I don't blame their lack of chemistry on the acting but rather unfortunately on the writing.


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It was ok week of cricket. Not much competitive cricket.

Newzealand Vs. West indies - Beautiful Kane. And so much disappointment from Indies side.

Australia vs. India - good T20 match it was. both sides had opportunities but i'm more excited about Test matches.


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30 years of Virginity Makes you Wizard - 4.5/10 This meme became a title. This is casual timepass watch. shoujo fluff of straight BL. Japan is making good moves with these 25minutes dramas. This one has many good funny scenes.

Do You Want to Warm up This Love? - 4.5/10 - manga to live-action. I have to catch up with lots of episodes. Reason is from start i got the feeling that its your typical asian romance drama and it really is. But this drama is also doing a few things in proper manner to attract attention. For that i have decided to give it another fast go.

#hastag - 4/10 - casual timepass and does looking annoying at times. style that might look refreshing actually turns out to be -ve for this show.

Seven Secretaries - 7/10 I had talked about this show's 1st episode weeks ago. This show is good. yes. good it is. Chikan. oh ho. peeping toms. oh ho. only thing left is now panty thieves.


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Our Sister's Lover - Strongest point of the show is its writers going full anon with rants of talkative heroine. Its like writer love to write long wall of posts on 2ch. Hero story was such a bait. I was fooled for 1st 2 episodes but then got a clue which made me think is it a bait and it turned out to be a bait. good going writer. director is giving competition to writer which in turn is making this drama a bit too +ve at times. Is any toothpaste brand sponsor of the show?

Young brother with Heroine's friend - and heroine's friend measuring the temptation in funny way. Good good.


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Korea - 0

China - The Centiemetre of Love - 6/10 This typical Chinese drama has heart in Hero-Heroine relationship. Their relationship is just beating hands down most of couple, romantic relationships of 2020 and even 2019.
1 reason that looks that way also is because of all frustrating over the top side characters. they are so annoying as a group that Hero-heroine start to shine way more than they should be in normal circumstances. Writer lacks logic at few instances and other times characters look too wishy-washy. Its more like writer is going through rapid moodswings.

The issues raised by writer might have looked more genuine if and big if writer had shown that from the action of characters. I have found no actions of side characters that make me see them more than your copy-paste characters on steroids.


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1 reason that looks that way also is because of all frustrating over the top side characters. they are so annoying as a group that Hero-heroine start to shine way more than they should be in normal circumstances.


I haven't started The Centimeter of Love despite Tong Da Wei being one of my favorite Chinese romantic leads. He's brilliant at playing lovable, charming, normal-ish men. But after watching three of his dramas, I suspect that his contract requires him to be the best person in a sea of horrid people. The three shows I've seen have unbearable side characters who make his life difficult. Bitchy ex-girlfriends conspiring to derail his new romance. Stubborn mothers demanding blind obedience. Greedy, unfaithful ex-wives who want to send his only son to America for school. Overbearing, interfering, creepy brothers-in-law keeping is beloved away. It's exhausting and I end up FF at least 30% of his shows.


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Finished Tale of the Nine Tailed. It was pretty good and it kept me pretty hooked, but c'mon!!! For a show with so many tails in its title and so many characters that ought to have a number of them, it perplexingly and disappointingly showed basically no tails at all! What was up with that, Show? As someone neatly pointed out, you could've just all make them goblins or fairies or whatever, what's the point of them being gumihos? And no, scary "foxy" eyes (that look more like snake eyes) don't make up for nine fluffy tails at all!!! MGIAG dealt with it way better, it's really a shame. :(


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IKR!! I was really hoping they would show us at lead Yeon's (if not Rang's) original gumiho form, but they never did!! Super disappointing in that respect.


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TAIL OF THE NINE TAILS (End): I did not realize that the show title translates to Deus ex Machina because Episode 16 was so poorly constructed that any past story rules were disregarded, especially the end scene. The show should have ended at the end of Episode 15. The writer messed up the concept of reincarnation was badly the last episode is not salvageable. The OTP was the weakest part of the show.
CHEAT ON ME (Episode 1): Jo Yeo-jung was the perfect sociopath in Perfect Wife so I was looking forward to her role in this series. I was also looking forward to compare it with the recently finished My Dangerous Wife. Both series have started out "too" fast. CHEAT does appear to have some deep, evil secondary characters to throw in the mix. We shall see.


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TOTNT's end scene is a blatant built-in-sequel. They don't have to make with more but that's what it is the "just in case" insurance. Needless to say, I won't bother. Never watched this for for ML and/or FL.


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Uncanny Counter: 8.6 The Buffy vibe is strong -- one dies and another is Joseon chosen (with a library scene in day 1). Also reminds me of Arahan, which incidentally I recommend you watch at least thru the tear gas scene. The Arahan resemblance can't be coincidence -- per Asianwiki, the PD of this show was the writer of the 2004 movie.

Tale of the 9-Tailed: 8.0 If a show with Jo Boa has someone die but come back to life, they're supposed to do it Surplus Princess style with a lightning bolt and Terminator music.

Awaken: 7.6 Somebody seems to be using mind-control to make baddies kill themselves. Are they also using mind-control to make us watch? Or just using Namgung Min?

Spies Who Loved Me: 7.5 No!!! Not Pil-Ho! He and Doo-Bong were the best couple in the show.

Startup: 7.5

Kairos: 7.8

Fly Dragon / Delayed Justice: 6.0 I really don't need those guys to keep telling us their names over & over. Or shouting. Or crying.

Cheat on Me If You Can: 8.4 Next Week My Wife Will Have an Affair meets -- something, but I'm not sure what. Also there are a lot of potential murder weapons.


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Re Spies: Agree, didn't want Peter to die. Enjoying this entertaining drama.


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Fly Dragon / Delayed Justice: - agreed. The show would be much better and much less annoying without all the shouting and inane babbling.


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“... Surplus Princess style with a lightning bolt and Terminator music.”

Huh? Would you recommend said drama?


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Maybe the first 2 days and the last 10 minutes of the finale. And hey, it has Kim Seul-gi.
Also, if you haven't seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4n5mJvfNo&ab_channel=kdramalaws


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SURPLUS PRINCESS was a somewhat interesting romcom spoiled in the end but then miraculously the unneeded tragedy was undone in the last minutes to give us a happy ending- one of the poorest written finales ever.


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But the ending had Terminator music :)
And it may have been one of the most hastily (re)written finales ever and the last few seconds have been considered by some as a possible giant F.U. to the people who gave it the episode cut.


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Now the ending makes sense.


Nirvana in Fire, the original. Second viewing. I waited two years to go back to it. Hu Ge's central character, the dying brainiac, is so wonderful. He's monk-like, priestly, with such graceful, expressive body language and facial expression. Really remarkable.


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One of my favorite epic dramas of all time. Not many can live up to the standard of NIF. You know of any?


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I'm just here to say I LOVE Nirvana in Fire too, and it's one of the few revenge dramas that gets everything right. Also one of the few where the lead being smarter than everyone around him made sense and wasn't extraneous ❤️❤️❤️❤️.


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Shopping King Louie🛒🤴(11/16): I’ll start on a superficial note: Joo-Hyuk!💪❤️I was so proud of Louie last week when he decided to work hard to become a worthy partner to Bok-Shil. Right when we would get our standard honeymoon phase however, the writer separated our lovely couple. Louie exceeded my expectations by going beyond merely wooing Bok-Shil and he put most K-drama male leads to shame in the process.😲We all know how tricky it is to stay in touch with loved ones nowadays, and yet Louie effortlessly makes sure his lady eats well and lacks nothing from a respectful distance.😍 Icing on the cake: he empathizes with arachnophobes.😂Bok-Shil might have been a grateful and respectful mentee to her mentor Joong-Won, but since his feelings ran deeper it felt rather one-sided. The platonic feelings seem mutual ever since they became colleagues in their own company, and Joong-Won is opening up and interacting more with others through her and Louie as a result. He puts second leads to shame with how content he seems to be as her colleague and friend.😊


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Shopping King Louie is the greatest success of a writer that shall not be named. (She also wrote DDSSLLS, that's why...)
I agree with description of a great second lead.
Louie is also a proud ML, even though he was a burden at the beginning. But he is so caring and loyal, that you just have to forgive him.
Now talking about the drama in general, it is flusssy, pretty and almost unreal, because most characters are nice and for once you barely see the typical bullying at work or typical misunderstandings between the OTP, but still... the setting makes you believe life could be like that, with hardness inclusive.
Keep on watching, it will be mostly sunny for you as the viewer.


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Penthouse - this show continues to make my week, it’s so over the top I love it. I laughed for 2 minutes straight when I saw the cigarettes and magazine, really show??? I have to nitpick some things though, 1. For such a prestigious school why is there so much rubbish? Rona is cleaning some, the mothers are cleaning some and there’s more where Eunbyeol dropped Jennie’s hairpin....sheesh. 2. How did Seokhoon hear Rona pleading to the teacher when the door is quite far from where they’re seated but seojin couldn’t hear what the P.E teacher was telling suryeon when she’s just in the same bathroom??


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Agreed - this show is so over the top that I can't wait to see what crazy stuff comes up next. The funnest part is seeing how everyone is turning on everyone, and so much backstabbing that they will soon run out of knives. The only character I liked was the dog, and the dog died (from breast cancer...).


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“ 1. For such a prestigious school why is there so much rubbish? ”

Because all of those preciousssssss ones grew up never ever cleaning up after themselves, always left thing’s wherever they left them, etc. Given their behavior to date, it’s pretty cleat things like social responsibility were never on their curricula.

Mothers are cleaning - that’s because mothers are Cleaning not because something is dirty but as punishment for not having raised their children properly, s standard apology in kdramas.

Any bets on the relationship between the dead girl and the PE teacher?

One hopes that Penthouse remains true to its over the top nature!


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Thank you LT @leetennant for the support. I couldn't have done it without your misery comments in the recaps. Muggy will forever be Precious but I don't think we have the same tastes anymore. @ndlessjoie you know what to watch if you want an angst-free trope-filled rom-com ;)


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I'm committed. So it's the opposite of Mary? 😉

I think we have similar tastes some of the time.


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Wait what! Have you started??? Please have your trope sheet ready. *jumps around in excitement*


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I haven't had time to start. (Need to finish Start Up and Into the Ring first.) Wait about a week to begin jumping in earnest.


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Why are you guys being so hush-hush what drama are you talking about


@mindy Full House Take 2. It's either my reward or punishment for @wishfultoki watching my favorite drama Mary Stayed Out All Night. I don't know if it's my punishment until I watch it.


@mindy Sorry, it's no secret. I've been trying to make Muggy Preciouss watch this for months now. I'm so happy she's honoring our deal.

@ndlessjoie It's your reward of course!


The Uncanny Counter - This show was a surprise and I really didn’t expect to like it but I ended up loving the first 2 eps, the lead is very adorable I know he’s probably like 30 but he looks like a baby here

Do Do sol sol la la sol - This was a mess but a very enjoyable one until they pulled that weird stunt in the last ep which I very much didn’t enjoy. However it introduced me to go ara who I found very lovely and entertaining.

Start Up - Still enjoying this a lot despite its many plot holes and inconsistencies. I mean the revenge plot lasted 2 seconds and was useless and out of place, they could have used jipyeong realising he talks to people like they’re garbage on him and dosan the person he’s actually been the most horrible too and mended their to relationship but they insist instead on pushing the love triangle to the very end whilst forgetting to have dalmi look like she’s at all interested in anyone other than dosan.

Still unsure why Jipyeong fans created an entirely different show in their heads and then got mad at the show because it wasn’t fanfiction. Genuinely the most bizarre thing I’ve seen during my time watching dramas. I actually think they might have ruined Kim seonho for me which is sad because after catch the ghost which is one of my fav dramas ever, I was looking forward to seeing him more but nope.


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The Uncanny Counter's ML is 24, as is the young female Counter. But when I saw those school bullies, I was certain they were pushing 30. (I've seen this with female drama school bullies. There's something about a grown woman wearing a tiny school uniform that makes her look extra delinquent.)

Interestingly, the young actress playing Moon's best friend is an actual child. She's 14! See the cast page at MyDramaList.


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those bullies look hilariously old! I guess bullies do look older and more powerful from the point of view of the young victim.


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My God, yes. The ones from Ep. 3 look old enough to have kids at that school.😜


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You are right for at least a 2 of the bullies. Per AsianWiki. The Mayor’s son (actor Jung Won is 31). Head bully (actor Kim Min Ho is 30).


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I had a feeling those bullies were already out-of-school youths and running a business already. Agree, they looked too old! And Mr. Gu, the orderly from Romantic Doctor was there! HAHAHA ^^


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LOL. When I read your comment, I thought,
"Mr. Gu was there? How did I miss him?"
Well, according to AsianWiki he appears in episode 3 which I will watch today. Whew, i really would be loosing it if i missed a guy that big.
O/T. Lee Kyu-ho (Mr. Gu) has had a great 2020. He has appeared in DR. ROMANTIC 2, THE GOOD DETECTIVE, MISSING: THE OTHER SIDE and now TUC. All of those dramas are 2020 favorites of mine.


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I always loved it when he appears in Romantic Doctor. ^^


Uncanny Encounter: Binged episode 1-2 in one go. When episode 2 ended, I was like WTF, there is no more?!! Fallen really hard for it. It's got feels, humor, and action/adventure and it is beautiful to watch. It really feels like you're jumping from rooftop to rooftop. My only complaint would the time spent with the school bullies and how they get away with everything.

Tale of the Gumiho: Fun ride, but realized that the only thing I was invested in and got me to the end was finding answers. Like WHY is this all happening? What are the Imoogis' motivations again? I still don't understand. They're just baddies who have a hate-boner for Yeon? And they really bent that logic with the reincarnation stuff just so everyone can have their cake and eat it and then have 2nd helpings with that final reveal about Yeon.


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Cheat me, If you Can: I just cant with cheater, nothing to root for. Not look promising either. But why Go Joon is soo sexy... 😂


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My go-to dramas ended last weekend. I've been filling time with old-uns. I re-picked up the 2017 series 'Tomorrow with you' after losing track of it halfway through originally. The 2017 story of a man who can time travel to 2019! Watching it today I think 'Be grateful you didn't transport yourself into the middle of a pandemic!'


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'Be grateful you didn't transport yourself into the middle of a pandemic!

😂😂😂 (I'm laughing and crying at the same time.)


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Then he could have caught it and carried it back to 2017 and we would have never been able to sort thru the conspiracy theories on how it started.


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Kairos - This drama had such a promising start with right spice of thrill and suspense. But i feel like the last few episodes seems to be a bit repetitive in the events that is happening around them. The writing seems a bit loose and some scenes are frustrating to watch.


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Tale of the Nine-Tailed: You know, I never expected this show to be much more than a cheap thrill, and so I I'm overall satisfied with it. The ending was a little...underwhelming, sure. But there was so much beauty in that brother bromance, that I'm just going to choose to focus on that. The writing/story didn't put much in the pantry, but LDW and KB in particular (IMO) did a solid job of using all of what they were given to cook us the best meal they could. Aside from playing a bit fast-and-loose with the plot (and some canyon-sized plot holes included), to me the biggest mistake was in not ensuring that the OTP had explosive chemistry - because when the wizard is in reality just some guy pulling levers behind a curtain, you need some dazzle to distract. But overall, it was wild and wacky and weird, and I really did love it and had a lot of fun watching it with you all. Distracting foxes forever!

The Spies Who Loved Me: am a little bit behind the real-time watchers, but I'm still thoroughly loving it. I just really, really like Ah-reum so hard. I want to be friends and do champagne brunches and bookstore browsing together. I'm glad that Derek is turning out to be more than a 2D villain, but if she's going to pick one in the end, then I'm firmly Team Ji-hoon.

Private Lives: what is it with shows that have an awesome premise and start kind of tripping all over themselves in their over-earnestness to be awesome? Just chill out stop over-engineering your idea. I'm still intrigued enough to keep watching (about halfway through my binge), but mostly because Seohyun and Go Kyung-pyo really do have great chemistry - and the disguises are a lot of fun.


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SF8 White Crow- This is my second favourite episode after The Prayer. Another one I will remember for a long time.

I've started Flower of Evil.. just done with Episode 1. I'll be binging it all weekend.

I was looking forward to Awaken and The Uncanny Counter but don't feel like pressing play on both.. maybe in a few days.


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"The heterosexual romance in the latest Kdramas is so badly done that it has become a plain hindrance to the plot. Just imagine how much more fun and interesting the Goblin and the latest, Nine Tailed dramas would have been without FL leads. No, seriously."

Quoted for truth. This should be pinned to every showrunner's laptop/tablet.


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Agree, the bromance between Yeon and Rang and the ending had me sobbing - I wasn't crying at [spoiler]Jia's pain but at Rang-a's and later Yeon's. [/spoiler]. The romance left me feeling a little like The King Eternal Monarch. I could get that the players felt it was epic, and the actors were giving it all they had, but somehow it didn't touch me. A stark contrast to Goblin, where it just worked for me.


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Tale of the Nine Tailed: Well, I just coasted through this one without feeling emotionally invested. I felt like it was a pale shadow of Goblin. I really feel like the finally would have been stronger if they'd left off that strange last few minutes. What were we supposed to make of that???
Start-Up: I still really like this one. As much as I adore Kim Seon Ho, I'm not having a hard time backing the OTP. I just like them together so much and I like how they bring out the best in each other.
Perfect and Casual: Sometimes YouTube sends me cute scenes from random Chinese dramas to try and lure me into watching them. It sometimes works. This was a cute and sweet ball of fluff and just what I needed. There weren't any super annoying or evil second leads, and the plot moved a long at a good pace. Only 24 episodes and the OTP had great chemistry. The only open-eyed dead fish kiss was from the ML! Ha! I really laughed when inverted that trope!
FAILing in Love: Cute web drama. I'm enjoying the young cast and they are doing a great job. I'm starting to be unsure of who the ML is and that's kind of fun.
School Nurse Files: Taste tested the first episode with my husband. He watches at a much slower pace, so it might be a while before we finish even just 6 episodes.
Somebody Feed Phil: I love this travel/food show. Catching up on the lastest season and now want to eat all the things!


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The Uncanny Counter—I came for the tracksuits and stayed for everything! According to MyDramaList, one of the seasoned screenwriters is Yeo Ji-na—whose work includes classics like Il Mare (2000) and 9 End 2 Outs (2007). The other screenwriter wrote Witch's Court (2017), among others.

Twisted Fate of Love continues to be my c-drama guilty pleasure. (I think the title 今夕何夕actually means What Night is Tonight.) A female general is sent back in time to prevent a long civil war. She ends up falling for one of the men she believed to be a co-conspirator but there's more to him than she realized. That man is played by Jin Han, who just gets swoonier with every episode. I don't know who the voice actor is but it's a decent pairing with Jin Han's striking aquiline nose and strong, dimpled chin.

On Netflix, I also caught the first half of Sedece Sen the 2014 Turkish remake of Always the 2011 Korean film starring So Ji-sub as a boxer who falls in love with a blind artist. It's pretty much a scene-for-scene remake, down to the ML's henley shirts. I haven't finished yet because boxing scenes make me squeamish but the first half is lovely.


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9 End and 2 Outs was just soo slowwwww. I dropped it at episode 9 because the leads relationship still showed no signs of going from friends to lovers so I'm a little apprehensive


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The Uncanny Counter is thrilling and quite brisk.

9 End and 2 Outs is a different animal—and different era. Oof—you're right that it was slow; did the contemporary audience think so as well? I only saw it a couple years ago and learned on the FF during the boring bits.😉


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Tale of the Nine Tailed Yeon and Rang's story is the most interesting in this entire show. The scenes that touched me most are the ones between them, and their fox family. Those video messages and their little jabs at each other were bittersweet.
I like Jia, don't get me wrong, but I always felt like their alleged love story had insubstantial foundation to work on and felt too forced. They would have worked better as friends first and maybe the romance aspect can be worked on later as they grow old together during their HEA. I will miss the gumihos and puppy boy most of all.

Start Up I really like this show since I have a soft spot for underdog stories. I really like the leads DoSan and Dalmi. It has always been their journey and they are the heart of the show for me. I also adore JiPyeong, Halmoni, Chulsan, Yongsan and Saha. Injae is removed from the core group but she has a really good character growth. Sad to see this show end but we must witness the fall of the Wons (Injae's ex-stepfather and stepbrother). Plus catch the culprit of the ransomware - looking at the twins.

The Spies Who Loved Me The Asia Bureau is in shambles and the mole is on the move. Plus Derek's Mom is acting suspicious and feel like she is the one running the show. I sense that Ahreum is in danger because of her. Luckily JiHoon has her back.

The Uncanny Counter I officially like this show. It has a solid first two episodes. I am looking forward to the backstories of  Ms Chu, Mo Tak and Hana. Also how it ties up to Mun in the past. I really like Mun's friends. Mun is lucky to have loyal friends like Jiyeon and UngMin.

Awaken It was fun seeing Namgoong Min back onscreen after Hot Stove League. Plus see him reunited with Kim Won Hae. Also I really like his chemistry with Lee Chung Ah. There is a mystery in the past and the current string of deaths/suicides. It will be interesting to see how the show will proceed with that ep2 cliffhanger.

The Good Detective This has been temporarily put on hold but hopefully I can get back to before the year ends. I feel like this show deserves my full attention so will get back to it during the holidays.


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Start-up: my weekly favorite. I think the time-skip allowed for a needed change of pace and was actually well done. I just don't like the unnecessary "heat" and "saltiness" of the comments' section with those silly "team Ji Pyeong" vs . "team Do san" wars, which I don't think the writer ever intended.
Do Do Sol: Finished episode 14 and just waiting... I hate to let things unfinished, especially now that I have invested 14 whole hours in this! I try heard to understand the writer's motivations for deviating so from the original characters that we knew and liked, especially Jun, but I just cannot understand and it's super frustrating. Since I am a bit spoiled on the ending, I might as well watch it!
When I was the most beautiful: I had put this on hold for a while, but finally got around to watching the last 2 episodes, and I liked the ending so much! It is my first time in my K'drama watching history seeing a female lead ended up *SPOILER ALERT****************************

with herself! and I appreciated it. Overall, except from the excessive crying throughout the drama, it was a nice one about love, family and the different meanings and representations of love.
Tale of the nine tails: (ep 10)I am taking this veryyy slowly as I realized I am not so into it. Sometimes I want to watch it and sometimes I don't.
Mystic pop up bar: I started this and I enjoy it so far (ep3). I always like drama that tap into afterlife philosophy and in this, I love the dream part which I find so interesting (reminds me of the movie Inception, which I really enjoyed)


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When I was the most beautiful: - the ending fit the story arc. The heroine ending up happy by herself really was the only way for it to end.


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Ohhh, I hate spoilers, but actually... I love a story where the female lead decided not to accept any of the guys who want her.... wow, maybe because of the spoiler I may go and watch it!
Hooray girl power!!!!!


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Didn't do much drama watching this week. Only got eps 1 and 2 of Uncanny Counter and some more of Nokdu Flower to declare.
UC is ok - I'm in for over the top action, nerd friends and tracksuit crew!
About NF, I'd seen Beanies comments about how good it is, but I was counting on a more epic storyline and really wasn't expecting to have so many feelings, oh my heart! I'm a sucker for dysfunctional families... Wonderful, wonderful writing!
Still have 9 Tailed/b> to finish. Want to find out how everything wraps up, but don't want to say goodbye to my lovely foxes just now. I'm going to miss Lee Rang! 😙


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Found the Webtoon site a while ago and was intrigued, but didn't get to read anything until this week. Got super wrapped up reading True Beauty and Lore Olympus. I guess I'm way older than this site's main demographics, but it was still fun!
TB isn't finished yet, but feels like it's not far away from the ending. The webtoon is just like a k-drama - PPL, truck of doom, angsty showers and second half slump included 😂 Anyways, I don't think I'll spare 16 hours to watch the drama adaptation, but the couple of afternoons I spent reading were actually fun!
LO is super fun too, especially for mythology nerds like me, because it keeps me wishing to see more modern takes on Greek gods/creatures. Besides, it handles issues like consent with sensitivity. I'm surely going to save this one to show my bookworm-mythology-loving kid when the time comes for more mature reads


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NOKDU FLOWER epic natures lies in its incredible development of relationships (like the families), more than action or battle scenes (which you will get, hold on tight!). The best thing for me is that we get to know every single character, and with such a large cast that is a real writing feat. I'm still sad that only half of the drama was recapped - it's absolutely magnificent.


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TALE OF THE NINE-TAILED has ended and my wife will miss her foxes. We loved it to the end and feel suitably sorry about Rang. This was a great show with great story telling and that is about the highest praise I can give to a drama. I might add that Jo BoA proved definitively with this show that FOREST was not her fault. Lee Dong-wook will forever be a Grim Reaper to me but he was convincing as a fox in this show, but the actor who really shined in this was Kim Beom as Rang. You can tell when an actor is not just into his role but having a blast with it and clearly that was the case here.

My wife is now watching the final episodes of the C-drama LOVE AND REDEMPTION. She has really liked it.

I occasionally take a look at J-dramas. This week I watched the first two episodes of CHOOSING SPOUSE BY LOTTERY. It is apparently based upon a novel but does not seem to have the tightness of writing that I would have expected when that is the case. I will watch a couple more and then see if I will go on.

I had started PLEASE DON’T DATE HIM but the subtitles on Viki are extremely slow. So far I have only seen one episode and the second was not fully subtitled until after episode 3 had been broadcast. I will now watch episode two and make a decision.

START-UP continues to be very intelligently written, well acted and simply well done. This last week was he penultimate episodes 13 and 14. As we would expect these dragged just a little as we set up for the climax in the final 2 episodes. This how has had a really measurable impact on the viewers- how else to explain over 330 comments being posted in on its open thread- even for the penultimate episodes? At the same time those comments have often times revealed a lack of understanding of the source material: For instance complaints about the love triangle. It is as if they would rather have had Rostand make CYRANO DE BERGERAC be a story about the author’s struggle to write the first modern science fiction novel instead of being a story about how people are tripped up by their flaws. This writer has taken Rostand’s story and changed it into a new tale but remained true to its elements and its spirit. I appreciate that and only regret that the time skip- here shortened o only three year- prevented us from seeing our estranged sisters start to come back together. Watching In-jae act like a true Unni and dish out some tough love to her little sister was actually one of the highlights of these most recent episodes.

In contrast to the tight writing in STARTUP is the sloppier, at times irrational, writing of the weekender HOMEMADE LOVE STORY. The female leads father is a villian- OK that is good- but the thinking, actions and motivations of her grandmother are simply too stupid for words. I am starting to loose patience with this show.

I have begun watching the classic SOUND OF YOUR HEART, a fun, goofy drama with Jung So-min as the female lead.

Being a fan of Jo Yeo-jung I am...


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I guess i ran overly long.

Being a fan of Jo Yeo-jung I am about to start CHEAT ON ME, IF YOU CAN. It sounds fun. She was definitely one of the reasons for the success of the Academy Award winning PARASITE.


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“ but the thinking, actions and motivations of her grandmother are simply too stupid for words.”

Yes, unless there is some HUGE twist of some sort....


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My main gripe with Start Up is that it gave us so much of Dal Mi and In Jae's relationship yet it did not give us any glimpses of their reconciliation. I'm just angry at how we are shown In Jae as a child and then she is barely given screen time as an adult


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I have to agree with this. It would have been nice if more time was allocated to this. At least in the last episodes we saw In-jae letting go of her ice princess shell but I too would have asked for more.


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Currently Airing

TALE OF THE NINE TAILED: I’m not quite feeling this drama anymore for some reason. I really preferred the monster of the week thing they had going, and now that the focus is on the Imoogi, I’m a little bored. Plus, I really like the idea of suspense, but I can’t handle it and end up being too keyed up wanting to know how everything’s going to be resolved. Which leads to me spoiling myself. I actually don’t know how this ended, so maybe I’ll try to binge-watch the rest. (ep. 10)

Finished Airing

FLOWER OF EVIL: Everything’s beginning to become a bit too angsty for me. I’m not sure if it’s something to do with MOON CHAE-WON’s character or her acting, but I just can’t quite feel for her like I normally would. If characters are going through a hard time, I usually get wrapped up in it and feels those emotions alongside them. But I don’t feel much when she cries. And I don’t know if it’s just me or how her character is written, but sometimes there seems to be some forced acting going on that comes off as unnatural. (ep. 10-11)

THE GUEST: I wanted to watch this so badly while it was airing, and now that Netflix has it, I was finally been able to start it. And it’s really great. Episode 2 was a 9/10 for me and blew me away, which hardly ever happens. The most recent episode I’ve watched earned a solid 7/10, but now that the trio looks like they’re going to figure out they know each other, I’m thinking it will get better again. Now if only Netflix would pick up LIFE ON MARS or WORLD OF THE MARRIED… my K-drama dreams would come true. (ep. 1-4)


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The Guest is so good, I think I am going to rewatch it over the holidays as a special treat.


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"TALE OF THE NINE TAILED: I’m not quite feeling this drama anymore for some reason. I really preferred the monster of the week thing they had going, and now that the focus is on the Imoogi, I’m a little bored."

It's because MOTW format indeed worked well (ML/FL, who have zero chemistry, were more effective as detectives than a couple) and Lee Rang was the main antagonist in this part of the show, so the compelling bromance was more central than the unconvincing romance. With the change of the antagonist (especially the split into Ji Ah Imugi and teen Imugi), bromance took the backseat, romance was pushed into the front and Lee Rang, the show's MVP, was mostly reduced to worrying about Lee Yeon. Hence drop in quality.


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World of the married is on Netflix but then, it truly depends on each region🤦‍♀️


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It's not on mine. :( But maybe someday if other countries are getting it!


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Hey Beanies! Hope you all had a lovely week :)
It's officially summer holidays here so I've been busy catching up on dramas!

Do You Like Brahms (Ep.11-16) - I finally finished it :'( I don't know if other Brahmsie Beanies have moved on yet but I know this drama will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you to the director, writer, Park Eun Bin, Kim Min Jae, all the cast and the staff for bringing us this beautiful drama!! I'll miss JoonSong very very much >-< ♡

Into The Ring (Ep.8-13) - Still enjoying it a lot! One thing I really like about this drama is the cinematography. I honestly don't know much about filmmaking, but all the different angles and shots in Into The Ring have always stood out to me. I love how it adds to the comedy and overall vibe of the show! It definitely makes me appreciate the watch journey a lot more as a viewer :D

Start Up (Ep.1-4) - Honestly speaking, I had been avoiding Start Up because all the fanwars over the two male leads had put me off from wanting to watch it. But my sister was super keen on me starting it, so I gave in and I can now say that it's not bad at all. I'm enjoying it so far, especially the comedy that has me rolling in laughter at times, but gosh I really dislike them all lying to Dalmi :( I hope they don't drag this out too long before she finds out T-T

Hospital Playlist Throwback (Ep.22) - Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm loving the BTS footage so much and it's making me realise how many iconic scenes there are in HP! If someone asked me what my favourite scene was in HP, I honestly wouldn't be able to decide because every single episode is filled with sooo many memorable scenes :) ahh I'll never get over how much I love HP ♡♡♡

I'm also watching Cherry Magic (Jap. BL), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fearless Whispers (Chinese Historical) and I'm planning to start many more kdramas soon! :D The joy of holidays is ticking off my To-Watch list one by one haha

As usual, hope everyone has a lovely week ahead of them!


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DO YOU LIKE BRAHMS? will always have a special place in many hearts, including mine.


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I'm still not over brahms.. It affected me a lot


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I just finished Into The Ring.
What a delightful RomCom, (best R/C of the year, imho).
The writing was excellent, the cast was wonderful and the director got the best out of both. I was really impressed with Nana’s performance. She really has a knack for comedy.

I had only seen her once before, way back in ‘14’s reality show, Roommate

I’m also watching C drama Jui Lui Overlord


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Into the ring😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
It was so good!


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Now go back and watch the ITR lead play the bad guy in 'Psychopath Diary' from a year ago.


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she was really good in The Good Wife... small part, very serious, but she was cool.


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I am going to give My Unfamiliar Family and Stove League a go.


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KAIROS ep 9-10. So good. I was ready to lower down my expectations for the 2nd season (ep9-16), but ep 9-10 were too good...my expectations rose for the following eps 😅.

The writing as of ep 10 is tight, the story makes sense to me and that's a feat considering I'm very particular about dramas making narrative sense *cough* MoA *cough*. The character actions have meaning and there are no filler scenes, everything they do/did have consequences, good or bad. The acting remains amazing. The directing, editing, cgi, sound effects etc are still awesome. Each ep feels like a mini movie.

I hope Kairos remains good throughout it's run. 6 more episodes to go~~ I can't predict the ending at all. Fighting Kairos!


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Watching only:
Flower boy ramyum shop. Ep. 10.
And probably for the first time ever I have a second lead syndrome. I laugh a lot with Cha Chi soo, because he is histrionics, but I don't like him as the ML because he doesn't have a soul.
So, even thought I am bound to deception, I like to watch this show. The sense of humor is gold and the secondary characters are endearing... not boring at all. Not even Cha Chi soo's dad.


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Funny, I thought about FBRS the other day because the ramen shop building is also shown (as a manhwa shop) Into The Ring.

It took me a few to figure out what drama I had seen it in.


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Wow, i watched Into the ring as well, but I cannot relate yet one building with the other. I will pay more attention.... thank you a lot!!


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Watched Outing, a KBS 2020 Drama Special, featuring Son Sook and Jung Woong-in. Nice story.
A fruit peddler and a customer with the onset of dementia form a special bond


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