Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…


Currently weecapping: Zombie Detective

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: The drama is hitting all the right notes for me; it’s like listening to a familiar and favorite lullaby. Apart from Dr. Cha’s overtures consistently falling flat, I’m loving every other element, especially how adorable Lala and Joon are together. (Sorry not sorry for my punniness!)

Record of Youth: All I can say is that I’m still watching and Byun Woo-seok has a beautiful face.



Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Oh my garshhhhh, why are Lala and Joon so cute? Why is everything so cute, down to Mimi and her little doggy outfits? I left this week’s episodes feeling happy and full of sugary sweetness. Of course, even with a sugary sweet show, there has to be a tinge of danger. I know Lala is grateful towards this mysterious Dodosolsol person, but for all she knows, she could be talking to an obsessed stalker. Or someone wanting revenge. At least she has a good group of people around her now (the squishable Joon included).

Record of Youth: I find myself getting whiplash quite a lot with this drama. One moment Hye-joon is starting a new project, the next he’s winning an award for it. Now, he’s filming a completely different project, he’s in a scandal, and his best friend is actively seeking out his girlfriend. LET ME TAKE A BREATH, SHOW. Like, jeez. Time has always flowed this way in the drama (fast and non-linear), but it still takes me off guard. I guess the fast pace does resemble what it must be like for a star on the rise. I wanna grab Hye-joon by the shoulders and make him take a breath too.



Currently weecapping: Do You Like Brahms, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol, Start-Up

Tale of the Nine Tailed: I really liked the opening week of this drama! It feels like it’s doing fantasy just the way I like it: wild, rule-breaking, and kinda crazy, with a side helping of dry humor. Lots of folks were complaining about Jo Boa’s character throwing herself off the balcony to test our gumiho, but I loved the gothic wildness of this scene, and so many others. I like a drama that keeps me guessing and unsure of what stunt they’ll pull next. It requires some suspension of disbelief, but I don’t usually have a problem doing that… it’s a fantasy drama about mythical creatures, after all. And now for some mint chocolate chip ice cream to eat as I catch up on this week’s episodes.

When I Was the Most Beautiful: Can’t watch the last two episodes yet. No idea where it’s going to go, and I’m not ready for it to be over. Hwan, don’t leave me.



Currently Recapping: Tale of the Nine Tailed

Do You Like Brahms: I felt bad for everyone this week – well, except Jung-kyung because she’s terrible. Poor Joon-young and Song-ah haven’t figured out how to share their burdens rather than bearing everything separately. I feel like their main issue at this point is just that they’re inexperienced in relationships. Joon-young is being too considerate and inadvertently shutting her out while Song-ah’s insecurities are making her question everything. Song-ah’s decision made me sad, but I get it. I’m glad she was so honest about her feelings and what she needs.

Zombie Detective: Things took a darker turn this week. If what they teased at the end of this week’s episodes actually happened, that could really change things for Moo-young. I don’t mind if we go a bit dark so long as we keep the humor. I need my weekly ridiculous zombie antics.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: This drama is just so light and fun, and I’m not even always into light rom-com fare. A lot of what makes this work for me is the likable characters (save for that doctor who still creeps me out). Go Ara has never caught my attention, but she’s perfect for this role. Lala reminds me of UEE’s character in Ojakgyo Brothers, a similarly endearingly clueless rich-turned-poor young woman. And Joon is so sweet and lovable. I didn’t expect to look forward to this one so much each week, but here we are.


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Hey, Beanies! Despite all the new premieres lately, nothing is really hooking me. Fingers crossed Start-up is a hit for me! I’ll be checking out the episode as soon as I see it pop up on Netflix. In the meantime, here’s what I’ve been watching!

Forest of Secrets 2 (16/16): I know I’ve said previously that this season didn’t get me in the heart as much as the first one, but wow, those last two episodes. That was the most perfect finale episode I’ve ever seen--even more perfect than the first season’s! It really brought the emotional pull that had been missing for me this whole time, and I feel so blessed to have been able to cry and then laugh with Yeo-jin and Shi-mok. Season 3 when???

Record of Youth (12/16): Ugh, this show. I’ve been enjoying it as a mindless watch throughout most of its run despite the multitude of annoying characters, but this week almost broke me. The homophobia, my goodness. This show tries to seem so progressive but it’s storylines like this that just make it seem so dated and regressive. Seriously, when we’ve had some relatively sensitive portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters in dramaland this year with My Unfamiliar Family and Itaewon Class, this just is NOT a good look, show. To make your only gay character a predator, kill him off, and make him a threat to Hye-jun’s career? Not cool. And all of the casual homophobia by all of the characters… UGH.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (4/16): It’s amazing how a week can change your opinion of a show. Last week I wasn’t really into this. I thought the editing wasn’t great and Ra-ra was frustratingly dumb with all her crying and it was just Shopping King Louis without Seo In-gook, so worse. This week, though, I had SO much fun watching! The editing got a lot better and Ra-ra’s character improved--I’m kind of smitten with her now. And Jun! I love how tsundere he is without being a huge jerk. The “mystery” subplot is the one thing I didn’t like this week--why can’t drama writers keep their thrillers out of my romcoms?! But I’m still hoping it’s something of a red herring. This drama is too cute for something truly sinister to be going on!

Private Lives (4/16): I was pretty into this drama in the first episode but to be honest it’s lost me. Sometimes I’m not sure whether it’s supposed to be serious or a parody, and the second week just didn’t gel for me. The episodes are too long and the lengths really affect the pacing.

Flowers for My Life (8/16): So, as much as I loved this show a couple of weeks ago, I found that it became less unique and quirky as the episodes went on, and my interest waned. I ultimately decided to drop it. :( It’s a pity, because the unique heroine and offbeat black comedy was totally my style. I just felt it became a typical drama after a while.

Live (6/18): I think I’m in love. I wrote what was essentially a love letter to this show on my fan wall the other day and I stand by...


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I wrote what was essentially a love letter to this show on my fan wall the other day and I stand by it. I’m just upset that I can’t watch as many episodes at a time as I would like because of “responsibilities” (ugh) but I’m also glad that I’m forced to take it slow so that I can savor it. I have a feeling this is gonna go on my list of perfect k-dramas.

Start-up starts today, so I'll be watching that when it drops on Netflix!

Have a great weekend, Beanies!


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This statement made me LOL. I see you too are a lover of anything Seo In Guk. I appreciate you, he is my absolute favorite Korean actor. Strong Strong love for SIG.

"it was just Shopping King Louis without Seo In-gook, so worse."

Also, I'm glad you like DDSSLLS because I am loving it. Also spot on with thrillers in romcoms, so unnecessary.


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SIG was my #1 until, well... LOL. But he still enjoys a comfy spot at #2 and I still love watching him despite him being overtaken in my heart. 🤭

I actually find Ra-ra to be a much more likable character than Louis, and if Louis were played by anyone by SIG he probably would've driven me insane! Go Ara is no SIG, but she is doing a great job with this character so far!

Glad you're also loving Dodo! 💖


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@kafiyah-bello @mindy have you watched KBS show, Mama Mia, when Seo In Guk learns about his birth secret? It’s a riot.


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Of course! That video is legendary!


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No, but I will now. 😁, thanks for the link


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I was waiting for you to finish Flowers for My Life and know if it stands the test of time. Is it not worth it?

And Live, I still have to catch up to that show after ep 2. Glad you're enjoying it. That's the thing about Noh Hee Kyung's shows, I lover her writing, the raw, real, heart tugging writing which makes you care for each character. However, it's so real, that I can't continue watching. Ep 1 of Live hits so close to home that I dropped it because it made me uncomfortable (same with Dear My friends), even if I really appreciated it. I will go back to them someday.


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I may have just become impatient with Flowers. Perhaps it gets back on track in a few episodes, but I drop shows very easily if they don't seem to be going in a direction I care for.

I've come to realize that there are really no dramas too "real" for me. From Mother to Live to My Ajusshi, the harder it hits for me and the more emotional it makes me, the better. Maybe I'm just a sadist. And a masochist. 😂


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I like the pain too 😅 that is why slice of life is my favorite genre. But occasionally I'm reminded that real life is enough for that, so dramas should serve as a break.


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I also love the pain. Shows that are not shy showing the gritty painful reality of life tend to stay with me long after watching. I think humanity shine the most when we are striving to be our best in our most dire situations. I love show like My Ahjussi, Live, and Children of Nobody for that reason. The character growth inspire me in my own life.

I don't think I love pain for the sake of pain tho. I think this is why I stop watching Do You Like Brahms. These past few weeks just been pile of misfortunes with very little character growth from our main leads. It exhaust and deplete me rather than uplift and inspire me.


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Very well said! 💖 I also don't like pain or melodrama just for its own sake. It has to have a purpose.


Oh definitely agree with you. Pain for the sake of pain is just useless angst. Kdramas are formulaic, I could see only from beanies posts that Brahms will go there too, pain only to propel the story, which is why I never watched it. The good pain is something that exists in the situation and the characters and shows a progress of how the characters manage it (the likes of MA, JBL, Live). It made you connect with the characters emotionally, root for them and see a version of yourself in them because they are essentially showing humans. Jdramas in this sense are very unique, some of their slice of life shows are so fun but they still have the pain and the emotional connection without a sign of angst. So I think pain can be done well in between humor too. So definitely, like the pain not the (mostly situational) angst.


I’m happy you as well as other Beanies are joining the good, good, good train! 🥰😍😍

Just like Ra-ra said, this is good, good ,good! Lol


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Her "good, good, good!" cracked me up so much! She's like a compliment fairy.


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Record of Youth - I mean the intention was probably to portray a more "realistic" version of how a scandal would be if people think you're gay but it failed, clearly. Is the Korean media still so regressive? Would people react that way and no one would support it? I'm sure people would've come out and support Hye-Jun or the scandal wouldn't be of the madnitude as it showed it to be. I would be loved it if Charlie Jung had a little more screentime to have his story explained and given him more of a realistic touch where people could empathise to. BUT obviously it was just another plot device to make our protagonist the nice guy this show seems to be pushing. Disappointing because of the expectations. I wouldn't call it outright offensive just cringeworthy and sad.


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A trot singer came out recently and got quite a bit of support from what I read (although I'm sure he also got his fair share of malicious comments as well), so hopefully things are improving.

The only decent comment any character said was when Hye-jun's mom said gender doesn't matter when it comes to love, but then she didn't actually mean it so it didn't even mean anything.


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Until an Anti-Discrimination Act is enacted, I'm afraid S.K is where the U.S was at in terms of LGBTQ rights in the 60s. I hear differing reports on where the younger generation stands (more supporting than opposing than the older generation). Even Itaewon Class had the FL say some discriminatory stuff, even though that show had a lot of inclusivity for K-dramas :/

I remember Dan Levy (Schitts Creek creator) said that he didn't have any homophobic scenes in the show because he didn't want to give power to those voices, and create a show where things like that didn't occur. I hope in 10 yrs, that K-dramas be more sensitive about those topics b/c even in S.K, safe spaces for LGBTQ does exist.


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In Itaewon, when the FL said something discriminatory it was shown as something wrong as was challanged by the ML. I actually have no problem with that since its showing realistic potrayal of the injustice that the LGBTQ comunity face in everyday life. At later episodes the FL certainly come across as supportive of the transgender character (sorry, cant remember any of the characters name anymore).


School Nurse Files had five minutes where a lesbian couple came out, everyone reacted intensely and Nam Joo Hyuk said "sexual preference isn't something that needs fixing". That made quite a statement for me!


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100% agree about Record of Youth. I just felt so uncomfortable about the whole thing.

If anyone wants recent kdramas that feature LGBT characters without perpetuating disgusting stereotypes about predatory gay men, I can think of quite a few: Melo Suits Me, My Unfamiliar Family, Hello Dracula, Itaewon Class, The School Nurse Files. Especially My Unfamiliar Family and Hello Dracula, which depict very realistic struggles that LGBT people face in homophobic societies in a sensitive (and hopeful) way.


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Yes, yes, yes! Hello Dracula has been on my list since it aired earlier this year. I really need to get around to watching it.


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After being wifi-less for almost two weeks, I’m catching up with dramas new and old.

Do you love Brahms. A couple of weeks ago I said it was refreshing to see a couple talking about their feelings. It seems it was just a phase. I don’t like the angst. I understand why SongAh is frustrated and decides to put herself first, but I don’t like her demanding JK to stop seeing JY, because he’s not her property. I don’t like JY “protecting” SA from Traumerai because she’s not stupid, and if you explain and she doesn’t understand, then you don’t belong together, please don’t patronize her. It’s only two episodes left and I guess we’ll have more angst before the happy ending. I’m liking the drama, don’t misunderstand me, but maybe it’s too much angst.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol. I’m fighting to like Gu RaRa and failing. I’ve meet sa few Gu RaRa’s in my life: women with an easy life, that relied on their charm and got everyone around to solve their problems, every single time because they smiled. But I love puppy Lee Jae Wook and I’m always happy to watch Kim Joo Hun and Ye Ji Won, so I’m staying while I wait for the childhood connection / fate to pop up.

Tale of the Nine Tailed. It is so hard to focus on the show: if it is not LDW Greek God beauty and perfect chemistry with every single actor, it is Kim Bum scoundrel charm. Sometimes I can hardly read the subs… who could care about the subs!! Anyway, I’m liking it a lot.

Planning to catch up during the weekend with Zombie Detective and Missing: The other side. I also want to give it a try to Start Up, Search and My dangerous wife.


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Hi twin, I was wondering where you were. I think we have moved on to different places. Ha. Even Kim Bum couldn't keep me with tale of the nine tailed.


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I’ve been wifiless for a couple of weeks. Trying to catch up with dramas.
I think this is our first twin disagreement, but I’m sure we will sort it out! 😂😘


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I have never actually considered LDW super handsome (just my own personal thing), but there is something about him in this drama that just works. Don't know if it is the hair, the yellow contact lenses he uses in some scenes or what. I actually went back and checked out one of the steamiest scenes in all of k-drama - the tango scene in Scent of a Woman - just cuz I could.


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I know, I know. I like LDW but not because he’s specially handsome, but in this drama he just keeps distracting me from the plot 😑


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It's very rude of him *nods*


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And the surreal pale white skin.
I know he has lighter color skin tone, whiter than common white color skin.
Not exactly my taste but it suits his role perfectly.
And Kim Bum...
I'm expecting devilish smiles, glorious mane, naughty attitude, but my goodness...
Packed in red suit, only Kim Bum can pull it of!


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I had to look that scene up, and oh my gosh! So steamy it caught my breath. I don't find him super handsome either, but he's very good at intense looks and always catches my attention. Will be adding Scent of a woman to my watch list. ☺️


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Both LDW and Kim Bum are both very charming in Tale of Gumiho. I'm so looking forward to Tale of Gumiho


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Ha! I had the same feeling about RaRa reminding me of real life people getting by in their charms...but I think different from those people, RaRa does try to help out and solve her problems in her own hapless way, and is genuinely kind and empathetic to people around her. Sometimes that is all we need! But yeah I can’t wait for her to be more independent and rely less on people. I do love her ability to ask for help very frankly when she needs to. Dramaland has one too many Candies who refuse help all the time even when it makes sense to ask for it. I welcome the fresh change in RaRa. (The doctor is too creepy tho and can stay away!)


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The problem with our OTP in BRAHMS is not that they do not communicate their feelings but rather their refusal to talk about their problems with each other- thereby sacrificing both trust and the mutual strength to be found in facing problems together.


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Do You Like Brahms: actually im upset not because they are broke up but the fact they dont communicate to each other? or its just me expecting too much ? (especially after watching Flower of Evil and impressed by how the leads keep communicating to each other)

Zombie Detective: Mooyoung is so pitiful :(((( and the villain is crazy

Dodosolsollalasol: seriously this is a romcom i need right now. and Lee Jaewook as a soft tsundere?? *chef kiss*

Tale of Nine Tailed: actually i have 0 expectation about this but i looooooveeeeee it. its only 4 episode and Yeon and Jia's chemistry make me feel things. cant wait for next eps


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I'm on the same page as you about Tale of Nine Tailed. I went jn with 0 expectations but came out enjoying it. Also Jia and Yeon's chemistry is amazing. Whenever they are together onscreen, you can feel their interest jn each other


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Me three - 0 expectations for this show, and it's really not a genre I go in for. And I am LOVING it.


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Tale of the Nine-Tailed: this show is so much fun and I'm too impatient for the next episodes. Like, do I really need to wait five days for episode 5?

Do You Like Brahms: Haven't watched this week's episodes yet and I'm upset at where Jung-kyung's character arc went. I was rooting for her, show, I really was. Why'd you have to write her like that?

Coffee Prince + My Dear Youth - Coffee Prince: Ultimate throwback marathon! Fudged up my body clock again because I couldn't stop watching, but whatever.

Prison Playbook: I still have 3 episodes left and I don't want it to end yet. Room 6 boys leaving the cell one by one is making me sad T_T


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Coffee Prince is ❤️.


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For a while there I was watching more c-dramas than k-dramas but from last week I'm back on a roll with k-dramas:
Do You Like Brahms? - I'm glad only 2 episodes are left because the endless stream of misery is getting a bit much. Also can Jung-kyung please gtfo
Record of Youth - Park Bo-gum is pretty 😑
18 Again - This is more sensitive and emotional than I expected. Really liking almost all of the characters esp. the brewing high school love triangle
Tale of the Nine-Tailed - More horror elements than scaredy-cat me was expecting but I'm liking the fast pace
Private Lives - Very intricate and the non-linear story-telling can be a bit overwhelming but a good thriller nonetheless
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol - SO CUTE (but can the high school girl please stop shouting all the time, it's supremely annoying). Anyway Lee Jae-wook 😍
More than Friends - All the storylines are meaningful and interesting so far esp. the 2 female friends. For Lee Soo, it would be so easy to make him unlikeable but he's my favourite character, although I do find myself rooting for the CEO sometimes.

Going to start Search and Start-up today. Fingers crossed for more k-drama goodness 🤞


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Do you like Brahms?: I still do, but it should be called do you like angst? and no I do not. My poor JY, dealing with a toxic friend, his girlfriend dumping him, his teacher gaslighting him, and his father generally being an ass. He needs the same hug he gave SA, preferably from SA. SA at least has friends, but she needs to work on her insecurities for her own sake. As for JK she needs help too. She is using her need for some kind of love to toxically keep her only friend close. That is a big No No girl. SIGH. I hope the last two episodes are fabulous.

Record of Youth: MEh, I'm invested in Min Jae winning. The rest of the characters are exhausting and not in a satisfying way. The lack of communication between the leads is annoying. JA you have to tell your man when something is bothering you or he won't know, he is not clairvoyant. HJ, you can't forget the little things about your girl if you don't see her. That is when you do remember. I frankly don't care about the rest of them.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: This is my happy pill. Go Ara is a gem in this role. As another beanie said she reminds me of the fabulous Amy Adams in Enchanted. I enjoy everything about this drama. I hope they keep it up.

Private Lives: Dropped, I realized I was bored and didn't care halfway through episode 3.

Tale of the nine tale: Dropped. I realized I didn't care about this in episode 4. I have seen the story before and I have seen it better done. 🤷🏾‍♀️

More than Friends: Lee Soo is still an ass. Woo Yeon is still annoying. I do enjoy Joon Soo though. I thought it was bizarre that he was listening to her messages, but his reasoning actually made sense in the weird kdrama way. I think he can do better than Woo Yeon, so I have no SLS and hope he finds a nice girl for himself.

Search: Excited to watch this.

Start Up: Less excited for this, but will watch anyway.


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I agree with you so much about Brahms!! I really don’t need so much angst and lack of communication and confidence. My gosh, it’s people in their 30 and they act like they are in higher school...

I was going to give a chance to Private Lives but I’ve read so many not-so-good comments in the wall, and now you say you drop. I thinks I will skip it.

See? We only disagree on Tails 😊


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You are right, you are right.😁


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Go Ara giving off Amy Adams in Enchanted vibes--yes!! I think she shines in this role more than in anything else I've seen her in.


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Agree! Watched Go Ara in a couple of dramas before and always thought she was the weakest link, but she's doing really well in Dodo!


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I'm patting myself in the back for being able to hold away from Brahms even with all the Kim Minjae gifs and wonderful feedback on the Beaniewall.. It was hard, but I just KNEW that drama was setting itself up to hit viewers on the head with a ton of angst 😂


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You can tell by the drab, desaturated filter the drama uses 😂

Jokes aside, I'm also glad I didn't start it, lol.


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CRICKET - Australia vs. India announced . Time for action

Tennis - Yeah - I like my 5 hour long match of long-long rallies. This is why i prefer badminton now.


A Meal Makes her Forget - 8 out of 10. manga to live action. Yes yes yes. New episode translation. after a long time. When you have source so good you get a tv drama good, no matter how average your director, writer and actors are. Source is supreme.

Remo Love - 7/10 Haru really is a busy actor. Like she has debt of millions to pay. It was an okay episode for a start. Let's see this distant romance.

Maidens in Your Savage Season - 7/10 - manga to live acttion. Ohh Episodes are getting a bit more exciting. Yamada Anna still looks like a middle school girl.

Rekishi - 6/10 - as said last week. very nice concept to engage the audience. This is live as well as reality show. Cute Fukumoto Riko with nice voice.

A way of the Househusband - 6.5/10 - manga to live-action. This can be the new meme show. They have changed story a bit and that yakuza style looks quite stale in 2020. I used the word househusband most here and now to back it up we have a show. Don't want to see more moral lectures from characters but surely supporting all househusbands.

Burmese Mangaka - 6/10 - just watching it for its sake.

Lupin no Musume 2 - 4/10 the action meme show is back.

35-sai no Shoujo - 3/10 - trash. As episodes move you start to see how much mentally unstable this shoujo's characters are

Tario Fukushu Daiko no Futari - 6/10 - nothing special or interesting. average timepass. Hamabe with same set of expressions.


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Japan + Movie

Last Letter - 7/10 - Japanese remake of Chinese movie. nice watch. Makes you a bit emotional. More like this has teenage charm. Young, soft voice, naive, innocent, pure heroine a bait that makes space in your heart and then cliche fall of the heroine acting as a surprise to shake your heart. I don't fall for these tricks now. Still, the movie is made very Japanese style, smooth, simple watch. no noise pollution. worth watch 1 time.

Fear Newspaper - 7/10 - manga to live-action.
I don't watch scary stuff but this show has Shiraishi Sei. one of the very young newcomer that takes her profession seriously and the show has -ve atmosphere and physical violence but this show runs well.

Homeroom - 6/10 - manga to live-action. So you can easily expect some weird but crazy entertaining things. Don't ask questions of why this and that. Just watch and enjoy the creativity of mangaka in a tv drama with good acting fro main male actor.


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Deja Vu - got thai remake and thai has english translation
Taiwanese raws are up but no english translation and this show aired in 2019 and its actress's new romance fantasy show was much talked here.

Falling into You - 4/10 - Taiwan. Puff Kao is same as usual. Trash drama, bad direction, low quality story.

To Dear Myself - 4/10 - Trash drama. Writer deserve all the flak. As said earlier - the only consistent couple was married couple and writer showed middle finger to not only every main character but also to the audience. The only character the was worth till episode 42 was suddenly did something and became same as all other characters.

Sweet 1st Trash - trahs 3/10 - Typical Chinese teen trash.

When She is in Love - trash. 3/10

Most Chinese dramas titles involve love,romance and they have nothing to offer. few months ago i talked about how foreign audience is targeted and maybe all this trash popsup to cater to the needs of this audience. They know what customer wants. It can't be that China has only this type of media to offer. If it is, then poor Chinese citizens for having no Choices of entertainment.


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Chinese dramas have a political problem: The country has regressed and censorship is rampant. This really shows when one sees a remake of a T-drama or J-drama. At this point they can still make a rom-com but have to be very careful about it. The historical costume dramas, Wuxia and Xianxia dramas can still be quite good (UNTAMED is an example) precisely because the censors leave them alone because they have nothing to do with the modern world and are thus fundamentally apolitical.


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You are right that the Chinese political censorship is slowly killing of the industry. However, I have to disagree on the last point you made. Chinese costume drama is in fact the most affected by the censorship in every possible way: the content must maintain historical accuracy (according to the CCP) with minimal artistic creativity, fantasy elements are forbidden, the drama length is restricted, so does the number of projects that get approval for airing every year. I've read some of the restrictions released by the cultural censorship department and they are utterly ridiculous. There are still quite a bit good quality C-dramas, but compared to the vast amount of production they try to put out each year, those good dramas are like needles in a hay stack. And they're not very popular, at least internationally. In rare occasions, you could find some gems like The Untamed, but I bet that these dramas are probably backed by huge capitalists who are willing and able to buy their way out of bureaucracy and censorship.
P/S: there have been nearly a hundred of BL projects that try to imitate the success of The Untamed, but I feel like more than half of it wouldn't get the license to air, since BL is still a taboo in China


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Thank you for your update and corrections. You are obviously far more knowledgeable than I am on this subject.

In any case I think that this situation is a real shame and hope that things turn around soon. I have a very high regard for the people of China and for their creative potential.


If I could jump in here @yuuchan and @oldawyer. I would like to recommend a Chinese film from 2018 that I saw at the AMC 25 in NYC: DYING TO SURVIVE. I was surprised the film was made and released. It one of the few times I can recall in a Chinese drama seeing a court scene. It is available on Viki.


Ya'll need to get off your high horses and stop what is purely spiteful China bashing!

Don't talk as if you're the authority on the Chinese drama landscape and Chinese entertainment industry coz, based on the drivel that ya'll have said, you definitely aren't!

Having seen Cat-O-Cat's comments over the years, he has an obvious anti-China bent and always chooses to only highlight the crap C-dramas (mostly low-budget, fluffy rom-coms) that supports his China-bashing agenda while ignoring the many better-quality substantial offerings of C-dramas of varied genres that were airing at around the same time that would've destroyed his argument.

I noticed that you guys keep re-hashing the same old C-drama titles again and again to try to support and validate your flimsy arguments. It just shows what a narrow and limited range of C-dramas you guys actually know about. Or that you're deliberately selectively choosing only the poor quality dramas and extrapolating them to falsely convey the impression that they form a generalised representation of all C-dramas.

Let me point out just a few C-dramas that have very recently aired that prove ya'll wrong:

- Love and Redemption (which just finished airing a few weeks ago) was FULL OF FANTASY ELEMENTS (oh, what's this Yuu-chan, "fantasy elements are forbidden"??) and WAS POPULAR INTERNATIONALLY. It had more than just "minimal artistic creativity"

- Reunion: The Sound of the Providence, Seasons 1 & 2 (also just finished airing) WAS NOT ABOUT LOVE & ROMANCE (falsely claimed by Cat-O-Cat as being the only type of media that China has to offer); it was an action-adventure that was FULL OF FANTASY ELEMENTS. Again, it had more than just "minimal artistic creativity"

- iQiyi's Light On Series (especially "The Bad Kids" & "The Long Night") (very recent dramas) -- had NOTHING TO DO WITH LOVE AND ROMANCE; they were GOOD QUALITY THRILLERS/MYSTERY-SUSPENSE SET IN THE MODERN WORLD and I would say that The Long Night even had political elements within the show as it was about police corruption, cover-ups and organised bribery affecting the Chinese police force which stifled the seeking of justice in relation to some nasty crimes that were committed

- A Murderous Affair In Horizon Tower - another recently aired GOOD-QUALITY MYSTERY-SUSPENSE/THRILLER SET IN THE MODERN WORLD that covered societal issues such as child abuse and the ensuing psychological trauma

- Black Lighthouse -- did someone express surprise to see a court scene in a Chinese drama? Well, this C-drama is airing today and IS ALL ABOUT THE LEGAL INDUSTRY/COURTS/ JUDGES/JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CHINA and yes, SET IN THE MODERN WORLD

- Guardian -- why do people harp on about "The Untamed" as if it was the only BL drama to be released in the 'censored' C-drama landscape?? Then what about THIS drama (i.e. Guardian)?? It had a notable measure of popularity (it was the drama that...



...(it was the drama that boosted the recognition and fame of Zhu Yi Long and Bai Yu) and GASP! IT WAS A BL DRAMA!!
Oh, and how about the C-drama Addicted Heroin?? ANOTHER BL DRAMA!! It was also pretty popular internationally and put Johnny Huang and Timmy Xu on the map. Surprise, surprise!
Besides is the output volume of BL dramas your measure of what constitutes a good drama industry? If so, that’s pretty pathetic.

- Love is Sweet -- even if you're talking just about rom-coms, this is a currently airing GOOD-QUALITY MODERN ROM-COM THAT IS HIGHLY POPULAR INTERNATIONALLY. Why no mention of this drama by these China-haters??

As for the restriction on drama lengths, that's actually a good thing because it cuts out the bad (and previously common) practice of 'water injections' and bloating of C-dramas wherein drama producers try to make dramas as long as possible to monopolise air time to get more ad and streaming revenue. Besides, some drama producers are getting around this rule anyway by breaking up their dramas into multiple seasons (e.g. Joy of Life, Reunion: The Sound of the Providence) -- the censors are well aware of this and have allowed them to release these multi-season dramas anyway.

Anyhow, I could continue on forever but these are just some recent examples to name a few. It's only a miniscule list of the variety of good C-dramas on offer out there. Don't talk as if there's no choice of worthy C-dramas available and that Chinese people are to be pitied because of 'big, bad censorship'. The Chinese people don't need nor want your false and patronising pity.

I'm not saying that there's no censorship or restrictions in the C-drama landscape at all but what ya'll have said has been outrageously exaggerated -- with the aim of badmouthing China and painting it in a bad light.

If you don't know enough about a subject, please don't say anything. You're using your heavily prejudicial views and limited/artificial knowledge of the C-drama landscape to fool and mislead others. Which is an insidious and hateful thing to do.


And I do not agree that Chinese costume/historical dramas are as restricted and censored as you have claimed.

SECRET OF THE THREE KINGDOMS, THE LONGEST DAY IN CHANG’AN, LEGEND OF ZHEN HUAN, WINTER BEGONIA, STORY OF YANXI PALACE and the upcoming LEGEND OF XIAO CHUO are just some examples of Chinese costume/historical dramas that have taken creative liberties


Korea -

Start-Up - 6/10 - don't expect much.
18 - 4/10 . Nonsense. Who gets fooled by this type of media?
More than Trash - 6/10 -
Orphan Family - 6/10
Pale Guy - 4/10 - trash - scary
Bimbo heroine - 3/10 - trash . Headache.
Private Con - 6/10

Start-Up - Short trailer can fool you but detailed trailer can't. Read description. Check actors and you can made up your mind. I don't think this show will ever get a raise from me. The best it can get is a 7.

Orphan Family - I have no problem with that Incest Bait, more for next week. So far the story is terrible.

More than trash - Why i gave it a 6 instead of 4? The office worker friend has better story. My daughter is daughter but future daughter-in-law can be treated as a maid. For 1st couple it would be better if the hero is now emotionally disabled but they are playing the usual kdrama card of physical proximity changing fluids of hero. That's why i don't prefer Korean romances - they are mostly lust job. Heroine at times is quite annoying.

Pale Guy - 4/10 - show has scary -ve moments. but overall its very pathetic stuff. Almost no logic and even no proper use of folklore and rituals. CGI is bad, direction is meh, writing is bleh. Nothing in music. This show actually is very much like Seung-gi's fantasy drama. Every year we get 1 or 2 odd fantasy mainstream dramas but this one is actually lowering the standard. Also most of the time its heros into Child grooming stuff - child grooming for sexual pleasure. In Hotel male child was groomed. What was with that punishment nonsense. You can find far better written fanfictions online.

Private Con - 1st episode had style, slow but had style. Story start in episode 3-4 and its description fools you. Its a Con.
Drama can't be even called a your typical Korean Con Job as it delves into various other serious matters.


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Mitsuki is so good in the 1 episode version of AMMhF. It is interesting to see how the longer version changes her performance for the same story.
Burmese Mangaka for that small drama that j is so good at putting out has just enough to keep it ticking along.

If you didn't see it at the time, Princess Maison is interesting.


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Still watching My Wonderful Life tho I know because it's a daily drama, the story usually falls flat or too overly dramatic. Also watching Record of Youth (enjoying it but don't ask me why), Dodosolsollalasol (Goo A-ra is killing the too innocent role) and Private Lives (like Seohyun here better than her previous dramas)


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Do You Like Brahms: I don't mind the break-up because they are both a mess who need time to figure things out in their own lives.

Tale of the 9-Tailed: It's an easy watch but I think the editing is a little messy and I also think the pacing is off a bit. Nonetheless, I like the leads together and Kim Bum is chewing up the scenery. Once in a while an actor just looks like he's having the time of his life playing a role.

Zombie Detective: I am waaaay behind but hope to jump back in soon.


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Tale of the Nine-Tailed  I like that there is a big event brewing and a big bad that is waiting in the sidelines. Also we learn more about Rang and his reason he is lashing out at his brother. Their story is so sad but I want to see them interact more. They need to communicate their feelings better. And poor Jia getting caught in the crossfire but I think she is holding her own. She just needs a little supernatural help here and there. She may be special but she is still human. Right?

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol I can't say enough how adorable Lala and Joon are. They are just so cute together. I look forward to all their interactions and watch then fall for each other one scene at a time. 🥰

Private Lives of course its time for us to learn more about Seung Hwan's backstory. And I can't wait for Joo Eun to find him and kick his a**.😆

Record of Youth This has got to be my least favorite PBG drama that I have seen. And its not over yet. I am happy that Hye Joon is getting the recognition he deserves. Everyone else around him is frustrating me in various degrees. Hae Hyo and So Dam in particular.

Missing The Other Side I didnt expect that reveal but it fits with the story. He would have to be the grandson but its heartbreaking for him. 💔


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Do You Like Brahms: Song Ah and Joon Young needed that break up. Honestly, they needed to deal with their own insecurities and baggage before getting into a relationship in the first place. I know the professors have just been used to cause conflic but Professor Yoo taking credit for Joon Young’s music was the most inane plot point.

My Dangerous Wife: I kind of like this though it should be 12 episodes. The wife is cuckoo, but her husband deserves all the crazy coming his way. Yeah, she staged her kidnapping and is blackmailing him, but he was going to poison her. Okay, maybe they deserve each other.

Lie After Lie: I was pleasantly surprised how Ji Min’s mom reacted to the truth about Eun Soo and then the marriage news. The character is noisy and the actress often plays the MIL from hell so I was expecting a lot of screaming and crying, but I appreciated how she made it clear she didn’t like the situation but was choosing to trust her son. Not thrilled with the direction the drama is taking with Woo Joo being sick.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Last week I said it has Shopping King Louis vibes and while I don’t like this nearly as much, it’s a cute, fluffy diversion. Scenes like the one in Episode 3 where Ra Ra played for the old man give it heart. I would like Ra Ra to make a go of her piano academy.

Private Lives: The episodes are slow but the endings somehow make me want to tune in next week. The problem is I forget a lot during the week. While watching Episode 3, I didn’t even realize Lee Jung-hwan’s client was Jeong Bok-gi and that Arsonist Kim was her partner in the church con in Episode 1.

Alice: After a few lackluster episodes, Alice picked up the pace. It would have been great if they could have cut about four episodes of romance teases. Oh well, that's been squashed and now we have a killer Jin Gyeom. Joo Won should take on a serial killer role some time. He was sufficiently creepy.

More Than Friends: It’s been a week and I haven’t pressed play for Episode 4 so safe to say it’s been dropped. I was interested in the friend with the long-time boyfriend, but that is about it.

Missing: The Other Side: The finale was nice but bittersweet. Nobody really got a happy ending but Mr. Jang’s was especially sad. But I appreciated there were no miracles, the dead were dead.


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Lie After Lie - my favorite show, but I also was not happy with the whole Woo Joo (almost) terminal illness thing. And though my favorite show (I am total sucker for revenge dramas), it sometimes gets totally annoying, especially the way that the "good guys" keep falling for that evil chairwoman's lies. I also find it frustrating that the good guys have not been a lot more active in exposing her.


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DYLB: Still on pause. I will till this week’s episodes and watch it in reverse order.
Record of Youth: I am still watching it. I am considering it as fairy tale romance between SHJ and the fame.
I am disappointed in the show regarding how they handled suicide of the designer. A person killed himself and somehow biggest issue for the media was whether SHJ was gay.
Lies after Lies: My makjang pill of the week.
Tale of Nine Tailed: The show has pretty interesting characters. I am hoping for more horror. I found ghosts quite creepy but I somehow expected Jia to be able to fight them on her own. She is producer of supernatural show, I think she would have come across one or two ghost encounters by now.


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I do not know if it is Covid related (possibility of a shut down), but several shows are sprinting at break neck speed through their main story lines.
MY DANGEROUS WIFE (Episode 4): The first four episodes were no filler, all meat. How can you resolve the explosive first story line in 3 episodes? There seems to be uncovered sinister stories in every character. The tight writing, good acting and accelerated pace may not be sustainable, but I am "all in" on this ride.
LIES OF LIES (Episode 13): Another show churning plot twists at a record trope pace. Viewers have now seen all the over-the-top plot cards but we do not know who will win the hand.
TALE OF THE NINE TAILED (Episode 4): The main mystery resolved in 4 episodes; complete with horror and danger elements. Will the rest of the show be a war between brothers?
HOW DO YOU PLAY?: There still is room for professional singers to shine. The Refund Sisters first all-kill single was better than I expected.
THE SIXTH SENSE: I guessed it right for the second week in a row, but the puzzles are getting harder. The cast chemistry is still stellar.


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Brahms, 9Tail, School Nurse, Private Lives


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18 Again (Episode 7-8)
Ok, first you have Ae Rin not miraculously aging over the years, now you have Dae Young not aging while Il Kwon does? I’m super confused! I’m also scratching my head at Il Kwon’s character: if he was supposed to be a villain, shouldn’t he just expose Woo Young’s identity or at least spread disinformation rather than making Dae Young look good? Ae Rin is another character that is making stupid decisions for drama in the middle third of the show but I’ve accepted the easy way out taken by the writer. However, I cannot understate how freaking awesome the family scenes are: I love them all!

Missing: The Other Side (Episode 11-12) - SERIES REVIEW PLEASE
In some ways, this show does demonstrate flashes of brilliance: Yeo Na wasn’t alive somewhere in a coma, also, Wook and Jong Ah weren’t the missing children despite the usual show indicators pointing towards them. However, there are a lot of faults with it too: 1) Explanation of ability to see dead was haphazardly done (what about the closing: they can still see!), 2) Rushed ending with so many village characters disappearing during the finale, 3) Antagonists were rather one-note, 4) Jong Ah was terribly undeveloped for a lead role. Still, I enjoyed the show and I guess that is what counts.

Zombie Detective (Episode 7-8)
After a lull in storytelling for the past two weeks (yes, I loved the comedy bits but the major Santa plot had stalled with very little development), this week’s episodes finally gave us some advancement on Moo Young’s past. I’ve always felt that the killer mystery wasn’t the plot that had the most narrative substance: it was always the ‘can I return to being a human?’ wish of Moo Young that would definitely be part of the climax. Maybe the guy who dumped the medical waste may have an answer? Regarding the side characters, I want more of the family bonding and less of both love triangles.

Private Lives (Episode 3-4)
The episodes were slightly shorter this week but I still felt the drag: the major issue this show has is that there are a lot of characters being thrown at us and they are taking up precious screen time which stalls the pacing and reduces any emotional attachment I have towards the story. Take for instance Jung Hwan’s female assistant: why does she behave so unprofessionally for a spy agency worker? Did we really need a married restaurant owner lusting after Joo Eun? I’ve also realised we haven’t even covered Hanson’s backstory yet: oh yes, he’s in the poster and promos, he does get one.

Also watching: More Than Friends (Episode 3-4) / Tale of the Nine Tailed (Episode 3-4) / Do You Like Brahms (Episode 13-14) / Record of Youth (Episode 11-12) / Alice (Episode 11-12)


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Busy week in RL. Not much time and energy to watch anything...
Though... I strangely found comfort in watching Lee Dong Wook auburn / rubby hair (in Gumiho)... and I got completely smitten by the completely smitten Lee Jae Wok (in LaLaLand).

(Hearing "Gut" by Go Ara wasn't bad either 😀)


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I watched a random Blade Man episode on TV and it was funny, the blades protruding from his back, him leaping from tree to tree in the forest and many more unintentionally funny scenes....problem is now I keep seeing Blade Man when I watch Gumiho 🙃🙃🙃.


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I also recently stumbled across a couple of episodes of Blade Man on KBS America. I had no idea what this show was about so I had to look it up. It aired in 2014. (KBS America has recently starting to show old shows as filler. Probably because it is having issues licensing current shows.)
To me, Blade Man really makes no sense. But I was surprised on how young and innocent Shin Se-Kyung is in the show.


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Well, that one scene in Gumiho day 4 was contrived specifically to make you think of Blade Man, so if Blade Man trauma flashbacks disrupt everyone's Gumiho viewing experience the show is just getting what it deserves.

PS: notice how people say they just recently watched a bit of Blade Man -- do they not want to admit to having watched it back then ??


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Hahaha. I really never watched Blade Man before. It didn't capture my interest back then....which now makes me wonder which dramas did I watch in 2014....and did KBS World strategicly arrange the Blade Man rerun to coincide with Gumiho? Hahahahahahaha 🤣🤣


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So when I watched Blade Man I wasn't hanging around dramabeans and I didn't write anything about it. And now I'm regretting it because I don't have any words to pick up from then about why I actually loved the first half of Blade Man. To express it I'd have to rewatch the show and the back half of that show is the reason I drink.

The blades I thought were a great metaphor for toxic masculinity. Especially because they were seen as a defence mechanism but really they only hurt himself and those closest to him. Of course instead of bringing this story to its natural conclusion - her leaving the toxic relationship and him coming to terms with the anger issues he's inherited from his father - it turns into an excruciating and eye-rolling, well, kdrama.

Actually Blade Man is kind of like Manhole. It's like, "Hey we're doing something different here, exploring something kdramas don't usually do. Stick around, it's gonna be awesome. Oh haha, tricked you! It's not actually about anything, everyone's going to run around without purpose for hours on end. Themes? What are themes? Happy ending!"


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Tale of the Nine Tailed It's fast paced, silly and charming sometimes and that's all it wants to be so I don't even think much about the story. That is good because it makes me not care much about why Rang became a lunatic or why Yeon needs to save FL every episode.

More Than Friends I like this more than most I guess. Why do people hate the FL? She was a bit clingy with her drunken speeches but she was always honest with ML. I like how she and the SML talk about their mistakes and doubts. They dealt with the her insecurity thinking he felt pity for her and his confession about the phone very well, it's nice when adults behave like adults.

Lie After Lie It was a nice makjang but the last eps took a turn for the silly with characters behaving without any logic, the marriage idea was so weird.

18 Again I'm behind on that, still on ep 6. I hope ML won't try to relive his romance with ex wife and I find it a little too fluffy to become actually good. Still don't know why the kids hate the father so much.


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Maybe the producers of LIE AFTER LIE want to make a record for how many tropes can be stuffed into one drama.


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Though still my favorite makjang revenge drama, I also thought that EP13 went too far with the recycled tropes. Also getting really annoyed at how little they seem to be doing to expose how evil the chairwoman really is, and how they keep on dancing to her tune instead of being proactive. This show would have been better without tossing in the sick kid trope.


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Re: the kids, I trust that the writer is going to reveal it soon. We're on Dae-young's journey, seeing almost everything from his perspective. At first we felt it unfair for him to be treated this way, because we, like him, were blind to the small things that Dajung needed. Then a few episodes later, as he got close to his wife as a different person, he saw and realized a lot more of what he was neglecting: he drank a lot and didn't do housework, he was hurtful to her at the school reunion, etc. I think the same layer-peeling is gonna happen with the kids. We only saw him being a good dad now, because that's all that he remembers. Actually, in ep 8, you're gonna see a bit more, as he was confronted with his own past and parent-child relationship with his own parents, he's gonna learn more about where he has failed his kids as a parent. It was so true to life and super touching. And I wouldn't say his kids hated him, it's more like they gave up on him.


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Currently watching both Record of Youth and Do Do Sol Sol.

I’m just here to talk about Park Bo Gum’s face, lol.


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Record of Youth: the pace is weird...I mean how is Hye Joon cramming that much work within two year span. I am still not sure why the family scenes are there including gramps, they are terribly one dimensional. Hae Hyo is trash for going after his friends girl like that, he is. Not sure, why female lead can't get a satisfying arc but Hye Joon family gets air time. They did one LGBTQ character they chose to have in the show dirty. You do not take a representative character from underrepresented community, reinforce worst stereotypes and then make the straight lead the savior of all humanity at his expense. Middlefingers to the writers, you suck and you are possibly a homophobe!
Private Lives: what is the point of this show, to make us see how stupid Cha Joo Eun is! She had a con artist mom, dad. She got conned, she got played twice. And she can't tell when a policeman is telling her that she is a possible suspect in her husband's murder case given her criminal history. She lashes out all the time. Why should I root for such a dumb, irrational heroine? She also overdresses. She does. It was sun watching her dress sharp in first two epusodes but now it is just looks odd against the backdrop being set. Also, its not like she was a nice person, she did terrible things to others as well. So, why show, why? We also need more Go Kyung Pyo. Seohyun's come a long way but she isn't enough to hard carry this show. Its obvious now 4 episodes in. When they put too much focus on her, the cracks in her acting skills gets exposed badly. Run time is also an issue.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: Loving it, its not ground breaking, its not very logical. But its entertaining. I love how they are going for creepy horror elements. Lee Dong Wook's hot and easy on the eye so him being shirtless helps. Although they did make Jia a bit damsel in distress this episode, more tgan necessary but it didn't bother me much. But lets not make it a daily occurrence. Kim Bum is killing it. Out of all the BOF boys, he by far has the strongest acting skills. I am happy. Minor gripe, couldn't TVN give them better budget. The CGI is cringe. It is but otherwise solid show.


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Gumiho (TONT) I remember a younger wapz thought of similar dialogues and hero saves the girl dynamics for one of her story . Now seeing it on screen, it indeed was a younger me, I find most stuff cheeky immature. But it's still weirdly entertaining. The hero is a sadist so I don't think he is much of a threat. I think the biggest threat to Ji Ah is her carelessness. There is a difference in being fearless and careless, she is both but atleast got better in the latest episode.
My Dangerous Wife Not many people seem to be watching it but the first episode really surprised me. I'm just not in the mood to watch sth like this but if you're looking for a good mystery, this is one.

Are there any good cdramas you guys have been watching recently?


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The villain is an immature sadist*


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As opposed to all the shows were it's the writer :)


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LOL! Improvement, I guess?


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I'm not watching Gumiho, but the whole setup gives me YA urban fantasy vibes. Something preteen me would devour, but something 20s me wouldn't enjoy. Nevertheless, people seem to hye enjoying it, so I put it on my list to check out later.


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You described it very aptly. It kind of has Twilight vibes and is a total guilty pleasure kind of a show. Idk how long I'll last but atleast for now it helps in getting out of the slump. Kind of like mindless entertainment that sucks you in, it weirdly works that way.


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Hi Beanies! Find myself with a lot of airing dramas in my hands. With so many balls in the air, it's no wonder I'm a week behind in all of them 😂

Anyway, I'm very pleased with the current crop:
Zombie Detective: funny and crazy, I wasn't even planning on watching this, but now I find myself laughing at all the meta antics.
18 Again : kind of reminds me of My Unfamiliar Family. It's cute and sad, and Jung Dajung us a queen. I've got the same age as the leads, so this kind of hits close to home on several different levels 💚
Gumiho Guy: loving all the callbacks to Korean folklore, I'm a sucker for legends and supernatural beings. Still not sure about the OTP or the story, though, as I said, I'm a week behind, so only watched the first two episodes.
Dodo: fluffy fluff, me likes 😍


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Ooooh, the MUF comparison has me interested in 18 Again now...


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Other Beanies may disagree, but I totally see the thematic similarities: family dynamics, who people think they are as opposed to how others perceive them...


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I thought I was the only one who saw the parallels between these two dramas. Also how the dads age backwards (tho in MUF the dad lost his memory but it is similar concept wise), the lack of communication (tho MUF was very severe haha)


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I've put the show on my list!


I might like many shows very much, but there are only a few shows I would rewatch again after they have finished; however, I rewatched the episodes of DDSSLLS already because I can’t just wait anticipating for the next episodes without doing anything about it. Yes, this one is a real happy pill filled with rainbow and unicorns (and brandname bags and shoes). Everything is just CUTE and FUNNY. I just can’t watch each episode once.

And thank you @quirkycase for relating these two favorite shows of mine: DDSSLLS and Ojakgyo Brothers (which made me fall for Joo Won and UEE). YES, both UEE and Go Ra-ra (😂) are just lovely, refreshing and charming in their role. Perhaps this is why I like this show so much.


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Ojakgyo Brothers has been on my list forever and quirkycase's mention just bumped it up on my list! I rarely ever watch weekenders but I've heard UEE and Joo Won in that one are adorable.


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The show is pretty long, like around 50.p episodes. If you can spend that much amount of time and effort (a lot of cliche tropes and angsts) you should be fine. I love UEE and Joo Won in that one much I became a big fan of both right away. 😊


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Your comment got me thinking back and of the 22 million or so k-dramas I have watched, only 2 or maybe 3 have I ever watched a 2nd time (3x for The Witch). Forest is one.


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Yes. There is a big difference between dramas we love and dramas we love and would watch them again. The only drama I succeeded in rewatching the whole show is Coffee Prince, and that took 13 years for me to decide that I wanted to rewatch it.

I might have to rewatch FoS again but that should be for the sake of watching SS2. The dark show like this doesn't normally fall in my rewatch list.

P.S. I’m also considering rewatching Goong.


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You know this relation caught my attention and I searched for Ojakgyo Brothers in internet... don't know yet if there is a vpn where I could watch this show, because I looked for it in the one I usually watch, but it wasn't there....😭
But anyway, apart from the charm in the UEE's character, my question is: does the show have other reasons why to watch it???
Overall review without spoilers, please🙏


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It hurts so good.

That’s all I can say.


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And I remember watching this one on Dramac**l.


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Yes, I asked Google and it was there! Thanks a lot


Also watched the Blackpink doc on Netflix, yesss queens! But I have to say that it feels like K-pop is a relentless grinding machine... When Rosé was saying how she dropped out of high school to be a trainee, I kept thinking about all the other kids who also dropped out and never got to debut. How hard must it be for them to find entry into normal jobs if they didn't finish their studies. My question is, couldn't it be legislated upon, the same way child actors or young athletes are supposed to be tutored? Performing arts is such a competitive field, that these kids should be granted a plan B in case things don't work out!


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Korea does have a GED-type pathway. I saw an interview with a solo artist who dropped out of school and went that path. Things seem to be working out for him, but it was no doubt a roll of the dice.

Also, I believe in the last year or so, Korea came out with new rules regarding the whole k-pop trainee thing. They limited the # of years training and there is a time limit on when the agencies can hold off on debuting a trainee. I have to rely on people's interpretations of Korean media which is always iffy but that's my understanding. I've always thought the whole trainee thing was ridiculous anyway. It doesn't take a bazillion years to figure out if someone can sing and dance and have a work ethic.

Realistically going into the arts anywhere is an iffy thing which is why parents have been telling their kids to have a back-up plan since forever.


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It is also important to remember that in a sense Korea over-educates its young in terms of degrees- Only one in five college graduates can get a college graduate type job. (which is why we so often see dramas where young people are having a hard time finding a job). In this context the decision to drop out and pursue an alternative education actually makes economic sense. But the fact that it makes sense does not obscure the fact that more should be done for the future of those who fail to succeed.

That being said I would disagree with you about the long trainee thing. It takes many years of training to make a good ballerina. K-pop just extended that concept to a new area and they were right- because the result is extraordinary. There is really no one else who compares to these magnificent young men and women. Admittedly I seldom watch them but on the rare occasions when I do I cannot help but be impressed.


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I get what you are saying about ballet, but dancing in k-pop isn't ballet. There are plenty of k-pop members who have debuted after 6 months to a year which seems reasonable. (I actually think the 3 years is a good #) I was speaking more to the 6-7 years of training and still no debut. It does not take that long to learn how to dance in a pop group especially as one k-pop member admitted, he memorized rather than "felt" the music like a more talented dancer in his group. That's actually what a lot of members do which is why k-pop talks about the specific job descriptions in a group: singer, rapper, dancer, visual. (The visual thing is a whole other story) Basically, the non-dancers could practice 50 years and they aren't going to magically turn into Taemin.


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It took the Jackie Coogan scandal in the 1930s for the US, mainly California, to enact strict child actor labor laws, including putting earnings into a court required trust account, set work hours, court oversight of contracts and on set tutoring/education requirements.


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I have mixed feelings about k-pop, especially how it is marketed and all the hundreds (thousands?) of trainees that will never be anything more than trainees paying the agency. And for me at least, 90% of all k-pop songs sound the same, I see little originality. And unlike Japan, there seems to be almost zero independent groups or singers, all agency created.


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The agency model in Japan and Korea is a fixture because of interlocking directors between agencies and production/distributors.
What is worse is the lower tier agencies that require trainees to "pay" large fees to get training (with no real ability to get them work).


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I like K-pop, and wouldn't say there's no originality - there are obviously trends, but it's not really different from other pop music industries (thinking about EDM, or reggaeton, every year we get different trends within the genres). Most artists I see are very accomplished performers; it's clear there's a lot of talent and hard work involved. And although some bands go for the formulaic, there's a great deal of creativity and a high standards - the same type we see, say, on kdramas, where there are tropes, but the good ones lift them up and deliver original, and highly polished, stories. I agree that, like all industries, K-pop companies should be under regulation, and trainees should have more support from independent organisations and channels to call out abusive situations (syndicates, anyone?)


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Hopefully some of the rule changes will take care of some of the abuses. The agency situation reminds me of the 1950ies Hollywood studio system whereby the studios basically ran everything. (Covid has hit the Korean entertainment industry hard and allegedly taken down 30 small companies.)

I recently read a comment from a long time k-pop fan whereby she said, "most k-pop music now just gives me a headache". lol I think 75% of k-pop and Western pop is pretty generic stuff and, unfortunately, some of the good stuff can do okay but still lose out in a streaming world.

Asian Boss did a vlog on becoming a k-pop idol and spoke to Koreans on the street and even the young ones were really smart on the odds. They actually know that the chances of debuting can be slim and then of actually achieving success even smaller. Ironically, becoming a You Tuber is much more popular with the youth.


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Trainees paying the agency? I thought it is the agency that paying the trainees?

These young kids work crazy hard and sacrifice so much. Yet for every Blackpink, there are hundreds that dont make it. I hope there are mental heath support for these kids.


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Agencies differ on how they do this.


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