Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Currently weecapping: Forest & Hyena
I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day: Can it be? Is this the winter drama I’ve been waiting for all winter? The best word I can find to describe this drama would be “quiet” — there’s quiet in each scene, in the constant rains and snows, and as we watch each character go through their day. I can see how this drama might not be for everyone, but I really enjoyed the opening week, with all its deliberate scenes, careful dialogue, and not a whole lotta plot (in a good way, not in a Forest way). After just two episodes, I love the little world we’ve got set up, from the rural town, to the bookstore, the adorable book club, and especially the Good Night Club. I’m finding the role of Hae-won really refreshing for Park Min-young after her recent string of silly rom-coms — but it’s Seo Kang-joon who’s the most comfortable here, which I didn’t expect, and am enjoying very much. After such a solid and sure-of-itself premiere week, I’m excited to see what comes next!
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2: It’s over, and I couldn’t be more happy/sad. I feel used in the best sense, since my emotions have been dragged all over the place during this show once I decided to let go and give into the dramatics. The final week included an extra episode, as there was quite a bit to tie up, and while some of it was concluded really nicely (President Yeo, Dr. Park Min-guk), the comically rageful end for supreme baddie Chairman Do was not only rushed, but a little silly. But whatever! I really only care about the little world of Doldam, and the characters in there, so I’m super pleased. Maybe it was one o’clock in the morning speaking, but I didn’t not cry during several scenes of this drama’s conclusion. Eun-jae’s new confidence and surety in her path, Woo-jin’s new father figure and a place that’s home for him, their sudden/adorable affection, the sweet romance between Ah-reum and Eun-tak — basically, every character in this story. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I love that this story was about people that led with their hearts, and strived to make choices out of integrity, love, and respect.
Currently recapping: I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day
Itaewon Class: Poor little Geun-soo. He’s such a sweet kid stuck in a horrible family. At least he’s got DanBam now. Although Yi-seo can be terrible, I’m glad she’s not becoming magically nicer because of love. Whether or not she’s actually a sociopath is up for debate, but I appreciate that the show hasn’t backed down on portraying her as someone displaying sociopathic behaviors. Her behavioral or ideological “changes” are only to suit her own needs (like winning Sae-ro-yi’s approval) rather than because she cares about ethicality or how her behavior impacts others. I don’t think she’s any less prejudiced now—she just chose to surface-level “accept” the people Sae-ro-yi cares about. On that topic, I’m glad the show is trying to tackle issues of identity and discrimination even if they’re not always hitting the mark. It might not be the most nuanced conversation, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
Never Twice: Yay for Poong-ki not being stupid. At least Bak-ha has the USB now, and it doesn’t look like she’s letting Hae-jun’s mom off the hook. Although Hae-jun’s mom suddenly growing a conscience felt out of place to me. And we seem to have yet another separation between Bak-ha and Hae-jun. What is this, the third time? Why is it always one step forward and two steps back for those two? Just be a family already! It’s what we’re all here for.
The Cursed: So-jin is an interesting character. She’s willing to kill pretty much anyone, no questions asked. She did admit to feeling guilty about it sometimes, although that doesn’t seem to stop her. I wonder why she trusts Jin-hee so much. Given how wary she is of people, there has to be more to it than just reading Jin-hee’s articles and finding her to be a “good person.” At this point, this has turned into a battle of the shamans. The Forest CEO’s shaman is super shady and way more interesting than the Forest CEO. I’m curious as to who she really is. Also, is it a requirement that shamans look crazed while performing rituals? I can’t imagine that the only way to engage with the spirits is to make bizarre faces and convulse.
Hi Bye, Mama!: What a strong premiere week! There’s a good balance of light-heartedness and grief. From the first episode, I was invested in this family. I’m really curious about the relationship between Kang-hwa and Min-jung. Neither of them seems happy, and I’m left wondering if the relationship has always felt this cold. It’s clear Kang-hwa isn’t over Yu-ri’s passing, so why did he even get remarried? It isn’t fair to Min-jung, but then again, we don’t know why she married him either. Maybe it’s more a marriage of convenience for both of them. I really need Kang-hwa to step up when it comes to his daughter, though. I get that it’s hard for him because she’s a direct reminder of Yu-ri’s death, but there’s no acceptable reason to avoid your own toddler. If Kang-hwa won’t get therapy for himself, he should at least try it for his daughter’s sake since it’s clear he’s not dealing.
Hi Bye, Mama!: I dove into this show only knowing the basic premise: a mom watches over her family as a ghost. Knowing that the writer of Go Back Spouses is behind this show excites me, because it remains one of my favorite dramas – it made me cry as hard as it made me laugh. I’m looking forward to diving deeper into the interlaced physical and spiritual worlds, and am sure that all the ghostly hijinks will bring as much joy as it does tears. Yuri and Kang-hwa are already breaking my heart! I can’t wait for them to reunite so that he can heal, and am expecting tons of cute mom and daughter moments that Yuri has been deprived of for years.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 22, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 15, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 8, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 1, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 25, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 18, 2020)
Tags: Hi Bye Mama!, I'll Find You on a Beautiful Day, Itaewon Class, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2, The Cursed, What We're Watching
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26 Linda Palapala
February 29, 2020 at 9:28 AM
ITAEWON: Yi-seo may be a sociopath, but I love her character.
More later. Just finished watching the episode so I had to post.
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February 29, 2020 at 10:49 PM
Yi-seo may be a sociopath...but she is right at home in a drama choc full of psychopaths.
Its like fighting a virus with a vaccine. Sure its the same thing but the vaccine version will stop it killing you.
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27 Eazal
February 29, 2020 at 9:40 AM
No second chances. I'm also glad that PoongKi was not as stupid as I assumed he would be and he didn't give the USB to HaeJoon's mum, that BakHa now has it and that she's going to use it. I didn't feel the slightest pity for InSook, as she is a monster, as well as DoHee. I hope they end up in jail, along with WangSam and that HaeRi ends up working part time in a convenience store for the rest of her life. Fortunately there are only four eps left and the only thing I want is YeolMu to have his parents together and living happily.
Tell me what you saw. I'm only on episode 6 and well, the twist was something I wasn't expecting and I don't know if I will go on with this one for two reasons: how many "guys" are out there? Because it always seems to be someone behind the one who says he is the "real guy".
Second reasons: I hate insane plots. So... how can HyunJae not be in prison for inducing two murders and the mutilation of his own doctor???
Hi Bye, Mama! I'm all in. Loved every minute of it. I didn't cry as much as I expected and I'm already intrigued about so many characters. I believe this is a show about grieving and healing. And we all need to learn that.
RDTK2. I liked the ending. I must be one of the few who enjoyed WooJin and EunJae's love story, it felt real to me. And I liked the way both characters grew along the show and together.
I said before I loved the plot of season 1 and the characters of season 2. Maybe that's why I would watch a season 3, but only if ridiculous baddies are not around, please. Chairman Do tantrum in last episode was embarrassing to watch, I had to FF. And Dr. Park redemption doesn't explain his stupid attitude all along the show.
I'll find you on a beautiful day. So far, my favorite show. It's only two episodes but I'm enjoying the slow and cozy path it is taking. I don't expect anything extraordinary, just ordinary people finding happiness.
Someday or one Day. I began to watch it because of beanies comments. I'm on episode 5 and I'm really liking it.
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February 29, 2020 at 3:18 PM
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2: Most people preferred the secondary OTP Eun-tak and Ah-reum because of Woo-jin and Eun-jae's back and forth as in "Just cross the line already!" Personally, I like when OTPs don't get together until the finale because as we all know, dramas turn boring once the OTP starts dating. This allows me to dream up infinite scenarios of how Woo-jin and Eun-jae will finally get together, all of which involve crossing the line and reset (Eun-jae: "If you're not going to cross the line, can I?"). During their kiss, it was symbolic when he walked her back to the column literally "crossing the line." Though I wish Woo-jin had told her, "Kajima" after their first kiss in exchange for Eun-jae telling him to stay when the loan sharks blackmailed him to leave Doldam.
Chairman Do's meltdown was cringe. How embarrassed was Ah-reum to watch her uncle lose it in her hospital?
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28 CDF
February 29, 2020 at 9:44 AM
Currently Watching:
Hyena: Two sharks going after same prey. I am here for bloodbath.
I’ll find you on beautiful day: serene and slow. I loved little book club and its members.
Romantic Dr 2: I liked Dr. Kim and his cronies and hated everything else.
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29 blessingwind
February 29, 2020 at 9:53 AM
Hi bye, Mama : I am all in for this tear jerker.
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30 spicyricecake
February 29, 2020 at 10:07 AM
Itaewon Class - finished ep 9. Slow episode until the end. She called it, Guen-Won is the biggest idiot. How can a criminal be this stupid?
Find Yourself - Cdrama. The first few episodes were so cringy and all the characters talked about was her being single. I almost quit but now I'm almost done and like it. Not sure that I'd root for them with the 10 year age difference though.
Hotel Del Luna - on ep 14 now and getting bored.
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31 LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 29, 2020 at 10:38 AM
Last weekend I binged Rookie Historian and it was honestly like a breath of fresh air. 2019 may not have been the best drama year but was so good for female leads and for innovation and originality. I can't say Rookie was perfect and it still wobbled a bit when confronted with the giant black hole of Sageuk nonsense that threatens them all but I'm so glad I waited till now to watch it. It has revitalised my interest in dramas.
So if anyone knows of any offerings in the Badass Female Lead with Squishy Marshmallow Boyfriend category that I haven't already inhaled, let me know.
Other than that, I picked up Itaewon Class, which is a) a good show that I'm glad I picked up but b) I don't love? It's a little comic book for me in terms of its editing for me to really connect with it. And watching what's unfolding on the recaps is not exactly pleasant. Still, I'm four episodes in and will catch up soon. I have theories but, honestly, I'm almost too scared to put them out there.
Other than that, Until We Meet Again finishes tonight (thank God). I think I hate this show so, thanks Thailand. You're really starting off well in 2020.
Never Twice... exists and has nowhere near enough baby and now sports one of the most ridiculous villains turnarounds in drama history - even for a weekender.
Semi-hiatus beckons.
I just need to write something for Music March
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February 29, 2020 at 12:26 PM
But now I'm curious to hear your theories on IC.
The only thing off the top of my head I can think to rec is one that I think I saw you dropped which is Just Between Lovers. The hero is pure marshmallow (I found this character so attractive, lol.), and the heroine I think is tempered steel.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 29, 2020 at 12:35 PM
I have with some trepidation put it out there on the episode 5 recap page (that's the episode I'm up to).
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February 29, 2020 at 11:58 PM
The heroine isn't super badass, but I loved Hogu's Love. Hogu is a marshmallow lead for sure, who redefines a drama hero. He seems like a pushover, but he shows that kindness and empathy is a choice, and that makes him no less heroic than a braver, stronger male lead.
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32 MeSaya
February 29, 2020 at 11:03 AM
Sadly, not a single K-drama is really interesting, yet.
Waiting for 'Tell Me What You See' and 'Cursed' to finish, so I could read some reviews before decide to binge watching them, or not.
My friends all are gushing about 'Crash Landing on You', but I am not in the mood for love story (especially, after 'Investiture of the Gods' and 'Sword Dinasty' that gave me headache... You supposed to be a hero, but your mind and your world revolving around your first love, come on...).
K-movies are more interesting.
I've watched: 'Time Renegades', 'Mr. Zoo: The Missing V(ery) I(mportant) P(anda)', 'Black Money'.
All are awesome! I really enjoyed watching them.
Will be waiting for 'Kingdom' season 2 to come.
'Medical Examiner: Dr. Qin', aaaaarrrggghhhh, I really like this series, on episode 14.
The casts are the lead males of 'Joy of Life' and 'Sword Dinasty'. It kind of a bit strange to watch them in modern roles. Their roles in historical drama really deeply engraving into my mind, made me think reincarnation is real, oups!
But, beware, this series is not for light-hearted viewers. Most of the time, the condition of the victims are displaying as they are, so you will see some body parts and wounds. Let alone the crime scenes... I imagine the worst.
I also like how they depict the lead female. She is really strong, smart, witty and wants to learn. She doesn't be afraid to stand for herself. I like her, a lot!
The Zoo. I stopped at Season 2+, because Season 3 is just rubbish/nonsense. How many times people can be resurrected after being killed?
I am looking forward to read from all of your reviews. Hopefully, I can find a good series or movies based on all of beanies' recommendation.
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33 Bob
February 29, 2020 at 11:12 AM
I'm a bit late to the party but I finally finished lasts years' Secret Life Of My Secretary'. It was worth the viewing.
We're used seeing to this imbalance of power between love interests in K-dramas, but when they filmed a scene with the leads standing next to a movie poster for the 2002 Jame Spader film 'Secretary' I understood the series show runners comprehended just how perverse this all was, too.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 29, 2020 at 11:23 AM
That's an interesting interpretation of that scene. Is that what they were going for? A nod to how wrong the power imbalance is in these relationships?
Because I loved everything about Secret Life of my Secretary except the OTP - which I hated and which ruined the show for me. And I remember commenting on how weird that scene was and how I didn't know what they were trying to say.
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34 Nonso
February 29, 2020 at 12:36 PM
I watched season 1 of Romantic Doctor after season 2 and my thoughts are I really hate Kim sa bu In season 1. He became likeable but in the beginning his attitude to dong joo was annoying. Dong joo himself is another person I dislike. Like what exactly is his problem?? Then yoo seo Jung, I didn't like the way she worshiped Kim sabu. Always treating him like He's a god. The only likeable person there is Eun Tak and the young female doctor. Season 2 is my best
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February 29, 2020 at 5:01 PM
Season 1 is the introduction of Kim sabu, I remember the discussion in DB when he will really turn into a Sabunim/master instead of just being a temperamental old doctor. In the beginning he’s just a doctor, a really great one. But he was thrown away from Geodae for something he didn’t do, so it is understandable that is he is angry and bitter. As Boo Yong-joo he could end up plotting revenge etc., but he also underwent growth into the real master for his proteges.
Dong-joo is annoying, I agree, his turning point is about halfway through the season, but somehow he is still kind of frustrating. Seo-joong does worship Kim Sabu, and he was portrayed truly like a god in season 1. That’s why I like season 2 more. Kim Sabu is also human, he got sick, he got worried, and made questionable decision (regarding Pres. Yeo).
I personally think that season 1 is a very solid base for season 2 or more. Do In-beom, as annoying as he is, is much more mature in season 2. The In-beom in season 1 will be jealous of Woo-jin getting homework and he also won’t care enough to ask Woo-jin to protect Doldam in his absence.
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35 beffels
February 29, 2020 at 12:44 PM
I’m really struggling to settle on a new drama after Crash Landing on You.
I just finished Shining Inheritance which I was watching while waiting for episodes of CLOY...I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to at the beginning but it is very dated. Possibly has my favourite ever cheesy kiss scene, straight out of the corniest romance novel.
Other than that, I’m about three episodes into Forest (not sure if I’ll go on), one episode into The K2 (will def watch more but not all at once), and about one episode into Answer Me 1997 (cute but not really grabbing me so will likely abandon). I’ve tried but given up on a bunch of other things (Itaewon Class, My Holo Love, some others) so I think I’m just in a bit of a slump.
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February 29, 2020 at 2:14 PM
Try the TW-drama Someday or One Day. It's really good and doesn't get draggy in the second half.
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February 29, 2020 at 4:11 PM
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
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36 💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
February 29, 2020 at 2:31 PM
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37 💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
February 29, 2020 at 2:35 PM
Oh I actually watched something Korean this week schocking.
Never Twice- caught up. Honestly everything that happened in the last 20 episodes could've been done in 10 or less and they keep repeating the same conflicts... but I guess that's just how weekenders work. I wouldn't know though; this is the first one I've watched lol. Still there was some great moments of character this last week, still excellent acting and this is still my chill out drama so, it's cool.
I will Find You When The Weather Is Nice- have GOT to find an easier name for that, crivens. It's only week one but like... I like it? Or... I don't hate it. It's slow but not hard to watch yet. It's funny and awkward and nice in a wintery way. I do wonder if the director's choice at retelling the entire episode from another POV at the half way point, and the flashbacks which for now at least serve a purpose, will become a real frakking pain later on but we'll see.
Go Back Spouses- I need to just finish this. In my defense the site I was watching it on was playing up...
Otherwise I actually rewatched a lot of old childhood favourite movies (the fact that more movies AREN'T less than 2 hrs, or even 1.5 anymore, annoys me, like Sleeping beauty (1959) is ONE HOUR FIFTEEN, people!!!!! What happened? That's rhetorical btw), and also decided that I would rewatch Almost Human, which is probably one of my favourite Occidental shows, and if you like robots you should watch it cos it's good and I'm still mad it got cancelled (although I fear it would've easily gone downhill in season 3 ish had it been renewed anyhow... oh well). Although it's hilarious watching Karl Urban's accent slide into Kiwi on the vowels when he's not checking it and the music editing is a lot worse than I remember 😂😂😂
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 29, 2020 at 2:57 PM
*presses like for Almost Human comment, realises I thought you meant Humans, googles Almost Human*
I did actually watch this at the time and I didn't like it at all. Not because it didn't have fantastic ideas in it - it did - but because I thought the execution was all over the place.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
February 29, 2020 at 3:02 PM
Fun fact: the episodes were aired out of chronological order, and they were clearly setting up for more seasons but had to cancel because it was apparently extremely exhausting to film and a S2 just wasn't feasible for like the health of the cast and crew.
That may have had something to do with the execution.
Also it came out like 7 years ago, and I loved it then so we will see if it holds up to a rewatch now or not. *eyebrow wiggle*
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 29, 2020 at 3:21 PM
Why oh why does Fox do that with episode orders? They're written in a certain order for a reason, sheesh. I still don't understand why Fox bothers to greenlight projects then actively ruins them. It's like one part of the company wants to do scifi and the other half is trying to sabotage it at the same time. It's a giant mystery.
I don't have much interest in going back and watching a show I didn't remember until you mentioned it. But mostly this conversation reminds me of the heyday of scifi programming where - for better or worse - there was something new and interesting quietly happening all the time.
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38 john
February 29, 2020 at 5:07 PM
Not much drama watching. No episodes of Manpuku Viewed this week.
I did pick up another J drama, Tokusatsu Gagaga, kind of silly, adults that are closet fans/ geeks, of kids action shows, Fuka Koshiba is cute though.
Not nearly as good as DAKARA WATASHI WA OSHIMASHITA/My Favorite Member
My wife is watching Crash Landing On You , a rare break from her watching an endless parade of C dramas, lol
I did watch a film noir a few weeks back, in honor of Kirk Douglas. Out Of The Past, starring Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer and Kirk Douglas. Classic . Bad girl Greer is bad news, both guys will regret having fallen for her.
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39 egads
February 29, 2020 at 7:17 PM
My current watchlist includes:
Itaewon Class
Never Twice
Stovetop League
Joy of Life
That's what I'm supposedly watching anyways. However, the truth is, I watched none of these this last week, and instead watched, well, a few episodes of Maangchi on You Tube, and once again wished she was my neighbor so she could feed me; about 7.5 minutes of the last Democratic Presidential debate before turning it off because they were just bickering uselessly; and finally, weirdly, a couple of does have taken to walking down the street past my house almost daily. Maybe they're headed to the convenience store for some snacks. Maybe I'll ask next time I see them. I mean, the mystery of their daily journey is compelling, but I do hope that no stag comes around and turns it into some clichéd triangle.
Anyways, perhaps I should stop bothering Dramabeans because I'm not much of a drama watcher these days. Perhaps I should start a Not-a-dramabean site for those of us in a slump.
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March 1, 2020 at 12:32 AM
Maangchi... i live (cook) vicariously through her. Whenever i see something yummy in kdrama (and there's a LOT), i would see if she has a video recipe on that 😄 I really should try cooking it myself one of these days.
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March 2, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Awww I love Maangchi! Have actually tried some of her recipes and believe me those are just so delicious! I love her Kimchijigae recipe; I made that like almost ten times now. The recipe of honey-ginger drink is also good and super easy to make (peeling ginger skin with an eastern noodle spoon is actually very fun.) Cold noodle with red soup is also very yummy. Ohh I just love Maangchi.
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March 2, 2020 at 12:04 PM
Every single Maangchi recipe I've tried has been easy to execute and delicious.
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
March 1, 2020 at 2:19 AM
You aren't permitted to leave Dramabeans, at least until the now painful weekender ends. It's less painful than watching one of the debates though.
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March 1, 2020 at 6:56 AM
Maangchi has been my happy pill for years. I’ve only made her jajjangmyun and tteokbokki since korean ingredients are not always available in my pantry, but both are so good. She makes me believe being happy will keep you young.
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March 2, 2020 at 1:57 AM
You can't leave! I have skipped my currently watch list when I don't feel like watching. I think it's ok to stop watching in a week or two or more and do something else. The drama will still be there for us to pick up where we left. Don't feel guilty. Dramabeans won't mind us not coming in during those passive drama watching weeks. Cheers!
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March 2, 2020 at 11:41 AM
I love your avatar and your coal heart, so I forbid you from leaving! Take your time though; I think I also left DB for like almost half a year last year because things were hectic then. 😂
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40 Kwan
February 29, 2020 at 8:54 PM
"Money Game," "Person Who Gives Happiness," "Chief of Staff," and "Late Spring." I like them all.
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February 29, 2020 at 10:43 PM
Up until this week Money Game had some of the most beautiful lighting and color grading going. Some of the scenes were so buttery and cinematic and you could feel the color/theme playing out.
Sadly this week, for me, those luscious elements fell away. You could feel the compression both in the deft story structure and the visuals. Sure, there is enough momentum in the key narrative to get it over this 2nd half compression...but I will miss the craft the production crew brought to the early episodes.
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March 2, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Ah, but Yi Hun found out that Heo Jae killed his dad--that's what I've been waiting for.
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March 1, 2020 at 1:10 AM
Yay for Chief of Staff.
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March 2, 2020 at 1:01 PM
So far, it's right up there with "West Wing," for me.
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41 yayabean
February 29, 2020 at 11:10 PM
Currently I'm watching Itaewon Class and Hyena.
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42 Edgar Pordwed
March 1, 2020 at 12:10 AM
I didn't watch anything this week! ☹
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43 Yn00na
March 1, 2020 at 12:24 AM
I am watching David Letterman's My Next Guest feat Zach Galifianakis in Netflix.
Dave started talking about him watching korean 'soap opera'. Than he described one that he fell in love with (love, his word). Its about a very demanding chef with his young female chef. He made her cooking the same dish over and over again. They would fight and they would get along and at the end they got together.
I had to rewind to made sure i didnt misheard. Than i had to pause from the shock. Dave Letterman watches kdrama? Why did he call it soap opera?? And is that drama he described Pasta???
Anyhow, Dave didn't do justice to kdrama. He should've read db recap tho do a better job.
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March 2, 2020 at 9:54 PM
Maybe 'Wok of Love'? with Jang Hyuk, Junho & Jung Ryeo Won.
It's a hilarious drama and made me want to eat.
Oh, it also involved a cute cat... So...
I also just finished watching Medical Examiner: Dr. Qin
In one episode, the assistant warned the detective not to watch too many K-drama, so his deduction could be more accurate, lol... This is chinese modern thriller drama.
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44 lexyk
March 1, 2020 at 2:43 AM
Hotel del Luna: still binge watching this and reading the recaps and comments. Am actually glad to binge watch this. It makes me savor it at my own pace. (Am still wondering why they called it "Hotel del Luna" instead of "hotel de LA luna". I mean am not a native Spanish speaker but i learned Spanish and I know it's "una luna", a feminine noun, just like in French. Am still bothered by that. Lol)
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March 1, 2020 at 5:20 AM
Love linguistic Beanies.
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March 1, 2020 at 1:41 PM
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March 1, 2020 at 5:59 AM
It's "la luna" in Spanish. Luna is feminine in Spanish, Italian and French, as you said. In all the latin languages I know.
I suppose they chose the tittle because of the sonority when you say "del luna" it sounds "deluna" which would be translated as "of moon", so Hotel del Luna sounds exactly the same as Hotel De Luna (Moon Hotel).
More or less.
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March 1, 2020 at 6:00 AM
It would have been different in Italian where double consonants are pronounced both, but not in Spanish.
(again, more or less).
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March 1, 2020 at 1:43 PM
Oh ok, i guess that could have been it: moon hotel...
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March 1, 2020 at 1:25 PM
I have not watched the show but there was another explanation given by kfangurl in her review.
" I realize that this was likely a conscious choice by our writers. The hotel is named by Man Wol, who is vain, has a taste for expensive things and likes to feel elegant – but is not at all well educated. I can totally believe that Man Wol would have chosen a classy-sounding name for her hotel, without realizing that she was making a mistake. To that end, I actually applaud the writers, for this thoughtful detail." You can refer full review at
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March 1, 2020 at 1:45 PM
Oh wow, nvr would have thought of that. But interesting theory!
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45 Fly Colours
March 1, 2020 at 9:29 AM
Spent the whole week trying to fix my SOMEDAY OR ONE DAY withdrawal by watching fluffy sweet 30 BUT 17.
Besides that, nothing else. Like last Sunday, I'm still 2 episodes away from wrapping up CLOY and PRISON PLAYBOOK... I find both fun dramas, but those episodes are just too darn long.
I've set my eye on ITAEWON CLASS and HYENA, but Netflix has been acting out in my region. Probably will only get them when they finish airing, and I just can't be bothered to squint my way through those dramas on illegal sites. That leaves me with WHEN THE WEATHER IS NICE on Viki (only 2 episodes for my cheap-ass subscription), but, to be honest... I might end up rewatching SOMEDAY because I'm a masochist and it breaks my heart so well... At least until KING: Eternal monarch premieres. I'm watching that one while airing, for Woo Dohwan reasons
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46 javinne
March 1, 2020 at 1:05 PM
Hi bye, Mamma
This drama kills me. Although it nerves me as well the crazy idea of ghosts floating through physical world.
I know... I know eastern believe in reincarnation and all that stuffs, but, I can't help it is a silly thing.
I will meet you when the time is nice
Only watched the first episode. It is slow for my taste, but I think I will like it. Very ideal with this weather.
The brightest star in the sky
I fast forward everything that doesn't have to do with the OTP, but I don't want too drop it. Sometimes it has its charm.
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47 rochinipark
March 1, 2020 at 6:56 PM
First my weeekenders, are moving along fine although the KBS weekender,Beautiful xxxx is getting abit slow although it is suppose to end this month.I am assuming a time jump is coming soon for the lead couples and an illness is back for the lead girl's mother. TIME jump necessary it seems as cannot see how the Judge mother reveal her son led to the accident but she pinned in on an innocent juvenile.Weird weekender of KBS where the lead couple will only be together and or married probably after the series ends only. Never Twice also moving along faster it seems.How did Eun Ji and Poong ki decide to get married at lightning speed?!!I think it should be fine I write this today seeing as this post came out on Sunday and the episodes aired on Saturday.
Itaewon class is lovely for a different take on revenge but revenge nonetheless.But I am kinda bump we still in 2016 and not 2020 yet.
Also Hi Bye Mama,thank goodness staff member not infected with virus,but evidently the person is sick.Hope production crew and cast get enough rest and probably best to have on site doctor to treat any sympthoms promptly.
Storywise,lovely and wonder how her back to life moments will be spent with daughter with the other ghosts wanting her help.
I am wanting to watch Hyena,but being a law series I am really taking my time to dip my feet.
Also for When is fine I will find you taking my own time yet to put it on my plate.
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March 2, 2020 at 9:56 AM
I think Itaewon Class is up to 2017 so far, but am expecting about a 2 year time jump for EP11. It's about the only drama that I am totally following, all the others are casual watches.
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48 Meheartisamusicbox
March 2, 2020 at 12:31 AM
Comment was deleted
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49 Meheartisamusicbox
March 2, 2020 at 12:37 AM
The Cursed: Interesting new theme. I think So Jin is using Jin hee given the latter's good nature. Something in her expressions.
Hi Bye Mama: I don't know why I never missed Kim Tae Hee's dramas after knowing her from Stairways to Heaven. Weird in a good way. This is my weekend drama med. Yuri, seo woo, yuri's nuna friend, her hubby and his friend, they are cute and fun! Oh how can I forget our resident good hearted shaman! Soooo sweeettttt!
Money Game - ok, it's getting tough to get through this. Enough said.
RDTK 2 - Teacher Kim delivered as always. Please return in season 3 with all the oddballs!
Tell me what you see - I am truly hating the pure evil roles in any drama. I can't tolerate them on screen.
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March 2, 2020 at 6:45 PM
A bit late but I finally finished reading everyone's comment. I didn't watch that much drama nowadays so my list is short~ lol
ahh... my feel-good drama is over. I thought that I'm not gonna like it since I really like S1 but I was wrong. I like it. a lot. I like the case in the first season but I like and hate the characters in this season more. Despite I didn't like Prof Park, I like him more than Dr. Song. At least he is competent and didn't just follow everything that chairman Do want. But I really hate that Yang is getting its redemption arc. Prof Park should just drop him and work with SWJ. SWJ is far better dr anyway. I hope when we get a third season, everyone is coming back. I don't really care about SWJ and CEJ love arc but I like both characters. I feel like S2 has really interesting characters, minus Yang obviously.
Money game
I still like it a lot. I thought that murder on ep1 kinda over the top but now I cant wait to see how they wrap it up. My friend and I were debating who actually the bad guy in this drama. Is it money-hungry slimy eugene or heo jae who willing to do everything saying it's for the nation? Lee Hyejoon continues to be my favorite character and I like how calm she is when all the men around her losing their shit. overall, I hope we get realistic and satisfactory ending this week but I hope they dont kill eugene I need that sexy mf on my screen~ lol
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